Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 120 - Be honest

Chapter 120: Do Your Own

After all, shameless things cannot be placed in the sun.

This is related to people’s skin.

It’s also strange to say that the facial skin seems to be tangible. In fact, he is invisible. The tangible facial skin plays a role of recognition and beauty.

The invisible face is closely related to dignity, self-confidence, and camouflage.

The Magpie Nest Dou Zhan Project can be seen from the name. This is not a kind plan. When Yun Lang was planning this plan, he actually referred to “Painted Skin”.

In addition to ghosts and bats, Yun Lang couldn’t think of the existence of those days and nights.

The reputation of these two things is not good …

Liu Che’s strength is the strongest, so he is a natural sun. After he became the sun, he represents correctness in a broad sense.

Anything done right with him is wrong or bad, and should be eliminated or beheaded.

Most animals have their lives cut off after their heads are cut off, and only ghosts seem to be an exception.

In countless myths, ghosts with their heads still live alive, but this sentence seems to be a paradox. Living is opposed to death. After death, it can still live alive and fiercely. Including Liu Che, but he called this kind of fairy.

Yun’s Magpie’s Nest Dove Accounted Yun’s disciples in Yun Lang’s eyes are undead ghosts.

After they left Yunshi and found the parasite, they were truly alive.

This process should have been ruthless …

Unfortunately, Yun’s did not teach them how to be a ruthless and unscrupulous villain, which led to a lot of confusion and even pain in the process of the magpie’s nest.

Liang Zan couldn’t be complacent even after he slept with his daughter, occupied his family’s business, and took away his family.

This couple’s life is very unfavorable.

Liang Zan’s wife is pregnant, and Xia Houjing is very happy. He even left what he was doing and forcibly drilled into the Yun’s treasure house where he kept records, looking for a legendary piece of sheep fat white jade.

And domineeringly wrote his name on the account book, promised all expenses, and let the accountant deduct from his salary.

It took six days to engrave a line on it-I used to go, Yangliu Yiyi, now I think, Yuxuefeifei.

And meticulously woven with a soft white pile of fine cloth to polish the moist gloss of this white and flawless sheep fat white jade.

In Yun Lang’s view, this piece of jade has been polished by him very well, but Xia Houjing is not satisfied. He holds this piece of jade in his hand throughout the day. As long as he is free, he will take it out and play with it.

“Jade has spirit, which is nourished only by popularity. The baby’s skin is delicate and cannot touch rough objects. After the husband nourishes, it can be hung on the child’s chest to achieve the effect of prolonging life.”

Xia Houjing saw Yun Lang staring at the piece of jade and said the reason.

“I didn’t think about this. I was thinking about how many years of salary you need to deduct from this piece of jade.”

“The old man licks the calf deeply, can’t you see it?”

“I see. The problem is that you are licking the calf with deep affection, but what I took is from my Yun’s treasure house, which is somewhat inappropriate.”

“This thing is hungry and can’t be eaten, and thirst can’t be drunk. It is disappointing to care about this stupid thing.

Yun Lang said thoughtfully: “Yun’s things are not free.”

Xia Houjing smiled with open arms: “All of the old man’s net worth is here. Junhou wants to cut, but he wants to cut.

It’s just that it is my Xia Houjing who owes Junhou, and it’s just my Xia Houjing, not Liang Zan, or my unborn baby boy. “

“Are you sure Liang Zan gave birth to a girl?”

Xia Houjing stopped the jade that was constantly turning in his hand, and was somewhat lost: “Liang Zan said that if he was born as a male, he would be named Xiahou …

The old man did not want the world to think that Liang Zan entered our Xiahou family. Being thousands of miles away, he could not stop Liang Zan from acting so recklessly. “

Yun Lang was a little moved and coughed a little: “Sir, I still hope that Liang Zansheng’s child is a boy?”

Looking down at the jade daze, Xia Houjing shivered, raised his head and said, “Perhaps, the old man really thought that way.

My son was prince by His Royal Highness … At that moment, the old man’s heart also died, and this is how he lived.

Ryazan gave the old man hope again … This made the old man unwilling to leave this world … Oh, the opportunities in life are impermanent, but it is just disappointment, wandering between hopes, lord, the old tree of the old man now has new leaves It seems that it can still survive for a few years.

Dong Zhongshu country thief, the old man is not dead, you never want to get what you want! “

Xia Houjing strode meteor away, Yun Lang glanced at the old man’s back, which was really emotional.

People who rely on the account can rely on such a high level of people, and it is indeed worthy of being a great Confucian scholar in the Han Dynasty.

“We have so many jade in our family. Why do you care about a poor old man?”

The red-sleeved belly is getting bigger and bigger, and people are getting more and more generous.

Previously, when she was in Yun’s family, she controlled Yun’s Manor’s account books. Once for 60 yuan, she put a corrupt manager in jail.

Now, after pregnancy, even the priceless sheep fat white jade is in the eyes.

“This is to pray for the child in the concubine’s belly.”

Sure enough, the person is still that person has not changed.

“The child in the concubine’s belly should be a blessing!”

Red sleeves touched his belly full of happiness.

“Yeah, the children are blessed now. They have no concept of humiliation of the Huns since they were born. From their lifetime, they have no hunger and hunger, and there are no scenes of dead bodies showing him.

Therefore, they **** a kind person. “

“My child is not a kind person, only a blessed person.”

Red sleeves may have remembered his own experience and was very disgusted with the word good.

Yun Lang sighed: “I found that kindness is not something you would like to have. He exists in our body. Unless we abandon this body and become a ghost completely, we can’t get rid of it. . “


Red Sleeve grabbed Yun Lang’s arm and grasped Yun Lang tightly and said seriously: “Then kill all the bad guys who can be killed before the child is born, so as not to affect my child.”

Yun Lang said seriously: “I try my best!”


A bearded team wearing red jackets was giving orders fiercely.

More than a dozen military men holding long knives shouted, and the long knives fell like lightning, only to hear the sound of “click”, and dozens of heads fell to the ground.

Blood spewed out of the neck far away, and the bound body collapsed softly, the head was gone, and their limbs were shaking violently. This was the last cry of the nerves.

The red jacket was looking around, and then took a step forward to read a document and said aloud: “Liangzhou Muyu has orders-the thieves die!”

After roaring, he scanned the crowd with fierce eyes, ordered him to close the team, and then walked into the Tucheng of Jiuquan County.

The Qiang people in Jiuquan County have long been accustomed to killing.

More than a dozen robbers were executed, unable to arouse their sympathy, but rather excited.

A half-big boy kicked the head of the man who rolled to his feet, and said to other teenagers: “It is really my own way to come and kill the caravan as a robber.”

This sentence drew the dissatisfaction of a big man, squinting his eyes and said: “Your big man? Forget you are Qiang?”

The half-boy is not afraid of the big man. He glanced at his eyes and said, “What good is it to be a Qiang, and you can’t even get your household registration? You can only be a slave to others.

The big man pointed to the body on the ground and said, “These people are also Qiang!”

The half-sized child picked up a head with flower hair from the ground and said: “Yeah’s hair is black, not flower.

These people are robbers from the Western Regions. Hey, are you also a robber? “

The big man saw a group of half-size boys and girls coming around with bad intentions ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and took a step back: “What are you doing?”

The stout young man headed slowly pulled out a long knife from his waist and smiled, “Yeah are the students in the school. As the sir said, those who refuse to obey Wang Hua die.”

Hearing this, the big man was shocked, turned and ran to the depths of the wasteland.

The headed teenager looked at the figure of the big man running towards the distance, hehe smiled and said: “We can hunt, but we must also borrow their crossbow arrows from the military lords to hunt!”

The young people are all good people. Hearing Dong Peng have such a way, Qi Qi agreed, throwing away the first level in his hand, and ran towards the barracks.

Dong Peng laughed while running: “We not only borrow crossbows, but also borrow some war horses.”

“Will the military master borrow?”

“Yes, we borrowed in the name of the gentleman, beheaded the rebellion, and we, the students of these institutions, are doing our part!”

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