Outright Favoritism

Chapter 1001: wait for me

   Chapter 1001 Wait for me

Li Qiao lowered her head and did not speak, she looked at the corner of her eyes as if she could fall asleep anytime.

Shang Yu lowered his head and kissed the tip of her nose, looking stiffly at the tray in Luo Yu’s hand, as if to signal her to bring it over.

He Chen saw what the man was thinking at a glance. He pressed his cheek and said coldly, “It’s not for her. You eat. After eating, come back to the hospital with me.”

Li Qiao forcibly opened her sleepy eyelids and asked in a daze, “You haven’t eaten?”

“I haven’t eaten for three days and three nights.” He Chen sat on the solo sofa with a smile, his ankles resting on his knees, “Shang Shaoyan, if you continue to be dead, I won’t stop you, just as I passed by yesterday. He’antang, there are new items in it.”

Li Qiao turned her head in confusion, while fighting the surging sleepiness, she wondered where He Antang is.

He Chen stared at Luo Yu blankly, “You tell her.”

Seeing this, Luo Yu cleared his throat, “Madam, He Andang is… the purchasing office for funeral articles.”

Li Qiao’s mind was sober, and she beckoned like a slow motion, “Mean.”

He Chen sullen his face, but a thin smile appeared in his eyes.

These two people, even if they love to the extreme, they must hug each other to keep warm.

What kind of feelings can make Li Qiao pay so far, so that Shaoyan can wait for her forgiveness without even killing her?

He Chen has never experienced it, nor can he empathize.

Shang Yu hadn’t dripped in for a few days, and his food was still sluggish, even let He Chen see that he was procrastinating for time.

Not long after, the man drank half a bowl of porridge. Li Qiao grabbed the ice bag in her hand and said slowly: “Take a bath before leaving.”

He has a strong smell of smoke and his shirt is full of folds.

Shang Shaoyan, who was so proud, didn’t even care about his own image.

An hour later, Shang Yu wrapped a bath towel around his waist and abdomen, hugging Li Qiao with nostalgia, “Wait for me to come back…”

“Hmm.” Li Qiao’s chin was on his shoulder, and the smell of shower gel and aftershave was in his nose, “Waiting for you.”

They all know that the road to treatment is bound to be very difficult, but there is no other way.

The man buried his head on her shoulders and neck, and after a long silence, he asked in a low voice: “Qiaoqiao, hate me?”

If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t suffer this disaster.

If it weren’t for him, her life would probably be full of publicity and joy.

But before Li Qiao could answer, Shang Yu gently blocked her lips, sucked a few times, then let go of her, “Wait for me.”

After all, he did not dare to hear the answer she gave. The man left in a hurry, even with urgency.

After this day, Li Qiao and Shang Yu were fighting stubborn diseases where they could not see each other.

Pama Royal Hospital invited a number of experts to sit for consultations and make suggestions for Shang Yu’s illness.

And Li Qiao holds an ice pack every day and sets twelve alarm clocks with her mobile phone.

Wake up every two hours, day and night.

She didn’t dare to fall asleep for a long time, for fear that she would never wake up.

Five days later, New Year’s Eve.

Pama is not like domestic and does not advocate the Lunar New Year, but due to the large number of Chinese, the streets and lanes still reveal a strong flavor of the year.

In the morning, Li Qiao was sitting in the fishing pond in the backyard, touching the ice bag in her hand, and her expression was light and calm.

She can walk freely, and her cheeks have recovered a bit of rosy, but her eyebrows are vicissitudes of life, as if her thoughts are very heavy.

Outside the courtyard, Luo Yu walked slowly, holding Li Qiao’s favorite guava in her hand, and said softly: “Madam, do you want some fruit?”

Li Qiao didn’t seem to hear her, her eyes fell on the fish pond, not knowing what she was thinking.

Luoyu put down the fruit tray and stood beside her quietly, waiting for her to wake up.

Recently, Li Qiao has been in a daze every day for a long time. Even if her body improves, her mental state seems to continue to wither.

I didn’t dare to fall asleep for a long time, coupled with the trouble of pregnancy depression, she had a hard time.

After a while, Li Qiao put her fingers to her lips and breathed. The ice bag had been covered by her, and her fingertips were almost paralyzed.

“Rainfall…” She spoke faintly, “Are you free tonight?”

Today is New Year’s Eve. Family reunion welcomes the New Year.

She missed him.

Luoyu bent down and squatted down, looking up at Li Qiao, “Madam, what’s the matter when you are free?”

Li Qiao blinked, and put the ice bag on the tea table casually, “Where is Shao Yan?”

Luoyu fell silent for an instant.

The owner of the family has ordered that before the two of them get better, they should be prevented from seeing each other as much as possible, and Luo Yu deeply agrees.

She had only been to the hospital yesterday, and she didn’t want Li Qiao to see the boss now.

Li Qiao sighed softly, and turned her head steadily, “I found it myself.”

Luo Yu was silent, but chose to truthfully say: “The boss is in the psychiatric department of the Royal Hospital.”

“You arrange it, and send me there at 8 o’clock in the evening.”

Li Qiao curled up her fingers to prop up her forehead, and closed her eyes sleepily after saying this.

She wants to accompany him to celebrate the New Year, by the way, see if he actively cooperates with the treatment.

At the same time, He Chen leaned on the backrest in the cafe of Pama CBD Building, and the sitting posture of Da Ma Jindao reveals the unrestrained nature.

He was waiting for someone, and he couldn’t help thinking of Yin Mo in his spare time.

Sometimes he really feels that the woman has no heart.

In the past month, she hadn’t contacted him proactively, even once.

He Chen looked down at the mobile phone on the table, his eyes filled with displeasure.

Suddenly, the surrounding light was dim, he raised his eyebrows and squinted, his thin lips suddenly sneered.

“I thought you would never come back in your life.”

The other party opened the mouth and threw a joking, and the words were ridiculed.

He Chen frivolously raised his chin, “What? I’m afraid I will come back to grab your throne?”

On the poison tongue, no one can be more poisonous than He Chen.

The other party came uninvited, it was He Qing.

He pulled the chair away and sat down. There was an obvious mockery in the narrow eyes of the same style. “I remember when you left, you seemed to say that you would never come back again. Why did you make a mistake?”

He Chen looked at He Qing, reached out and clicked on his temple, “If you have a brain, just think about it. Ask me everything, when I am your father?”

He Qing’s face sank, and he touched his fingertips with a smile, “You are still so foolish, you will never be a climate.”

“Hurry up after talking nonsense, I have no time to teach you how to be a man today.”

He Qing smiled without anger, leaned forward with his arms on the table, and smiled faintly: “I will return this sentence to you as it is.”

He Chen pressed his lips down and looked at He Qing meaningfully, “You should return me things, but that’s more.”

He Qing’s thick eyebrows frowned slightly, just about to return his mouth, He Chen kicked his legs off the table unexpectedly, “Get out of your way, or should I let you out?”

“He Chen, it’s better not to be too public.”

He Qing thought he gave a deep warning, then stood up and looked at him condescendingly, “I advise you to leave Pama as early as possible and don’t make yourself embarrassed.”

Suddenly, a gentle bass came from the front left, “People who have been embarrassed by the fourth master, it seems that they will not live long.”

(End of this chapter)

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