Outright Favoritism

Chapter 1011: Discuss about the wedding

Chapter 1011 Discuss the wedding

Luoyu didn’t understand and didn’t bother to think about it.

But when it comes to inferiority, she doesn’t think the term can be used for the master of the house.

Said that he was as cunning as a fox and scheming is about the same.


On the other side, Li Qiao and Shang Yu came to the door of the tea room, and the long-awaited Lao Xiao brows with joy at the corners of his eyebrows, stepped forward to open the door, and said happily, “Young master, young lady, who are you here? ”

Li Qiao looked at the wooden door that opened slowly, and the two people sitting opposite Shang Zonghai looked back at the same time, “Qiao Qiao!”


Li Qiao’s eyes trembled slightly, looking at the Li family couple who stood up, her voice was inexplicably choking.

She hasn’t seen them for a long time.

Duan Shuyuan walked quickly to Li Qiao’s, and before she could say hello to Shang Yu, she took her hand and looked up and down, “Baby, how is it?”

Li Guangming followed her, and stared at Li Qiao for an instant.

Myanmar and his party, many things are kept in the dark.

But it doesn’t mean they don’t feel abnormal.

Duan Shuyuan kept her eyes red, rubbing Li Qiao’s arm continuously, “The belly is big, but why have you lost so much? Is morning sickness severe again?”

Li Qiao pressed her lips and hugged Duan Shuyuan, “No, Mom, I’m fine.”

Duan Shuyuan felt distressed, wiped the corners of her eyes quietly, and complained: “You child, always report good news but not worry, don’t carry everything by yourself, parents are also your backing, we can help you share it.”

At this time, Li Guangming took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Shang Yu, “Shao Yan, pretty…make you bother.”

He patted the man’s arm, with a look of relief and gratitude in his expression.

After all, in Nanyang, Shang Shaoyan’s name represents toughness and excellence. Li Guangming never thinks that Shang Yu will have any accidents.

Qiaoqiao is with him, she must be the one to be taken care of.

Shang Yu lowered his eyes and nodded his head, his mellow and deep voice was a magnetic bass, “Dad is serious, I am the one who troubles Qiao Qiao.”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, your young couple should take care of each other and help each other.” Li Guangming waved his hand, his eyebrows were filled with kindness.

After a while, Shang Zonghai greeted them behind the tea table, “Don’t stand, come in and chat.”

Several people came to sit down near the tea table. Shang Zonghai put the tea cups in front of them, staring at the Li family and his wife, saying: “It’s rare that you will come back this time. It’s better to stay for a few more days after the 15th Reunion Festival. Let’s go again.”

The Li family looked at each other and agreed to the invitation, “No problem, just do as you always said.”

Shang Zonghai’s lips outlined a very faint arc of laughter, “It’s all my family, you don’t need to be so polite. It happens to be together this time, and you can take the time to discuss the wedding of the two of them.”


Li Qiao flashed a flash, and unconsciously thought of Wu Minmin’s wedding.

At this time, Shang Yu took a sip of the teacup, raised his eyes and glanced at Shang Zonghai, “I have my own arrangements for the wedding.”

Shang Zonghai pursed his lips, “The date is set?”

The man glanced at him, “I will tell you if I’m sure.”

Shang Zonghai was dumb and shook his head helplessly, “Alright, then you can arrange it yourself, but don’t delay it too long.”

Not long after, Li Qiao and Shang Yu left the tea room.

Shang Zonghai took a sip of tea and said with deep expression, “Mojue, did the girl tell you the origin of that child?”

The Li family was puzzled, “Said it was picked up, does she have any problems?”

“Yeah.” Shang Zonghai groaned for a few seconds, his eyes behind the lens narrowed inadvertently, “As a descendant of the Mu family, it’s a good idea to meet a girl.

Don’t worry about going back this time. The Mujia Miemen case has been re-accepted. The British Emperor and Parma will finally give the results of the investigation. When the case is closed, go to the Cultural Park to worship together. ”

Li Guangming shook his breath, “Mo Jue is the child of Mu’s family?”

Shang Zonghai nodded, “I asked the girl, she doesn’t plan to inherit the things from the Mu family, so she will give it to Mo Jue in the future. That child had a rough childhood, so remember to take care of it in your house in the future.”

“Definitely, you can rest assured.”


Medicine Garden, Shanglu and Yunli are chatting over beer.

“That surnamed Xia, why didn’t he come back with you this time?”

Shang Lu did not understand love, but Xia Siyu’s complaint with Shang Zonghai at the beginning has always made him worry about it.

Yunli leaned against the wicker chair, his eyes were slightly blurred, “She’s Xia Siyu.”

“What she likes to call her.” Shang Lu curled her lips. “Didn’t she say that she would wait until you healed before leaving? When it’s in the middle of the treatment, she ran away first, and she would just slap her mouth.”

Yun Li frowned slightly, raised her eyes and took a sip of beer, “If you have time to care about her, it is better to find a way to cure your hidden illness.”

“Cough—” Shang Lu took a sip of beer, and squeezed the can tightly, “Nosy and die fast!”

Yun Li looked at him with difficulty, “You might as well become a monk, it’s better than being a baby bird for a lifetime.”

Shanglu grinded his molars and said contemptuously: “The chicks are not qualified to laugh at the chicks!”

Yun Li: “…”

The two are still hurting each other as you come and go, and a report from the servant slowly came from outside the pharmacy: “Second Young Master, Madam and Young Master are back.”

Shang Lu was taken aback, poking out his head from the hanging chair, his eyes filled with flying expression, “Sister-in-law is back?”

“Yes, Second Young Master, they just returned to their backyard private house.”

Shanglu jumped off the chair, still murmured, “Fuck, fuck, my sister-in-law has finally brought my eldest brother back, I want to see.”

He walked two steps, only to realize that Yun Li hadn’t followed, “Aren’t you going?”

Yun Li licked his cheeks and shook his head, “I’m sleepy, I’ll go to sleep for a while.”

Shang Lu watched him drop the wine can and walked into the wing, with a face inexplicably curled up, “I used to ask my sister-in-law about the situation all day long, how can I still be energized now.”


In the evening, Yuezhaitang.

Shang Zonghai specially arranged the back chef to prepare a sumptuous dinner to entertain the Li family and his wife.

At this time, the atmosphere in front of the dinner table is slightly subtle, because Luo Xi is also here.

It’s not that she doesn’t understand the rules, but that Li Qiao called over to eat together.

In such an occasion, Luo Xi felt a little uncomfortable.

Beside her is Duan Shuyuan, who is smiling and welcoming, and Li Qiao on the right.

Not long after the meal was opened, Wei Ang hurriedly walked into the dining hall.

He bypassed the round table and came to Shang Zonghai’s side and whispered a few words, seeming a little anxious.

Everyone slowed down when they were eating, but Shang Zonghai looked calm and raised his head in Li Qiao’s direction: “Talk to the girl and listen to her arrangements.”

Wei Ang nodded and said yes, walked to Li Qiao’s again, lowered his voice and said a few words.

Hearing the sound, Li Qiao put down the dishes, wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin, and said faintly: “Rescue, she has no chance of relief.”

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