Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 58: Be wise today so you don’t cry tomorrow

Chapter 58: Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow

“Nami, can I stop now?” said Rick.

“Nope.” she answered.

“Come on, it’s been half an hour already.”

“And you’re mine for one hour and a half more."


Rick sighed. It’s been 30 minutes since Robin, Nami and him went to the backyard to relax. The couple had sat next to each other on the grass and leaned against the wall of their quarters. Nami had taken position in front of Rick, laid her head down on his lap, closed her eyes and ordered to start patting her.

“Can I at least change hands? I’m starting to feel a muscle cramp.”

“I’ll allow it.”

“You know, I’m your Vice-captain, I should be the one giving you orders.”

“Don’t complain to me, complain to your girlfriend, she was the one who sold you to me.”


Rick turned his head to look at the said girlfriend who had her poker face on and was drinking coffee.

“I still can’t believe you did that.” he said to her.

“Are you saying it wasn’t worth it?” she replied back.

“No it was.” he said before adding “ That doesn’t change the fact that I’m the one giving you orders Nami and that I don’t have to obey yours.”

“Of course you have to obey my orders.”

“And why is that?”

“Simple, you don’t want me to tell everyone how good you gave it to Robin last night.”


Hearing that, Robin spat the coffee she was drinking and started to cough.

“What the hell?!” said Rick, dumbfounded, to Nami

“What? Did you think I wouldn’t know?”


“Ask her.” was her reply.

Rick turned to Robin once again for an explanation. She tried to deflect a second time.

“Are you saying it wasn’t worth it?” she said, repeating word for word what she said earlier.

“That’s not the point, Robin!”

“Look, the price for your freedom was what you’re doing now. Mine? Telling her everything.”





“Even the…”

“Yes, even that.”

“Oh, yes, even that.” intervened Nami.

“My… I didn’t know you were kinky like that Rick.” she continued with a very irritating laugh full of glee and triumph.

“Robin, you and I are going to have a very long talk about our private life.”

“Already planning for some pillow talk?” joked Nami.



The navigator laughed even more and louder. She couldn’t help herself, they were too much fun to tease.

“Okay, what’s your deal about our love life you devil?” asked Rick.

“That’s the most interesting thing around! I mean, I love the guys but they are so dull!”

“So we’re just your entertainment?” asked Robin.

“Of course not! Well not entirely… Besides, what do you want me to do? You two have always been flaunting your relationship right in front of my face, and now that you’re together it’s even worse! So it’s a little payback.” confessed Nami.

“Aaaah! I get it, you’re jealous.” declared Rick.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that.”

“It’s true. You’re always telling me that you should have gone for him sooner.” said Robin, supporting Rick.

“Really? Interesting.” said Rick with an evil smile.


Robin grabbed his head and turned it to face her. She kissed him forcefully before retreating.

“Don’t even think about it! You’re mine. Get it?” she announced.

“I better be.” said Rick with a frown.

“Ugh, you two are so sweet you’re giving me diabetes.”

“That would be too bad…”

“For Sanji.”

“God, you’ve been dating for less than a day and you’re already finishing each other's sentences. It’s giving me goosebumps.”

“You started it so stop complaining.” said Robin.

“I didn’t…”


Before she could say anything more, arms bloomed and sprouted all over her body, restraining her.

“What are you…”

One last hand appeared and covered her mouth. Rick turned to Robin.

“Oh, you’re bad.”

“Me? You’re the one who restrained her, I just covered her mouth.”

“Hu-uh. That’s not my hands on her breasts.”

“Hmfph!!” ‘said’ Nami.

“Okay, I admit, I’m bad. But don’t act like you don’t like it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh really? And if I do this you’ll still deny it?”

Robin used her hands to grop Nami’s breast hard, making her moan.

“Okay, You win. I love it.”


They both stared at Nami with wicked grins.

“Now what should we do with this naughty girl?”

“I don’t know but I quite like the fact that she’s at our mercy.”




“Shush, that’s what you get…”

“For toying with us.”


Nami let out many sounds of protest but to no avail. For the quarter they had her way with her and the only thing you could hear was her muffled screams.




When the rest of the crew came back for lunch they saw Nami yelling at both Rick and Robin.

“I can’t believe you did that to me!”


She was blushing furiously, pointing with her finger back and forth between the secret couple and holding her own body with her free hand. When Sanji saw that he lost it and tried to attack Rick.

“What did you do to Nami-swaaaaan?”


He ended up floating in the air. That was quite hilarious actually as he kept trying to kick Rick and with his strength it just made him spin around. A hand over his mouth quieted him down immediately. That display made Luffy, Chopper and even Zoro laugh. Without even bothering to look at his blond friend, the ex-marine spoke to Nami.

“Maybe that will teach you to respect your elders.” said Rick.

“And it wasn’t so bad, it was just for 15 minutes.” added Robin.

“I can’t believe you helped him, Robin!”  yelled Nami.

“Help me? She started it, I was the one who helped.”

“Hmm, guys, what happened?”asked Chopper.




Luffy was about to ask what it was all about when a loud voice coming from outside called out to them. They got out and saw some of the frankies.

“Hey guys! What are you doing here?” asked Luffy.

“We… We have a favour to ask of you. Did you see the wanted posters?” replied the leader of the group.

“The wanted posters?” answered Luffy.

“Yes! You all got a bounty on your heads!”


In a flash, nine wanted posters were presented before him. They were the new bounties issued to the world after the chaos they brought on Enies Lobby. The reactions to them were quite mixed among the crew. Zoro and Luffy were the happy ones. Nami and Chopper were drowning in despair. The former for having a bounty and the latter for the reward’s amount itself. Finally the last group, Rick and Robin just didn’t care.

“Woo Hoo! Mine increased!” yelled Luffy in joy.

“Heh, 120 Million? Not bad.” said Zoro, satisfied with himself.

“Indeed, not bad number four.” jested Rick with a smile.

“What?! That can’t be! No way!”

“Did you think only your bounty would go up?” said Robin.

“How much are the both of you worth?” asked Zoro.


Robin showed him her wanted poster.


“Devil’s child”

Nico Robin


160 000 000 Berri


That new bounty surprised Rick when he saw it. In the story her bounty just went up from 79 to 80 Millions. A measly one million gain.

‘Now that I think about it, it never made sense. 79 Millions at 8 years old, what did the marines expect of her twenty years later? But how come it became so high? Is it because of her fight against Kalifa?’ thought Rick.


“Damn it! What about you?!” said Zoro, turning to Rick.

“You… don’t wanna know.” he replied.

“Come on, show me!”

“If you insist.” that was said with a sigh.


The ex-marine handed his wanted poster to Zoro whose mind blanked for a second.

“Oh! That’s bullshit!”

“What? What is it? How much is Rick’s bounty?” asked Luffy.

Zoro handed him the poster so he could take a look.


“The world’s worst traitor”

Rick Wald


450 000 000 Berri


“Holy crap! It’s higher than mine!” said an astonished Luffy.

“Well that’s not surprising. Considering he duped the marines and CP9, stole the blueprints of the ancient weapon, started a Buster Call to destroy Enies Lobby and then destroyed the said Buster Call. Let’s not forget the reveal of his second devil fruit too and he defeated two of the CP9 in a six vs one fight. That’s quite a lot.” explained Robin.

“I’ll beat you next time!” declared Luffy.


Zoro was dejected, despite all his training his bounty was still the 4th highest.

“Don’t be like that Zoro, Sanji is just 77 Millions and besides your picture is cool, did you see his?” said Rick before showing the wanted poster.

“Oh, that’s exactly him!”


Zoro had a fit of laughter at Sanji’s picture. That was a hand-drawn sketch which looked like it was made by a kid.

While Nami was on the ground lamenting her new situation, a bounty of 16 millions, and Chopper who passed out standing and was muttering “fifdy” in a loop, the leader of the frankies addressed Luffy again. He showed him Franky’s wanted poster and asked him to take him in his crew when they would leave Water Seven.

“If he stays here his life would be at stake and we know we won’t be able to save him in that case. That’s why we’re begging you, please take him with you.”

“Okay.” answered Luffy


“Yeah, he’s a nice guy and he’s building us our ship, so why not?”

“Then you will have to use force because there is no way he would leave us behind, he worries too much about us.”

“No problem. Rick?”

“Sorry not doing it.”


“Because I think we should all participate. That would show him we all want him with us. That would be a warmer welcome than me making him float and bringing him back. I’m pretty sure he’ll leave us as soon as he can to get back here if we do it like that.”

“That makes sense.” admitted Luffy.

“We have some time to come up with a plan. The ship will not be ready for a few days, so let’s go back inside and eat something then think about it.” said Rick.

Everyone agreed. The frankies, except their leader, left and everyone else went for lunch. Inside, Sanji was still gagged and in the air, clearly not happy with his situation. At least he had stopped spinning. Zoro grinned and went to him.

“Hey, bounties are out and you got one. 77 Millions, good job.” said the swordsman.

“Am I dreaming or Zoro is being nice to Sanji?” asked Robin.

““Wait for it.”” replied Nami and Rick in sync.


Zoro raised his hand with Sanji’s poster in it to show him.

“Here, take a look.”

Sanji’s reaction was priceless. His face went from showing happiness, to despair then to rage. In less than a second. He completely forgot what happened earlier and was focused on his poster. Meanwhile Zoro was laughing his ass off. Rick finally let him down and ungagged and unrestrain him.



Robin was a bit annoyed by that. Not Zoro mocking Sanji but something else.

“Rick and I may finish each other's sentences but you two being in sync…”

“Great minds think alike.” declared Nami with a smug face.

“I’m not sure I like what you’re implying. If you did have a great mind you wouldn’t have been caught in a tickling nightmare for a quarter.” said Rick.

“Yeah! What’s up with that!” seethed Nami.

“That was your punishment…”

“For being naughty with us.”

“Okay, that thing you’re doing is starting to be irritating.”

“What are you…”

“Talking about?”


“Whatever.” said Rick


He attracted Nami to him, carried her over his shoulders and went back outside in the backyard.

“What are you doing?” said an unhappy Nami.

“What? You still have 90 minutes of patting left. Don’t you want them?” asked Rick.

“... No interruption this time?”


“No tickling?”

“That depends on you behaving but no.”

“Then go ahead.”


They were followed by Robin and the three ended up like they were earlier enjoying the warmth of the sun and the shade of the building they were leaning against.



Five days passed for the crew. Everyone had his own occupation. Chopper still went to see the frankies to see their healing progress and otherwise spent his time with Luffy playing around in the city. Zoro had familiarized himself with Ryusei and adapted quickly to her heavier than normal weight. He got quite a good feeling from her but something was bothering him. He didn’t know exactly what and decided to find out without any success for now. Besides cooking, Sanji went to many cafes and restaurants to learn new recipes. Robin and Rick, who was ungrounded as long as he was chaperoned by either Robin or Nami, actually explored the flooded ruins of the city. The gravity man pushing the water out of the way made that possible. When they were not exploring they just spent their time together. It was difficult for them to repeat the night they had during the party but Nami helped them out once for the same conditions which surprisingly the couple didn’t care anymore to Nami’s disappointment. That didn’t stop her from enjoying a sexual life even if it was by proxy with their night’s tale.


It was finally time to see their new ship. Rick wondered how big it would be since Franky used four times the sum he originally did. Arriving at the designated place, they were welcome by Ice Burg and Paulie. Apparently they both, with the other chief carpenters of the galley-la, helped Franky build the ship. When the Water Seven’s mayor removed the sheet hiding their new home, the crew wowed. It was exactly like the original Thousands Sunny but at least twice as big. They didn’t even have the decency to thank the carpenters as they immediately went on board to take a better look.

“Where is the garden?!” said an enthusiastic Rick.

“Woo hoo! There is a big slide!” yelled luffy sliding down the aforementioned slide.

“The deck floor is made of grass.” noted Robin, who quite liked this innovation.

“Do you think we can grow things on it?” asked Rick.

“Hell no! You have your garden for that Rick.” objected Luffy

“YEEEEESSSS! There are locks everywhere!” yelled Sanji from inside the ship. He probably was in the kitchen.

Nami came back from inside.

“The library is nice! There are even shelves for maps along the ones for books and desks to make them! It’s quite spacious.” she exclaimed.


Rick decided to find and take a look at the garden he had asked. It was situated at the far back of the ship and it was amazing. What he loved the most about it was the movable roof which let the sun or the rain enter and the big sliding glass door at the end wall leading to a small balcony where enough space was there for a small round table giving the opportunity to enjoy a break from work with a nice view of the sea while drinking tea or coffee. Being so remote from the rest of the ship the place was rather quiet.

‘BEST. GARDEN. EVER!’  was all Rick could think.


Exiting the area, he saw Robin and Nami enter the room opposite to it. He followed them and ended up in the library. Nami didn’t lie, the room was spacious. It was separated in two. On one side was the relaxing area with shelves for books and enough space to put a sofa, some seats and a table; everything to relax. The other side was more for work, with  drawing tables made for drawing maps or blueprints.

“That place is amazing!” said Rick.

“I know right!” agreed Nami.

“We’re going to need to buy some furniture though.” announced Robin.


“I say the first thing we should get is a nice sofa and a coffee table.” said Nami.

“If we still have money after the party.”

“What do you mean Rick?”

“Well, Luffy used our money for the food at the party.”

“But there were more than two hundred people!” 

“Actually when we came back I think the whole city was there.” said Robin.

“Oh my god! LUFFY!” the navigator yelled before running out of the room making the couple laugh.

Now alone, Rick didn’t miss the opportunity and attracted Robin to him really close and put his hand around her waist which she did back. He looked in her eyes and smiled.

“Should we search for the bedroom?” he said with a meaningful smile.

That prompted her to move her hands from his lower back to his ass, grabbed it and gave him a kiss.

“Tempting… really tempting but we don’t have the time.”


Rick just sighed and nodded. She was right; with everyone moving around discovering the ship they would get caught. He gave her a peck and led her outside the room.

“Let's see how our captain looks now after typhoon Nami.”


That made the tall brunette laugh, and the couple went back towards the deck. There, they found Luffy looking like a Mister potato after kids had played with him. Ice Burg was on deck too and asked the straw hat to take out on sea Franky with him.

“Don’t worry, we’re taking him no matter what! We even have a plan!” announced Luffy.

“Really?” said Ice Burg.

“Yes, but…” began Nami.

“You may have to overlook some things…” added Rick.

“I don’t like the sound of that.” was all the Mayor said.

““We neither.””


Luffy ordered his crew to begin the plan and less than 15 minutes later a butt naked Franky landed head first into the ground, displaying his manly parts to the whole city. The weakest of hearts fainted and many high pitched screams could be heard from the some ladies watching what was happening, along the rest of the city, from the upper Level of Water Seven.

“So that’s what you meant.” said Ice Burg.

““Sorry.”” said Nami and Rick.

“It’s fine. A misdemeanor for public indecency is not really that big of a deal. I just hope no children saw him, they would be scared for life.”


Franky’s underwear, which got stolen by the frankies, ended up in Luffy’s hands. He was taunting the cyborg by spinning it around his index finger.

“You want it back? Then join my crew.”


As expected, Franky refused and made his famous pose, displaying his ‘thing’ in all its glory.

“I think I’m going to throw up.” said Rick.


In front of Franky’s stubbornness, Robin acted. She bloomed two hands, on each of his inner thighs, and grabbed his family jewels. HARD. The cyborg let out a very loud scream, and every male present witnessing the scene grabbed their crotch. The faintest of them passed out, joining the ladies from earlier.

After a rather long but very emotional discussion between Luffy, Ice Burg, the timely intervention of the frankies and Franky himself, the latter accepted to become a member of strawhats. He got his underwear back and joined his new crewmates on board who welcomed him warmly.

Meanwhile Rick whispered to Robin.

“Don’t you ever dare do that on me.”

“No promises, that depends on you.”



“I better be the only guy whose manly parts you touch.”

“That I can promise.” she answered with a smile.


The joyful moment didn’t last as a cannon ball landed in the water, barely missing the ship.


“Hey Luffy, Rick! Can you hear me? This is your grandpa.”


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