Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 53: The First Event (IV).

Chapter 53: The First Event (IV).

Professor Fraeya had to make sure that she wasn't just hallucinating, back then in the classroom almost male humans gave off an unpleasant aura when the student came into the faculty room that her senses immediately told her to get her out of there or else.



The professor snaps out of her trance, trying not to look so out of it she forces herself to smile, placing a hand on her shoulder and leading her somewhere else. "Yes sorry, we'll do your introductions in a private space. I'll borrow one of the private rooms here in the faculty for a moment. Please come with me, Miss Analissa Blanchet."

"Alright, professor." (Analissa) nods with ease, she couldn't explain why but for some reason her stomach is telling her that it was alright to trust the elf woman.

"Let's go then."

Analissa noticed that the elf professor was being more guarded than usual, not only that the other teachers' stares didn't go unnoticed. She was relieved that they're going somewhere private for the introduction.

The heroine followed the professor and was led to one of the private offices or the faculty just like she said.


The door closes, the elf woman could now think more clearly. She locks the door and closes the blinds, fearing that their eyes would still linger if she did not do something. Once the blinds were secure, she took a chair and sat down. "We can start your introduction here. You may remain standing up in your position and tell me something about you."

The Japanese streamer, having only finished high school before getting sick, dropping out and using streaming as her means to escape and income has forgotten what it's like to introduce yourself in front of the teacher.

In private too.

But in a way this is much better than having the whole class watch and stare.

"I'll start now." The blonde girl steadies herself, remembering to take elegance, poise and grace into her curtsy.

"My name is Analissa Blanchet. I come from a humble home in the countryside and I attended the academy to learn more about magic, get stronger and reach my personal goals." She couldn't manage to make eye contact with the professor because with the way she's doing her perfect curtsy it almost broke her back.

"I look forward to learning more." She finishes and waits for the elven woman to say something about her introduction like how its short or how her curtsy is lacking but instead-

"If you mind Miss Analissa, may I ask you something?" (Professor Fraeya) asks, looking a bit serious and stern.

"Go ahead, professor." (Analissa) was already expecting a mountain of complaints, scolding about her introduction. She thought that maybe she's going to ask her if she's an idiot sandwich who doesn't know how to introduce herself at the level of nobility.

"What is your relationship with the Duchess, Lady Alarie?"

". . ."

Analissa had to replay that a few more times in her head because she really didn't actually know... what her relationship with the villainess truly is yet- so she couldn't answer so quickly.

"Miss Analissa?"

"...!" Analissa fidgets around looking a bit shy after hearing her name being called out by the teacher as if she's been caught red handed for having zero labels with her relationship with the girl who is literally waiting for her outsides and plans to escort her to work. "P-Pardon? Why um- why are you asking this professor? We're just you know-"

Professor Fraeya couldn't help but grinning and muttering out, "Good friends?"

Analissa had to think, they weren't strangers- they hang out, they walk together, she was also invited to visit her dorm from time to time and well they're taking care of an egg together. "Yes, I suppose we are good friends."

The professor sighs, looking satisfied with the answer that the blonde girl gave, she thought it was something more intimate but seeing the special student getting along well with other nobility makes her feel glad that it seems there was nothing to be worried about. "I see... apologies, my mind was just rather curious that I couldn't help but ask the question personally. Something bugged me that I almost couldn't sleep at night."

"What could that be, professor?"

Professor Fraeya couldn't help but scoff remembering the memory of how the villainess called out to gain her attention after class. Just go get some rare fruit you barely see in the human realm.

"You know, for merely an 'acquaintance', she was willing to go through lengths just to get you what we elves consider a rare delicacy." She crosses her arms, laughing at how much of a polar opposite these two could be but they flock together like a pair of love birds.

"Now I see that she's just in denial. I've seen more clearly of her personality and soul as a human."

Analissa blinked in surprise, collecting all the pieces but still- she was just summoned in the faculty room just for this? "Wait- wait- professor don't tell me we did the introductions here because you're curious about Lady Evelyn why she got me some oranges?"

Professor Fraeya didn't answer the question because she was right, she only did the introductions here because of that, an elf doesn't partake in gossip nor the private lives of their students because it's unprofessional however in this case... they are rather interesting together that she couldn't help but not ask a few questions.

"Didn't you know, Miss Analissa? Oranges are very rare. The elves such as I are the only ones who know how to grow them in this part of the kingdom. It could also be made as the deities' ambrosia, like grapes." She explains, leaving the blonde girl's mouth agape, realizing that she must've not known about how much length it would take in order to take something 'simple' like a fruit.

"It costs a lot of money, she even asked me personally if I know how to get them and told her where to get it. How could I not get curious?"

Analissa suddenly felt a pang of guilt overcoming her whole body, not only did the villainess take care of her for all those days that she was sick, wrote a letter for her excuse of absence and she even gave in to her childish demands of wanting oranges. "I did not know that it would be a very hard fruit to find... I thought it was just fruit you can get anywhere else."

Professor Fraeya, seeing that her student wasn't lying, realized that maybe this was not a good idea to tell her about that but what's done is done. "Perhaps you should read up on agricultural matters, Miss Analissa. Elven history with humans is always a good read when you're in search of knowledge. In any case your introduction was alright, though I suppose you could look me in the eyes when you speak."

"Eye contact is vital." She stares at those blue orbs that seemed to be inflicted with unknown magic, something that just makes you want to stare at it until you get lost into it.

Analissa blinks and does a final curtsy before heading into the door. "Y-Yes, professor."

Professor Fraeya nods, "And don't pass notes in my class, if you're going to do it make sure you don't get caught. You're dismissed, get home quickly and don't stop anywhere else. I look forward to your cooperation."

"Yes, professor."

The heroine suddenly became a yes man throughout that conversation, she holds the doorknob, opening it and finally leaving the private room inside the faculty.


The other teachers' piercing stares were still there, she quickly rushed out and ignored all of them before they could call out her name to demand unnecessary attention to herself.


"Hah..." (Analissa) closed the door of the faculty room, seeing the two figures that she left behind.

Lady Evelyn and Losimer were startled by the door opening, seeing the heroine safe and sound they smiled. "How did the introduction go?" she asks the heroine as her familiar bird immediately flies over happily to the blonde girl's head, nesting comfortably.

The heroine didn't reply for a moment looking at the villainess with sadness and guilt in her eyes, it made Lady Evelyn confused. Did something unpleasant happen inside the faculty room?

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" (Lady Evelyn) asks, waking forward and Analissa bites her lip.

Losimer watches the two closely.

"Lady Evelyn, you didn't tell me those... oranges were a rare delicacy to find and buy. I ate a lot of them when I was sick- they must be very expensive." (Analissa) held her arm protectively, feeling weak and useless.

She came here to the other world by the will of god or something coincidence with the mission of saving the villainess from her red flag of doom, but why does she feel rather helpless?

"I'll repay you, I promise and I must apologize belatedly for the trouble I have caused you. I promise that it won't happen again." She lowered her head and stood up straight with grace.

Lady Evelyn sighs, wondering if they did something other than the introduction inside the faculty office. Meaning that elf professor talked about their little mission. "Did the professor tell you about that?"

"Yes, the professor did." she replies.

The purple haired girl scratches her cheek looking a little embarrassed that the other party had known what she had to do just to get her those fruit. She had already known that Miss Analissa Blanchet was the type to be frugal, selfless and independent.

Meaning she's the type where she wouldn't let anyone spoil her.

"I see... but Miss Blanchet, I did that because I wanted to and I expect nothing in return. When I found you lying on the bathroom floor I was livid and angry." (Lady Evelyn) explains, as memories of her panicked state flooded her head. 

The anger and frustration that she felt when those girls confessed that they trapped her inside their public bathroom and put up a sign that it was under construction was overwhelming.

Because if no one else looked for Analissa Blanchet... she didn't dare think what state she would be in after that. It could've been days before she was found out.

"We looked for you everywhere, we asked every single student in the common dorms if they've seen you and I was worried when you didn't show up to class." This was another reason why she lets Losimer be with her often. If there would be another type of attack she needed an informant that would tell her of the heroine's situation.

"I just wanted you to be alright, I know what you've experienced is nothing easy to deal with so I wanted to make you feel comfortable inside my home. if it takes oranges to make that happen then I took on the chance to find them personally." She says seriously, watching the blonde girl's reaction as Analissa stays silent continuing to listen. "Please don't think much of it, if you still want to repay me then staying away from the crown prince is enough."

Lady Evelyn smiles assuring Analissa that all it will take for proper repayment is staying away from the crown prince. It made the heroine somewhat happy to hear her words, she doesn't really plan on being close with the crown prince.

"Are you really sure that's proper compensation?" She wishes she could tell her that she can can something else in return.

"Yes, and make sure to let me know if you'll be in that situation again. I've already handled those girls that trapped you inside the bathroom stall, proper punishment will be given."

"Thank you... so much." The heroine could almost go down on her knees and thank her for being so kind to someone like her. "Really, thank you for looking out for me. I am very fortunate to have you as a friend."

Lady Evelyn felt her heart clutching itself slightly. A good friend.


"Tweet?" (Losimer) being somewhat connected to his master could feel something weird going on inside the villainess' mind. It doesn't take a dumb bird to notice the signs after all.

"I also feel the same."

"Well now that's settled are you still going to escort me to work, Lady Evelyn?" she asks the girl who walked by her side.

"I am craving some dessert. Losimer has eaten all of the food that you gave us in the pouch, I think he's still hungry." The villainess gave her the empty pouch back, Analissa's eyes widened when she received back the now empty pouch.

"But this was a huge pouch that I gave you enough to feed Losimer for a day-!"

"Contract familiars need more food than your regular pet. This little one can actually use a bit of magic, and he uses it daily to fly faster than regular messenger birds." (Lady Evelyn) explains, as Analissa pets Losimer fondly after learning such a fun fact.

"You're quite amazing, looks like we're going to get you some grub in the restaurant Losimer. Let's go now shall we?"



The villainess and the heroine were seen walking together in their uniforms in the busy streets of the capital city.

"Guess it's still a busy street."

The usual cat callers who would try and harass Analissa were seen hesitant on approaching, because the usual grizzly bear that would be with her is nowhere to be seen but instead- a woman giving the aura of a noble was walking by her side now.

"...It's that girl from last time."

"The really pretty one who works right around the corner right?"

"Yeah, that's her and she's got some other girl in tow with her." The cat caller squints his eyes trying to see clearly who it could be. "Still... I'll ask her out today as well."

Just before he could take a step forward in their direction a man older than them pulled their wrist and warned them about the dangers of approaching the two girls. "You idiot, that's not just any other girl that's in tow with her- I recognize her! That's one of the young noble ladies that's next in line to be the duchess and the queen!"

"A-Are you for certain?"

"Do you think I'm a fool? But... you're right- how could someone influential be roaming around the common streets?"

They all took a step back forward realizing the status of the girl beside the heroine, they all looked so afraid of the purple haired girl, who noticed them and started warning them off with a state that could pierce their eyes.

"..." (Lady Evelyn) thought that if they dare get even an inch close, she wouldn't hesitate to cut each finger for their insolent mistakes.

'I could tell these men are interested in Miss Blanchet. I know she's not one to be affiliated with them, I have to keep my guard up so she'll be safe with me.'

Analissa noticed how the number of catcallers and harassers have decreased.

"Huh?" She looks around, not seeing anyone chasing her or asking for her address.

Not that she's complaining but it's just so weird and unnatural that it makes everything so eerie.

The heroine halo should be on why it is not working?

Lady Evelyn could tell that the girl beside her was looking around the streets in confusion, she stopped walking to ask her if everything was alright. "Is there something wrong? Are you looking for someone?"

"Oh um... it's just I'm used to people giving me unwanted attention. I'm happy but- this gives me the creeps. I wonder why the people who's bothering me are not daring to look my way?" (Analissa) couldn't help muttering out her concerns, while she is happy, the reason for their presence disappearing is her concern.

Could they've all teamed up and are plotting something they could use in the future?

Did someone take them all out for her?

Lady Evelyn sighs, placing a hand on her waist. It seems that she hasn't noticed that her nobility status is the reason for all the catcallers going away.

"...well you won't need to worry about that anymore in the future. I'll be accompanying you when I have time."

The three braincells had to pause everything and reply to that scene again.

'R-Replay that again!' (Horny Braincell) pushes logical Braincell who pushes the button to make the memory repeat itself.

"I'll be accompanying you when I have time." The memory orb in their office that resembled the scenery of the movie inside out played the villainess' words very exaggeratedly with pink flowers as the background feeling romantic.

'Kyah!' The two braincell banded together and swooned, hearing the villainess making time for you was somewhat romantic.

'You two are so easy to fall in love with the villainess we're supposed to save.' (Normal Braincell) stares at the memory monitor inside their head and pouts, taking the control panel of their brain and deciding to respond like a normal person would.

"You don't have to accompany me, what if you're busy with work-" (Analissa) breaks from her trance, replying to Lady Evelyn.

"I like that place, where you work. They serve delicious food that could even rival the highly trained chefs in my noble home, instead of eating dinner at the dorm I'll be visiting often." (Lady Evelyn) slightly lowers her head down to hide the bashfulness she's feeling.

"You won't have to worry about my work, I'll finish everything so that I can spend my free time with you." The villainess decided on a whim but stopped after realizing that she was deciding things on impulse and did not even consider the blonde girl's opinion.

"I mean that is if you'll allow me to, Miss Blanchet. I assure you I will only go there for the food and ambiance."

"I would um... I don't hate the idea of you accompanying me. I'm just worried about your work and busy schedule."

"I can make time."

The girl was really insistent and Analissa pinches the side of her arm, snapping her into her trance because she's trying not to make herself hope that this could be taken as a romantic gesture.

The villainess... is straight.

"Oh-! Then um... guess we'll be walking home often."

"Mm." (Analissa) tried to look onto the bright side of things at least.

They're good friends now, and that's enough for her to keep on going with her mission.

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