Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Development system

“Finally, let’s talk about what else needs to be added, such as official duties and government system.” Yang Song let everyone play freely.

“Report to the lord that his subordinates believe that the current territorial system is not perfect and needs to be supplemented and revised.” Zhu Xi stood up and said.

“Well, continue.”

“Yes, after the subordinates have been familiar with the territories these days, they found that although the territory is still very crude, it is developing very fast. The most important thing is the climate, environment and calendar of the land where the territory is located and the Central Plains of China. It is not the same, so it is necessary to formulate a new calendar to guide the people in farming.”

“Yes, this place is another world, and the climate is different. I have put Yang Zhongfu in charge of the astronomical calendar.”

“The lord is wise!”

“Reported to the lord, the subordinates believe that private ownership can be implemented now. Only by owning private property can the people’s enthusiasm be improved and the economy can be developed rapidly.” Qian Liang, who is in charge of finance, said at this time. He was a little worried but firm after he finished speaking. Looking at Yang Song.

Yes, everything in the current territory belongs to Yang Song, whether it’s land, things, money, or people, all belong to him.

He proposed to reform the form of ownership. I was really afraid that Yang Song would directly pull him out and cut him off, but for long-term considerations and his own responsibilities, he had to mention it again.

Yang Song also knows that the current rationing system is a temporary solution in a very period of time. It is certainly not a long-term solution. He didn’t think so much about Qian Liang’s thoughts.

“Qian Liang, what you said is right, but now the territory is so small, the population is small, and all walks of life have not been fully developed. Is it too early to implement private ownership?” He replied affirmatively, but for now The situation in the territory raises questions again.

“The lord said that the subordinate was too impatient, and asked the lord to punish him.” Seeing that Yang Song did not blame him, Qian Liang quickly replied.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, you can be blunt here. I won’t blame you. On the contrary, I’m not happy because I’m hiding it, hahaha.” Yang Song said directly, and finally opened it. Joke. As for what the people below think about, he can’t say anything.

“The lord is wise, and his subordinates will do everything they can and do their best to repay your grace.” All the officials present stood up and said in salute. These ways of being an official are really troublesome to Yang Song!

“Okay, sit down, what do you want to say about Qian Liang’s advice?” Yang Song finally wanted to hear their opinions.

“The subordinates believe that the lord’s statement is very true. The population size of the territory has not yet reached the conditions for the effective operation of the economy, the types of goods are too few, and the materials are not rich enough, and the currency cannot be effectively circulated after the issuance of currency.” First agreed with him. It’s Zhu Xi.

As the founder of Zhu Lixue, he has his own unique insights into social and political aspects.

The rest of the speeches are basically the same, and they all agree with Yang Song’s remarks.

“Since everyone thinks it is too early to implement private ownership, wait until the population is large and the property is rich before implementation.” Finally, Yang Song made a final decision.

After the suggestions of many officials and discussions, the management organization of the current territory was revised.

The territorial management organization is divided into the lord’s direct management and the territorial management, which is the difference between the central and local governments.

Territory management is also administrative management, and temporarily has two levels: county and town.

Management is divided into sub-level and bureau-level, corresponding to the town and county levels respectively. In the future, the county level will be established when the territory is larger, which will be called the department at that time.

That is to say, the current territory still has a town as an administrative division, and there is not much potential for development. Therefore, upgrading the administrative division level is also a preparation for the future development and expansion of the territory.

then divided the management aspects into certain divisions.

Directly under the lords are: Law Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau, Finance Bureau, Supervision Bureau, Propaganda Bureau, Military Industry Bureau, Education Bureau, Military Ministry, Guards, and Lead Guards.

belong to the local (county level): health bureau, household bureau, agricultural bureau, business bureau, medical bureau, official bureau, post bureau, industrial bureau.

Town level includes: sanitation, household, farm, business, medical, post, and industrial bureau.

There is no and unnecessary department in charge of managing officials and personnel at the town level.

Law Bureau: Bao Jie, responsible for trial, court and lawyer management.

Science and Technology Bureau: Shen Kuo, in charge of the research institute.

Finance Bureau: Qian Liang, responsible for taxation, banking, and salary.

Supervision Bureau: Song Ci, responsible for supervision and review.

Newspaper Bureau: Yang Li, responsible for the Dibao and publicity.

Military Industry Bureau: Li Jie, responsible for military industry and equipment manufacturing.

Education Bureau: Zhu Xi, responsible for library building, school establishment, curriculum opening, textbook compilation, and teacher qualification certification assessment.

Military Headquarters: Yang Song commanded directly, the infantry commander Zhang Wei, the cavalry commander Zhou Wu, and the navy commander Li Bao.

Guard: Wang Wei, responsible for the safety of the lord and the guard of the mansion.

Lead Guard: Yang Yi, responsible for the collection of territorial intelligence.

The system adjustment this time is completely redesigned, with a long-term perspective, and a lot of consideration for future development.

Let Yang Yi of the mansion lead the guard. Yang Song realized that the people who appeared at the mansion in the first place had their own talents. This may be an invisible benefit provided by the system, depending on whether Yang Song can discover it!

As for why the department directly under Yang Song is also at the bureau level, this is to facilitate future expansion and upgrade, otherwise it will not be able to reward officials, resulting in no reward, which is not conducive to stability.

But in the eyes of the officials below, the department directly under Yang Song is naturally half a level higher than other departments.

Yang Zhong is responsible for the administrative management of Tianqi County, under its jurisdiction:

Health Bureau: Zhou Ze, responsible for public security, inspections, and investigations.

Household Bureau: Wei Dong, responsible for civil affairs and household registration.

Bureau of Agriculture: Fang Qing, responsible for agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry.

Industry Bureau: Zhang Yu, responsible for industry and minerals.

There are still no candidates for the Commercial Bureau, Medical Bureau, Official Bureau, Post Bureau, and Bing Bureau, and we have to recruit additional officials.

The business bureau is responsible for commerce; the medical bureau is responsible for hospitals, clinics, and epidemic prevention; the staff bureau is responsible for the recruitment and personnel management of staff; the post bureau is responsible for post, post, and transportation; the industrial bureau is different from the military industry bureau and is responsible for civil industry and mineral development.

The Bureau of Health is still in charge of city security inspections as before. Just like households, farmers, industry, and business, they have changed their names.

The town level is equally divided into the department directly under the lord and the administrative department of the mayor. The town level does not set up directly under the military, guards, science and technology bureaus and local officials.

After adjustment, the administrative system is more perfect, the county level becomes the main administrative level, and the town level serves as a secondary auxiliary county magistrate management.

In addition, town-level officials have to be recruited again, and the original official positions have to be adjusted.

In fact, there is an administrative hierarchy of “village” underneath. According to the plan, the management of the “village” level is actually governed by the people of each village, and people with good standing are elected as village chiefs.

But it is still just a design. The current territory has only one navy village, and after reorganization, it will be upgraded to a navy town, so that the territory currently does not have the “village” level.

And even the two strongholds outside the city are just temporary resting places. They are not fixed settlements, so they cannot be turned into villages.

The staff establishment at the county level is based on five people, adjusted according to the needs of the department. For example, the Guarding Bureau, Zhou Ze is responsible for the management, and there are also head-catchers and fast-catchers below, and the number is very large. Therefore, it is temporarily set as a five-person team, with a total of 15 people in three teams, three head-catchers, and twelve-head catchers. people.

“The system has been perfected. The next step is to fill in the vacancies. Zhu Xi and Yang Zhong are responsible for the recruitment of this time. Finally, report the results to me. I will let the supervisor and the leader supervise the recruitment process.” Yang Song said.

“Yes, Lord.” Several persons in charge replied.

“From now on, the chief official of the town will be called the mayor, and the chief official of the subordinate office will be called the director. Similarly, the chief official of the county will be called the magistrate/chief, and the chief official of the subordinate bureau will be called the director. Address, abolish the title of “adult”. For example, for my title, you can call me a lord, and abolish the title of “lord”.” Yang Song continued to order.

Seeing everyone’s incomprehensible expressions, Yang Song explained: “The domain has abolished the slavery system. The name “Master” means that you are still my servants, and calling me “Lord” means that you are my subordinates. “.

“The lord… is not… the lord is wise!”

“Well, remember, private soldiers and domestic slaves are not allowed, guards can be recruited, servants can be recruited for chores, contracts can be made, everything is voluntary, and it is forbidden to restrict personal freedom!” Yang Song solemnly said.

“Yes, Lord!”

Yang Song decided to take this opportunity to abolish some bad systems and bad habits, such as the slave system and the private soldier system, and for example:

“From now on, my Chinese people will not be allowed to kneel to the officials, neither the lower officials to the superiors, nor the officials to the monarch, but to replace them with rituals. This is a bad habit and it will be changed from now on.” Yang Song very solemn and majestic orders Tao.

Yang Song also knows that some of the orders he issued today will be questioned. Some thoughts are quite different from these “ancients” and cannot be understood. However, as a latecomer, when he stands on the shoulders of giants and looks at problems, it becomes clearer. a lot of.

Taking advantage of the beginning of the territory, it is like a piece of white paper, allowing him to paint at will, otherwise he will wait until all aspects are solidified and accumulated to be difficult to return to before reforms. The price to be paid at that time will be more than just the immediate doubts and puzzles. For specific consequences, please refer to Renaissance.

The formulation of this system also has plans to pave the way for future private ownership.

“With regard to Yang Zhong’s report that land reclamation has no effect, do you have any suggestions?” UU reading www.uukanshu. com Yang Song back to the topic.

Actually, Yang Song already had a general idea in his mind. He asked everyone to suggest that he wanted to see if there were omissions or errors.

As a monarch, he has grown a lot now and learned a lot.

“Report to the lord, subordinates suggest…”

After discussion, it is stipulated that the newly opened wasteland shall be owned by the pioneers, and the tax will be reduced or exempted for three years. However, each person can only own 20 mu at most, and the surplus wasteland shall be purchased by the government at the market price.

Since the soldiers in the territory cannot force people to be recruited, in order to encourage them to serve as soldiers, it is stipulated that the government shall reward 10 mu of land or land equivalent to other uses, or if the land is not required, the land can be replaced with equivalent materials. The 10 mu is extra and not counted. The number of acres owned by the individual.

As for why it is 20 acres, this number is not small. You must know that there was no mechanized farming during this period. It is actually too busy for a person to have 20 acres of land without any help. Of course, this is only the number of cultivated fields, and the land regulations for other uses are different.

There is a lot of land for animal husbandry, 50 mu per person, 30 mu per person for forestry, and other land uses are different according to different regulations. Of course, this is temporary and will be adjusted according to the actual situation in the future.

These articles are written by Yang Songrang into the “Temporary Code of Apocalypse” to form laws and regulations to cultivate the concept of the rule of law for officials.

Yang Song did this mainly to prevent land mergers. A large part of the dynasty changes in ancient China was caused by land mergers that caused the people to have no land for farming, which caused survival problems.

In the future industrialization, these land may not be cultivated or not used enough, and then market-oriented resource allocation will be carried out through the government’s macro-control. Although it has not yet reached this point, Yang Song is already making the expected plan—this It’s his growth.

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