Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 278: A Gyaru-o’s Return

Genta fears the worst and feels guilty as he stands on a familiar doorstep. A blue blazer covers his white shirt as he adjusts his hat—attired in his police uniform. It's been seven days since he heard the last from Nik, and Genta cannot help but feel responsible. Laws and society may be lax—but personal responsibility means more to Genta. Almost everyone around Souma's Household knows a few rumors regarding the Family. And Genta believes things would be different if the household's Man wasn't always on foreign business trips—one too many times.

Maybe there's a story, too. After all, Genta doesn't believe Mitsuko's husband cannot see one of his 'daughters' is a foreigner with blonde locks and blue eyes!

'It's my fault,' Genta thinks as he chews his lips in frustration. 'Mistuko-san provided a convenient place for him to stay. I shouldn't have dropped the ball. What if the family sucked him dry and buried him elsewhere? I wouldn't put it past them… well, no,' he sighs. 'Kaya-Nee said Mitsuko-san's rumor may have a 'grain' of truth, but they aren't criminals. But still, Amano-san said the same thing yesterday after finally giving in to my relentless detective work(pestering).'

'What if Amano-san is lying? Or have I watched too many Detective Shows, wildly suspecting things?' Genta frowns, pushing the bell button. He hears a muffled—'Just a minute.'—before the door opens. Unlike others, Genta doesn't just lose his focus as a familiar bespectacled mother of three pushes open the door with a smile, the pink sweater on her body accentuating her curves despite an apron covering her front.

"Ara~! Genta-san. Nik just left—"

"Please." Genta frowns, "Amano-san told me what happened a week ago. Is Nik really inside? Did he tell you where he is going?"

His most desirous question—Did you dry him to a husk?—goes unspoken as he chooses to be optimistic.

Mitsuko blinks before closing the door behind her. A troubled look flashes across her features as she thins her plump lips. Seven days have passed today. For what it's worth, she wanted to have fun with Nik and show him around even more. While she didn't express it completely, she found the youth different than most. There was something genuinely attractive about him. Or maybe she just saw things that didn't exist?

"He wanted us to keep quiet for a week," Mitsuko states with a sheepish look. "But he didn't tell me where he wanted to go."

Genta frowns, finally giving into his suspicions, asking, "May I search the place?" Sure, Mitsuko can hang the bureaucracy over his head, demanding all sorts of paper before she lets him in, but Mitsuko has nothing to hide. Her husband returned a few days ago, so their bedroom may be a little filthy, but it's her husband's duty to clean it! Why else does she sleep with Kurumi, leaving the master bedroom to her husband's care?

"Sure," Mitsuko nods. As she steps aside, she briefly reconsiders forgetting Nik. He could be a fascinating chapter of her life, right? There is no need to fret over someone who left. She paid for his food and clothes voluntarily, and chances are she would do it again—a memorable sweet boy in love with her cooking to the point he snapped at her youngest for disrupting his meal.

'And a great one-night stand,' Mitsuko sighs, hearing a small yelp as Genta enters her premise. "Did something happen, Genta-san?" Mitsuko calls out, waving at her daughter, who returned from school. It's just like a week ago when Nik left a few seconds before Kurumi's arrival.

"Oh, Mom? Were you waiting for me?" Kurumi blinks as she enters the stone path through the house's front yard. Mitsuko smiles, "It's Genta from the Koban near the shopping district."

"Again?" Kurumi scoffs, more annoyed with the lack of the 'object' related to Genta's persistence! "I told you he left for good, right?" She grumbles as she walks past Mitsuko before freezing in shock.

Finally noticing something strange, Mitsuko peeks through the side of the open door. Her honey-gold hues widen, and her lips part.

There he stood, on the same spot where she left him when he asked for a soap… or a shampoo?—Mitsuko can't recall the details accurately. Even that man seems different—too different. But one look at his face allows Mitsuko to identify the man and the familiar quality around him. It's as if the once fair man encountered a Gyaru transformation of some sort. But it's more than that.

"Woah, is that Nik?" Kurumi holds back a raunchy whistle she learned from her friends in the school, her honey-gold hues looking at the dusky treat with hair so black Kurumi fails to differentiate the strands of his hair! Violet irides replace black ones, full muscles replace his relatively lanky but fit frame, and the man stands a head taller than she remembers!

Genta, Kurumi, and Mitsuko keep staring at the man, who lowers his head with a coy and shy expression, covering his crotch with both his hands until jolting the group awake with perfectly punctuated 'Nihong.'

"I'm going to feel harrassed if you keep staring."

Genta snaps out of his stupor before clearing his throat, "Uh, yeah. I'll be waiting outside!" The man moves in a power walk, hurried and bothered by the visible change in the man except for his mode of greeting—exhibitionism. Would it kill him to wear some clothes?!

His violet orbs shift to the mother-daughter pair as he bunches his thighs together, more than relieved to return and happy to screw around a little now that he has some control over things.

"Ah," he looks at them with upturned gaze—the ampler and taller hunk looks at them from a higher vantage point WITH upturned eyes and a dip of his head—"So intense."

The soft, coquettish tone snaps the duo out of their stupor as Kurumi mechanically turns around, walking away with a blank expression—processing everything as we speak.

"D-do you need some clothes?" Mitsuko clears her throat, her eyes luridly trailing his fuller chest and legs instead of Kurumi's appreciation of his abs.

"Will they fit?" Nik smiles awkwardly. His return is to be in the same spot he left from, and his luck is clearly a little too 'great' to have three men and women appreciate it. But he didn't bang his hand or pass out from vertigo—so, there's that.

Mitsuko gulps across her parched throat as she slowly shakes her head, eyes staring into his thicker arms and noticing the familiar red scar-like tattoo around his left forearm.

"How did you get here?" Mitsuko closes the door behind her before inquiring softly. Nik shouldn't be here. She cleans the house daily, so she knows there's nothing out of the ordinary about their home. "And you can speak fluently?" Her eyes widen as she realizes more changes.

"I recovered my memories," Nik lies without skipping a beat.

"Hmm," Mitsuko nods as silence descends in the Souma Household's front hall.

"So, can I get some clothes?" Nik resists the urge to retrieve his newly bought bulletproof hoody and trousers as Mitsuko nods slowly. "You should follow me. My husband returned, so there may be larger spare clothes."

'Why does your husband's return have to do anything with larger clothes?' Nik blinks as he follows Mitsuko to her bedroom before his eyes widen.

"Whoa," he mutters. "You've been busy."

The once neat and tidy room is in utter chaos—bedsheets rolled and crumpled on the bed, piles of clothes on the floor, and a relatively familiar 'stench' fills the bedroom.

Mitsuko rolls her eyes. "Please, I'm many things—but messy is not one of them. I clean after myself."

Nik looks at her before the room as he nods. She is open to explaining things if she likes, but it was merely a passing comment from his side.

"Does your husband know about me?" Nik questions after a moment.

"Well, he knows you were amnesiac, thin, sweet, and silent," Mitsuko glances at him again, eyes passing over his round buttocks. A hint of wryness glazes her eyes. "But now I'm afraid of his reaction once he sees you."

Nik frowns and observes the room.

'A Husband who doesn't mind his wife's lover, a bedroom full of sex and clothes from other men who didn't come here for Mitsuko—'

"Your husband's gay?"

"My husband's a homosexual, yes."

'Ok, too many questions.' Nik stifles his thoughts as he looks at Mitsuko, "I can't really wear someone's clothes right before or after they've had sex."

Mitsuko nods before smiling widely and undoing her apron. Before Nik can think otherwise, she passes the apron to the man. "You should try something new. Have you worn an apron before? Only an apron?"

Nik works his jaws as he looks between the apron and Mitsuko's expectant gaze. "I think I will find something in this trove of clothes. Just to make sure, have you looked through them before and know if something will fit me?"

Mitsuko shakes her head, explaining hesitatingly, "My Husband and I have an understanding. The bedroom is his to use and clean before he leaves for his trips."

Nik nods and enters the room before closing the door. He had stolen a few clothes from the shop he visited with Mitsuko, but they no longer fit after his evolution. So, he smoothly shifts from his birthday suit into his bulletproof tactical outfit consisting of a black hoody and blue jeans—an Edgelord's ensemble—according to his partner, the Smexy-succu-succu.

—Hah! You should have bought black trousers and walked around with your hands in your pockets! You'd make the perfect staple Manhwa protag~! Hehehehe!—

'Whatever she meant,' Nik rolls his eyes, unable to understand Ray's 'meta-language.'

"I found something great." He walks out and smirks at Mitsuko.

The corner of Mitsuko's eyes twitches as she reluctantly accepts the apron.


"Oh," Nik stops following Genta for a second as he looks at the familiar street lamp in the path between the Koban and Souma Household.

"Is something the matter?" Genta inquires with a strange look.

'This is the pole where Souko and I encountered that weird thing,' Nik recalls the haunting girl under the flickering light of the street lamp as he slowly shakes his head. 'Ray said that homeworlds assigned to us are under Infinity's rule. But they can't be safe entirely.'

"Nothing," Nik smiles at the officer. Genta's determination to locate him over the past seven days is more than flattering—it's heartwarming. So, it is right to assume Nik feels complicated when—

His violet pupils glow a hazy, dim-blue hue identical to a night sky lit with stars as Genta's expression turns blank.

[Twilight Thief.]

Nik went above and beyond for this skill, fighting dragons turn after turn! He did it all for a smooth transition into his homeworld, where he could be a part of society and live normally.

After all, he can bring others from Aang's world here. And Nik needs a social base to make the process smooth for them. Sokka and others don't have Infinity's support, so they can't purchase language and learn it instantly, among many other things needed to explore this world.

Nik regathers his thoughts, feeling a negligent burden on his mind due to his superior mental growth in the world of the Primordial Spirit as Genta falls prey to his skill.

"Genta, how about you help me form an identity? Do you know what I'm lacking?"

Genta's expression recovers as he acts casually. The beauty of [Twilight Theif] lies in the fact the target doesn't even understand the host's intentions are controlling the target—which makes Raat, the Primordial Night Spirit, all the more terrifying since this skill is a fraction of its might!

"You will need the Individual Number Card, among other things, like a Birth Certificate. There's no easy way to do this, but there's a nutjob near our Koban. We caught him selling illicit pictures of the neighbor, but our leader let him off for some reason. We also confiscated materials to make fake Id and stuff from his room."

"It's a crime? Why did your leader let him off?"

Genta shrugs as he gestures with a cock of his head, "Come on, I'll take you there."

Nik nods and follows Genta.

"So? What were you upto?" Genta inquires as they walk while Nik speaks calmly, "Oh, you know. I did a few things here and then moved somewhere else."

The officer accepts the explanation!

"Oh, great! Traveling's good for the mind. I'd like to travel, but… sigh," He shakes his head. "My dates have been a bust, and traveling alone isn't my thing."


"Hmm. Kaya-nee set me up with some of her friends, but I couldn't find anyone I like." Genta shakes his head. He breaks out of his depression with a smirk as he sees a group of schoolgirls walking in their direction and gazing intently at Nik.

"It's the same as we first found some clothes for you after we left the hospital. By the way, what happened to your skin and eyes? I wouldn't have identified you if you had a beard. How did you get so buff?"

Nik cups his chin knowingly. He did have a slight beard, but he shaved it off for now—well, shaving isn't the truth.

"I exercised a lot," Nik keeps his lies simple since he knows Genta will lap up whatever he tosses out.

"Exercise, huh." Genta hums aloud, "Well, no matter. I will suggest you don't dye your hair blonde."

"Why would I dye my hair?" Nik blinks.

"For the same reason, you tanned your skin? To follow the gyaru-oh trend?" Genta glances over his shoulders with well-admitted scorn as Nik thins his lips.

"What the heck is that?"


Kurumi completes her routine after returning from school in a daze. Seven days—that's all it takes for a Pewtube-worthy transformation? The twin-tailed daughter quietly sits in front of her television, recalling how the hunk found their AC unit the most enthralling appliance of the household.

And now he's a bitch-breaker?

The girl purses her lips as her thumb roams over the power button as she stares at her reflection from their television.

"Ne, Mom!" Kurumi yells for her mother as Mitsuko peeks from the kitchen's entrance next to the television.


"Is he still going to stay with us now that Dad's back?"

Mitsuko blinks before shrugging, "We can have separate guests, remember?"

Kurumi slowly nods as she questions again, "Do you think he's on some juice? Won't that be a… 'bad' thing?"

Mitsuko tilts her head before sighing deeply. "I figured you'd be more interested in how he was inside our house before anyone of us noticed it. Remember the day he left? He disappeared just like that." She snaps her fingers to emphasize her point. Her daughters didn't believe her a week ago, but Kurumi is forced to consider more and more oddities about Nik as she thinks of this.

"And he can speak," Kurumi mutters.

"Fluently," Mitsuko adds.

"Uh, isn't it dangerous to keep him here if Genta finds something strange about him?"

"It's Genta-san for you," Mitsuko corrects her daughter with a smile before chuckling. "And you're right. We shouldn't associate ourselves with Nik. He can work in Amano-san's place and find a rented room. Or, you know, he can bunk with her."

Kurumi flinches and scowls as he snaps, "You know?"

"That your 'friend' tried to ask out Yuuko's daughter? Yes, Sayako told Souko and me."

Kurumi clenches her teeth in frustration as she bounces up from the sofa with a stamp of her feet, "God! I hate this family!"

"Just so we're on the same page, I should ask Nik to find another place to stay tonight, right?"

Kurumi scowls and looks over her shoulders, "No! Alright? Stuff him with your cooking for all I care! It'll be a wonder if he can get it up with the amount of juice he is running on!"

Mitsuko hums a soft tune as she shakes her head and gets back to her cooking.

'IF he returns,' Mitsuko sighs. 'There's a chance that others from Genta's Koban will get cracking down on Nik. But if he returns, I'll have to—'


The sound of the doorbell snaps Mitsuko out of her thoughts as she washes and wipes her hands clean before leaving the kitchen. She peeks through the peephole before opening the door quickly.

The setting sun divides the horizon into orange and pale blue tones as the soft autumn wind blows past the surroundings, ruffling their hair and stroking their cheeks, as the dusky youth with hypnotic violet eyes smirks widely and shamelessly. "Hey, can I stay here for one last night? I'll—"

"Get in!"

Mitsuko pulls him by the hoody's collar as she realizes the truth—he lets her pull him. The increase in his muscle mass comes with a massive increase in his body's weight.

He closes the door behind him and stills as Mitsuko's lips seal his with a soft and eager peck.

"Now that you understand us," Mitsuko pulls back with a smirk, her hazy honeyed hues enticing his violet orbs as the house's mistress whispers. "Would you like a bath, dinner,... or me?"

And Nik replies without missing a heartbeat.

"Dinner, please!"

"Good," Mitsuko smiles without any anger her youngest daughter inherited from her. "I want you full before we get to 'discussing' things."


Alternate Title: Genta Tries Transcending H-World's Law; The Empathetic Police Officer; PoI Genta to EHG Genta: Pathetic, You Golduck!; Genta Needs His Detective Spin-Off Now; The Bitch-Breaker's(Kurumi-Breaker's) Arrival; A Tanned Hentai Transformation?; Nik is a Shy and Sensitive Man… So, Stare Harder!; Mitsuko's Husband is Sus; The Plot Thickens; The Sloppy Husband; A Naked Apron Evaded *Mitsuko Cries at Missed Chance*; Nik Knows What Must Be Done; The Use of Twilight Thief; Creating an Identity; Genta's Scorn For Gyaru-oh's; Nik—A Hentai Gyaru-oh's Nemesis; Nik's Days of Oonga-Boonga Over AC Are Gone!; Kurumi Objectifies Nik; Nik, You're an Object!—Kurumi, Probably; Nik Can Stay With The Amanos?; Kurumi Refuses to Relent Another Mate to the Big-Titted Kendo Freak!; Nik Stays With Souma Family; Mitsuko: Bath, Food, or Me?— Nik: Food, Madam. Mitsuko: It Is… Acceptable.; Nik Almost Walks The Manhwa Mc Strut!


A/N: As you can see, I'm changing some of the plot. While Nik may ntr someone else for the sake of it, I don't think I need to conform to the same cheating slut route for the Souma Family and whatnot. That's why Kaya (from Kon-Kit's) work is unmarried, Yuuko's husband is dead, and Megumi's relationship with Manabu is at its early stages. The same can also be seen with Michi, Kya, Ursa, and Poppy. Maybe I've matured after writing EHG, but I'm not keen on making a cheating sex scene available without proper reasons, like Poppy husband's being an a-hole to trade her wife for deals, or Michi's husband brainwashing her. Ah, I forgot Yue was married, too. Anyway, you get my point (I hope.) So, Mitsuko and her family's direction will take an odd, and maybe a darker tone? I'll see what I can write.


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