Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 59: Carpe Diem

Chapter 59: Carpe Diem

“Hey Luffy, Rick! Can you hear me? This is your grandpa.”


The crew looked towards the direction the cannonball which missed them was coming from. They saw a huge marine ship sailing their way.

“Hey! Grandpa!! What’s going on? You told us that you wouldn’t arrest us here!” yelled Luffy.

“Yeah, things happened. So I’m Sorry to say this but I’ll ask you to just drown and die. I know it isn’t really a consolation but I’ll be the one alone to do it.” announced Garp.

“Since you’re aiming as well as you do your reports, I sincerely doubt that grandpa!” Yelled Rick.

“ Why… You…”


Gapr turned around and asked one of his subordinates for another cannonball. He got it and threw it towards the crew. The projectile missed by a lot and exploded on land.

“Ah! Point proven! You’re too old Grandpa! So either retire or get some glasses!”

“Rick! Don’t provoke him!” urged Luffy.

“That’s it! I have enough, now you’re gonna get it.” yelled Garp.


The Vice-Admiral ordered his men to bring a thousand cannonballs at once. He removed his coat and loosened his necktie. Garp the fist was ready to make rain lead on the strawhats.


“One thousand or a billion won’t change anything! Your aim will still suck!” screamed Rick.


He kept on taunting Garp hoping that if he was pissed enough he would forego the bit of accuracy he had for more strength. Luffy ordered them to go full speed ahead not as his grandpa’s ship was getting closer to their own. He didn’t want to be a big enough target for Garp to not miss. That was at that moment that Chopper yelled that Usopp was here. Rick created a big gravity barrier around the ship to deflect any missiles, yes missiles because with Garp’s strength they weren’t simple cannonballs anymore. Rick almost regretted irritating his grandfather as the missiles came with more power than he thought, it was still manageable though.

Meanwhile Usopp was yelling bullshit, not saying the only thing he had to say to be welcome back. Chopper was urging Luffy and Zoro to stop refusing his friend but they didn’t budge. Zoro and Rick had been quite clear in the morning with everyone, especially Luffy.




“This crew is not a mill where you can come and go whenever you want!” said Zoro with authority.

“But Zoro…” said Chopper.

“Chopper, Zoro is right. I told you the night of the duel, Luffy is our captain, we entrust our lives to him. Opposing your captain shows that you don’t trust him and his choices, meaning you don’t trust the people around you chosen by the captain.”

“But you said that we will all be together.” protested Chopper.

“Yes, and I still believe it. But for that to happen Usopp has to apologize sincerely for his actions.” replied Rick.

“Luffy, if he tries to put under the rug what he did and you take him back, I’ll be the one leaving.” declared Zoro.

“Zoro, you don’t mean that!” said Chopper

“And you won’t be alone.” Rick added in support to Zoro.

“You too?!” asked Chopper, astonished.

“This is not a game, Chopper. We are pirates, not kids pretending. I will not sail on a ship with people I don’t and can’t trust with my life.” replied Rick

“And Usopp acting on a whim is anything but trustworthy.” ended Zoro.


The talk didn’t go any further and everyone went back to their own business.


*Flashback end*


Usopp finally broke down in tears and apologized. He had stopped with his excuses and deflections and asked if he could take back what he had said. Luffy stretched his hand towards him.

“Idiot! Hurry up and grab my hand!!” yelled Luffy while crying too.


That made everyone laugh.

“You’re the idiot.” said Zoro to his captain.

“Bunch of crybabies.” added Rick.

“Ahahaha, seriously you guys are so lame.” said Nami with tears of laughter and relief in the corner of her eyes.

“Now that everyone is together, let's get away from his bombardement!” declared Luffy.

“We can’t go yet!” announced Franky.

“What? Why?” asked Luffy.

“We can’t sail without naming our ship, it’s bad luck. That’s why I propose calling it…”

“I know! Let’s call it ‘Bear Polar Bear Lion!” exclaimed Luffy before being smacked in the head by Usopp.

“How can a ship have a name like that?!”

“Ice Burg’s name is ‘Thousand Sunny’ because of the figurehead looking like a sun and its goal to take us on a thousand cruel seas. But it’s lame. Mine is ‘Lion Gang Champion’, and is far better” said Franky.


Sadly for him everyone adored the name ‘Thousand Sunny’ and didn’t care about the name he proposed.

“It’s better than my ‘Lionel the boss’.” admitted Zoro.

“Better than my ‘Monsieur Sunflower’.” said Sanji.

“And better than my ‘The Darkness’.” ended Robin.

“ARE YOU NUTS?!” yelled Usopp.

“Actually ‘The Darkness’ is a good name but not really fitting for this colorful ship” said Rick.

“Then it’s decided then, let’s go with Mister Ice Burg idea!” declared Luffy.


While the crew rejoiced to be finally complete and to the naming of their new home there was one Vide-Admiral who had had enough. He ordered the men and women under his command to get his giant ball and chain. While waiting for it his youngest grandson called out to him.

“Grandpa! And Coby! I was glad to see you again! But now we will be running away seriously! Until we meet again!”

“You think I will let you, you impudent punk?!” yelled Garp.


He grabbed the big chain a subordinate gave him and pulled on it so hard that the huge ball of steel attached to it went directly flying towards the Thousand Sunny making the strawhat crew panicked. Rick turned towards Zoro.

“Zoro, do you mind if…”

“No, go ahead.” replied the swordsman tossing him Ryusei.

“Wait Rick is using a sword?” asked Luffy in surprise.

“What can he do with it against a giant steel ball?!” Usopp yelled, scared shitless.

“Shut up and watch.” announced Zoro.


Rick let his gravity flow into Ryusei at a very high level and just before the giant ball connected slashed at it. The ball was pushed back right towards Garp’s ship. Every marines on board couldn’t believe what just happened and started running around  when they understood that the ball would fall right on them with the exception of Aokiji who was napping on his deckchair and Garp who just smiled. The Vice Admiral wasn’t worried at all and when the ball was in his range he just… punched it back.




“Oh come on grandpa! Really?” yelled Rick.

Seeing the ball coming back to him he let out another gravity slash sending it back once again.


Neither the marines, nor the crew and certainly not the citizens of Water Seven watching from the island ever saw something like that. A giant steel ball was going back and forth from one ship to the other as if it was a tennis table game in the middle of the sea.

“Guys we have a problem. I won’t hold much longer.” announced Rick.

“It’s fine, just give me a minute and we’ll be far away from here.” said Franky.

“Hurry then.”


Franky said to everyone to raise the sail and to hold on tight to something, then went inside the Sunny. As he said, one minute later just when Rick was completely worn out and the ball coming back the Sunny was propelled forward into the air at an incredible speed leaving far behind the marine ship after them and Water Seven.


“Holy crap! We’re flying!” Luffy yelled in excitement.

“I had to use three barrels of coke to do that but we can fly for around one kilometer with this. Whatever the going merry did, Sunny can do it as well! It will even surpass it on every point. And if it breaks I’ll be there to fix it without flaw! Whether it is the ship or weapons you can count on me! ” announced Franky.


To celebrate the joining of Franky and their new home they threw a party.




Rick was alone in the garden or to be more accurate his garden as no one was really interested in it.

Now that he was not watched by anyone or had anyone around him, he took a look at the system.


[ User’s Karma: 657 642 858 ]


Seeing that huge number Rick whistled.

‘Holy cow! I earned 300 Millions Karma points?! Damn, the beating was worth it!’


Actually if it were not for innocent marines losing their lives during the Enies Lobby incident he would have gotten more. The death of those marines earned negative karma and that wasn’t a good thing. But the loss of points was insignificant in comparison to what he won. A few Million at best. Thankfully among the people killed most of them were because of the Buster Call, otherwise the negative Karma would have been higher.

‘Now let’s look at the Tenki Tenki no mi.’


He entered the shop and looked at his favourites. On display was the Tenki Tenki no mi. The weather fruit he wanted to get for Nami. Fortunately for him no one has eaten it yet as it was still available. Without second guessing himself he bought it. Once done, he peeked at any new scientific breakthrough Vegapunk may have had on the imperfect bodies and the creation of souls but there was nothing.

‘Do I really have to meet the guy myself and let him study me? Now that I can’t go back to the marines, the only way for me to see him is Kuma when we will be on Sabaody.’


Rick sighed and took a look at his character and inventory page. There he saw the Mini Mini no mi he intended to give Shirahoshi and the newly acquired Tenki Tenki no mi. Satisfied he closed the system. Or was about to as he saw on his character a warning icon. That intrigued him and he clicked on the icon.


[ Imperfect Body V2.0 . Time left : 4 months, 3 days, 12 hours]


‘WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! How?! I thought I would have more time! At least two years! What’s going on?’


He looked up the information of the imperfect body V2.0 and was astonished by what he found.


[Imperfect Body V2.0] 50 000 Karma points.


Latest failed experiment of Doctor Vegapunk.

The only difference between the V1.0 is an increase in the life expectancy (around 20 years).

AROUND 20 years, not 20 years! How could I miss that?! I’m so screwed! We need to get to Sabaody and fast! Who knows how long it would take for Vegapunk to find a solution if he ever finds any!’

Suddenly a pair of arms embraced him and a head came to rest on his shoulder. That made him jump out of fright.
“Wow! I didn’t think you would react like that.”
“Yes, who else would hold you like that?” she asked, confused.
“No one.”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, why would I not be?”
“Well, you didn’t hear me calling out to you multiple times and you jumped out of your skin when I embraced you.”
“Oh! I was a bit too deep in my thoughts I guess.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“Where I would be in life if I didn’t quit the marines.” he lied.
“Do you... regret it?”
“I used to.”

He took one of her hands, raised it to his lips and kissed it.
“But not anymore thanks to you.”

He turned around to face her and embraced her too.
“Good. Don’t you ever forget it if the idea of going back to them ever crosses your mind.”
“That will never happen.”
“I won’t let you go anyway.”
“Oh my… Aren’t you a possessive lady?”
“What can I say? For once, I have someone making me happy. I won’t let anyone take you from me, not even yourself.”
“And I won’t have it any other way.”
“You say that, but Nami is ready to take a shot at you and let’s not forget princess Vivi.”
“You’re really cute when you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous! I don’t mind if I have to share as long as you're mine first.”
“Wait, what? Are you serious?”

She nodded while looking him in the eyes.
“Wow… Okay I didn’t expect that from you. Is that why you pimped me to Nami?”
“I didn’t ‘pimped’ you to Nami but yes.”
“How did you come to that?”
“Well... I was thinking that I was really fortunate that you were mine despite all the other women.”
“Other women? There aren't any other women.” said Rick with a frown.
“To you maybe but if you look at the bigger picture, there is me, Nami, princess Vivi whose intent is to make you her husband and last but not least you obsessive ex-girlfriend.”
“Robin, come on, they’re not…”
“You’re a charismatic and handsome man Rick. It’s not surprising that you’re attracting women and I would rather share than fight and lose you.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit Robin. You’re my perfect…”
“Woman. I know, Nami told me.”
“Is there anything that the two of you are not sharing?”
“Just you, for now.”
“For now?”
“Yes, I want to keep you all to myself a little bit more.”
“You can keep me all to yourself forever Robin.”
“Fufufu, I sincerely doubt that.”

Rick let out a sigh.

“There is no way for me to change your mind?”
“None. Besides, why are you against it? Isn’t it every man’s dream to have multiple women?”
“To a guy like Sanji maybe. To me you’re more than enough.”

Those words earned him a passionate kiss.
“Does Nami know?”
“That she will have a shot at you? Not yet, as I said I want you all to myself a bit more.”
“So no innuendo and no teasing her?”
“I didn’t say that.”

Rick laughed at that.
“You’re really bad.”
“And you love it.”
“That I do. Now, I have a question that I wanted to ask you for a while and your willingness to share me, makes me wonder even more.”
“Go ahead. Ask.”
“Are you interested in women too?”
That question surprised Robin and took her aback. She carefully studied his face to find an answer as to why he asked this question but found nothing.
“What makes you think that?”
“Well the way you…. molested Nami’s breasts when we punished her back in Water Seven made me wonder, as you seemed to enjoy it as much as I did watching you do it. And now with you being okay with others well… I’d say you were hoping to have a taste too.”

She didn’t expect him to find out about her bi-sexuality and was bewildered when he spoke about it. That was a secret that no one knew as homo and bi-sexuality was not really that common in this world. She closed her eyes and sighed. Her jig was up.
“I am. Are you digus…”
“NO!” he yelled before explaining himself.
“It’s just… I would have appreciated it if you had told me. But it doesn’t change anything for us as far as I’m concerned.”
“Well, I did try to tell you but you kept shutting me up with kisses when you were trying to make me make you my boyfriend. You only have yourself to blame.”
“I guess I do.”
“So are you okay with it? Me having a…. What were your words? A taste?”
“To be honest… not really. I’m not the sharing type Robin, and even if you being with another woman is really hot the thought of you being with another m..”
“That won’t happen!”
“Come on, you can’t really expect me to…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence as Robin grabbed his head with both her hands and kissed him hard for a long time before retreating her lips.
“Listen and listen well. That. Won’t. Happen. Do you get it? You are everything I need and want in a man. I don’t need anyone on the side. Besides, none of them can make another limb like you do. You’re worth a thousand men, Rick, with your powers.”
“If your goal was to boost my ego, you did a very good job.”
“It wasn’t but I’m glad if it did.”
“I’ll kill them all if they try to take you from me.” he said in a serious and menacing tone, embracing her a lot tighter.
“Who’s being possessive now?” she teased him with a smirk before adding a few more words.
“I think I badly communicated what I wanted.”
“What do you mean?”
“It would not be me sharing you or you sharing me; it would be us sharing them.”

He pondered those words. When Robin said it like that, it was a more acceptable situation.
“I… like the sound of that better.”
“Good! Now if you don’t mind, all this talk and kissing made me very horny, sooooo ....”
“My room or yours?”

Despite being bigger than the original Thousand Sunny, the addition of the garden and the library took a lot of space. The girls had a big room for them and so did the guys. Only Luffy, as the captain, had his own cabin, but since he preferred to stay with everyone Rick asked if he could take it, pretending to enjoy the calm and quiet of solitude. His captain didn’t have any problem with that, thankfully.

“Hmm… On one hand, my room is at the opposite of everyone’s but Nami could come in at any moment. On the other hand, yours is right next to the men but no one will interrupt us.”
“Only if you keep it down.”
“Then it’s decided. I don’t want to keep it down and thoroughly enjoy myself. And you.”
“You’re just hoping Nami surprises us and decides to join.”
“Maybe there is a bit of that too.” she said with a little smile in the corner of her mouth.

She took his hand and led him out of the garden towards her room.
She would enjoy every second of the next hour.

Robin is the best and true waifu people. Like Tina Turner once said: She's simply the best. Better than all the rest.

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