Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 251: Hado

Fire Nation is an archipelago named Fire Islands with the capital located around the center. The group's destination, however, is an island on the outer rings of the nations but popular nonetheless.

Located on the dormant volcanic island of Wang-Jile is a port city that ships one of the more popular products of the Fire Nation— Crusted Mangoes.

The truth is... be it industrialization, culture, economy, and even agriculture... Fire Nation is at its peak. Even before the war.

Yes, rapid industrialization by using their gift in firebending and fostering academic talents allows the Fire Nation as an institution to manage and benefit from all the resources but the Fire Islands themselves are quite rich in resources be it minerals, very fertile volcanic soil, or the wealth of human creativity.

After all... Fire Nation came up with the idea of world domination. See? Peak Human Creativity.

The point is... Fire Nation is representative of development.

Their ship docked on the harbor and with the crew being the group's personal escort, they did not need to worry about the rest of their travel.

Before they could leave, however, the Captain elected to briefly relay the intel once more, "Based on your physical description, the prisoner held in the Prison Island escaped with a few other prisoners. He changed his name, as you would expect, and mans a shop in the village situated at the base of the mountain. Take this," the captain then hands Sokka a thicker sheet of paper, "This is the official release document issued to every other war prisoner. Go get your father, son."

"Thanks," Sokka accepts the paper with a heartfelt grin and even Rena, for once, nods at the Captain with the bare minimum of respect.

As they climb down the ship, Yue is quick to supply, "I'm sure it will be a very intimate moment for the three of you," she looks at Sokka, Katara, and Kya, "So, why don't we explore the settlement around the port while you three have your reunion." She further adds with a sincere smile, "This is the reason you two traveled and suffered many things in your travel."

"Are you sure?" Katara is inclined to the idea but still looks around. Similarly, Sokka looks toward Rena who nods with a smile, "I will meet with him later."

"Exactly," Nik adds, "Meanwhile, we'll buy some fun outfits, and taste local delicacies, and other stuff. It's naturally hot around here and would be the same on other islands due to their tropical environment so... leave preparing all that to us."

"Thanks," Katara grins and then turns to look at her family. After a moment of natural trepidation, the three bid their farewell and take the route explained by the captain, and only when Rena is sure that the family from Southern Tribe Village is out of earshot, she states firmly, "There is no way I am wearing any Fire Nation clothes!"

But demonstrating a casual look, Nik pats her on the back with a force that knocks her a step forward, "Relax, will you? Fashion didn't commit war or imprison you unjustly. Besides, don't you want to see Sokka all dressed up for you?"

Rena scoffs and rolls her eyes but Nik's words do easily dismantle her notions.

"Um... so where do we go?" Ty Lee voices out.

"You're the guide," Nik smiles.

"I mean... I know my way around the capital. Not this," Ty Lee hums and looks around, "Ah, let me ask him."

She zeroes in on a young stall owner beside the port. Sporting a massive yet adorable grin, Ty Lee questions the man, "Hi, could you point us in the direction of the marketplace?"

Although the youth, nay, the boy is briefly stunned, he nods and points in the direction of carts led by several Komodo Rhinos. "That's basically the center of the action. Crust Mangoes are abundant there, too... although, just for you," he leans forward and whispers, "The stores with more fanfare sell Crusted Mangoes too expensive. The taste of the fruit and the 'crunch' of the crust doesn't change despite its color or size so don't let appearances fool ya."

Ty Lee nods, although she knew this much about Crusted Mangoes, the nifty tip about the market is well-appreciated so the girl chose to return the gesture with her characteristic service. It's not contorting and slithering on a man's body, of course. This service came only to the chosen few among which only one is a man.

"Thanks," She flashes a pleasant smirk, "And your aura is really dim and dull so you should try and focus a bit more on your personal life. Maybe start with more hygiene." She is sincere in her suggestion and doesn't stick around to hear his thoughts before taking a handstand and walking to the group of foreign girls and a man.

The youth is stunned for a moment before he bites back a scowl.

'Can't believe anyone in this evil world. Share a good tip for a good smile and you get roasted in return...' he then looks pensive, 'It feels like I have seen her somewhere before. Is she famous?'

The man doesn't care. He returns to focus on his stall while Ty Lee leads the group away deeper into the settlement.


"It's great!" Sokka feels his grin would split his face if he continues to stretch his lips any wider.

"We get it," Katara draws an annoyed huff, "For the fifth time already!"

"No, you don't," Sokka, taking the lead eventually, looks back and throws Katara his characteristically condescending look, "We set out to find dad. Yes, maybe help Aang and Nik along the way but mostly the first goal."

"And finding a waterbending teacher for me," Katara asserts to which Sokka shrugs, "Yeah, yeah. But now we found our mom AND dad!" Sokka exhales loudly with giddy butterflies fluttering in his stomach, "I say if we search long enough, we might even find Gran Gran!"

Katara rolls her eyes but Kya only quietly observes them. Although she hasn't been with her children for long... she IS glad that their characters aren't changed at the very core.

Sokka has always been intuitive. Crafty and smart yet bold enough to face issues head-on. But this is also why she notices the current imbalance in the young Chieftain's state of mind which makes him avoid the most obvious red flag.

'If Hakoda did escape... why did he not return? What can be more important than his own children?'

But this is a 'simple' issue in face of the conflict within Kya's bosom.

Her feelings for Hakoda can be considered... meager. Maybe there are couples in the world whose bond deepens with each successive moment of parting but...

Kya admits that the same isn't the case for her despite the decades she spent in Reaper's stomach. Void of emotions. Void of life. Void of love. It wasn't even a peaceful solitude.

Just... Void.

And despite all that, she reforged a fresh bond with her children without hesitation. She loves them dearly.

However, the fact that she hesitates over Hakoda shows... her true feelings.

'But again... maybe I only need to meet him again,' Kya affirms internally. After all, she can still decide on her path ahead after meeting her husband.


"Oh!!" It is hard for Yue to keep her voice in check. New things. Bright things. Colorful things and not mention delicious things. All of this incites a great deal of reaction from Yue. She never really felt confined to a single culture and longed to enjoy the beauty other cultures have to offer. After all, not everything must be dealt with bloodshed, right?

So imagine her surprise when Crusted Mango turns out to be a BANGER!

Even Suki and Jin are enjoying the treat with gleeful expressions much less Nik.

Crusted Mango is what one might consider the 'inverse' of 'regular' mangoes growing in Nik's grove.

The fruit grows like an ordinary mango except for one distinction— the skin of the fruit has many albeit tiny pores that secrete all the juice and flesh of the fruit out on the skin. This then cakes on the skin and continues to overlay, eventually, making it an outward fruit. Unlike Mangoes, Crusted Mangoes are incredibly light and one can hear the large seed knocking against the surface within.

The fruit is sweet, light, flaky, and crunchy, and can be eaten with a variety of substances like milk and maybe a drizzle of honey, too.

Naturally, to eat this, one has to peel the first and outermost layer of crust but after that... Crunch.

Despite the taste, however, Nik sorely believes that Crusted Mango cannot take a regular mango's position but of course, the opposite is also true.

"After this, let's eat Ash Bananas!" Ty Lee grins while munching on the fruit in small bites like Azula, "You'll love its smoky taste even more!"

"In fact, you should grow these fruits before we leave," Yue whips her head to gaze at Nik with glittering eyes, "I promise it won't burden you. I am happy to take the role of taking care of the saplings!"

In fact, with her energybending skill, she may just be able to increase the growth of the tree by herself.

"It's nothing to worry about," Nik chuckles, "Let me find some tomes on its agriculture. I'm sure the Royal Palace will have many. Then we can start stocking on seeds and purchase any other crucial material, too."

Yue nods eagerly akin to an enticed pup as Azula lets out a throaty hum, "Of course, with me around, anything in the Royal Palace should be ours to use."

Nik tosses her a bemused glance. As if wealth would impress him.

"Forget about palaces... let's get you dressed up, your highness."

"Well, of course," Azula smirks and plays along as she places a crisp piece of Crusted Mango in her mouth, "You all clearly need to understand how a princess dresses."

"In stains," Jin nods expertly.

"Lips caked, too," Yue giggles.

"And a rather hungry look," Suki shrugs and Ty Lee throws them a questioning glance.

"See? That is so inconsiderate," Rena scoffs, "At least talk about some explicit stuff you do outside of closed rooms!"

As Ty Lee understands the implications of the previous words, Nik's words almost short-circuit her brain, "Oh, we have that kind of story, too~!"


"Okay, this is the village," Sokka exhales a slightly exhausted breath, "They have foreigners around here from time to time so our presence shouldn't surprise them too much."

His legs fail to communicate any sense of tiredness and Sokka looks back to make sure that he isn't the only one feeling oddly nervous yet excited. The reaction... however, was mixed.

While Katara demonstrates equal part nervousness and excitement, Kya adopts a fairly casual and nonchalant expression. She seems to be in her thoughts but noticing his gaze, she snaps out and looks at him with a warm smile developing over her face, "What is it, Sokka?"

"Uh, nothing," Sokka shakes his head and then grins, "I was just... feeling nervous. I wonder if he'll even recognize us."

"No father forgets his children," Kya remarks with a serious expression, "Don't fret. You remind me of your father quite a bit and you possess just as many great qualities as him."

Sokka blushes at this. Still a bit unused by honest praises.

"Ehm..." Katara clears her throat without a pout.

"And YOU," Kya emphasizes, "Are just like your grandmother!" Although, one can easily see the humor in her chastising tone, "Stubborn like an ox but freer than spirits!" Smiling and forcing back her own hints of trepidation, Kya holds the hands of her children and pulls them into a feeble embrace, much to Sokka's and Katara's embarrassment.

But her honest words fill them with a sense of extreme comfort.

"I am thankful for the spirits that I got the chance to be in your lives again. I can't mention this enough times. I'm truly grateful."

She pulls back and smiles at them, rather teasingly, "And maybe thankful for Nik, too."

"Ugh," Sokka rolls his eyes, "Why'd you have to bring him up... but yeah, he's kind of good... and I guess he did save my hide when I was technically dead, too..."

"Huh?" Kya blinks.

"Yea, Mom," Katara tattles quickly, "Sokka died once, too, and not against Grim and Reaper. Another spirit."

"Ok?" Kya blinks. This isn't the reaction they were expecting but Kya notes this, too, and sighs, "I'm sorry... I still can't fully recover from the ramifications of one's death. I do have years of experience, after all."

The trio decides to drop the topic right here and Sokka decisively turns to look at the village's entrance, "Let's go."


"Ah, foreigners. Green and earthen robes, huh? What can I do to help the brothers and sisters of Earth Kingdom? By the way, blessed tidings. The village got the news about some vile stuff being destroyed, eh," Hado flashes a gentle grin and offers, "And you don't seem from around here. In the interest of unity, how about tasting some of the fresh clams I fished out? If you like 'em, I'll give a good discount on the purchase."

As he says so, confident in his sales pitch developed over the years, Hado glances at the trio with a calculative look.

One man and two women. Although, the women share extremely familiar facial features with one slightly older. Mother and daughter most likely.

'So the strapping lad must be the brother and son. No father around so he must be calling the shots.'

A little bothered by their glazed gazes, however, Hado chuckles, "Young Brother, what is it? Tell Hado of Wang-Jile your troubles. This village has no better detective than me or warrior. But between you and me, I lied to the old ball and chain about giving up my swords. The beauty is too precious and keeps me fit!"

Continuing as he brings their attention to his greyed-out sideburns and many strands of grey within the black of his hair, Hado adds, "And don't let my appearance fool ya! I may have never left the village but I'm good. Better than most soldiers!"

He sees the foreigners' eyes widen further.

'Speechless by my skills, are we? Good. I can hook a higher price~!' Hado hums happily as he hears an exasperated voice, "Bragging and bragging! That's what you always do, Hado!"

Hado looks back, missing the sight of the trio in front of his stall turning pale. At least, this seems to be true for the brother-sister pair while the mother has a complicated look on her face betraying a trace of relief no less.

"Daddy~!" A jingle chortles and springs upon his chest. Catching his bundle of joy, Hado laughs, "Awake, are we, you little glutton? Let Dad take care of fellow brothers and sisters and we'll go fishing, alright... Hira?" Hado looks at his wife who stares at the trio of customers pointedly with a brief look of shock as she turns to him and squeezes out a smile, "Dear, would you ready Kaya? Let me look after the stall for once."

Revealing how much of their union is well-developed, Hado chuckles and looks at the customers, "Don't let 'er appearance fool ya guys. She's one of the toughest around the village but she's got a soft heart for travelers. Don't shy away from the clams."

Looking at his daughter, five years young, Hado smiles, "Come on. Let's race to the coast!"

"Hehe!" She giggles, "I'll win this time!"

She bolts away energetically while Hado follows with a chuckle.

Once they are far away, Hira looks at the trio, "You must be Sokka and Katara," she identifies as their expression shifts, "But... Hakoda never mentioned it... you to be alive. From the looks of it... you are their mother, are you not?"

"What's going on?" Sokka almost snaps as Hira reveals a pained expression, "Please, I don't intend to play you around in circles but if you make a scene, it may just affect the situation for worse."

Just before the sibling could fume out of confusion, Hira mutters, "Hakoda died six years ago."

And the trio stills.


Six Years Ago, Hakoda died.

With the victory of Fire Nation, they began to assimilate a lot more cultures of other countries for their benefit. With Air Benders 'virtually' gone and water benders firmly in control... Ozai took not a second longer to incorporate Dai Li's mystical hypnotism into his mechanism.

Of course, the first they tried it on happened to be the strong-willed leaders and commanders still in the prison.

Hakoda was one of them.

And it is also in such experiments did they realize that some men and women are too strong-willed. Maybe even spiritual. Their consciousness would rather wipe off instinctively than falter under anyone else's control.

Hakoda died.

He was considered a vegetable and thus a drain on the prison's resources like many others. Hira was one of the jailers who would take such prisoners out and find them a survival chance, at least.

Again, Ozai being a monster did not entail others are no better.

And even if imprisoned, Hakoda was a chieftain. A charismatic individual and his happy tales spurred others down in the dump to relish a ray of hope. Hakoda talked about his peerless son who would surpass him.

He would praise his daughter who was the spitting image of his wife as the best waterbender there ever will be. And he certainly attracted a lot of attention from the 'right' crowd.

But... as Hira led Hakoda out... he recovered. He could talk. He could understand. He could navigate and he could fight. A warrior.

The only thing he could not do... was remember.

Hira tried a lot. But she eventually realized she did not have it in her to take 'Hado' back. He was a unique case. The only survivor of Ozai's brainwashing at the time. If she took him back, Hira was almost certain that Hado would not survive and...

She liked him.

She did not want to reveal the truth knowing fully well that even if he does not remember his family, he would continue the 'bad' fight. After all, Hakoda was a warrior, and so was Hado...

Until Hira revealed the 'truth.'

He was more than a warrior. A responsible man who tried to leave his village but encountered some kind of freak accident.

To Hira's credit, she did not manipulate him any further. She wished him peace, nothing more. But after a few weeks and being unable to tolerate any more cruelty in the Fire Island Prison, she quit her station and returned to the desolate spot in Wang-Jile island where she left Hado to live his new life.

Consider her surprise when 'Hado' established a village. Attracted many needy individuals and spent his new life serving them. Defeating fire nation soldiers who were asked to stop the village's growth through the port settlement and even earning the admiration of soldiers once they realized Hado was not harming anyone.

Hira... stayed.

She saw. And she loved.

She had a daughter with Hado not long after and deep down, she pushed away the pit in her stomach.

What if Hado's no... Hakoda's past life chased up to him.

The answer was clear and Hira revealed it with a sad conclusion.

Hado has no memories. He has no attachments to Hakoda's life.

Hakoda died six years ago. Hado lives for six years now.


A dull mood surrounds the trio. They haven't left the village but chose to regather their thoughts a bit away from it. Needless to say, despite Hira being forthright and honest, Katara and Sokka had no fondness for her.

"That's it!" Sokka suddenly clenches his fists, "I'm making him remember me no matter what! I'll ask Nik or Aang to contact spirits, too, if that's what it takes!"

However, his more than enthusiastic response is met by a slightly tearful Katara and a downright blank Kya.

"What... What's going on?" He asks them.

"Nothing," Katara whispers and sits on the ground. Her breathing grows more and more choked before her sobs start to leak once more.

"Hey," Sokka takes a knee and holds his Sister's shoulder, "Don't worry, everything will be alright. I'm sure Aang and Nik will find a way. Maybe there is—"

"Didn't you see how dad looked at Hira and Kaya?" Katara suddenly looks up with her eyes slightly red and tears leaking down. Sniveling up her snot and catching her breath, Katara breaks down as all feel meaningless. She knows it isn't but at this moment... for JUST this moment... she feels this helplessness.

"He *hic*, he has a family..."

"It's not his fault," Sokka assures her, "But come on, don't lose hope now. We are so close! We—"

"You'd be taking your father... from your other sister," Kya suddenly voices out, making Sokka feel a little sick as he looks up, his own gaze almost turning desperate, "No, everything will be fine," he asserts, "He can still take care of them."

Kya exhales a faint sigh and sits next to Katara to pat her daughter's back and bring her into a comforting embrace. Looking at Sokka with no small amount of sadness, Kya smiles one filled with pain, "This may not be the time to reveal it... but the truth is, only you and Katara were the remaining family. Me, Hakoda, and anyone else is just a... gift."

Seeing his confused expression, Kya explains softly, "Hakoda... Hado is your father. Both of yours and Kaya's, too. You may blame Hira for whatever choices she made but Hado is alive because of her. And... Kaya shares no blame. She is a child who loves, respects, and admires her father with no small amount of trust."

Sokka slowly lowers his head as Kya keeps going, "So, if you wish to find a solution, nobody can stop you. I suspect, if, by some miracle, Hakoda does 'return', he may elect to take care of Kaya but... just maybe, not Hira. Not only that, your father is lucky."

"What?" Sokka instantly looks up to a great deal of offense and even Katara looks up slightly with a shocked expression.

Still holding onto a smile but a far less pained one, Kya informs them, "Hira may think Hakoda is dead but that cannot be far from it. I... I think death is void. I may be wrong. Maybe, death is just that— washed away memories. If I am still alive then certainly, death is more nuanced than any one of us might expect.

And... Hakoda is not dead."

Smiling a little brighter, Kya remarks, "Hado is Hakoda. He still protects. He still loves and is a responsible warrior. And I can read his mind even now. He was thinking about how to rip us off for mere clams," chuckling a little, Kya shakes her head as if reminiscing her sweeter memories.

"I don't expect you to accept this, Sokka. Even you, Katara," Kya states firmly, "But don't think like Hira. Hakoda isn't dead... he is lucky. He gets to live again. That is more than anyone of us could have expected."

By now Katara's tears are dry and Sokka is clenching the fabric of his trousers with an indignant look, "It's not fair!" He glowers, "I—" he chokes, "I... wanted him to see me as a good Chieftain... a good warrior! A man! I..." His nose begins to sour and Katara can certainly share the same emotion as him.

"He did see you," Kya pats her eldest on the shoulder, "And believe me, Hakoda IS proud of you. That is why he left the village in your hands, Sokka."

She asserts, "He already knew that you have all these qualities. Everyone knew. That's why they left without a hint of fear... they trusted you with their home."

Tears begin to spill out of the eyes of the hardened Chieftain but he dares not let out a single sob. He stares at his folded legs for a while as his vision is already hazy and drops of tears leave damp marks on his pants.

After a while, Sokka rubs his eyes with the back of his arm and exhales a deep sigh.

"I wish I got the drop on that cunt Ozai!" He hisses and suffers a smack on the back of his head.

"Now that's a language even Hakoda would not be proud of," Kya scolds with a smile.

"Mom..." Katara looks up, "What do you feel about dad now?"

"I expected to feel some sort of guilt at not feeling anything," Kya states honestly, "But I am only filled with pride at this moment. I'm sorry dear... I know this isn't the answer you two may have wanted to hear."

Katara shakes her head and sits up. After a few moments of silence, Katara claims, "Once we are done with this trip... I hope to leave with Nik. I know I have said this many times but the risks are the same as living here. Death will come either way. And now... I feel that I have nothing left to accomplish here. Will... will you come?"

"Where else would I go if not with you?" Kya smiles.

"I'm not going," Sokka suddenly intervenes, making Katara look at her brother in shock.

Exhaling a light-hearted grin, Sokka laughs, "Just kidding. Damn, look at your face... heh, I needed this."

Kya smiles slightly, "Let's go. I suppose we don't have to interfere with Hakoda's life again, right?"

Though it makes Sokka feel hella conflicted... he nods.

Granted everything... his father is somehow the lucky one. Chasing his daughter. Playing and loving. Protecting. He IS living.


A/N: The island, Wangjile, according to google translate means Forgotten so it was an apt name to pick~!


Alternative Title: Meaning of Death; Legends Truly Never Die; Neither in Memory nor Life, Hakoda is NOT Dead; Pride; Hard Acceptance; Hakoda Almost Rips off His First Family; Crunchy Mangoe~; Organic Cereal— Crusted Mango!


A/N (2): I know I did make Hakoda leave the picture out of selfishness. After all, I DID add Kya for a reason. But unlike Goddess Collector where I just made Hakoda look like a scum... I wanted to give an honorable man an honorable ending. And damn... the chap is easily 4000+ words. I just didn't want to divide this particular chapter just like I kept Tales of Ba Sing Se in one chap, too.


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