Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 14 - General Wind

Chapter 14 General Wind

If you are unfamiliar, you will always be embarrassed.

Unable to encourage the old man from Beiming to shoot, Yunlang felt a little regret.

This deep-minded, unknown old man, then keep hiding.

Beiming couldn’t come out, Yun Lang could only shoot it himself, he didn’t want to put his only brother in danger.

Yun Lang took something out of his backpack from his backpack, pulled off the lead, and Yun Lang struggled to throw it out.

“Go sick, kill the left!” Yun Lang shouted loudly as the black ball was thrown out by Yun Lang.

Huo went sick, but he heard Yun Lang’s shouting, raised his spear, and rushed to the robber on the left.

With a bang, it was as if the gods were angry, so that everyone was swaying in a hurry.

Rolling dust and smoke, the small place suddenly filled up, the mud and stone splashed, flesh and blood flew across.

The old man Beiming took two steps backwards without touching his feet. His face was horrified, and the Zhubi in his mouth no longer knew where he had fallen.

“Yun Xiaolang, good … good means!”

The scene was so shocking that even the old man of Beiming couldn’t calm down.

Yun Lang is still quite satisfied with such power, and it’s not bad. He’s doing his best to work hard for days.

Although he was already familiar with gunpowder making, he had many more processes for making grenades.

It is almost the limit of Yunlang to reach such a level.

Huo Qubing was already familiar with the smell of gunpowder. At the instant the explosion rang, he yanked the reins, and the spear in his hand pierced the robber instantly.

The blood was impregnated with the snow-white lance. In this breath of pungent gunpowder, Huo went to look at the twisted face of the robber, and suddenly remembered Li Gan.

If there is Li Gan at this time, this battle should be the autumn breeze sweeping the leaves, and the battle horse can complete the battle in a lap.

A general without soldiers is sad!

Huo went sick at this time and could only imagine that there were millions of male soldiers behind him, and then slammed through the robber’s body.


With a loud roar, Huo went to the gang of robbers.

In the sunset, his image is a lonely wolf!

In the **** breath gradually spreading, and the sound of shouting, Huo went sick, a bit lonely.

Yun Lang’s eyes were a little uncomfortable. To show his memory, he took out another grenade and threw it out.

This loud explosion sounds like a little nostalgia for the past.

The general died in a hundred battles, and the strong man returned in ten years.

Yun Lang was somewhat familiar with another drop-off.

It’s just that Huo went sick to the good brother, the great general of the Great Han Kingdom, and he may only be here to continue to sway his heroic name.

A graceful figure of emerald green flew up from the bottom of the cliff, and the sound of the piano curled around with the ten fingers.

The invisible sound wave turned into a tangible dagger, and the dexterous and sharp shuttled between the robbers.

Taking human life between the fingers, the sound waves pass by, and countless robbers are instantly in different places.

“Lingxin Doorman! Withdraw!”

The cold and proud robber leader spoke for the first time, but he shouted an order to retreat.

Coming like a raging wind and going away like a tide, the robbers left the cliff in an orderly manner after throwing away a dozen corpses.

Yun Lang is also the leader of the army, but he is really the first to see a bandit with such strict discipline.

Such a robber is a bit scary, and he is not comparable to those of the three religions and nine geniuses.

Huo Qubing wiped the blood on the tip of the gun, twirled his horse, raised his eyebrows at Yunlang, and looked towards the graceful figure in the distance.

Yun Lang doesn’t feel a headache. The figure is either someone else’s, or the spirit.

Before leaving, Yun Lang wanted to say hello to Ling Xi, but he couldn’t find it, so he had to leave.

Unexpectedly, she quietly followed.

Turning over and dismounting, Yun Lang walked towards the spirit rhinoceros on the hill next to it, “Thank you, you came in time.”

Today’s spirit rhino seems to be a bit different from the past. She has a little more cold body, just like when Yun Lang first saw the spirit rhino.

However, as soon as Ling Xi opened her mouth, her breath disappeared instantly. She smiled and said to Yun Lang, “Yeah, this girl is raining in time, and she is always on call. Comparable to Li Changfeng, the little villain, quickly too much.”

Yun Lang smiled and said, “Thank you for saving the woman in time.”

Ling Xi wrinkled his nose and laughed and said, “So are we smoothing out?”

“No, I rescued you twice, and the Kyushu dart board is also counted.” Yun Lang said seriously, this woman Lingxi was a woman who made him want to be too close, or far away. Became second.

Ling Xi looked at Yun Lang with his eyes squinted and shouted contemptuously: “Wow, you’re a man! Well, I still owe you a kindness, could it be better … How to balance it?”

Come again? !

This play is Yun Lang’s biggest headache right now. Ling Xi’s respect for his body is not like other people’s.

She is playing real!

Although Yun Lang is not clear, Ling Xi stays beside him, what is the picture.

But Ling Xi’s body promised, Yun Lang really couldn’t hold it.

Just when Yun Lang was hesitant and entangled in how to reply, when Ling Xi’s sudden body promised, Ling Xi mouthed, but suddenly said, “Okay, to be honest with you, these people are actually coming to me . “

Yun Lang was stunned, why did she come to her again?

“Can I take the liberty to ask, what is your identity, Lingxi girl?” Yun Lang asked.

This is actually a problem that he and Huo Qie have been very concerned about. So many people want to kill the spirit rhinoceros. Experts like Li Changfeng appear to **** at any time.

This is by no means what ordinary people can do, and the identity of Ling Xi must be very special.

Ling Xi’s slender fingers were wrapped around her hair, and Yo-Yu, who had a somewhat tangled look, said: “Why do you need to know so clearly? This is not good for you.”

Yun Lang shrugged and said, “I don’t know clearly. Isn’t it more wrongful to die?”

Ling Xi smiled, gently afraid of slapping Yun Lang’s shoulder, and said: “You can rest assured that you can’t die, good people don’t live forever, the scourge is thousands of years, and there aren’t thousands of years. One hundred years should be more than enough.

Yun Lang stared at Ling Xi, didn’t he think about it?

“I don’t seem to be doing anything harmful, just say it right.” Yun Lang said angrily.

Even if Ling Xi changed the subject, he would still scold him so bluntly, which was a bit unbearable.

It’s a pity that Yun Lang can’t beat Ling Xi, otherwise he really wants to get started.

Ling Xi laughed, his mouth bent into a crescent moon, and said, “Why are you always so stubborn? Looking at the younger one, except for the slippery head, there is a feeling of aging youth everywhere. , As if you had lived for many years. “

Yun Lang reported it with a wry smile, but it was true.

He has indeed lived a lot of years, and what he has seen in his eyes may not be seen by others in his lifetime.

The prosperous age of science and technology, the unification of the Great Han State by force and Anbang, and this **** unknown world are all traces of Yunlang.

He should not be a young man, but should be old!

When he was in the Great Han Dynasty, his age was not too small, but after he came to Longwu, the years of growing up in the Great Han Dynasty disappeared from his body again.

He became as young as when he first walked into Shanglinyuan.

Yun Lang doesn’t want to be a young boy ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But after experiencing so many things and traversing so many roads, his heart can no longer be young.

“Sliding head is an instinct for survival. As for young adults, it may be my nature.” Yun Lang brewed a word.

Ling Xi giggled, as if hearing something very happy.

Bai Nen’s slender and smooth hands scratched his cheeks and brushed the wind-blown hair. Ling Xi stopped the laughter and looked straight at Yunlang.

Yun Lang looked at Ling Xi like this. Both of them had something in their eyes, but no one could decipher it, then what was it.

Only the breeze flew between the eyes of the two of them, maybe something was taken away.

“Why are you so stubborn?” Ling Xi licked his dry lips and said the second time.

Yun Lang said nothing, he was waiting for the content behind.

Stubborn? In fact, Yun Lang doesn’t think of himself that much. He thinks it’s just his attitude, and he must know everything.

The eyes can be regarded as invisible, and the ears can be regarded as inaudible, but the heart must be clear.

Ling Xi finally couldn’t stand, she shook her hand irritably and said, “Okay, don’t look at me like this, people are girls, they will be shy. I have a special status at Lingxin Gate, so they all want to Catch me, I can only tell you so much. “

Yun Lang said with regret: “What you said, in fact, needless to say, I can also guess. Perhaps you are the next heir to the Spiritual Heart Gate. The struggle of mankind can never avoid fame, enemies and enemies. You do n’t look like enmity, it can only be fame and fortune. “

Ling Xi’s pupil was slightly open, and he looked at Yun Lang with a surprised look. This person’s brain should be cut off.

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