Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 48: School Festival (III).

Chapter 48: School Festival (III).

The classroom of the A section higher rankings composed of many nobles from different backgrounds were chit chatting about random things in their lives when suddenly they all stopped-

"Oh we're here, thanks for walking with me. I'll be sitting with Lady Evelyn now." (Analissa) looks around the classroom, meeting the familiar piercing gazes of the noble ladies judging her every move.

"No problem, I'll be over at my desk if you need anything." (Lord Ein) smiles getting to his seat in the front. The two waved at each other and went their separate ways.

Lord Ein of the noble house of the great military family Loucrat was walking together with Miss Analissa Blanchet, a good for nothing commoner that was rumored to have charmed many men but refused any of their love?!

"Everyone, may I have a moment of silence and go back to your own seats-"

An elven teacher, Professor Fraeya, walked in the classroom just in time to see an unfamiliar face sitting down, right beside the Villainess who looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Miss, your name? Are you the commoner Miss Analissa Blanchet? The one that was absent last week?" (Professor Fraeya) asks as the heroine nods, feeling everyone's gaze were on her.

Analissa stands up to address her answers to her teacher, making sure to properly curtsy as a sign of proper greeting. "Yes... I am. Apologies but I believe I have an excuse letter for my absence last time because I've caught a cold."

The elf professor was impressed by her conduct and she tries not to smile, "I have been informed and your letter of absence has been submitted, you've only missed my introduction but- I am your new adviser and professor."

Analissa blinked in surprise, the adviser that was a black elf silhouette in the game-! This was her?!

"My name is Fraeya Abeline, your new Potion Brewing and Incantation 101 professor or instructor." (Professor Fraeya) eyes the girl, thinking this was the person future queen of the kingdom bought oranges for.

The elven professor admires her human beauty, it would even break the elven standards to a much higher level.

"It is very nice to meet you, professor. I am looking forward to our lessons and learning from them soon." The Japanese streamer was very happy to have another one of the teacher's silhouettes unlocked seeing what could've been the potential art.

Oh if only the game had more budget to include things like this, she would've been gunning for this instead of the love interests too!

"I... see, thank you Miss Blanchet. I hope you don't mind but I'll have your individual class introduction that you've missed to be made in my office. I want to know each one of my students after all." (Professor Fraeya) turned seriously towards the board, she held up her hand and made the chalk float writing her first lesson of the day.

"If that will be all, I'll get started in our lesson." (Professor Fraeya) holds her wooden clipboard and writes on the blackboard using her magic, a line that glows green followed.

"We'll be talking about potions, the introduction of the subject and its main uses and how the students can benefit from learning and experimenting, this was once a tradition reserved for the witches but now wizards may also learn how to brew."

Only a few could focus on the class, because everyone was too shocked to see the heroine walking with one of the heartthrob of the academy like it was nothing!

"Potions, or their real-life counterparts, play essential roles in benefiting humankind." The sound of the chalk could be heard all over the room.

Lord Ein of all people?!

"Aren't you engaged with him, Lady Serene?" A noble girl leans over to the noble lady with a fiery red color of her hair to match her personality, whispering tales.

"Hmph I couldn't care less of what he does. We don't love each other, we're not married, he's free to play around with whomever he likes." (Lady Serene) answered with no such care in the world, and was more worried about her friend who was trying her best not to doze in class when it's the elf professor that was teaching.

"..." (Lady Evelyn) bobbed her head, eyes hurting. She couldn't sleep well that night after the meeting in the student council room, her fiancé was such a piece of work- she has been expecting this but with it topped into her busy schedule it was draining.

The dark circles under her eyes were concerning and it looked like the girl hadn't eaten a single thing- pale and weak she was.

Lady Serene gave a frown as was about to call the girl in a whisper, "Evelyn-"


"Psst... Lady Evelyn-! Are you alright?"

But someone else was already on the case.

"...!" (Lady Serene) suddenly felt ignored. Analissa noticed that the villainess looked like she was about to bang her head into the wooden table.

"Mm... yes I've just been... adjusting my schoolwork and duties as my first... priority." (Lady Evelyn) could barely open her eyes, but she knew she needed to stay away in order to be active and proceed to not leave a bad impression on the elven teacher.

Analissa who has little Losimer by the shoulder, being covered up with her long blonde hair- she could hear whimpers of chirp and the bird's expression looked so worried for the state of his master. "Chirp... Tweet..." (Losimer)

"Don't worry...your master will be alright, she just needs to pass the hour- and then the day." (Analissa) did her best to think of words that may comfort the familiar, it did not work but the bird appreciated her for trying.

"Potions play essential roles in benefiting many races. They encompass medicines that cure diseases, nutritional supplements addressing deficiencies, herbal remedies for various ailments, cosmetics enhancing appearance and self-esteem, stimulating beverages like tea and coffee, and cleaning solutions that maintain hygiene." (Professor Fraeya) continues her discussion.

Lady Evelyn slowly loses her interest on the subject of potions and stops fighting the tiring feeling.

"Inventorium." (Analissa) took on a piece of paper from her [Inventory], dipping her pen in ink she tries her best on drawing a little version of her having a thumbs up pose. "Come on... dry."

Her hands were quick to draw, making the face and then her hair.

"..." (Analissa) looked around to see if her classmates were busy paying attention to the class.

"Additionally, aromatherapy utilizes essential oils for relaxation and stress reduction. In the culinary realm, seasonings and ingredients are mixed to create delightful flavors, while agricultural potions such as fertilizers improve crop growth. These mixtures also extend to the preservation of cultural heritage, with specialized solutions safeguarding and restoring artworks and historical artifacts. In various forms, these practical "potions" significantly contribute to our well-being, aesthetics, and overall quality of life."

Analissa was thankful that the professor seemed so passionate about her teaching in potions.

"There we go." The heroine quickly throws her paper away to Lady Evelyn's direction and acts like nothing happened.


Lady Evelyn noticed the folded paper and opened it.



The small drawn figure of Analissa was adorable, the look in her eyes immediately lit up and her lips formed a smile.

Right below the paper there was something else written on it, 'Sleep is good for your health- make sure to rest after class milady! Do your best for the whole day for now!'

Lady Evelyn couldn't help but take her own pen and started drawing on a small little Losimer on top of her head, her art style may not just be as good but she wanted to return the favor.

If Miss Analissa Blanchet can make her smile like that, she can too.

"Hmm..." (Lady Evelyn) steals a glance at the heroine who looked so beautiful as the light of the sunlight reflected on her figure- the blonde hair and blue orbs of eyes that diamonds would envy.



How many times did that girl make her speechless and act so reckless?

"Chirp." (Losimer) peaked, moving the strands of blonde hair to see her master being glued to Analissa with a flushed face before noticing his presence. "...chirp?"

The little bird tilts his head slightly, now that his master suddenly noticed him she has gotten busy writing something. The villainess folds the paper after the ink dried and gently slides it to the heroine-

Analissa saw the paper that the villainess gave, she carefully took it in her hand and opened it.

"Hah...!" The blonde girl proceeded to try and keep her heart on hold.

She saw her little chibi had a little drawn figure of Losimer resting on top of her head. Her note was replied with too! It said, 'Your encouragement made me wide awake, I think I'll be able to last a whole week of class because of it.'

Losimer, of course, being a curious bird also made his way to see what orders his master might've given him on that piece of paper. He walked with his little feet and peaked, but it was nothing like what he expected.

"..." He was speechless, it was a horrible drawing of himself and he didn't have the heart to insult his own master that her drawing was really shit. Losimer raised his brow, doing a bombastic side-eye and judged the two love birds passing notes in class.

"Thank you." (Lady Evelyn) mouthed to her with a smile.

"You're welcome." (Analissa) replied, mouthing the words, planning to keep the letter inside her [Inventory] and have the memory of this event be remembered as long as she breathed.


"Well that's thirty minutes left of class." (Professor Fraeya) takes a look out outside and stretches her neck a little looking at the students. "I'll be going first but you all will make use of my spare time planning what you'll be doing for the school festival. Each year and section will be required to participate- the student council however will be monitoring and organizing a few things so to those members that's in this class, you are not required to participate however if you want to you may help."

Lady Evelyn nodded and took in the professor's words to heart, she may not have the time to help the class with their planned attraction, however in terms of financial support she will be there.

"Thank you, class for your time. May the president stand up and take the reins?"

Lord Ein yawns, standing up lazily and holding the chalk in his hand. The crown prince's knight was also the president of the class, popular voted amongst the ladies and a few men- everyone understood that even if he looked lazy and uninterested but if it's something related to group work he is responsible and reliable.

"Lord Ein, I did expect you to be the president of the class."

"Likewise, professor but democracy is a cruel thing." He joked.

Professor Fraeya's eyes wandered and landed on the heroine who stiffened in her seat, the moment she caught her eyes staring. "And reminder for Miss Blanchet please come by to my office to introduce yourself. I'll add in a little warning..."

"Eh- warning?"

The elf professor didn't waste any time and left the classroom leaving everyone inside the room in utter silence. Analissa smiled bitterly thinking that the reason for the last part could only be because she must've seen them pass notes during her lecture.

Lord Ein thought of the time and decided to speed things up. "Alright everyone, eyes here please."

Tak... tak.. tak...

'Suggestion and Ideas for the festival.'

He hands over the chalk to the class secretary before placing hand on his waist, "You may now raise your hand if you have an idea on what you'd like for the class to do." 

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Asteria Urbanska

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