Pamper Eighties

Chapter 169

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the dolls were on their summer vacation. The two families, as agreed before, brought Mengmeng, the old couple from the Feng family, and Brother Rui, the old couple from the Zhang family, and set off for Shenzhen.

Shenzhen is still the same as before, but there are more high-rise buildings and more people on the road. With Feng’s family leading the way, they soon found Shenzhen Development Bank.

It’s the same sub-branch before. The original president has been promoted. Now this president is also a acquaintance. That is, Director Xu, who sold the stock to them last year, and now he is President Xu.

President Xu’s memory is very good, he recognized them immediately, smiled and said, “Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng, welcome, welcome, are you here this time?”

The old man Feng let him hold his hand and said in a good mood, “Xiao Xu, we have something to ask you. We bought stocks from you last year and thought it was pretty good. I want to buy some more this year. The old man also wants to buy it.”

President Xu’s eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and Bei’er said enthusiastically: “Oh, thank you so much, we just have stocks at our outlets. Last year, Mr. You bought stocks, and this year the stocks have appreciated, so it’s the right time for you to buy them now. .”

Old Man Feng laughed even more, patted President Xu’s arm and said, “I also heard that one share can be divided into one dollar bonus, can we propose this bonus now?”

“This…” President Xu was a little embarrassed, and after hesitating, he told the truth: “Mr. Feng, I won’t be able to get this dividend for a while, and it won’t be time for dividends, but don’t worry, if dividends are distributed in the future, You must be the first to get it.”

Madam Feng was dissatisfied, and she said with some embarrassment: “You have said it for a long time, this dividend is a matter of no shadow. I thought it would be possible to take it.”

President Xu spread out his hands helplessly and said, “Old lady, we can’t do anything about it either. At present, the bank is going to expand, and we are thinking about opening a few more branches. There is really no extra money to use for dividends.”

After listening to it, Mrs. Zhang always felt something was wrong, so she leaned into Old Man Zhang’s ear and said, “Old man, I think this bonus issue is enough, should we still buy it?”

Unexpectedly, Brother Rui’s ears were so good that he actually let him hear it. He lowered his voice and said, “Grandma, didn’t we agree? I’ll leave this to me. I think I need to buy it.”

Mengmeng was eating candy, her cheeks were bulging, and she agreed: “Brother Rui, I also think I want to buy it. I like stocks.”

The old man nodded, patted his old wife’s hand calmly, and comforted: “Listen to the child, it’s alright.”

President Xu has a task at hand. The burden of the recent batch of stocks has all fallen on him. If he does it well, he will be promoted like his predecessor. If he does not do well, he may not even be able to keep his current position. Selling hard: “Mr. and Mrs., let’s open more outlets in order to create more profits.”

“Shenzhen is developing rapidly now, many people from Hong Kong and Taiwan have come to invest, and many of them have taken out loans from our bank. We do not approve these loans, and other banks will approve them. You can’t let it slip away, but you can rest assured. , the dividends promised by our bank are guaranteed to be obtained.”

Old man Feng also felt that there was some truth. He looked around and said, “If you are a bank, I believe you will not cheat me, so let’s do it, you can give me another two million shares, old stone, how much do you decide? “

The old man Zhang didn’t speak, just looked at Brother Rui, and heard his grandson say, “Grandpa Feng, I also buy two million.”

“Aspirational.” Feng old man praised him, then turned around and said to the bank manager, “Then we need four million. Do you have so many outlets?”

“Yes, yes.” President Xu nodded like he was pounding rice. He was joking. Even if he didn’t, he would have to transfer them. After selling so many stocks, his future is bright.

President Xu asked them to do a good job, and he immediately went to the bank to shout, instructing the staff to remove the stocks from the warehouse, and urgently called the head office to ask them to transfer enough stocks from the vault.

The whole bank was stunned by such a big deal. They also noticed the two people who came in just now. They didn’t realize they were the biggest shareholders of their bank. After all, they haven’t seen each other for a year, and some employees are still new here Yes, it is normal to not know the Feng family.

Now they know that the four adults sitting there are all big stocks of their bank, oh hey, they can’t wait to entertain them with 12 points of hospitality.

Without the boss urging them, some clever employees already brought coffee soda and juice. One female employee even took out a doll for Mengmeng to play with, and she didn’t know where she got it.

Madam Zhang drank the juice and watched the bank manager busy outside, and couldn’t help but test the female employee: “Is it possible that the stocks in your bank can’t be sold? I don’t see anyone coming. buy from you.”

The female employee didn’t expect her to ask such a question, so she said unpreparedly: “Some people bought it too, but not much. The bank also asked our employees to buy it too, but the stock is too expensive, and it costs 21 yuan a piece. Money, for a newcomer like me, the monthly salary is only 47 yuan and 5 yuan, plus ten Hong Kong dollar foreign exchange certificates, it is really unaffordable.”

Mrs. Zhang thought it was quite reasonable, “Yes, this stock is a bit expensive.”

“Old lady, it’s really not expensive.” President Xu walked back, just heard a little tail, and said, “You are the biggest customer, the president of the head office has already told me, and they will sell you 18 yuan. Money is a good price.”

Madam Feng was not satisfied, she glared at him and said, “Last time we came here, we even gave us 5,000 shares. Why don’t we give away anything this time?”

President Xu said sincerely: “It’s not that I don’t want to give it, it’s that we can’t give it. This stock is 20 yuan per share, and each share will pay a dividend of 1 yuan. The actual price is equivalent to 21 yuan. If you buy it, you will earn 3 yuan directly. , The leader said that you are the largest shareholder, and this is our sincerity.”

After saying this, he said mysteriously: “Now that the stock is publicly issued, the price cannot be known by others, otherwise I will not be able to do it.”

The old lady Feng exchanged glances with the other people and said, “That’s fine, just buy it at the price you said.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll send someone to accompany you to withdraw money, or the Chinese bank last time, right?”

President Xu looks calm on the surface, but in fact, he has long been happy inside. After selling four million shares, he is still worried about the future. These shareholders are his **** of wealth, and he has to take care of them.

Old Man Feng put down his cup and said, “It’s the one from last time. Before we came, we called them and said that we wanted to withdraw money today. I don’t know if we could get it.”

“I’ll call and ask.”

President Xu attached great importance to it. He took out a brick-like object from the drawer, pressed it a few times, and said loudly, “Old Li, I’m Xu Yifan, I want to ask if you have any in the company. No four million, the customer made an appointment, yes, he called you before.”

I don’t know what was said over there, but President Xu nodded and said, “Oh, okay, I’ll send someone over, thank you, Lao Li.”

He put down the brick with a snap, greeted the two families and said, “I called to confirm, the Bank of China is ready, just wait for you to come over.”

Everyone else stood up, only Mengmeng was attracted by the brick, walked over to touch it, and asked very curiously, “What is this?”

This question was also asked by others, and since President Xu took out this brick, they became curious.

President Xu smiled and said, “Oh, this is Big Brother, it’s a mobile phone. It’s very convenient. You can call wherever you go.”

“This thing is called Big Brother? President Xu, can I see it?” Mrs. Feng likes new things the most, and couldn’t help but want to find out.

“Of course, you can watch it as you like.” President Xu said very generously, and took the initiative to introduce: “Big brother has just become popular recently, and we will all use bp machines in the future. It’s very inconvenient to be outside, but it’s different with this big brother, you can play anytime, anywhere.”

The big brother in Madam Feng’s hands looks like a black brick, and it weighs as heavy as a brick. There are several rows of buttons in the middle, a small screen on top, and an antenna-like thing on top.

She guessed right, that thing is the antenna, President Xu said, you can dial someone else’s phone by pressing the number, and that antenna is for receiving information.

Madam Feng looked at it again and again, and said with satisfaction: “This thing is good, you can take it with you, and you can find people wherever you go. President Xu, how much does this thing cost? Where did you buy it?”

President Xu Ma Liu said: “Telecom’s business offices sell it. When I bought it, it was more than 10,000 yuan. The start-up fee was calculated separately. It cost about 5,000 yuan, but this amount of money is not a problem for you. , if you want to buy it, I can call over there and ask him to keep it for you first.”

Madam Feng returned the eldest brother to him, shook her head and said, “No need, let’s see, let’s go and get the money first.”

This time they dispatched more people, half of the bank staff followed, but the old Feng family and the old Zhang family became soy sauce. Stocks can be handed over in the bank.

Four million shares was quite a lot. In the end, the car was so full that no one could sit there. The bank had to send them another car before taking them to the hotel.

In the room, the old couple of the Zhang family stared at the boxes and felt like they were in a dream. Although they had bought stocks before, they had never been so free and easy this time. They bought them almost as soon as they entered the bank. Gone.

Mrs. Zhang touched the boxes and said with emotion, “I don’t know if this bank’s stocks are reliable.”

Brother Rui was playing with a stock in his hand and said confidently, “Grandma, don’t worry, this stock is definitely reliable, it’s from the bank.”

After buying these stocks, Brother Rui felt much more stable in his heart. He planned to sell them in a few years when the market was good, and buy them back when the market was bad. The bull market and bear market were all in his memory. similar.

Mengmeng was also in this room. She was no longer interested in those stocks, and pestered her grandmother and said, “Ma, when are we going to buy Big Brother?”

Madam Feng thought about it and said, “Wait for tomorrow. Let’s put the box away today, and we’ll take you there tomorrow.”

Mrs. Zhang echoed, “The phone is convenient, and I plan to buy one or two to go back to.”

“Yeah, it’s convenient.” Madam Feng replied casually, but she was thinking of bald-headed prestige. He has a lot of connections, and maybe he has the connections of the big brother. If the price is right, she is going to sell a batch.

Madam Feng had a good plan, and when she went to find Baldou Wei the next day, she heard him say: “Old sister, I do have eldest brother, but I’m not here. If you want, I have to contact them to transport it from Macau. That thing is expensive, and our wholesale price is six or seven thousand.”

“Hey,” Madam Feng gasped and said in surprise, “Why is it so expensive? Isn’t it cheap here?”

Bald-touwei looked around vigilantly, and then lowered his voice and said, “The wind is tight outside, and there are people in the vicinity of the defense. They can only come from the sea, and they are often checked. They are hiding in the east and have to clear the way. Relationship, the price will naturally go up, and I’m also very helpless.”

“Is that so, shall we still buy it?” Madam Feng hesitated, and only looked at her old man.

The old man Feng said: “Buy, just buy two sets for our own use, and forget about doing business. With six or seven thousand plus the account opening fee, one set will cost at least ten thousand. Who can afford it? We haven’t saved it yet. So many rich people.”

Bald Head Wei said understandingly: “If you want a few, I will have a new one here, and I will only charge you the cost price. Give me 6,000 yuan for one.”

A few people were also very straightforward, and after discussing it, they said, “Okay, you can get us four, and I’ll pick something else.”

Now that she’s here, Mrs. Feng will buy some new items for her canteen. Usually, she uses the bp machine to contact Baltouwei. If she wants anything, she will send it to him, and she will remit the money. It is much more convenient to go there in person.

She walked around the store, bought all the goods, and was ready to go back. They came out in a short time this time. Mengmeng’s parents planned to take her to Beijing during the summer vacation, and they didn’t have time to wander around Shenzhen.

On the way back, they hired a few cars to go. In order to make the dolls sit comfortably, and to keep watch over the stocks, they also hired a big jeep, and a group of people left in a mighty manner.

Mengmeng was sitting in the middle row with Brother Rui next to her. Her little baby was dishonest and crooked when she sat, so she simply went to the seat and said with a small yawn, “So sleepy, Want sleep.”

“Go to sleep, sister.” Brother Rui asked her to rest her head on his lap and gently patted her very skillfully.

Mengmeng was not honest after laying down. Where did she find a bright yellow plastic trumpet, put it on her mouth and kept blowing, listening to the trumpet of “Pap Pap”, she herself was amused.

“Hahaha, have fun.” She didn’t look like she was going to sleep at the moment, and she put her mouthpiece into Brother Rui’s mouth: “Brother Rui, try it too.”

Brother Rui held the mouthpiece, and his face turned red strangely. Mengmeng was still blowing with this small horn just now. Isn’t that just indirect, I’m really embarrassed.

With a shy little face, he puffed out his cheeks dizzily and blew, not wanting to take the small horn off at all.

Madam Feng looked at the two of them and jokingly said to her older sister, “These two little dolls have a really good relationship. Brother Rui knows how to take care of his younger sister.”

Mrs. Zhang smiled inexplicably and said: “Let him take care of him more, my family has only one baby, Brother Rui, he is usually too lonely at home, I don’t know how much I envy your family, let’s not talk about them, let’s chat… …”

The convoy walked all the way, and finally returned to Taoyuan Village. As a result, as soon as they entered the village, they met Xiang Tao who was running at the front.

“Hey, Xiang Tao, why are you here? Your aunt said she was going to take Mengmeng to Beijing.” Madam Feng asked strangely, looking around the village.

Xiang Tao stopped in front of them and said sweetly, “Auntie, it’s great to see you. I came with my grandparents. I’m on summer vacation. My sister and brother are also here.”

Xiang Tao said it cheerfully. God knows how much he misses Taoyuan Village, and he also misses the little friends in the village. Isn’t it summer vacation? He saw Tian’er talking at home, clamoring for him to come. When the grandparents heard it, they also thought about it, so they came with their grandchildren.

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