Outright Favoritism

Chapter 1000: I\'ll give you my life

   Chapter 1000 I will give you my life

The arch bridge is only a few meters away from the private house, but Shang Yu hasn’t come forward for a long time.

There is a sea of ​​flowers between them, and the road is dark, but the flowers are fragrant.

Li Qiao was holding the door frame with one hand and holding the ice bag in the other. She didn’t know what the man was hesitating, she sighed silently, raised her foot and moved forward slowly again.

There are not many steps, but she has a hard time walking.

Li Qiao, who has just been awake for a few hours, is still unable to move freely.

The feeling of stepping on the cotton made her frown tightly. After walking a few steps, there was no support point around, Li Qiao’s figure shook, as if a gust of wind could blow away.

At this time, the man who had hesitated for a long time finally moved.

He stepped forward and walked over with an almost urgent speed, faster and faster.

Li Qiao stared at the road under her feet intently, her heavy pace getting slower and slower.

Until the sound of footsteps on the other side, as soon as she raised her head, the whole person was absorbed into her trembling chest.

Li Qiao was already weak and slammed into the man’s arms. As soon as her legs softened, her body slid uncontrollably.

Shang Yu circled her waist and fell to the ground with one knee.

From the beginning to the end, the man did not speak, just hugged her and said nothing.

Li Qiao fell on Shang Yu’s chest for a while, dizzy, and calmly found that the man was trembling badly.

He was hard all over, short of breath, and pressed his palm against the back of her head.

Li Qiao had difficulty breathing. The hand holding the ice bag gently pushed the man’s shoulder, but then her body trembled and suddenly stopped all her movements.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, a hot drop of water fell on the side of her neck.

Then, two drops…three drops…

Li Qiao was in his arms for several seconds, and the ice bag in her hand rolled to the ground. She struggled to lift her head from his arms, but the man’s force was too great to make her move.

Under the thick night, in the middle of the garden, the man knelt down on one knee and hugged the girl and cried silently.

His dark black set off his back is extremely depressed, burying his head on Li Qiao’s neck, not as strong as before, showing fragility and helplessness.

Li Qiao struggled more and more, and she was annoyed, “You, let go, let go…”

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness washed over her limbs, and she couldn’t use her strength, even speaking softly.

She wanted to see if he was crying.

He is Nanyang Shang Shaoyan, a giant, proud of everything, he can’t cry.

After all, Li Qiao was unable to withstand the strength of the man. She buried her head and felt his violently beating heart. Her fingertips trembling slowly moved up from his shoulder, brushing his jaw line, and her tentacles were cold.

“What’s wrong with you?” Li Qiao’s soft palm kept rubbing his face, and she choked up, “Shao Yan…”

The man’s back stiffened, and he tilted his head close to her neck. His voice was hoarse and he couldn’t hear the original mellow tone, “I’m sorry…”

Shang Yu held her back, and his thin, cold lips put light kisses on her face one after another, “I’ll give you my life, don’t leave…”

The moment the man spoke, Li Qiao’s throat seemed to be clogged with cotton wool, and she could not breathe smoothly.

She tried to raise her head and stretched her distance. In her vision, Shang Yu closed her eyes, and a tear happened to gush from the corner of his eye, slid over the bridge of his nose, and hit his shirt.

Li Qiao’s eyes were red, and his fingertips brushed his eyelids. She couldn’t figure out what Shang Yu had experienced during the past few days when she was trapped by narcolepsy.

He was a lot haggard, his eyebrows drooped, and he was unspeakably heavy.

Li Qiao held the man’s face and touched each other’s foreheads, “I didn’t go, and I won’t go anymore.”

She thought about thousands of things and his future, even in those days when she was stuck on the island, what she thought most every day was how to pass the time.

If separation can solve the problem, the two of them would not be together in the first place.

Shang Yu’s eyes closed tightly, and his broken hair hung down at the corners of his eyebrows, dejected and negative.

He didn’t even dare to look at Li Qiao’s eyes, afraid to see her compelled to compromise with him.

At this moment, Shang Yu is full of anxiety and anxiety.

All emotions are repeatedly fermented uncontrollably. Only by holding Li Qiao tightly can you feel a trace of comfort and satisfaction.

She is still there, she said she will not leave.


Behind the arch bridge, Shang Zonghai looked at this scene with relief, his eyes behind the mirror inadvertently waved.

Next to   , are He Chen and Luo Yu.

He Chen’s handsome eyebrows recovered a bit of frivolous and cynicism. He looked sideways and said playfully, “Did you say you let them divorce this afternoon, is it true or to stimulate Li Qiao?”

Shang Zonghai grabbed the gods and fiddled with the Buddhist beads slowly, “Life is not a child’s play.”

He Chen squinted his eyes, his face changed subtlely.

He heard it out, the old man is really planning to let them divorce and return Li Qiao to freedom.

“Okay, you two will be guarded. After they have talked for a while, you send Shaoyan back to the hospital. Don’t let them see each other often during this time.”

He Chen licked the corners of his lower lips, “Are you sure you won’t let them meet, Shao Yan will cooperate?”

Shang Zonghai turned around and left a sentence: “If he doesn’t cooperate, then divorce as soon as possible.”

He Chen was speechless: “…”

Ten minutes later, Shang Yu held Li Qiao and sat in the living room of the private house. Neither of them spoke. He held the girl in his arms tightly and refused to let go for a long time.

No one in the living room disturbed, the atmosphere was too quiet, Li Qiao started to feel sleepy again, she cheered up, tilted her head and looked at the coffee table, looking for an ice pack to put her face on.

Suddenly, Li Qiao’s light flashed, and she saw Shang Yu’s dark red **** eyes staring at the wheelchair not far away, her expression gloomy and unclear.

She rolled her throat, holding the man’s face to make him face herself, “When are you going back?”

Shang Yu’s arms were obviously stiff, and it was difficult to control her to take her more firmly into his arms. For a long time, the man lowered his head and pressed close to her ear, “Let me hold it for a while…”

“It’s almost done. You have held her for twenty minutes.” He Chen walked into the living room with a cold face and untimely. Behind him was a tray of falling rain with some porridge and side dishes on top.

Shang Yu turned a deaf ear, only Li Qiao was in her red eyes.

He Chen stepped forward and kicked the coffee table, looking at the man’s violent forearm, “If you don’t let her go, your son will be suffocated.”

Li Qiao is pregnant now, and Shaoyan’s reason is obviously unable to control her behavior. The two of them continue to stay together, and Li Qiao’s injury is inevitable.

He Chen suddenly understood Shang Zonghai’s intention to keep them from seeing each other in the near future. For Yu Shaoyan, Li Qiao was not an antidote, but a poison that penetrated into the bone marrow. There was no cure for it.

At this time, under He Chen’s reminder, the man withdrew his arm steeply, holding Li Qiao’s waistline with his palm, his eyes full of tension, “I hurt you again?”

Li Qiao patted the back of his hand in a soothing manner, shook his head while looking at He Chen, and said slowly: “Don’t talk nonsense, it’s not that serious…”

He Chen’s indifferent face: “I can’t take care of myself, are you still used to him?”

(End of this chapter)

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