Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 250: Wanted for MORE Than a Spar (2)

No doubt, Nik is enjoying this. After all, two of his 'first' mentor are pressed to defeat him. He almost feels a little complicated to have surpassed them so quickly. One taught him the base of combat and the other taught him... strike and run. Both of which hold an incomparably profound application in combat. Especially the latter.

It's... a bitter-sweet emotion... no, just sweet. Maybe stirred with a bit of pride. Must be the evolution's shenanigan that he is feeling so giddy.

But then again, Nik understands that Suki and Sokka took years of practice to get better as warriors, and here he is...

'But... I'm not about to undervalue the stuff I have gone through in this world. The spiritual stuff, most of all. Be it the freakish Koh that left an everlasting impression or Reaper that caused me to commit suicide multiple times... sigh... how the hell I didn't go into depression yet? Oh, yeah, I have fucking practice with monsters thanks to Esta.'

"No distractions in a battle!" Suki scoffs and charges with her jagged fan ready to chew him a new one. Sokka capitalizes on this chance and rushes in with his spear, too.

A little slower and hesitant, Yue and Jin glance at each other once more.

And as they say, a group is as weak as its weakest link.

Links, plural, in this scenario.

Displaying his flexibility in full motion once again, Nik dodges Suki and Sokka with a stunning split that smacks his bottom on the ground and crosses his legs with Sokka's and Suki's feet. They won't fall. But they did get off-balanced.

Putting his back and hips to good use, Nik instantly spirals on the ground like a top, causing both Sokka and Suki to yelp as his legs snatch their footing like a sickle claiming strands of grass.

'See?' Nik follows the motion and skips up to stand, 'Weakest links~!' Yue and Jin aren't the weakest links, of course.

Currently, Nik is on a streak of being based and disrespectful.

When it comes to battle, Jin and Yue aren't even part of the equation!

He snickers at the incoming duo. As determined as they are, Nik can see their expressions falter with the stunt he just pulled.

Again, Nik wasn't quick enough to pull such a move. This is more in line with Ty Lee's style but... 'Who says beings flexible enough to shame an acrobat is only useful in bed... if I was down bad, I bet I could suck my own... you know what? Not gonna explore those mental images.'

He bends back slightly and evades the thrust of Jin's palm before catching her wrist and pulling her in front of Yue. Of course, his other hand takes advantage while winking at Azula who rolls her eyes sarcastically at him.

"When attack, even me, aim for the weak spots," He whispers, "like this~!"

His other hand gives her wide buttocks a rather firm squeeze, "You know, Kyoshi's teaching is all about bringing down large stuff."

A flush covers Jin's face but she rather enjoys her current situation and it would certainly not be good to admit that having such a hand in public no less gave Jin a thrill that her passionate self constantly seeks.

"You're a rogue!" Jin gasps but she also discreetly wiggles her ass against his tight hold.

'A rogue...' Yue pouts... watching someone else living the princess' dream...

"Kyoshi doesn't teach molestation," Suki scowls and sits up, "At the very least, don't sully our name!"

Letting go of Jin, Nik shrugs, "It's not molestation if you're in a spar."

"Dude... are you high?" Sokka questions sincerely, making Nik step towards Yue while cackling, "Always. Why?"

Crawling near Rena and helping her up, Sokka ignores Nik for a moment. They fell short, no doubt about it. But fuck helping Nik find his limits.

It's way better to use this endurance beast to train themselves instead!

"Why are you coming near me?!" Yue yelps and backs away as Jin can be seen rubbing her butt on the side with a dreamy expression.

But just because muscular rogues with a grin as devious as Nik's are her kink doesn't mean Yue would like the same treatment.

But as Nik is taught... and he ironically accepts— You won't know till you try it... under an experienced hand.

"Well, the spar isn't over," Nik smirks, "Unless you willingly fall, of course, and accept that even the princess of the Northern Water Tribe does love taking the knee."

Yue's expression stiffens for once as she observes Nik playing the actual part of the big bad wolf. Knowing fully well that Azula and Zuko would perform better by themselves than in a group, Nik doesn't fear their early retaliation and walks towards Yue one step at a time as others begin to slowly sit up.

Yue's lips quiver and her legs freeze shut. They don't move and her body rebels against her mind. She would like... probably LOVE to be commanded by Nik's whims but a more rational side that allowed her to be the woman she is today sorely rebels against this idea. But he towers in front of her regardless of her inner conflict.

His gaze is predatory.

This is not due to evolution, Yue can say that much. Even Nik may fail to notice this almost always because he never considered himself to be the leading type but... he invokes many things in her. Just his gaze alone. His quiet, curious, yet predatory gaze.

It's not fear, of course, the feeling he invokes.


"So? What does our Princess desires?" He whispers with a noticeable husk in his voice. Her heart almost spirals out of control as his smile widens and his hands reach out for her shoulders.

'Maybe... he'll tear off my clothes. Teach me better things in front of others... Toph did say that his evolution brings a surprise in the bedroom... what could it be? Does his scent change? Does he get more aggressive?'

Her throat parches and her cheeks darken visibly when Nik pats her shoulder and... all that energy suddenly disappears.

It can be felt!

Nik's gaze is different again. It's playful now as he steps back, "Well, I wouldn't want you to go on your knees," he snickers and winks knowingly, "After all... you lost the spar. You don't get a reward for losing~!"

Yue's sky-blue eyes glaze momentarily and she lets out a heavy breath, only realizing now how stuffed she'd been feeling. And then... she gives Nik a stinky glare!

'To think he will play with a woman's heart in this manner...! Granted... I should have seen this coming from miles away.'

"Done playing around?" Azula regards Nik with her eyes narrowed while Zuko, not the one to underestimate Nik after their bout with the dragons, silently takes a stance.

"It depends," Nik shrugs, "Are you done being a joke?"

Azula stills for a moment... like Jin and others.

'I know... this is just trash-talking. He just wants me riled up. He just wants me at my best,' Azula closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Slowly opening them with a rather calm and peaceful look, Azula smiles gently, 'I'm going to kill him for this.'

'Yep... she's going to kill me for this,' Nik smiles, too. It doesn't take a genius to understand her thoughts.

Both Zuko and Azula show basic teamwork born out of practicing together under Iroh for some time with blue and red flames being narrowly avoided by Nik.

Of course, like Airbending, Firebending is quicker than water and earthbending when in a melee competition. Swift jabs can be added with jets of fire that would cook many ordinary beasts in a few seconds.

And when one adds Azula's blue flames...

Well, Nik IS drenched. Sweat soaks his body as the temperature around him continues to rise but he still doesn't try to cool off his sweat using waterbending.

Instead, he charges at Zuko who isn't afraid of hand-to-hand combat. Avoiding and trading punches become a bit harder because Zuko fully understands that Nik is physically stronger and more flexible. So, the prince uses his firebending to boost his speed by igniting a fire under his feet and causing him to move erratically at times in hopes to catch Nik by surprise.

Azula does the same. As Zuko would pull back, she would charge in with a manic bout of blue flames.

One thing, however, interesting is that Zuko and Azula no longer have any significant gaps in skills. In fact, Nik might even argue that despite the temperature difference, Zuko's red-hot flames are more ferocious. Or better yet, Zuko has grown more ferocious himself.

"Does this feel like a joke, too?" Azula hisses with a wicked grin as the few strands of her jet-black hair mat down on her sweaty forehead. Her plump lips remain stretched open as she continues to assault Nik with more kicks than punches but pressure from Zuko on the opposite side stops Nik from sweeping Azula down just the same as Suki.

"A bad one," Nik laughs, "But yes!"

"Raaaa!" Azula glowers and jumps in a spin as her heels eject a massive jet of blue flames gaining in on Nik.

'This... we can get him!' Zuko's eyes widen and he suddenly sweeps down with a massive arc of flame and then quickly jumps with his body spiraling and his leg kicking down with another massive arc of flames!

There is nowhere to run... and this is what Nik really wanted.

An actual reason to test one of the harder limits of his body.

His current physique has grown from 3.8→ 6.9. Almost double the gains in the body be it strength, speed, dexterity, reaction time, and everything else...

But that's only in numbers.

Every point in his stats has a gap greater than the preceding stat.

In essence, the effort one must put in to raise the stat in physique from 3.8 to 3.9 will fall short when it comes to raising one's strength from 3.9 to 4.

Obviously, the difference in decimals is small but as one continues to grow stronger, the gap will increase, too. For instance, eventually, the effort one places to reach from 1 to 6.9 may not be enough to cover a simple gain from, let's say, 169 to 169.1. This is all not a theory.

Nik understands this concept. The stronger one grows, the closer they are to their limits. And the evolution of bloodline... raises this limit. Even Mokshi cannot just make him infinitely strong because it's a primordial of freedom... but it does save Nik from the vices of evolution.

'I'm still a bit away from hitting the peak of this bloodline. Of course, just being an uncommon bloodline, it is easy to assume that my potential hasn't skyrocketed but it must have increased moderately. The only way to gain results is by getting out of my comfort zone. After all... I was already quite strong with stats around 4. My comprehensive strength now is more than doubled so the effort I must put in should be equally ridiculous!'

Blue covers his gaze. His thoughts move rapidly, confirming every decision he thinks of as... risky. But this is the time to take risks. Risks of injuries in spars, in his humble opinion, are better than the risk of death in an actual battle.

'Push all your strength in your feet,' he trails off within with yet another dangerous look.

'Blue fire is dangerous. It'll burn me easily...' The blue flames feel... slower. His mind is overworking. His hair singes from the heat of the flames coming from behind.

'It's only bending the elements... when you use it externally. So what is this technique... I wonder. Another energy-bending skill... no... it's like La's essence.'

His violet eyes look blank but for a moment they brighten physically as if he is using the energybending skill to communicate with Mokshi...

'Instead of controlling my chi like tidal waves that give me better control on liquids... I have to... burn it? No... yes?'

He's been left stranded in an awkward realm of understanding firebending because of Ran and Shaw.

But he stops forcing his legs to speed through the blue flames.

'Fire is life,' he remembers the chieftain's voice, 'If my chi can act like raging waves... what's stopping it to act like the first flames given to humanity?'

He feels he has cracked it...

'Or being as stable as the earth. As volatile as lava, as frivolous as air... and as deadly as lightning?'

The flames consume him or rather, Nik lets them consume him.

Everyone's gaze widens and Katara shrieks, "Nik!"

There is a chance he might have entered his personal space but that doesn't stop Katara to push herself and raise a massive tide of water in a panic that sweeps away the flame...

Together with a man who hits against the railing and enters a fit of cough.

"The hell, Katara," Nik coughs as regains the breath that was knocked out of him.

Aside from the minor burns on his skin and his trousers in a rag that... well, let's just say that the difference between him and a naked man is just a few strips of burnt clothes— He is fine.

Entering his personal space instantly and returning with a fresh pair of pants around him, Nik brushes his wet hair back and grins, "I got to learn something new... so thanks~!"

"You idiot!" Katara hisses as she weakly leans against the railing, "Just... what the hell do you think you were doing?!"

"Exactly," Azula frowns, and Nik shrugs.

"Let me get dressed first," he walks toward the dazed Kya and takes his torn tunic from her.

"Thanks for holding onto it."

"No... problem..." Kya blinks, still digesting what happened, like the fire nation soldiers watching the spar on the edge of their seats!

'Now... how do I explain this to others without sounding cocky once again...'

He looks at one of his skills.

Fire Element Mastery (Expert→ Master): The manipulation and enlightenment of the element of Fire either in nature or through one's own creation in the realm of a master. (Additional Info: Through constant training, a noob turns into an expert and an expert reaches the realm of a master.)

The technique he just pulled was basic... but only one is on this level.

Make your chi stable, fiery, and full of life with an inspiration— damn good resistance against external heat from the fire around without even bending the element actively.


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