Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 13 - Darts\\\' Philosophy

Chapter 13 The Philosophy of Darts

Huo Gouyi entered the letter with suspicion. He didn’t want to go in. The main reason was that the old man Bai Ming said too much, which made Huo Gouyi a little curious.

From the dusty bookshelf, Huo went sick to take a book and beat the dust on it.

The dust seal has gone, revealing the true face of the book, with three strong words written on the cover: white horse gun!

Turning slowly over the first page, Huo went ill and looked at it doubtfully.

After a moment, Huo’s breath slowly went up, here … this is really where he should come.

The old man Bai Ming exposed his yellow teeth, smiled with satisfaction, and said, “Am I right?”

Huo Qubing was completely immersed in the book at this time, and everything outside became nothing for him.

Naturally, I didn’t hear what Bai Ming said!

Huo went sick, and Bai Ming’s old man was not annoyed. With a smile on his face, he returned to the door of Yunlang’s room.

There is no distinction between nobleness and nourishment, and learning is what you want to learn. This is Bai Ming’s understanding and is also the point of view that Yun Lang puts forward in the book.

Of course, Yun Lang has been very busy recently for this trip, and Old Bai Ming can understand.

So he was very indifferent, sitting in the doorman of Yunlang, and delving into “The Academic Essentials of Northwestern Polytechnic” by the way.

Yun Lang finally came out of the room, this time for another five days.

During these five days, Yun Lang instantly aged many years.

It is worth celebrating that what he wanted finally came out, and this time it was almost possible to travel.

Yun Lang was so desperate, he didn’t think about how powerful, he just wanted to save his life!

The old man, Bai Ming, who was always at the door, made people ready for hot water and changed clothes as soon as possible.

His willingness to serve makes Yun Lang look more like the owner here, and he is just a housekeeper.

Those who don’t know will definitely think so.

At the edge of the bath barrel, after adding hot water to Yun Lang, the old man Bai Ming came up with “The Academic Essentials of Northwestern Polytechnic”.

“Yun Xiaolang, what you mentioned in this philosophical article is very interesting about the nature of things, but it does not mention martial arts alone, why?”

Yun Lang, who was closing his eyes and raising his mind, was surprised. He had seen many persistent disciples, but he had never seen such persistent disciples.

Please ask at the edge of the bathtub, if it is written as a story, it must be a famous inspirational piece.

Stretching his body a bit, Yun Lang said: “Because of martial arts, I haven’t figured out its roots yet. Our knowledge of this world needs to be taken step by step. If you want to say something, this is not just philosophy. In addition, it also involves chemistry, geography and other categories. My guess is that the level of martial arts depends first on a person ’s physique, that is, to have that potential. Second, the air we breathe, generally and In other words, what we call is oxygen, followed by nitrogen, and countless rare gases contained in the air. “

“And this is just the geographical environment of my hometown. The human beings he created, the martial arts will never be too high, just the physical body is stronger. And in the land of Longwu, it may be that a certain kind of rare gas dominates to maintain human survival Oxygen for this. Of course there are other possibilities. “

Old Bai Ming didn’t know where a pen came out, and when he dipped it on the tip of his tongue, he wrote it.

Yun Lang glanced at him, and was stunned …

The first dart since the door opened was finally on the road. Yun Lang and Huo went sick riding a tall horse and took the thirty-two girls on the road.

To this end, the old man of Beiming deliberately set up a full eight-horse carriage. According to Yunlang’s investigation, the carriage is still very valuable in today’s society.

The old man Beiming was bleeding a lot. It is estimated that he spent a lot of money for this dart.

Yun Lang didn’t go to ask where the old man from Beiming came from. Everyone has their own secrets. Yun Lang, who shouldn’t ask, didn’t have the habit of asking.

In addition to Yun Lang and Huo Qiao’s disease, it is the thirteen crooked melons that the old man Beiming found.

Yun Lang doesn’t want to call them that, but in all fairness, this is a fact.

Dahan Tuntian’s miscellaneous troops are many times more capable than them. Even if they are wearing a dart master’s strength suit, they can’t see their spirit.

Yun Lang didn’t think of relying on them, so he didn’t pay attention to it, just watched the crowd.

The old man Beiming originally planned not to come, but he recently became fascinated by Yun Lang’s Essentials of Northwestern Polytechnic. In order to get the knowledge inside, he also came along.

The power of knowledge is really endless, no matter what kind of identity the old man Beiming is, but now he is purely a child beside Yun Lang.

Duancha handed over the water, shouting coldly and asking for warmth, Yun Lang was still a little bit sorry, but the old man of Beiming was quite happy.

The root of all this is “The Essentials of Northwestern Polytechnic”, a rough piece of knowledge in Yun Lang’s brain.

Knowledge has no boundaries, no matter old or young, Beiming can be so true in “The Essentials of Northwestern Polytechnic”, Yun Lang is very happy.

Being able to appreciate your own things and even indulge yourself is a very useful thing for your heart.

Therefore, whenever Yun Lang has free time, he will chat with Beiming.

The talks in the South and the South are not marginal, but they are all content in the book, all from modern knowledge.

This may be the oldest disciple ever taught by Yun Lang. Of course, Yun Lang did not regard Beiming as his own disciple.

The master can be a teacher, but respecting the old and loving the young still has to talk about it.

Huo Quwei has recently become a little weird. It seems that once the reticent champion who has acted straight and acted like a blade, has returned.

He is also reading books recently, carrying a whole rucksack on his back, but Yun Lang did not notice what Huo Qubing read.

Because when he reads books, he usually climbs much higher than Yunlang.

Hiding in the canopy and reading after the championship is also a spectacle.

The robber came like a tornado, and suddenly broke into Yun Lang’s sight.

Without any signs, dozens of tall-headed horses stood in the way, and immediately the man looked cold and exuded a **** breath.

The gangsters who really wandered out of the pool of blood are almost like this.

The cliffs on both sides of the road seemed to be the gateways they selected specifically.

Just as Yun Lang was about to force everyone to retreat quickly, a cloud of dust rolled up in the rear, and dozens of riders appeared in the rear.

All the dark horses should look the same as the clothes.

This time, things seemed to spread out.

Since ancient times, there have been many buzzing horses, and the clouds have been guarded against danger.

Huo went sick with a pinch of his feet and came to Yunlang ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ said: “Alang, do you need to try the power of your secret weapon?”

Yun Lang raised an eyebrow and said, “I’ve tried it, and it’s powerful enough to kill those people.”

“You always let me have a lot of confidence, then I will try the power first, you will take a bit.” Huo went sick and threw a sentence, rushed out immediately.

The horse’s hoof was flying, the soil was splashing, and Huo’s disease was like a black sword shining with cold light.

“Child thief, sign up, your grandfather Huo is going to be sick!”

With a burst of thunder, it was like thunder and thunder, echoing in this gorge.

This group of robbers was the most rigorous group of robbers Yun Lang had ever seen. They did not shout a arrogant word, and they were very orderly.

When Huo Queyi rushed past, the robbers dispersed, as if the stars were passing the moon, sandwiching Huo Queyi in the middle.

Yunlang suddenly sounded a wolf, commanded by the giant central government, the wolves were watching around, ready to go.

Without any words of encouragement and intimidation, killing prey is their only goal, and their eyes show all their attitudes.

In these robbers, Yun Lang did see the eyes of the wolf.

Yun Lang turned his head to look at Beiming and asked, “Do you not intend to help a hand?”

The old man Beiming bit Zhu Zhu in his mouth, and it seems to be still reminiscing the academic essence of Northwestern Polytechnic. . “

Yun Lang was speechless, no need to say this, Huo Going is the general!

And it was Megatron Hunu. They killed the generals who were frightened.

However, the robbers here are not ordinary robbers, and no one can be sure what kind of strength they have.

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