Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 121 - Go sick

Chapter 121: Illnesses

Going out of the west gate, Muti headed back.

More than a dozen wolf-like young people, although they looked embarrassed, when they threw two **** heads at the market, the originally lively market suddenly became quiet.

Dong Peng shouted proudly: “Yeah are Han Chinese, who else doesn’t believe it?”

The merchants at the fair only froze for a moment, and then quickly became alive. Those who should do business still do business, and those who should buy still bargain with the guys.

In the Northwest Territories, who has n’t seen a few dead brains?

People in Jiuquan County are familiar with this thing, but the government can’t tolerate it.

It was the team with the beard full of beards. After hearing about it, they walked out of the barracks with a stick.

Pointing a stick at Dong Peng and other young people, scolding and saying: “It’s lawless, killing people for no reason, do you still have yeah in your eyes?”

Dong Peng and other teenagers jumped down immediately and accompanied the smiling face to join the team and said: “The two said that they were not Han people or merchants of the Western Regions, so we naturally have to ask what happened. Dare to shoot a knife at us, and then we were killed. “

The team just clicked and said, “Even if there is a problem, it’s up to you. I’ll take action. You are students. Studying is your business. Children with big farts know to kill. Lesson for you Mr. Wang. “

As soon as the voice fell, several military men were drilled from the rest, and these young men were skillfully pressed to the ground.

The team was grinning, playing with a stick, and after a crackling, the team was wiping sweat from their foreheads and gasping: “Yeah is unwell today, cheaper for you.

Next time, first ask the stick in Yeye’s hands to spare you!

Duan Cheng, the medicine for these cubs buttocks are all scholars, Jin Gui. “

When the team was finished speaking, Shi Shiran dragged his stick and entered the barracks, leaving only a place to wailing and continually young people.

As for the two heads that were thrown on the ground, the wild dogs had long been taken away, and no one ignored them.

“When did the Qiang people become my big Han people?”

A Tsing Yi scribe sitting in the teahouse asked Sima Qian who was struggling to write a book.

Sima Qian raised his head and looked at his friend Ren An, impatiently: “You don’t know Yi Di’s argument, don’t you like to see these young people claiming to be Qiang, are you satisfied?”

Ren An coughed softly: “The punishment for killing the two was just a stick, Jiuquan County officials …”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Sima Qian.

“You should do the same in Zhangye County in the future. The killing of the Han people is naturally a big event. People who claim to be Qiang or aliens are not protected by the law of Han Dynasty.

After all, in principle, the Qiang people living in Liangzhou are now Han people, and those who dare to call themselves Qiang people show that they have given up the protection of the law. The young people are indeed cruel to do things. From the perspective of the law, There is no sin.

The team is doing right, no torture, just a lesson for their husband, it is appropriate. “

“Do you think the Qiang people can be domesticated into Han people?”

Sima Qian impatiently clapped his hand and said: “The Xuanyuan clan’s clan covers only three hundred miles, and the clan is not more than thirty thousand. Do you think you can rely on the clan only to have the current Han Chinese?”

Ren An shook his head and said: “This time is different from the past.”

Sima Qian smiled and said: “People’s hearts have never changed since ancient times.”

Ren An still shook his head, pointing to the Qiang people who walked around in the past, today the Han people said: “It is not a day’s work but a long way to go.”

“The prosperous age of my great Han kingdom has come. In the lifetime of you and me, the great Han kingdom will dominate the world. With the will of His Majesty, who dares not follow?

In such an environment, we have time to domesticate these people. After a new generation of Qiang people grow up, we succeeded by 60%.

Forty years later, the Qiang people will disappear from the world. Instead of killing them, let them integrate into the Han nationality, which is ultimately no different from us. “

Ren An smiled bitterly: “Junhou always put his eyes on the future, but he knew nothing about the crisis in front of him.”

Sima Qian smiled and said: “The crisis ahead?”

Ren An nodded and said: “Your Majesty has deposed six hundred honoraries, and only some honors that are closely related to the royal family, do you think this can last?”

Unmoved, Sima Qian raised his hand and said, “You continue to say.”

Ren An straightened and said, “What is the ultimate purpose of His Majesty’s implementation of the county system?”

Sima Qiandao: “Centralization!”

“Your Majesty is ambitious and able to take over the power of the world in his own hands, don’t you think that these people are very unsightly in His Majesty’s eyes?”

Sima Qian laughed and said: “Your Majesty has ambitions and the ability to centralize power, but he can’t do everything.

Mo said that he alone, even in today’s court, could not do it. The cultivation of bureaucracy is a long process, and it is impossible to live a poor life! “

Ren An is also a wise man. Hearing Sima Qian ’s remarks, he found that his friends did not put all their thoughts on Emperor Liu Che.

When I thought about the little boy in the Nagato Palace for a moment, I understood everything.

The pressure that Liu Che brings to the world is not only manifested in Yun Lang and these honorable people, but they are too close to Liu Che, and they are the direct bearers of the pressure. Ren An, these middle-level officials, are also suppressed by Liu Che ’s coercion Breathless.

“Let’s go, you have walked a lot today, you should reach the level of surgery.”

Sima Qian put away her book and helped Ren Andao: “In the past, when the second lady operated on people, she only let those women walk when she gave births to pregnant women. I didn’t expect you to have this treatment. To be honest, you got it. What is the disease?

I still don’t know. “



“Mr. Su said that one of my organs ran to a position where it shouldn’t go and needed correction. He also said that he didn’t run enough and needed to walk. If he couldn’t recover after walking, he would have to cut my body and reset things. “

“You call your second wife Mr.?”

“It was the second lady who asked me to call, and also said that my hernia was in the groin, and the position was not correct. The second lady Yun’s was unsuitable for seeing the man’s lower body for no reason, so I called her Mr. Su.”

Sima Qian laughed: “Really.”

Helping Ren An to return to the barracks, Su Zhizheng frowned with his hands in his large pockets.

The men in these heavens sent him several corpses, and after unraveling, they found nothing wrong. The Qiangs here are no different from the Qiangs elsewhere. The Hans have no essential difference.

She really wanted to get some sources of plague and use it on deadly criminals, and then study these people from beginning to end. Unfortunately, after writing to Yunlang, she was scolded and said that any living experiment is evil, absolutely To be banned.

The old beard team is far from Su Zhi.

He felt that he was a ruthless person, but after he saw Su Zhi’s anatomical methods, watching Su Zhi again was like seeing the devil.


Su Zhi shouted at the bearded beard, these **** Qiu Ba, all of them were killing talents.

No glance.

The team was walking to one knee on their knees and said, “What did Shangguan send?”

Su Zhi said angrily: “The next time the body will be fresher.”

The team was embarrassed and said: “Medical doctor Qi Qi, the death row in the Jiuquan County prison is gone, and the unsuitable western robbers have been beheaded.

Can’t Xiaguan catch innocent people? “

Su Zhi sighed: “Riding for thousands of miles, I didn’t expect to get anything.”

Speaking, he drove away the useless team, and beckoned to Ren An: “Take care of your business as soon as the sun hasn’t set.”

Just now Su Zhi was talking to the team, and Ren An heard it clearly. Www.mtlnovel.com ~ swallowed a mouthful of water and said, “Mr. Su, is there really only a way to break the belly?”

Su Zhi sneered: “Don’t you have pain when you walk?”

Ren An replied: “It hurts!”

Su Zhidao said: “I took you from Zhangye County to Jiuquan County to give you a chance to heal, but until now, the soup has been used for medicine and massage, and it has no effect. If you don’t want to operate, go back now Right. “

Ren An gritted his teeth and arched his hand towards Su Zhi: “Please see Mr. Su to show mercy to a man who had served as a Xi Xi in Yun’s family for two years.”

Su Zhi said impatiently: “I see.”

When he had finished speaking, he waved his hands to the Qiang’s caregivers, and the four men with big waists and round waists raised Ren An on a stretcher and walked into the operating room.

Sima Qian hurriedly said: “Please take care of your wife.”

Su Zhiheng gave Sima Qian a glance and said, “Does it matter what you say?”

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