Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 4: Pact of Promise.

Chapter 4: Pact of Promise.

Analissa and her companion, the masochist, followed through a little room to talk.

The Duke smiles feeling happy that the Heroine must've taken interest in his charms. However, from their first meeting he remembers recalling that she didn't have time for her to meet with him but- who knew that this little vixen was just playing hard to get!

"So before we get started let's make sure no one would be able to hear our conversation, shall we?" (Duke Ein) started the conversation feeling proud of himself for having taken the interest of a rare magic user as her.

Imagine... The things she can do, the pain she can inflict then just magically heal it the next day. Oh how the thought filled him with excitement he's shivering!

"Obex Clastrum." he snaps his hands and came to a barrier that would let them talk all that they wanted.

Analissa crossed her arms and went straight to the point. "Alright I need some weapons I can borrow, maybe something sharp that you can hide under something?" she taps her feet and hums in thought rethinking all the possible answers the Duke as well as instances, moves that he might do while being under his nose.

"Pardon?" (Duke Ein) on the other hand raises one of his eyebrows in confusion. He honestly thought she was about to confess her undying love or something.

"Ah right and I want you to meet up with me every weekday to train me how to fight." (Analissa) more terms and grinned looking cocky and confident but deep inside she's actually scared and nervous! "Hmm..."

She only just started and she's weak as a newborn chick!

How can she ever protect the Villainess when she can't even protect herself?!

Lord Einsel covers his mouth while laughing to himself until he just couldn't take it anymore and just laughed out loudly, "Hahaha... HAHAHA!"

Analissa kept her cool and remembered what she could do to take this beast.

One thing is for sure she doesn't need to fulfill his sick fantasies to win him over.

"Let's see you've called me out here to tell me... you want weapons? And lessons in the art of self-defense?" The son of the Duke, Lord Einsel Loucrat circles around Analissa in the little small room and locks its doors. "What's a pretty girl like you going to do with all of those? From the looks of it... you can just order a man what you want to do your bidding."

He laughed to himself even more remembering the classroom scene where for a simple view outside- when Analissa faked cried every single one of the men stood up except for him to offer their seat to her. "Besides, all those noblemen didn't hesitate to offer their seats for you. I reckon if you tell them to jump off a building, they would all fall for your hollow affection."

He grins looming in closer to Analissa, "You could even order them to commit murder and I have a feeling they'll even take the blame for it." he whispers in her ear and traps the Heroine in the corner.

"That's why you're asking for weapons right? The thrill of pain does excite you..." (Duke Ein) shivers remembering how Analissa called him a pig before.

Oh the joy!

How he wishes for her to say it again!

To insult him, to take charge and do things...

"If I want to murder someone, it'll be the same of protecting. Our reasons are different so don't lump me with you." (Analissa) grits her teeth already feeling annoyed dealing with the masochist love interest of the game.

The son of the Duke stops his thrilling imagination and takes in Analissa's answer. So she's asking for weapons not for pain and pleasure? "Oh... for protection. How boring." he mutters under his breath, rolling his eyes.

"Pray tell, give me a reason why I shouldn't just keep you to myself right now and lock you away somewhere no one can find you?" he continues, giving a chilling smile.

Analissa stood up confident waiting for Lord Ein to ask, what can she offer up to the table. "Your family heirloom. I happen to know where it's hidden."

All smile and joy were lost from the Lord now it was all just... anger.

"The Mystic Sword that was passed down family into family. One that you've lost and the reason why you're not only a problematic masochist but you're also a little fragile boy with daddy issues." (Analissa)

Our Japanese streamer Heroine has two strengths at the moment.

One, her Heroine Halo projection that lets her control men to some extent.

And second, is that she remembers almost everything the game has to offer. Secret places, information, dirty secrets, special art and cheat codes.

She remembers them all.

Analissa felt so confident in that moment she wasn't expecting for Lord Ein to lose his cool and grab her by the shoulders.


Her back thuds with the wall and she tries to not scream in pain, bearing it instead not letting fear show on her face. "Where... How... Do you know... WHERE IS THAT SWORD?!" (Lord Ein) screamed, digging his nails onto her back.

Analissa squints her eyes in pain, "Tsk, sure hurting me more would definitely help."

The boy's eyes widened, noticing how his nails were already digging deep. "I... I'm sorry." He mutters weakly and slowly his hold on Analissa was let go and now he was breathing in and out very hard. It seemed like he was panicking, "The sword... it's out there... you know where it is... Tell me where it is..."

Analissa felt some sympathy for the man in front of him.

He wasn't really a masochist before all this. He was just a normal happy boy, but then he lost their family heirloom to which his father the Duke ordered for punishment.

The said punishments was whipping his own son and torturing him to learn from his mistake.

It only led to deeper problems now that this man got used to the pain and even started enjoying it.

What he can't handle now, is disappointing his father once more. He's become gradually afraid of him.

"It's hidden on an island away from the school. However, you can only go there with a specific time and date. You'll also need me to guide you there." (Analissa) answered and Lord Ein looked at her in confusion.

An island? Specific time and date? He needs her as a guide?

"How did you know I lost my family heirloom? Tell me. Did you know Jacquelyn? Are you an acquaintance? Were you also in on it?" He became more suspicious and the tone of his voice was getting angry.

"No, I am not acquainted anyhow to Jacquelyn but I know some things a normal person wouldn't for private reasons." The reason she can't tell him is because she's going to sound so crazy. After all, she's a player of the game and has even cleared both of the happy ending and the bad endings of all the love interests just to see the Villainess art and scenes.

Such dedication! What a simp!

Imagine playing for three days straight with barely any sleep just to see the antagonist you're supposed to hate but ended up loving for a few minutes of screen time.

Oh yeah that was certainly our dear Heroine back when she had her original body.

As for this Jacquelyn person, she remembers her being one of the obstacles in his route. The old lover that betrayed him for she was a thief who just seduced him and left with their treasured heirloom.

"Milord, trust me. I am not in any way tricking you nor am I acquainted with the woman you mentioned and I promise we'll get you your family heirloom." (Analissa) grips her hand in hopes that he has some morals left in him and that he'll take the bait.

The Heroine Halo should also work a little right?

Lord Ein scoffs and extends his hands, "Let's form a seal of pact. A noble's seal of the pact of promise is strong and it will not be easily broken. If what you say is true, go on take my hand." he offers it more closer and Analissa takes it, his hands were warm when they intertwined. He closes his eyes and mutters a spell, "Indissolubilis Pactum."

Analissa has never seen this spell in the game before... A magic circle on his hands appeared and glowed a fair color of gold. The air around them completely changed too, now everything felt so intense and heavy.

Whenever Analissa sees magic... it just makes her forget that this will be her whole life now going ahead. It was certainly thrilling but she reminded herself that she's also the Heroine of this world. "I, Einsel Loucrat son of Duke and Duchess Loucrat promises to aid Analissa on the need of weapons and teaching her everything I know about self-defense."

He turns to Analissa to signal her that it was her turn to say her part of the pact. "I, Analissa Blanchet, promise to bring back the Loucrat family heirloom and give it to the rightful owner." she smiles genuinely looking at the glowing magic circle curiously as the spell was complete.

The magic circle glowed more until it disappeared, all turning into spectacles of light until it was no more. It was a really beautiful scene, who knew magic in this world... could be this beautiful.

Even though she was now bound to a promise it made her excited that- she will have a full on knowledge about fighting and some weapons she can defend herself with. Analissa takes her hand back and turns to Lord Ein, "The specific time of date, our school will have a certain field trip in a few month's time. We should get prepared by then if you want your heirloom back."

Meaning they'll have to sneak around and gather a map around the area because on the deep side of the forest there hides a secret hideout of bandits. "We'll need a map of the island and I remember it being called um... Unholem Island?" (Analissa) explains and looks at the unresponsive love interest of the game.

"If I find out you're just using me. I'll make sure to kill you myself." (Lord Ein) mutters in threat and then smiles. "But yes, the Unholem Island. That is merely a child's play with my connections. We'll have that map by a few days." he puffs his chest out proudly flexing his rich connections to Analissa.

"Haha... yay connections..." (Analissa)

'He sure is a pain in the ass and certainly a two-faced bitch.' the Heroine thought to herself while the three brain cells that she had huddled around for plans. "Hmm... what about your end of the bargain. When will you teach me self-defense and when can I get my weapons?"

Lord Ein holds his chin in thought. "Well I'm free after class I can teach you in the school open field when you have time. For the weapons, those are not allowed in school so we might need to smuggle them instead."

"Wait couldn't you just... store it?"

In the magic floating thing? Is what the Heroine thought but he could only laugh. "What are you five? Everyone knows the school has a detection system spell for any sharp objects that might be considered a weapon. If you're detected you're expelled but then again..." he stops and smiles.

Lord Ein takes out a sword with a sheath and presents it for Analissa. "Some nobles are exempted. I'm keeping guard to protect the crown prince after all." he takes his sword back into his [Inventory] and places his hands on his waist proudly.

Analissa's eyes widened and pointed at him. "I need that too! Can you pull some strings so that you can make the school not expel me or something?" she pleads looking at Lord Ein with star eyes.

Lord Ein was smart and thought for a moment. "The one you want to protect. They're inside the school, right?" he cracks a grin and pats her head. "What a riot! You don't need to protect anyone here. Everyone here is basically safe."

Analissa bites her lip at his words. No, Lady Evelyn is not safe because every love interest is her enemy and if they even lay a hand on her she'll make sure she'll be ready to fight back. "Even if you tell me that. I still want to learn and get the weapons I need even if I have to fight my way to get it." She answered with great determination and that surprised Lord Ein because, well- a cute little girl saying 'fight my way to get it' is somehow so cute and adorable.

It's like she's a little baby chick with a knife.

"Your enthusiasm interests me, it's almost making me wish I was the person you want to protect but I guess it's someone else." he snaps his finger and the sound barrier that was protecting them from before was gone. "I'll see you some time after class. Let's have fun while we're at it."

He leaves the room opening the door and Analissa soon follows feeling overwhelmed with all that happened. She still can't believe it- she's unscathed and alive- not kidnapped- not tortured! No routes of romance seem to have opened between them too!

What good progress for the first day being in school!

The school has separate dorm rooms for commoners and nobles. She tried finding her way to that place and thankfully her legs seemed to know the way to that place. Each hallway has a door with a plated last name. Analissa looks through all the supposed to be side character last names... There were so many!

One's that she doesn't even recognize from the game were also here.

"Blanchet... Blanchet..." (Analissa) mutters her name each time she moves past a nameplate stuck to a door and finds her little room in the corner. "Oh there it is." She walks over there to open the door but sees the room completely trashed.

Her clothes were everywhere... a little torn and her things were all over the floor!

"What the f-" she manages to stop herself from cursing, and thought- the price of the heroine is facing this kind of bullshit in the future too. "Agh... I need to change this door lock if that's the case..."

Analissa takes the mess off the floor and begins cleaning. Yay to the new life...

Author's note: 

Hi there! Enjoying the story? Have some art!

Author's note: Hi there! Enjoying the story? Have some art!

Why not follow me at my socials in my bio? Come on, I know you want to ;DBut thank you to my supporters! I like your comments they keep me going! Consider donating as well! I'll have my patreon open for more art and story contents soon!

Why not follow me at my socials in my bio? Come on, I know you want to ;D

But thank you to my supporters! I like your comments they keep me going! Consider donating as well! I'll have my patreon open for more art and story contents soon!

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