Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 277: Reincarnation Domain

Ray stares off into nothingness. Her glazed pink pupils look blank and unnerving as Nik keeps his cool, waiting for his strange partner's verdict.

'Fuck me,' Ray thinks internally. 'FUCK ME!'

'He lived through one of the Recruits' Graves. Not only that, it was an altered timeline! His rating's going to be off the charts! Which means—Fuck me!' The youth starts panicking slightly, not liking how her life will be, but she can't overlook the value Nik brings to the table, as she points out.

"You're in a bond with Mokshi, right? I should have guessed that from your violet pupils."

Nik's body instantly tenses as Ray shakes her head, muttering, "You're right to feel nervous, dude. We're in trouble if the word for your Paradox Spirit gets out."

"We?" Nik narrows his eyes as Ray groans, "You think I want to be with a ticking time bomb? Yes, we! And you survived the world of Primordial Spirits without knowing a thing about them! You're either very lucky or plain strong—I'm okay with either. Listen, Nik. The world you went to is fondly called the world of Avatar. Recruits rarely enter this world, much less an alternate timeline!"

Ray dismissively waves her hands before Nik can question, "I'll find the canon material for it. You need to read it to understand the shit you managed to get through in one piece. Never speak of your first world to anyone until you reach the Rank of an Executive."

Nik nods plainly, not liking Ray's anxiousness.

"Paradox Skills are rare, yes," Ray looks at him, "Their rarity lies in the fact you can never purchase one in the Reincarnation Trading Facilities. Among the many Paradox Skills, Mokshi's existence is quite popular. You aren't the only one who entered the world of Avatar and managed to bond with Mokshi. There are others, too. Or, you can say those are the ones who lived to tell the tale."

Nik feels Mokshi's curiosity rising as he sighs, "I think I understand the situation. The world I entered, as real as it was, is a special continuation to the 'canon' you speak of. But Aang's world is popular in targeting the travelers because Mokshi is drawn to them, leading a horde of other spirits, including a few Primordials. Is that it?"

Ray nods. "Not only that, Primordials of each verse share- well, we don't need to get into that complicated pile of junk for now. The next topic, and the reason for my anxiousness, is your rating."

Nik closes his eyes, recalling the information from the bundle of knowledge he received when he entered the Reincarnation Domain.

"Every Reincarnation Paradise member is rated by a peculiar combination of clauses set by the Paradise after they complete their travel." Nik iterates, "The Paradise rates a member out of 100, but the rating itself may surpass the 100 mark. Stuff like completing missions or acquiring a certain amount of AP adds to the rating. Wait, it says interactions and choices with fated ones also add to the rating based on the margin of divergence."

"It means your choice with people like Aang—befriending them or killing them, and the kind—and your ability to survive the consequences add to your rating," Ray sighs.

Nik frowns as he recalls the mission to kill Aang, somewhat understanding the situation.

"And the higher the internal rating only known to Reincarnation Paradise, the more active the next world will become."

Ray nods, "Look into that information further. It should also explain how the missions differentiate for Transmigration and Reincarnation."

Nik's brows scrunch together as he mutters audibly, "All members of the Reincarnation Paradise are valuable assets—so they must act like assets. Members, or teams of members, traveling in a different verse must complete missions. Failure to complete quests leads to disastrous consequences. But Paradise values its assets and will not erase them as is. Failure to finish one quest costs 10 AP of the member's rank. Failure to complete two quests in a row costs 50 AP of the member's status. Failure to complete three quests in a row costs the member's, or the team's, life."

He feels a chill traveling down his spine as he whispers, "The Paradise also revokes any right to live once the members are unable to pay AP. In a team, Paradise only eradicates the individual unable to pay the price, not the team itself."

Ray licks her dry lips, "Again, welcome to the Reincarnation Paradise."

Nik looks at her pointedly, muttering, "You have a Paradox skill, too. That's why we're partners."

Ray shakes her head, "The executive who recruited me has one. I don't. I only know of a way to get a Paradox Skill, just like you. Now, before I give you a tour of other facilities, let's get one thing clear—You don't have to trust me but our situation itself. As an Intern, we enter a world with other members. These strangers will hunt us and others."

"Why?" Nik gasps. "So they can complete the missions without competition?"

"That's part of the reason," Ray sighs. "The other reason is this," she shakes her left arm, pointing at the Scar of Infinity with her right index finger. "Transmigration Paradise expands your world with each Rank-up, right? That's why your Paradise was more easygoing. Reincarnation Paradise has a lot of things going on—many benefits! So, Infinity doesn't expand itself. Instead, the member who kills another will get their portion of Infinity."

Nik gapes before he groans and slumps on his chair, "Fuck me."

"Exactly," Ray sighs deeply.

"Can I ask you something else?" Nik questions, "Does your personal world show the area outside the restriction? What about that region? Do we ever unlock that?"

Ray knows what Nik is talking about. Only a small piece of land is available to them within the scars of their arms. The rest is behind a translucent dome restricting the hosts from entering those lands.

"It gets replaced," Ray smiles. "Three members tried hunting me in my last world, and I managed to kill one of them while escaping the other two monsters. So, my desert is now adjacent to a part of the sea that acts like a lake. Don't worry about the ecosystem and whatnot. Infinity adjusts itself so that we don't lose any profit from the two different lands. And you should know that we take over our prey's world in its developed state—including any people they have inside."

Nik's frown deepens as he questions, "Did you—"

"I set them out of my world. I don't know if they will survive the different atmosphere, but I don't really care. I tried keeping to myself in the last world—"

Her words jolt Nik as he questions in a hurry, "Did you complete the mission?"

"Relax," Ray grins toothily, showing a thumbs-up, "I did!"

Silence falls in their surrounding as Ray stretches her arm with a reasonably cute grunt, "Umgf! You should create an Id for your chat module, or others will see your real name. It's better to keep your name hidden since some bastards have weird voodoo skills and like hazing the rookies after knowing their identities. Oh, and accept my friend request. I sent it to you when you entered this room."

Understanding that one only needs to see the other person to send a friend request, Nik opens his chat module and looks at the three tabs—General, Friends, and Partners. Each of these tabs has a different cost to send a message. There is a blue dot on the red tab of 'Friends.'


Nik tries not to judge the man-girl ahead as she pouts, crossing her thin arms over her baggy t-shirt. "Any problemo?"

"None," he mutters, accepting the request. "There must be another benefit of a friend request, right? After all, you were already in Partner Tab."

Ray grins, winking, "That's right~!" She chortles, "We're friends now!"

"That's it?" Nik blinks as she rolls her eyes. "Liven up, Nik! Now make your Id. Make it sexy like mine!"

He sighs, pondering deeply.

"Got it," he nods and sets an Id.

Ray looks at her chat module as it shows the notification of a request.

"Really?" She blanks out before scoffing, "Nut-Cracking-Messiah?"

Nik grins, "Yep!"

She shrugs, "Should have made something cute like Succu-Buddy!"

"Ugh," he rolls his eyes.

She smirks as she hops off her chair before stretching a little further, "Or something true to your work—Mr. Harem. I still can't believe you banged Azula and her mother! Even Kya! And here I thought she was dead! By the way, how do you even differentiate between the seven of those Ty Sisters?"

Nik shrugs, "It wasn't easy. A set of triplets trained me for that very moment."

He gets up, looking around, "Can I bring others out to this room?"

"You can. This room is your personal space. You can even pay AP to enlarge the space. But that's really just wasteful. We have Infinity, after all!"

Nik nods as he looks at her, "You never told me about your adventures?"

"Tag along," Ray grins, "I'll wear your ears off! I've been hoping to chat with a partner for a long time!"


The Reincarnation Domain consists of personal rooms one can travel to and from with a thought and a gigantic dome—Reincarnation Trading Facility.

Ray was right about one thing—the conflict regarding the three Paradise didn't matter to them. It was surprising how easily he got over his worries. But once Nik recalled his previous experiences, the answer was simple—he has gone through a lot! The thought of the inability to complete a mission didn't scare him. It was honestly annoying that Transmigration sent him into a categorically 'dangerous' version of a world against outsiders. He also counted his lucky stars that he didn't think of attacking Aang.

Not only was Aang a friend, but he also assisted Nik a great deal, and the past Avatars took a shine to him because he was good to Aang. Or else Kyoshi alone could have ended him with her Bonebending.

"—so, I showed that psycho an illusion of pistols shooting up his ass!" Ray loudly snickers as they walk. She is describing her first adventure. It's about a psychopath hired by a group of gangsters to recover lost money held by a local hunter. Ray also knowingly lets him in on a few of her abilities—illusions. "And then I kept devouring buildings until I ranked up and then some more! It was the easiest adventure ever!"

"Can't say I relate to that," Nik sighs as he observes streams of men and women in various clothes move past him. The pitch-black surroundings beyond the 'glassy' dome attract Nik's attention as he stares at the gigantic green planet in the distance.

The Trading Facility is in Space!

The metal structure comprising this giant Trading City looks like steel. But Ray says it's an 'enchanted' metal. And the distant planet?

Nobody knows its name, but rumors are that the 'Paradise' lives on that Planet. Or, at least, the Planet must be Reincarnation Paradise's homeworld.

"Amazing, right?" Ray knowingly smirks as she mutters, "The center of the platform is where the main Trading Orbs are, where you can trade with Reincarnation Paradise directly. But it's not recommended. Dealing with Paradise increases your rating. So, it's better to trade among other members."

Many sectors divide the suspended Trading Facility. The top layer is open to all Interns since it's the basic requirement for accessing the Facility. Higher-ranked members occupy the deeper floors of the Facility, trading high-quality goods. The thought process is simple.

Purchasing directly from Reincarnation Paradise increases the cumulative rating of the group. Thus, their next adventure will become dangerous thanks to altered timelines and equally high-rated members opposing their group. So, many members of the paradise rent a portion of the platform to sell the goods they find from their travels or cultivate in their personal worlds.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask something. Since you died, your Homeworld must be different. But Paradise tends to find simple worlds documented in a few media—largely Hentai. So? Which Hentai did you get in?"

Nik tears his gaze off a crying blue-skinned man in the distance as a green parrot nuzzles its head against the man. Others ignore the man and continue their paces as Nik mutters, "Hentai?"

"Yeah, it's porn but better~!" Ray licks her lips. "Did you meet any fat bastards? A blackmailing landlord? An innocent Childhood Friend? Oh! A Family of Sluts?"

Nik cringes as he feels others' stares in their direction. But her last 'genre' attracts his attention.

'A family of sluts?' Nik recalls Mitsuko and the rest.

Ray's eyes brighten as she gushes! "Hot damn! You're fucking lucky! I wish I were in a Hentai World! But don't get me wrong. I'm not into chicks or something like that. I ship lovey-dovey handholding sex~!"

"Stop yelling," Nik groans as she continues. "So, I'll smack all the fat bastards, or tanned seniors, and playboys and record the two making cute love to each other~!"

"I don't know what my homeworld is. Alright?" Nik huffs, brushing his fingers across his dark hair. "But I think I'll need a lot of material to read. It's a good thing I can stay in my homeworld for 28 days instead of a week."

Becoming an intern allows him to stay in his homeworld for an additional 504 hours!

"You do," Ray appreciatively nods as they move sideways to give way to a giant of a man at an astounding height of four meters! "Metaknowledge is necessary even after Paradise sends us into a different timeline. We can use the similarities to our advantage."

"Hey, you never told me why Paradise wants us to complete the missions. It was optional in Transmigration Paradise, but Reincarnation seems focused on this."

"Dunno," Ray huffs, shrugging. "Just like I don't know why Infinity wants us devouring things for AP."

The duo reaches the central plaza of the platform after walking past many stalls and bonafide stores! Some stalls displayed bright blue serums in several test tubes, calling it the Super Soldier Serum, and others displayed small chips called USB Drives that have a whole lot of data. The assortment of goods Nik saw was astonishing!

Ray seemed oddly unimpressed, advising, "Don't be eager to use any genetic upgrader. Bloodlines are spiritual mumbo-jumbo. We CAN use other things on our bodies, but it's better to purchase a Gene Resonance Kit before injecting anything in your body."

It's right to say Nik understood little of it.

The central plaza glimmers cold silver as it towers to the highest peak of the dome, built in ways Nik cannot help but consider 'more modern' than his homeworld. There are no windows on the metal-plated plaza as hundreds of men and women enter and exit the expansive entrance without rushing each other.

"Whoa!" Nik gasps as he sees a group of men and women fly away. The surprising thing is the film of glowing blue energy covering them!

Their words drown in the din created by the crowd as they walk into the plaza.

The plaza's entrance is similar to the rest of the Facility's infrastructure. Blocks of metals connect to form the floor and the plaza, with several thin ridges carved into each block. No guide is present in the plaza. Instead, the plaza comprises an unending number of chambers!

"Let's transport to an unused chamber. The cost of teleportation is on me this time, so you owe me a few good and kinky stories! Got it?" Ray leads Nik to the glowing board covering the front wall as one enters the plaza. The red panel displays hundreds of different colored numbers—blue and black.

Blue means the room is available, and black means otherwise.

Ray holds his hand as she touches the board with her free hand before their vision shifts, and they are standing in front of a tube-like metal door with a glowing red marker on its surface—6699.

"Every thousand rooms means a floor. This right here is the sixth floor.

"Go in," she lets go of his hand with a smile as she steps aside. "Touch the ball of light inside the room. But don't buy anything. We'll go shopping after this."

Nik nods, "And you'll foot the bill again? I'll share all the tales I know."

Ray scoffs, smirking, "Ain't worth it. Sweeten the pot, and I'll reconsider it."

He shrugs, touching the door and entering it. The marker on the door disappears, signifying its status as occupied.

Nik notices the chamber is small. It made him wonder how larger men—like the 4-meter-long giant—enter this space. His violet pupils converge on a softly glowing orb floating in the center of the room.

He takes a deep breath to regain his composure and walks to the orb, setting his hand on its warm surface.

Nik's hand doesn't pass through the orb but touches something solid as system panels fill his vision!

[Welcome to the Reincarnation Trading Facility.]

[Connected. Username: Nut-Cracking-Messiah.]

The first thing Nik understands is that there is no specific tabs and search function to identify the items. Instead, he can think of the type of items he'd like and their price range and said items will appear to his gaze.

Nik thinks for a moment and searches for Aang's staff glider. Since Nik has seen the item and is aware of its most intricate qualities, it appears as is.

[Air Nomad Glider Staff: 4 AP(Rank 0)

Description: A staff capable of opening into a glider, allowing an Airbender to glide midair. (Additional Info: Recommended to be an Expert Airbender to use the item adequately.)]

Nik muses with amazement as he turns to a general search.

'Something incredibly robust and enduring to increase survivability.'

A list of items appears in front of him, and he picks the topmost one.

[Viltrumite Gene Reconstruction: 60 AP (Rank 6)

Description: A Gene Reconstruction Kit capable of altering one's body and adopting a Viltrumite's body. (Additional Info: The gene composition reduces magical and metaphysical talents.)]

Nik frowns and continues.

'An Item to defend against anything.'

A notification pops up.

[The Facility does not trade Paradox Skills and Items.]

Nik raises an eyebrow before realizing the situation.

Nothing is invincible in this world. The opposite of this is to become a Paradox—Like Freedom.

'Information on the world of Avatar.'

[Avatar the Last Airbender—Live Action.]

The list goes on and on, including packages of s, comics, fanfictions, and porn. It would seem that any media can portray a world. And while Nik wanted to purchase the porn to show it to the group in his personal world, he resisted the urge for now.

Nik pulls his hands away and walks out of the chamber, satisfied with what he can find here.

"How was it?" Ray wags her brows as Nik smiles. "Enlightening."

"Good," Ray chimes, "Let's shop!"

A deeply exciting gleam erupts in her eyes, unsettling Nik as she snickers and leads the way down an elevator.


"Okay, so the most immediate danger to our lives in almost all verses is guns! I'm starting to think you are from slightly less advanced—"

"I know what's a gun. If I didn't, I would have stopped you and asked what Pistols were when you were talking about your first world," Nik rolls his eyes. "My birthplace had guns for 30-something years."

Ray hums throatily before saying, "Then you don't know what the modern and futuristic genres of guns can achieve. Still, you need to buy something tactical to cover your body."

Nik wanted to question if he could metalbend the bullets, but who knows if others may recognize the world he ventured to. So, he opts to say something else. "Can't I control bullets?"

Ray nods calmly, "You can. But you need to be able to sense a bullet. You need some protection against the ones you fail to sense. Snipers are an issue for rookies like us, too. But we can't stand out. After all, the travelers don't appear in one location. Paradise separates the team, and it's on us to locate the opponents."

Nik works his jaws and looks at the storefront—

Slippery Slope.

Flashy red paint with a gold accent covers Slippery Slope's front as the store attracts moderate attention from other adventurers. Ray and Nik earn a few glances before they hear someone scoff inside the dim store.

"Fucking boy toys with lust-based bloodlines."

Nik and Ray blink before looking at each other, noticing how the other one seemed more amused than anything else, and smile at once. His gaze falls on the rows of shelves occupied with folded vests. Guns hang on the wall behind the deceptively young fair-skinned boy sitting behind the counter. The store owner hums as he inflates his bubblegum before popping it and focusing on his handheld console.

"Yo, Chibi!" Ray grins, tiptoeing toward the counter as the boy looks up, replying in a deep voice as his blue eyes observe the duo.

"Twinky, you got a partner? He must be from the merger, right?"

"He is," Ray grins. "We're looking for some cool vests for him."

"No guns?" Nik inquires from behind as he curiously looks at the assortment of weapons. The guns are simply too big!

"We can loot them in the real world," Ray shrugs. "I'll lend you a spare handgun if it's usable. But it wouldn't matter since you need to practice your aim, right? Buying a vest makes sense."

"Why can't we loot vests in the real world?" Nik tilts his head.

"Because kiddo," smiles the boy in a voice that will make the most muscular of men a run for their money, "I raided hundreds of barracks of what you can consider industrial-fantasy-army. My vests last."

"Quit your bragging and show him the stuff," Ray rolls her eyes as the boy glares back. "Show some respect, damn brat!"

"I don't have lollipops," Ray hums sarcastically. "Now fetch~!"

The boy snorts and looks at Nik, "You're a strapping lad. Fuck her shut when you get a chance."

Nik glances between the owner and Ray before inquiring, "Why can't you?"

"Cause I'm stuck in this body!" The boy snaps, earning derisive giggles from other customers as he cusses, "And I ain't into twinks!"

Nik shrugs as the scar on the owner's left arm glimmers.

The young-old owner retrieves multiple sets of hoodies and jean pants.


Nik looks at the items and then at Ray, noticing how her baggy top is familiar to the displayed items.

"Right," displaying some needed professionalism, the owner sets the console on his seat and stands atop a stool to look over the counter. "As I said, these sweet outfits are all you need to avoid getting shot to death unless it's some armor-piercing shotgun or sniper rounds. Basically, any armor-piercing stuff is off the limits, 'kay?"

He turns the hoodies inside out, "A premium quality of Kevlar enhanced with enchanted Graphene lines behind the fabric. It stops most bullets, but it's going to hurt like hell unless your physique stat is top-notch."

"I purchased this shirt and a few other outfits from this raging homophobe," Ray grins as the owner scoffs. "It's worth the price," Ray adds.

Nik stares at the items for a while before questioning, "Can I get a demonstration—"

"You can check the description, rookie," The owner rolls his eyes as Nik glances at Ray, who smiles wryly.

"I forgot to add that store and stall owners can avail of an appraisal service from Paradise to build traction with the customers. Just look at the item and think 'appraisal.' That should do it."

Nik nods and looks at the item before thinking of appraisal.

[Enhanced Kevlar-Graphene Tactical Hoody: 3 AP (Rank 1)

Description: Tactical outfit to negate most bullets using Kevlar enhanced with Graphene and moderate conjunction enchantment. (Additional Info: Don't hold the clothing without anything behind to use as a shield. The bullet will move past the clothing and puncture you.)

Nik blinks and nods.

"How much for two outfits? And do you have something similar for the face?"

The owner smiles thickly, inflating his bubblegum. "Hold your horses there. If you buy an outfit—hoody-trouser—I'll charge ya 10 AP of Rank 1. Two makes 20 AP. Can you afford a more precious mask?"

There aren't any negotiations around here unless one has something important to barter. After all, nobody wants to increase their ratings unnecessarily, even if it means paying an arm and a leg for something 'basic.'

Nik looks at Ray, who shrugs.

Even she is helpless.

"How about we take a round of the area first?"

Nik inquires as the owner nods, "Your choice. The price remains the same."

"Thanks," Nik nods and leaves as the duo starts looking around.

"If you're fearing the loss of AP, we can always cause a mess in the world we travel by devouring anything and everything," Ray pokes his shoulder with a smirk. "But I don't recommend the strategy in your homeworld. You live there, after all."

"Yeah," Nik smiles. "Let's look around. If nothing else, I'll take a single set for now."

"That's the spirit!" Ray grins. "Now let's find some package of hentai! We still have to understand which world you settled in!"


"Hey, Pervy-Perv~!" Ray leans against the stall as a decrepit, old man behind a discreet stall's counter calmly chuckles.

"It's nice to see some succubus around here," he smiles, nodding at Nik, "And a rarer breed of Incubi."

Nik blinks as Ray snickers, "I need one large hentai package—doujins and discs!"

"Genre?" The old man tilts his head.

"Everything that is filthy and unholy! Only rare sons of cunts get a chance to enter a vanilla world. My partner here might not be so lucky, so we're looking for ntr, ugly bastards, non-consensual, and the like!"

"Heh! Gue-hehehe," the old man chuckles creepily, "You got it."

"And throw in some Avatar lore—Aang's, I mean!"


Alternate Title: Ray Experiencing Five Stages of Panic—Fuck me, Fuck Me, FUCK Me, FUCK ME, and FUUUUCK ME!; Nik Must Have a Platinum Achievement; The Space Station?; Paradise's Homeworld? The Exchange Orb; Ray is the Chosen One; Ray Ships Cute Stuff—Is a Voyeur; Nik is in a Slutty World?; The Lore Expands; Ray Would Love Some Handholding Mind-Fuck the Filthy Slut They Is!; The Strangely Young Owner; John Wick's Casual Cousin; A Young Homophobe and an Old Pervert!; Throw in Some Aang Hentai!; Ray's Love for Hentai; Ray Would Love Some Childhood Friends—To Corrupt!; Tactical Hoody!; The Viltrumite Starter Pack; Appointed Nut-Cracking-Messiah; Nik's Smexy-succu-succu Partner~!; Nik Stares at the Most Disturbing Thing Created—Avatar Live Action; Penalty of Missions; Ray Casually Visiting No Country For Old Men


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