Outright Favoritism

Chapter 1012: Why don\'t you let me go?

  Chapter 1012 Why don’t you let me go?

Li Qiao’s voice is not too big or too small, at least it can make Luo Xi hear clearly.

Shang Yu took advantage of the trend and put a piece of fish into her bowl, half-dangling her eyelids, and exclaimed in a deep voice, “Eat first.”

When Wei Ang saw the situation, he prepared to apply oil on the soles of his feet. Li Qiao’s eyes flickered, and he turned his head and glanced at Luo Xi.

She didn’t say anything, but Luo Xi smiled and put down the dishes and chopsticks, “I’m done, everyone, use it slowly.”

From beginning to end, Shang Zonghai did not express any opinions. He occasionally talked with Li Guangming in a low voice, seeming to be indifferent to what Wei Ang reported.

After Luo Xi went out, he happened to see Wei Ang standing at the corner preparing to make a call.

She stepped forward slowly, and said with a smile, “Is Ming Dailan?”

Wei Ang was surprised, and quickly hung up the call that had already been dialed, and nodded towards Luo Xi, “Miss Luo.”

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows, which was obvious.

Wei Ang knew that she couldn’t keep it from her heart, and she was simply outspoken, “Yes, just after a call from the nursing home, a few mentally disordered patients suddenly attacked her for some reason. She may have been irritated. She is now shutting herself up. I didn’t eat or drink in the room, and I didn’t let people be treated. It is said that…a lot of blood was shed.”

“Um…” Luo Xi nodded indifferently, “I made it happen.”

Wei Ang was dumbfounded, unable to speak for a while.

Luo Xi looked into the distance, his expression was cool and playful, “You said, do patients with mental disorders have the consciousness of begging for death?”

Wei Ang opened his mouth, and it took a long time to suffocate: “I don’t know, I haven’t been insane.”

Luo Yi pressed his lips, then raised his chin, “Then let’s go and have a look, I’m full anyway.”

Ming Dailan can deceive everyone, but he must not be able to deceive her, and also deceive Li Qiao, who is not allergic.

A little bit of twists and turns can’t hold it, so how can she persist for the rest of her life?


On the other side, after dinner, Li Qiao is going to accompany Shang Yu back to the hospital.

Just before getting into the car, she accidentally received a call from Luo Xi.

Li Qiao stood at the back of the car and looked at the figure of the man sitting in the car, she couldn’t help but squinted her eyes, “I have no problem, if it is for treatment that requires her to cooperate, you can do whatever you like.”

At the end of the phone, Luo Xi smiled slyly, “Okay, then I will take her back to the hospital tonight.”

At this time, Luo Xi, who was in the nursing home, looked at the embarrassed Ming Dailan sarcastically. Her hair was messy and she sat in a daze at the corner of the bed. There was a deep trauma to her left wrist and she was still bleeding. .

Luo Xi raised his eyebrows without sympathy, and said to Wei Ang sideways, “I’m sorry to say hello to the nursing home. We are going to take her to the hospital tonight, and we will send people back in a few days.”

Wei Ang responded, glanced at Ming Dailan, who did not eat or drink and would not treat, then turned around and left the door without any expression.

Today’s Mingdailan, without the asylum of the Shang family, life is not easy.

The self-provisioned nursing staff in the nursing home is responsible for the daily life of seven or eight patients every day. It is impossible to take care of her around the clock.

Similar gang fights like today have long been common in nursing homes.

Wei Ang didn’t think she was pitiful and deserved the crime.

Ming Dailan has been used by Xiao Hongdao for many years, but instead of evading sanctions by pretending to be crazy and stupid, it would be too cheap for her.


That night, Li Qiao returned to the hospital, found an excuse and went to the ward downstairs.

Shang Yu watched her leave, and when the door was closed, he walked slowly to the window and took out the phone from his trouser pocket, “How is the progress?”

“Boss, it will take some time.” Chasing the wind dryly replied, with a particularly careful tone.

The man pursed his thin lips, his handsome face brushed with displeasure, “Speed ​​up.”

Chasing the wind and nodding his head without love, “Know, I am a supervisor who works day and night, let’s talk about…”

Before the voice fell, there was a disconnection tone in the earpiece.

Chasing the wind patted the helmet on top of his head, and looked at the new building in front of him, or else he should be pierced with a steel pipe.

The boss can’t arrange something for him?

What is the difference between him now and Bao Gongtou?

At the same time, Li Qiao came slowly to the ward downstairs. Before entering the door, she heard Luo Xi’s cynicism, “If you really want to die and the window is open, do you want to jump down?”

Li Qiao stepped, inevitably raising her eyebrows.

Luo Xi seems to be hostile to Ming Dailan…

As a psychologist, she rarely has such a sharp side.

In the ward, Ming Dailan still had a dull expression. No matter how sarcasm Luo Xi was, she remained silent.

At this time, Li Qiao pushed the door in with no patience, glanced across Ming Dailan, and then at Luo Xi, “Cheeky people, there is no reason to seek death.”

“That’s true.” Luo Xi beckoned Li Qiao to sit down, “but I can make her begging to die, do you want to try?”

Li Qiaoman bends her lips carelessly, “As long as you don’t delay Shaoyan’s treatment, everything is up to you.”

Luo Xi squinted at Ming Dailan, whose eyelids were trembling, and raised the corners of his mouth diagonally, “Really? What if your dad…”

“If Dad wanted to control, I would have taken care of it.” Li Qiao held her forehead, her lips curled up with a smile, “As a senior hypnotist, is it possible to implant certain memories in the patient’s subconscious?”

Ming Dailan lowered her eyebrows, her eyelids trembled more intensely.

Luo Xi was startled, unable to hide his surprise, “You want me to…”

Before she finished speaking, she saw Li Qiao nodded gently, “The trauma will be healed sooner or later. If you want to live in pain, just pretend to be crazy and sell stupid…how is that enough.

“Hey…” Luo Xi was a little bit eager to try, “It’s not impossible, but I haven’t tried it before.”

Li Qiao folded her legs and stroked her raised lower abdomen with her fingers, “There are ready-made experimental products, what are you afraid of.”

Luo Xi couldn’t restrain his excitement. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Li Qiao’s head, “You really made me look at me with admiration.”

At this time, Ming Dailan finally couldn’t put it on anymore. She curled up her fingers wrapped in gauze, and raised her eyes quietly, “Li Qiao, dare you…”

It may have been a long time without speaking, her voice is especially hoarse and unpleasant.

The moment Ming Dailan spoke, Wei Ang, standing in the corner, almost didn’t curse.

She is actually pretending to be crazy and stupid!

Li Qiao and Luo Xi’s gazes met, and both of them showed meaningful gloomy light in their eyes.

“Mrs. Xiao, don’t come here to be safe.”

Ming Dailan’s long-standing persistence completely fell apart in the dialogue between Li Qiao and Luo Xi.

She can bear the consequences of pretending to be mad and stupid, but she is not sure of Li Qiao’s viciousness.

Luo Xi is a hypnotist, she has seen her amazing a few days ago.

can unknowingly put her into a deep sleep, and dig out all the information she wants.

The word   hypnosis sounds scary enough.

Ming Dailan looked at Li Qiao obscurely, stood up and walked towards her step by step, “Why wouldn’t you let me go?”

(End of this chapter)

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