Pamper Eighties

Chapter 168

Brother Rui didn’t expect his father to ask him, but he didn’t panic, and took advantage of this opportunity to simply say: “Dad, we bought stocks in Shanghai before the Chinese New Year, and now there are stocks for sale in Shenzhen, not many people know about it. , let’s go buy it.”

Zhang Guangming asked curiously, “Where did you hear that?”

“I saw it in the newspaper.” Brother Rui ran back to get the book, turned to one page and pointed it to his father.

“This newspaper said that the state will vigorously promote stocks, and these stocks will be listed for trading in the future, and they will become very valuable immediately without waiting. Look here, there is a bank called Shenzhen Development Bank that issued it last year. Stocks, those who buy stocks this year can get dividends, the bank is so rich, there must be a lot of dividends, let’s buy it quickly, and we will definitely make a lot of money.”

Zhang Guangming looked at this boy unexpectedly, and immediately became interested. He picked up the newspaper clipping and read it carefully. The more he read, the more he felt that what his son said was very reasonable, and he couldn’t help but feel very relieved.

Zhang Guangming praised him and said, “You can do it, you can figure out a way to make money by reading newspapers. It is indeed my son of Zhang Guangming. You wait, I will discuss with you Uncle Feng.”

Brother Rui quickly grabbed his dad and said with a particularly affectionate smile, “Dad, I came up with this method, should you give me a little reward, haha.”

Zhang Guangming did not directly refuse, but asked earnestly: “What do you want for compensation? You are a little brat, what do you need so much money for? Dad only has one son, and I will leave it all to you in the future.”

Brother Rui said confidently: “That’s different, it’s not as good as I have a father and a mother, I am a man, how can I have no money in my pocket, besides, if you give me money, I will not spend it randomly, It is also used to buy stocks.”

Zhang Guangming was almost laughed at by him, “You can only buy stocks as adults. What can you buy as a little kid, and you say you’re a man? You don’t even have all your hair, you **** man.”

Brother Rui was unhappy, and pretended to say: “Don’t look at me young, but I’m also a man, when have I ever done something unreliable? I’m ten years old this year, and I will soon be When I grow up, the family has to rely on me in the future, why can’t I manage the money?”

“You…” Zhang Guangming was speechless by what he said, and he had to admit that the son still had some truth in what he said. He was about to find an excuse to send him away when he heard his father’s voice.

“Hahaha, Brother Rui in our family is very promising. At such a young age, he wants to manage money. He looks like your grandfather and me. I think Brother Rui should learn to manage it. Boys, you can’t handle it. If you read every day and become an idiot, you will have to give him all the family affairs in the future, it is better to teach at night than earlier, so let him try it out.”

The latter sentence was obviously addressed to his son Zhang Guangming. They all said that the grandfather and grandson of the next generation, and the old man Zhang was fond of Rui Geer, the only child of the old Zhang family. The reason, he agreed without thinking.

He also encouraged his grandson to say, “Brother Rui, you are brave enough to do it. It doesn’t matter if you make money or not. First of all, you have to practice your courage. Our business will depend on you in the future.”

Brother Rui didn’t expect his grandfather to be so happy. He asked his grandfather to buy a house in Shanghai before, but his grandfather didn’t agree. This time he said he wanted to practice his hand, and his grandfather gave him money directly. It seems that he can’t talk too much to adults. Be honest.

He lifted his bangs and smiled happily, and Beier said respectfully, “Thank you, grandpa, I will definitely practice my courage.”

Zhang Guangming looked a little uncomfortable from the side, and said sourly: “Dad, are you really going to give the money to this stinky boy?”

The old man Zhang was angry, he slapped his son on the forehead, spit Xingzi and said, “What stinky boy? This stinky boy is your own son, the lifeblood of my old Zhang family, you call him a stinky boy, right? Are you scolding yourself? Do you have any brains? I’m happy to give the money to Brother Rui, you can’t care, is it me or you?”

Poor Zhang Guangming, who was so big, was beaten by his father, and he didn’t dare to escape. He said very wrongly, “Oh, dad, stop beating, I didn’t mean that.”

“Then what do you mean?” Old man Zhang took the opportunity to give him two more slaps, and those who didn’t know thought that the father and son had a grudge.

Zhang Guangming didn’t hide, and said aggrievedly: “I don’t think that Brother Rui is young, the money for buying stocks is not a small amount of money. What if he loses?”

The old man Zhang roared aggressively: “We can afford to lose this money, if we lose, we lose, what’s the big deal, no matter how much money I spend, I can’t buy it, I’m happy, our old Zhang family can’t be a scumbag anymore. , Brother Rui can’t be a village cadre like you in the future, so he has to change from now on.”

The old man Zhang has a long-term vision. It has only been a few years since the reform and opening up, and the country has developed so well. If their family wants to change their families, they have to start from Brother Rui, so they firmly support Brother Rui.

Zhang Guangming objected to it, but his father didn’t listen to him, so he had to accept his fate. Since he gave birth to Brother Rui, he has no status in front of his father. Thinking about it, it’s hard enough.

If the old Zhang family wanted to buy stocks, they naturally had to discuss it with the old Feng family. If anyone wanted to go to his house to talk, the old lady Feng jumped up first.

“You didn’t lie to me, did you? Does the newspaper really say that?” Madam Feng rubbed her hands together excitedly, smiling until her gums were exposed.

The old man Zhang said with certainty: “Of course it’s true, Brother Rui, bring your book and show it to your grandma Feng.”

Brother Rui obediently walked over with the book in his hand, and snuggled up to Mrs. Feng’s legs, explaining the contents of the newspaper carefully to her, making Mrs. Feng very happy.

She took the book and looked at it again and again, and said happily, “Old man, it says that the dividend for one share is one yuan. We have one million shares. How much do you think it is?”

Old Man Feng also said surprisingly: “Our family has a total of 55,000 shares, and one dollar per share is 55,000.”

“Why have you already bought this stock?” Zhang old man asked in surprise, he had never heard of this.

The old man Feng explained: “Didn’t I take Mengmeng to the south last summer, and I bought some stocks there, which is what the newspaper said about Shenzhen Development Bank. At that time, their stocks were not easy to sell, so I bought 50,000 shares, They even gave me five thousand.”

The old man Zhang said with sincere admiration: “Tsk tsk tsk, brother, you have such a good eye. You have earned more than 50,000 in just half a year. This money is like picking up for nothing.”

The old Zhang family is not an outsider, so the old man Feng told the truth: “It’s my granddaughter’s idea, we didn’t want to buy it, but she said to buy it, but it turned out that Mengmeng was right, and made this 50,000 in vain. five.”

The old man Zhang said very rarely: “Your family is cute, and like my brother Rui, he also came up with the idea this time. Our old guys are really old, and the babies are almost surpassing us.”

Old Man Feng smiled smugly: “Hahaha, if you exceed it, you will exceed it. The dolls are more promising than anything else. I really didn’t expect your brother Rui to come up with this idea.”

Zhang Guangming listened to him and heard it, but this time, his son really got it right. Buying stocks can really make money. He felt a little ashamed, and quickly asked old man Feng to hear about it: “Uncle, that newspaper Didn’t it say that the stock will be issued after two months, why did you buy it so early?”

Old Man Feng scratched the back of his head and said, “I don’t understand either. It seemed like it was talking about preferred shares or something. I can’t remember exactly, old lady, you can bring some stocks to Guangming and take a look.”

Madam Feng slipped in. After a while, she came out holding a small handful of stocks and laid them out on the table like poker.

Several members of the Zhang family took the stock and looked at it again. The stock looked similar to the Shanghai stock. It seemed that the old Feng family had caught up with good luck.

Zhang Guangming put down the stock and began to discuss: “Uncle, didn’t you say that no one was willing to buy it at that time? This newspaper has just come out, so I don’t know anything yet. Should we hurry to Shenzhen to buy some?”

Old Man Feng said with interest: “Okay, it’s easy to make money from this stock. Let’s buy more and put it there to collect interest. If the market is good, we don’t plan to sell it in the future, and leave it to Mengmeng as a dowry.”

Hearing this, Zhang Guangming couldn’t help but reflect on himself. Seeing how aggressive the old village chief is, if he gave Mengmeng a large sum of money, he would give it to Mengmeng. On the other hand, as an old man, he was too stingy with his son, so he pointed at Rui. Brother Rui said, “My family’s money is also going to be reserved for Brother Rui, so that he can practice his hands.”

Old Man Feng said strangely: “Yo, Brother Rui is really capable of taking care of things at such a young age.”

Brother Rui is also very good-looking, and desperately expresses himself in front of Mengmeng’s family: “Grandpa Feng, I think I’m too old, I should help the family to share the burden, we are men, what is the money, we can make money. That’s the real deal.”

Old Man Feng patted him on the shoulder and praised: “Well said, Brother Rui’s ambition is so great, he will definitely have a bright future in the future.”

As an elder, you are always happy to see that the junior is promising, and they all laughed happily, even Mengmeng said, “Brother Rui, you are amazing.”

Feng Yimin was the only one in the whole family who was unhappy. He looked at Brother Rui coldly, and always felt that this kid was uneasy and kind. Seeing his wicked eyes, constantly looking at his daughter, Feng Yimin felt that he was not pleasing to the eye.

He pulled Mengmeng to his lap and hugged him, preventing Brother Rui from getting close to her, and said with a warning: “Brother Rui, how did you think of this at such a young age? I’ve never seen it before. You are such a precocious child, you are still young, you should focus more on your studies, and you can make money when you grow up.”

Brother Rui already knew that Uncle Feng didn’t like him, and he also knew the reasons, but it wasn’t all about Mengmeng. It was impossible for him to give up Mengmeng, so Brother Rui said slyly: “My mother I said, boys should make money to support their family, although I am young, I also want to support my family, Uncle Feng, don’t you think?”

Feng Yimin can say no, and he can’t pick up the trouble, so he gritted his teeth and said, “Yes, ah.”

His mother stood beside him, gave him a head, and said, “Why are you competing with a doll? Brother Rui is much more promising than you. When you are as old as him, you are still with Guangming. You’re playing with sand, how stupid do you know how to make money, and you’re still preventing Brother Rui from making progress.”

Feng Yimin couldn’t express his suffering, so he could only stare at Brother Rui with resentful eyes.

Brother Rui secretly screamed that it was not good. He tried hard to please his future husband, but unfortunately, why did his grandmother Feng still put eye drops on him? Now that’s all right, his husband must dislike him even more. Really worrying about him, sigh, what kind of people are these people, they will drag their feet.

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