Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 52: The First Event (III).

Chapter 52: The First Event (III).

The villainess chuckles softly and stands by her side offering to lead the way to get to the faculty room where she's been to a hundred times. "Pfft- follow me, I'll lead you where it is, Miss Blanchet. I've been doing some business there as of late so I know where it is."

The faculty room, where Analissa has been summoned to make her introduction privately. Despite for her being in that world for at least two months she still didn't know where some of the rooms are placed.

She was relieved that the villainess was going to help her with this trouble. "Oh thank goodness, apologies for troubling you milady."

"It's alright, I'm free anyways. You're never a trouble for me." (Lady Evelyn) walks by her side and offers her service. "Shall I escort you there now?"

The villainess smiled this time with an open expression and one where she's not trying to hide it any longer.

Analissa who was startled by that amazing blinding smile was oblivious to the fact that the villainess of the game has gone head over heels for her and thought this is the friendship route that she was waiting for.

"Yes, you may."

"Follow me."

The two walked together and talked like dear old friends just bonding in the hallway of their school like it's nothing. Analissa was having fun with Lady Evelyn, laughing and giggling talking about their hobbies.

"If I remember correctly you're part of the student council right?"

"Yes, I am."

Lady Evelyn happily answers any questions the blonde girl might have with no hesitation. "I'm the Vice President of the student council. I mostly overlook everything that the President couldn't for personal reasons. When he can't come I take his place, whether it be meetings, paperworks, attendance or being the representative of our school."

"That's an amazing lady, Evelyn! Is it fun?"

Lady Evelyn thinks the answer through, wondering if it's actually 'fun' having all of those responsibilities dropped on you often. "I would say it is. It's... teaching me a lot of things and my fiancé is the president so you could say it's something meant to be."

The topic of the crown princess surfaced and the villainess' mood became sour. "Even in there I still have to keep him in check. I promised his highness that I'll do my best as the future queen to make sure his son falls in the right place to be a good ruler for his people."

"Is that what you promised?" The heroine frowns, the streamer girl inside of her wants to poke the love interest and ask him if he was dropped as a baby or was he just coded that way to ruin people's lives by having them become their own personal babysitter?

"Thankfully I wasn't require to cast an eternal promise contract and just swore an oath after all our marriage might be arrange but with the way he's acting he swore to me that he'll break it off just to be with-" (Lady Evelyn) stopped his words when she realized the heroine is not aware of the crown prince's plan on wanting to be with the blonde girl, planning to do everything he can just to make Analissa Blanchet his own woman.

"Apologies, I must've rambled on about my life." she apologizes trying not to look so hurt. Now that they've become so close, she wasn't able to feel any resentment towards the blonde girl for taking the crown prince's attention.

Because she proved time and time again that she wanted nothing to do with him.

"No need to apologize, Lady Evelyn! I understand that it must've been tough... if you ever need some extra helping hand you can call me, Lady Evelyn, just for anything really." (Analissa) didn't quite understand but one thing was for sure she wanted to do everything to help and save her from her coded doom. "We're friends now aren't we?"


'I suppose that's a good start.' (Lady Evelyn) thought to herself and felt grateful that Analissa Blanchet became a valuable asset willing to be by her side.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to think of you when I need some help around the student council duties." she says teasingly as a joke but the blonde girl was actually serious.

The Japanese streamer wanted to help her in everything if it meant it would lessen the chance of her triggering a red flag.

Now with the new love interests introduction of [The Butler] and the [Elf Prince].

"You'll most likely think of me often then, the festival is close. You're going to need some help with it right?" (Analissa) could think about one of the triggering event introductions for the two characters.

In the festival they could still get in touch with the other two introduced love interests, the crown prince Derek and the knight, lord Ein. In the game it's as easy as clicking a button on their day route but in real life she actually has to look around to trigger them.

Thankfully... the only one she wants to visit now is Lord Ein.

Lady Evelyn purses her lip, looking away slightly holding her hands together as her legs playfully kick her bag weakly. "...you know even without the preparations of the school festival I'm thinking of you often."

Analissa could see that the girl right beside her had muttered something she couldn't make out- she only got certain words about the school festival but that was all. "Lady Evelyn? I'm sorry but I didn't quite hear that, can you repeat it again?"

Not wanting to further dig her grave, the childish and awkward villainess has revealed her true colors- a nervous wreck of emotions who didn't know how to deal with what she was feeling in a healthy manner and often wanted to run away when she could.

She decided that it would be better for her to change the subject quickly.

"I said it's good to be working with you. Would you look at that Miss Blanchet we're here- the faculty room of the teachers." The villainess quickly opened the door for her as they stopped at the faculty office of their professors.

The Japanese streamer didn't even realize that they were already here.

"Oh! Thank you for opening the door for me."

"My pleasure, Miss Blanchet. I'll wait for you here if you don't mind." (Lady Evelyn) replies, standing right next to the door but the blonde girl didn't feel that it was right to make the noble lady here wait all alone with no one else to accompany her.

"I'll be quick but... I don't want you getting lonely so-" She takes the little bird that was resting and hiding in her hair gently, placing him into her palm. "Losimer, do you think you can be with your master for a bit and keep her company?"

The little sparrow bird stares at Analissa who is the kindest, sweetest and prettiest human he has certainly ever met. "Tweet! Tweet!"

The sparrow bird happily tweets following her orders obediently, flying on top of Lady Evelyn's head.

"Tweet~" He greets his master who had popped out a vein looking rather annoyed with her own familiar because of the tone of his chipper.

"Haha... I see you've forgotten who's really your master now, Losimer." (Lady Evelyn) crosses her arms, curious how one of her most loyal subjects became subdued by a pretty girl so easily.

Ahem, as if she wasn't.

"Tweet tweet, tweet." (Losimer) tries buttering up to his master, telling her that even if he listens to Analissa he'll always come home to her... when he feels like it.

Analissa giggles seeing the sight of the villainess with her familiar pet and takes something out of her pockets. "Alright have fun you two and oh- here's some food while you wait."

She holds out the small pouch that she got from Farrah containing a mix of seeds, small grains and dried raisins.

Lady Evelyn took the pouch and smiled, feeling happy of how considerate she was for her. "For me? You shouldn't have."

Analissa blinked in surprise, the pouch was full of bird feed not snacks fit for a human. "Oh um... Lady Evelyn, it's actually for Losimer."


Losimer laughed while being on top of the head of the villainess hearing her assume that the food was meant to be hers!

Sure let the humans eat seeds!

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!" He couldn't help chirping loudly because his master was so embarrassed.

"Is he laughing? This is the first time I'm hearing a bird laugh." (Analissa) found it rather cute actually, reminds her of those Disney movies when a side character messes up they would laugh really loudly as their wings swayed.

Lady Evelyn almost crushed the pouch that was in her hands, feeling embarrassed. The food wasn't meant for her after all.

"He's not going to be laughing in a minute once I'm done with him."


'Note to self, when giving Losimer food do not forget to include his owner and master.' (Analissa) took on this mental note and sighed. "Okay... I'll be right back."

She gave her one last smile before closing the door as Lady Evelyn waited patiently outside. "..."


The door closed on them.

The pair were now left alone, the villainess opened the pouch to see very high quality bird food and wondered how was she able to afford all of this?


"Liking my head now are you?" She asks Losimer who replies not so happily.

"Tweet, tweet." He tells his master that the blonde human girl has better and softer hair that is much better to be turned into a nest.

"You would rather rest in her head instead of mine? So it seems you've been growing attached towards the blonde girl as well. What's your excuse?" (Lady Evelyn) asks and the bird answers sassily.

"Tweet~" (Losimer) reminded his master that the only reason the two became close is because she's the reason why. Sending him on 'information gathering' missions/making sure to keep Miss Analissa Blanchet safe, it made him see that she's not all that bad too.

Easy on the eyes and his stomach is happy being around with her.

"Y-You... you know I'm using her for my future plans nothing more nothing less. You've just been tamed by food as if you're not getting enough food from me."

"Here." The purple haired girl, despite their small argument, really loved the sparrow and fed him a few seeds, placed some of her palm and waited for him to come down.

"Chirp, chirp." He flaps his wings, his small little bird feet grips on the side of her hand and starts munching on the lovely food offering that was on her palm. The villainess could feel him nipping a bit of her skin.

"When she feeds it to you by hand you feel happy? Hmph, come here and I'll feed you now. Honestly that girl is not only taking my mind into a twist but she got you too." (Lady Evelyn) takes one of the dried berries that the heroine gave holding it between her fingers before offering it to her sparrow.


"That just proves... you're really my contracted familiar. So she feeds you often? You've gotten fat."

"Chirp tweet!"

"What a glutton."

The two outside decided to bond and talk about the blonde girl who was now in many of their teacher's presence.

The moment she came inside many of the professors were affected by her heroine's halo and became entranced. The faculty room became more bright and rather pink in color with the way they saw everything with Analissa inside.

"Hello... Good afternoon, my name is Analissa Blanchet from the high section. Is Professor Fraeya here?"

Inside the faculty, Professor Fraeya heard her introduction and stood up from her seat, thinking it's about time she arrived. "Over here, Miss Blanchet." She calls over the girl but stops momentarily noticing that the aura around them has changed.


Professor Fraeya felt something was off with everyone in the faculty room but she couldn't understand why.

'What's wrong with everyone?'

Almost all the male teachers had their attention fixated on the blonde girl. Their gazes were somehow off too, only a few seemed normal. Those who were not were gazing at the little girl like she was a piece of meat to be devoured.

"Professor Fraeya! I'm here, should I um... do my introduction inside the faculty office?"

Professor Fraeya seemed a bit stunned with the effect of this human around her peers. So she wasn't hallucinating before in the classroom, she was right.

"This is..."

They were fine just a moment ago... she didn't feel any magic that must've tampered with their personalities. Whatever this is, it doesn't seem normal.

"No, I'm sorry but we're going to have to be doing your introduction somewhere else."

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