Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 49: School Festival (IV).

Chapter 49: School Festival (IV).

"You may now raise your hand if you have an idea on what you'd like for the class to do."

Lord Vincent waits for a moment before the classroom rages with all the boys standing up from their seats brimming with energy.

"I vote for a maid cafe! We want to see Miss Analissa in a maid outfit!"

"Tch, so basic! I want for us to have a kissing booth and have Lady Blanchet on being the star of it then we'll get so many customers! Heck, I'll even get in line for it!"

"No, you fools, we're not doing a kissing booth! We mustn't let Miss Analissa have her first kiss taken by that thing! I suggest we have an autograph booth!"

The boys were raged with suggestions on what they should do for the upcoming school festival. All of their hands were raised, yelling and screaming for Lord Vincent to pick them to hear what suggestions they have. It was mostly all planned for the heroine role to take.

"Animal café but with Miss Analissa in bunny ears!"

"No she should be a cute cat instead!"

"I digress, how dare you compare Miss Analissa into an animal when her everyday form is the most perfect one!"

Everyone fought for what the real event should be, the class had a bit of a fight.

"Shut up your idea sucks!"

"Not as much as yours!"

Analissa Blanchet tried raising her hands to stop the noble boys from recommending anything that involved her. "Um..."

"I... want to have a play...?"

Her small voice became weak and Analissa didn't bother trying to pitch in her idea.

"Oh well, I tried." (Analissa) frowns, wanting to try something from the lore of the otome game. It was said before that the villainess was not only fond with books- but also with plays, it was said briefly in some of the game scenes of the love interests where some side characters were.

The villainess, if you played through the butler and the knight- there would be a cgi picture where on the background you'll see the villainess entering through one of the classrooms that had a running play as their main event.

She didn't want to try and choose Lord Ein's route anyways, but it looks like she has no choice on the matter this time.


The classroom became some sort of hell for the heroine hearing all the suggestions left and right being turned all about her- from maids costumes, animal ears and even just her doing things for them in exchange of payment in the school festival to earn some points.

In the otome game story, the festival will have a few options to choose what kind of event you'll prepare for your class. Depending on your choice, each available love interest will gain intimate points as well as a special scene before continuing with the story plot of introducing the other love interests.

"I feel like everyone of my girl classmates wants to pierce me with their hard stare, Losimer." she mutters out weakly to the little sparrow bird that was hiding in her hair. "Are you hearing this? Every single festival idea is all about me- and I don't even have a say in it?"

She vented at the bird to which Losimer couldn't agree more- but he couldn't understand why the other humans were acting this way, doing and making decisions on their own without even consulting if it was alright with the nice warm human.

"Tweet... tweet... chirp." (Losimer) chirps sadly, pressing his little face towards the girl's cheeks in hopes it would comfort her.

Analissa's heart melts having another friend in class that she can confide in. Even if it was a bird, the little sparrow was kind just like Lady Evelyn. "Aw, thanks- but I see the girls are also giving out ideas now."

The girls of the classroom were also fighting to give out their opinions.

"Not everything has to be about the commoner girl! I suggest we have a rental-date for the day! Anyone can rent any of our classmates in an auction and then pay it with points!" One girl suggested and every other guy grimaced upon hearing this idea.

"You sly woman-! I know you're only doing that so you can rent Lord Ein!"

"I suggest we have a host club!"

Lord Ein raises his hand, silencing everyone, he was getting annoyed that every single one of his classmates are being so childish. "Silence! All of you!"

"I am noting all of your suggestions, but do make sure that not everything will be about Miss Analissa, this is a school event representing our class, meaning, Miss Analissa is not to shoulder the burdens we have to come up with an idea where the whole class is able to work together." (Lord Ein) holds the chalk, tapping his feet as he writes down all the suggested topics from before.

"Sniff... Lord Ein, thank you for understanding my pain." (Analissa) thanked Lord Ein for changing, and turned to the villainess who was awfully quiet the whole time the boys were all suggesting a few things.

'Miss Blanchet in a maid outfit? That wouldn't be too bad- but I've already seen her in one!'

'Miss Blanchet in a kissing booth how dare they- but would I ever even get in line? What if the crown prince does and she'll be...!'

'Hold on an autograph booth is alright too.'

The villainess has her brain rendering and generating a few image ideas of what could've been with the boy's suggestion of the heroine. She can't help but feel like agreeing on some of them, like seeing Miss Blanchet wearing a maid outfit is a good request.

If it's classical maid outfit, she could already imagine the blonde girl serving her and pouring her tea, giving sweets-

"Hold on, I've done the first one already, I've seen her wear a maid uniform and even serve me. That one should not be voted on." (Lady Evelyn) preferred having to experience that alone and preferred not having other people know about Analissa's work whereabouts.

"But Miss Blanchet with bunny ears..."

Lady Evelyn was having conflicted feelings on what the classroom's representation should be, she wasn't able to vote and casted her gaze aside not wanting to show a bitter look on her face for being so indecisive.

'Every single suggestion would've been alright... except for the kissing booth that's rather foolish but... Will Miss Blanchet be comfortable with it?' (Lady Evelyn) asks herself, this the first time in her list that she's ever been so unsure of what to choose and it doesn't even concern her.


The villainess finally turns to the heroine who was waiting for her to look her way. She could see her slightly raising her hand before retrieving it quickly hiding herself, being unable to give her suggestion to Lord Ein because of how chaotic the classroom is.

"...?" (Lady Evelyn) was not curious on what she was going to suggest for the whole class though it was a shame that her hands dropped to her sighed, looking rather unhappy.


When Analissa managed to get Lady Evelyn's attention, she seemed so happy that her blue eyes started to shine as she leaned over asking, "Psst... Lady Evelyn, do you have any idea what's best for the whole class-?"

Lady Evelyn blinks, pointing a finger to herself looking confused. "What's best for the whole class...? You're asking me?"

Analissa Blanchet nods, feeling like she won't be getting through to all these other people pitching in their ideas. "I don't like the other ideas being all about me so I don't know what to vote on." she laughs sadly, patting Losimer's head.

"The other girls in the class have already given their suggestions. I think the only ones remaining who haven't given it are just us two." she continues, watching as everyone looked like they were having a few more conflicts here and there- as Lord Ein manages to calm them down.

Lady Evelyn blinks and sees the long list of things that everyone has suggested on the board. Half of it were all reasons for Analissa to be the main event and the other half were made by the girls hoping to not include her in it.

"I... might not know what the whole class would want, but I want... something- that you would be comfortable with. That you'll be safe with- something you'll have fun with." (Lady Evelyn) tries to think as best as she could, what could be something that everyone will agree on and not scream at each other's lungs fighting with one another. "...You were also raising your hand before, why did you take it down?"

Analissa chuckles, shaking her head. "Oh- I... I don't think my suggestion was any good anyways."

Lady Evelyn shakes her head, giving a reassuring smile. Perhaps she also was a bit annoyed that she was putting herself down like that. "Do tell me, everyone here has given their own ideas to pitch in for the whole class. Why in the world would you think yours is not good?"

Analissa pats Losimer for some support, staring at the honest violet eyes of the villainess she couldn't help but sigh and finally tell her the plan she was thinking of suggesting. "I thought of having a play- it's fun, reciting, acting and everyone can pitch in... from the costume, music and production."

The heroine tells the villainess but little did she know that everyone else was also listening in. The classroom had turned silent as they watched the two girls have flowers all over their area. They didn't know what to call this phenomenon where one could see Duchess Alarie, smiling like she's... enjoying herself in that moment.

"I... actually... I like plays." (Lady Evelyn) replied, hiding her reddened ears before continuing. "I like watching stories unfold on the stage, I... you gave a good suggestion. I love it- never think any of your suggestions is not any good, Miss Blanchet."

"You are... an... amazing... individual." The villainess was taking a bit of time muttering it all out, the compliments for the blonde girl to hear. She could feel everyone's stare at them as the silence was deafening. "Ahem, what is everyone else staring at?"

Lady Evelyn could see everyone look away, as Analissa covered her reddened face feeling a bit shy being complimented like that so suddenly.

The boys scratched their heads and somehow, they've forgotten all of their rage- wanting to support Miss Analissa's decision of wanting to have the play as their class' main event for the school festival.

"Sniff... you know what a play is kind of nice."

"Yeah, I know how to sew so... this might help with the costume making."

"I can act! A play would be good, since we can use magic for special effects too!"

Everyone slowly started pitching in and has found a common ground they can all agree on.

"Sigh... the miracles those two can give frightens me. If that is all it needs to take a whole class to agree with one another then- alright, everyone so we all agree that we'll go with the play idea?" (Lord Ein) writes 'play idea' into the board and asks once more to double check.

Everyone in the class voted for the class play and Analissa rejoiced in her heart.

"We'll have the class play- and I might have a script already in mind." (Lord Ein) chuckles, placing a hand on his waist and turning towards the blonde girl who was celebrating her small victory on not ending up being in Lord Ein's route!

Her three braincells ran around and high-fived one another for making some sort of miracle that changed the plot!

Hold on, she just... changed the plot.

Analissa stared at Lord Ein who seemed happy with the idea of the play that was pitched in by her and no one else, while thinking of the villainess would like and not the original love interest- this is new ground territory, something the original otome game doesn't have.

"I'm... changing everything."



Otome Game: Reformat.
Error: Entity #1 Self-Conscious.
Error: Unable to set original course.
Error: Entity #1 encounter has changed almost four other entities into letting them have their own course.

Error: [Villainess Route: Unlocked].

Status: Reformat...
Error: Unable to Reformat.
Error: Try Again.

Error: [Continue Story].

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