Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 3: The Masochist.

Chapter 3: The Masochist.

We come back to where Analissa was following the noble lady Evelyn to where their classrooms were because she's not familiar around these parts.

For she's not really the real Analissa.

She was just your ordinary typical gamer girl otome game fanatic who got transmigrated into the Heroine's body and for some reason-

The moment Lady Evelyn opened those classroom doors. Every single man in the room turned to look at her and appraise her beauty.

"Whoah..." (Random Male Admirer)

"Miss Analissa Blanchet... I'm so fortunate to be in the same class as her." (Random Male Admirer)

"For beauty and talent despite being a commoner she can definitely go against even the higher ladies in here." (Random Male Admirer)

Every boy was left to their own thoughts but certainly it was all for the Heroine. Oh! The heroine halo must be working! The ability to charm and attract any man she could ever want!

Analissa noticed the whispers and the looks and she shuddered. Jeez, the horrible luck! She doesn't want a man! If some people think being thrown into the Heroine's body will be an easy win. Sure, but it definitely has a lot of setbacks, especially if you're someone like her who just- greatly admires the villainess.

"Miss Blanchet. We meet again." A voice boomed in front, someone with bright blue hair and eyes bowed to Analissa.

"Ahem." (Lady Evelyn) coughs glaring at the man in front for not including her to the first greetings. It is simply an insult! For the commoner to be greeted first before her- a noble lady!

"Oh. Pardon me, Lady Evelyn. I simply didn't notice you due to Miss Analissa and her alluring aura. Wouldn't you agree?" The charming man continued and even held the Heroine's hand for he was planning to kiss her.

Analissa on the other hand panicked and took her hand back with a little laugh. "Please, good sir. It is not good to kiss someone's hand not knowing where they've been." She thought of a good excuse and held her hand protectively.

Analissa swears there's something wrong with all these men wanting her hand!

First the crown prince from before the halls literally squishing her hand sworn to protect her! And now this- who's this again? From how he said again- have he and the heroine met before she transmigrated into her body?

Analissa blinks in confusion trying to remember who's this handsome man in front of her. "Don't think just because you're the son of a Duke you can forget your manners, Lord Ein." (Lady Evelyn) crosses her arms and glares at the charming man who smiles, ignoring her input upon his personality.

Analissa's eyes widened in shock. Lord Einsel Loucrat. The future Duke of the Loucrat Duchy and a huge flirt at the game. One of the male love interests in the game and the second worst love interest ranking in her opinion.

His flirting lessened when the Heroine route was unlocked but that's not really the most worrying thing about him. He's actually a masochist.

He kidnapped the heroine once their bond deepened, his obsession over Analissa worsened and even showed crude descriptions of his dreams, the Heroine wanting to dominate and choke him.

Analissa shuddered. She doesn't want any of his routes unlocked! She doesn't want to tie him up and do things with him!

And she needs something to defend herself with this man! Goodness gracious, why did she have to transmigrate when the game is already starting!

Wait- isn't he also someone with military skills? And good with weapons?

"Forgive me, Lady Evelyn. I won't forget it the next time we meet." (Lord Ein) smiles politely and turns his attention to Analissa who smiles stiffly. "Miss Analissa are you perhaps free later this-"

"No. Forgive me, milord but I have some other appointments I must do this afternoon. Therefore I cannot join you but perhaps we can take a raincheck?" (Analissa)

The Heroine gave him that massive glare that could kill someone. "You pig."

Everyone I'm the classroom covered their mouths in shock!

"Oh my gosh! She just called Lord Ein a pig!"

"How dare she!"

"Lord Ein is more like an angel than a pig! She better take that back!"

The women around the classroom were furious, the men on the other hand was enjoying the show thinking they might have an advantage in wooing Analissa instead.

One would ask why not smile and butter up to the Duke? Such acts won't work. What you need to do is to treat him as horrible and coldly as possible.

It certainly worked. Duke Ein was already blushing looking conflict as well flustered. 'On one end, he's going to be annoying to have.' (Analissa) thought to herself in horror but looked at the charming Lord holding his body in a stiff manner.

Clearly excited but he's not letting it show. 'All I know, he doesn't really love the Heroine but he just love the idea of getting chained by and tortured by her and I can exploit him to my heart's content as long as I deliver what he wants.'

For now all Analissa knew, she needed someone by her side to support her and give her things she might need.

"Hmm..." (Analissa) was humming in thought while she was thinking.

Lady Evelyn looks at her direction and face palmed at the Heroine. What is she doing?! Is she purposefully getting herself in trouble?! "You- you just insulted a son of a Duke! Apologize at once, commoner!" she yells in a whisper to the other girl, however instead of being afraid she looks into Lord Ein's light blue eyes and smiles.

"Yes, your ladyship. I do apologize for my words before if it somehow offended you Lord Ein. Although I doubt it has." (Analissa)

Analissa doubts the last part because she knows... This little masochist enjoyed every inch of it.

Lord Ein looked speechless, he didn't know what to say but gave Analissa a huge grin on his face. It was almost scary if Analissa knew nothing of the meaning behind that sinister smile. "No need for such apologies. You indulge me. I can't wait for us to get to know each other more, Miss Analissa."


The door opens really hard for a figure to come inside of the classroom. Immediately everyone took their seats except Analissa who didn't knew where she sat. It was always a one type of flat picture in the otome game so she doesn't know who the original heroine sat with!

There's no mention of it either in the game!

"Commoner." she eyes through the seat next to her and Analissa smiles at the message.

The Heroine must've sat next to the villainess! How wonderful the setting of this world is!

She was about to sit next to the villainess when someone else pulled her away by force. "Hey That's my seat, get your own seat in the commoner aisle."

There was a hand that grabbed her by the shoulder and it was rather painful. "Ow-" (Analissa) felt so weak.

Another reason why sometimes being the Heroine is not that great, you're either made to be the damsel in distress with a weak body but really good in magic. "Oops sorry did it hurt? No matter it's okay right? You can just make yourself feel better with your powerful light magic anyways."

Analissa grits her teeth and forces herself to smile for this little- "Yes. It's quite alright, your ladyship."

This little spoiled- she has to calm down first.

This girl that just took her seat, is the side character that's Lord Ein's fiance also known as a love rival and you could even say she's what a true horrible villains would look like.

Lady Serene Sinclair. A daughter of a Marquess and claimed to be Lady Evelyn's best friend. That's why she's so clingy with her in the game and she's gotten the title of worst character to have ever lived.

That's what just Analissa remembered from some of the other reviews of the game actually and she doesn't really agree with it.

Lady Serene... is a much more complicated character than that.

Upon knowing her whole story and reasons for bullying the Heroine, she understands but she won't tolerate it just like the original Heroine did.

Analissa looked for another available seat but it was one that was very far away from Lady Evelyn. She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Miss Blachet. There is a seat in the very back would you not like a place there?" (Lady Evelyn) finally spoke, crossing her arms.

The teacher seemed impatient as well with how she was just standing around.

The boys in the room stared in awe, having rose tinted eyes. They didn't see a girl thinking of evil ways in order to protect the Villainess but they saw a helpless little girl wanting a seat somewhere else.

"Y-Yes your ladyship but you see..." (Analissa) trails off wanting to find an excuse to sit next to Lady Evelyn and realizes there was another spot beside her.

However, it was taken by a boy classmate that's not really important to the story. He was looking at Analissa with heart eyes and she grinned knowing the Heroine halo was already doing it's effects. "I sort of wanted a seat right next to the windows." she points into the window right beside the boy who listens intently.

"There is a specific view I want to see..." Her smile widens as she raises the effect of the halo even further. "If I can't have it... I'm afraid my day will be ruined." such good acting!

She even turned around really dramatically and looked like she was about to burst in tears- of course only a little.

Anyone who would cry for a simple seat is not alright!

"Good riddance, Am I right Eve?" (Lady Serene) inspects her nails looking rather bored while her friend looks away.

But then-


"Huh?" (Lady Selene) looked wide eyed at the boy who sits beside Lady Evelyn. He pulls his seat to stand presenting his own seat for the Heroine.

"My lady please, I will find another place to sit. I humbly offer you my spot."

The other boys gasp in worry. H-He's being such a gentleman! This is going to give him brownie points with the cutest girl in the Academy!

Every man in the classroom stood up offering their seat to the Heroine, except for Lord Ein who just watched in amusement.

"No milady! Take mine!"

"My seat is softer than his!"

"Milady have mine! I would be honored for you to accept!"

"My seat is better milady! It has the best view in the whole classroom!"

The best view in the whole classroom? Really?

The Heroine giggles softly looking at the first person who offered his seat first.

Other than Lady Serene, this boy is very lucky to sit at the very best view in the classroom.

That is seeing the villainess's face for every single day!

Analissa smiles tilting her head a little, like an adorable cat. "Thank you all for offering your seats. The first person who offered first is really kind and I cannot decline his invitation first.'' She holds out a hand to the boy that was still kneeling and pulls him up gently.

"I am grateful to you milord."

The boy was flustered and stood up straight to move behind his seat and pulled the chair for the Heroine.

Analissa is well aware of the power she holds. "Hehe... Thank you." (Analissa) sits down feeling triumphantly and Lady Evelyn even looked like she was impressed.

She used her charms to her advantage.

The other men who offered their seats sat back down, and the other one found an empty seat at the back.

"W-What?! That's not allowed!!! Ugh! Move, commoner!" (Lady Serene) points a finger all enraged at Analissa but she acts as if she was scared.

"I apologize, your ladyship but... I just couldn't let his offer go to waste." Such a sweet voice, with a mischievous intent.

"I said move-" she was about to stand but someone caught her hand before she could escalate any further.

"Lady Sinclair, please you're causing a scene." (Lady Evelyn) nudged to her side and she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow to her sentence.

Her? Causing a scene?!

This girl made several men stand up just to offer their seats- and she has the guts to tell her she's making a scene?!

Well she is technically making a scene too.

Lady Serene looks around the room getting many weird stares from the noblemen and noblewomen. Then at Lady Evelyn who pleads for her to sit down.

"Hmph." (Lady Selene) sits down just as the teacher who was very afraid to cut in the fight coughs to gather the nobles' attention.

Lady Evelyn nods in satisfaction knowing her companion would not humiliate herself and lets go of her hand returning to her seat.

It's of no wonder why Lady Serene treats Analissa this way, nobles cannot accept a commoner would be tied in power with them.

Meanwhile Analissa looks at Lady Evelyn and the way they hold their hand. It reminded her that she's not the only one Lady Evelyn would be comfortable to hold hands with, huh. It certainly soured her mood but what can she do?

The teacher read out some magic materials and asked to open their books.

Books? Analissa didn't knew they have books but she doesn't have any bag or anything-

"Inventorium." (Lady Serene) mutters and Analissa overhears the spell.

The other students mutter the same word except for a few who just close their eyes and a book would appear in front of them. "Hmph." (Lady Evelyn) was already holding the thick cover by her hands no need to mutter a spell.

Ah right- now that she's in this world it's not going to be the easy path of just pushing buttons. She actually has to do the spell-

Analissa blinks, does the original Heroine have her book with her anyways? Ugh, no matter what, she still has to try.

"I-Inventorium..." she mutters out weakly and feels... nothing.

Shit, just because she got transmigrated doesn't mean she knows how to do spells now- and she didn't even inherit the old Heroine's memory.

"Does everyone have their books?" The teacher moves around and Analissa panics. She doesn't have a book-

"Miss Blanchet. Where is your book?"

Eek! The teacher already spotted her fast. Can the Heroine charm work on teachers? "I-It seems that I have lost it."

"You've lost your book? Detention."

This scene- this was supposed to be the scene where Lord Ein would help Analissa and officially start the route! Analissa out of desperation looked at the villainess before looking down in humiliation.

"Teacher. It's alright, I will share my book with Miss Blanchet." (Lady Evelyn) holds out the book beside Analissa.

Analissa blinks- well that was a sudden turn of events! But she's surely enjoying it! "Lady Alarie- are you sure about this?" The instructor asks, looking worriedly at Analissa.

Lady Evelyn glances at Analissa who seemed to be in disbelief.

Good. The more this girl will feel indebted to her, the more she can make use of her. "Yes, I'm sure." (Lady Evelyn)

Analissa could almost cry in happiness. Thank you whatever deity is out there that took her book away! Or actually- her inability to do spells. "Hmm..." even if she was happy though, it was supposed to be Lord Ein that would help.

What happened to the story?

Could her little teasing change the flow of the plot?

"Commoner. Focus, hold the other end of the book." (Lady Evelyn) glares at Analissa who was humming while in deep thought but then stopped when she heard the voice of the person she admires.

"Ah! Right! Apologies for your ladyship!" (Analissa) quickly holds the end of the book while both of their shoulders touching.

Her heart is already thumping really loudly, she's afraid Lady Evelyn would notice so she just decided to listen into class for now.

Lady Evelyn on the other hand was wondering was she hungry or something? Because she kept hearing a rumbling noise.

Happy she might be feeling the bliss of being with the heroine, she feels someone watching her and Analissa knew where it was coming from.

When class was over, the Heroine pouted in sadness having to part from the Villainess. "Thank you for sharing your book with me, your ladyship." (Analissa) couldn't help but smile really widely.

The villainess closes the book and makes it disappear from thin air, "Do not mistake it for charity. I will remember this moment that I saved you from such humiliation such as detention. You owe me a favor." (Lady Evelyn)

Lady Selene watches the two converse and wonders when did the two of them get so close with each other?

"Yes, your ladyship." (Analissa)

Her brain cells were already thinking that this was a good thing. If she owes the villainess a favor meaning-! If she needs her she'll call her!

"Eve, can we go out now? We're late for our dress appointment already." (Lady Serene) glares at Analissa clearly for wasting their time.

Lady Evelyn nods and quickly leaves first followed by Lady Selene.

Analissa looks around the classroom to realize the one who hasn't left yet was the noblemen waiting to corner her- "Miss Blanchet. May I have a moment of your time?"

Analissa laughs softly yet all fake to this charming masochist now in front of her. "Lord Ein. Yes, I actually need to talk to you. In private."

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