Pat Me Please

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Close the mic.”

Yu Zhou thought about these two words all night.

In Yu Zhou’s opinion, sound without pictures is the most deceptive. Because it mobilizes your emotions to the greatest extent, but also stimulates your imagination to the greatest extent.

Imagination, imagination is invincible.

For example, just now, before Su Chang reminded her to close the mic, there was the sound of a page turning over. What did this mean?

Of course, he wasn’t worried about being discovered by Yu Zhou.

This page of the book might be a random magazine, or it might be a script she printed out in advance.

If it was the former, she might have listened to it after finishing work in the shed; if it was the latter, she might have made a special trip to the shed to find Peng Houzhi who had just finished work, and she came prepared.

Su Chang didn’t make a sound until the end of the work, even when everyone turned on the mic collectively at the end and said “Thank you for your hard work, good night”, she didn’t make a sound.

So Yu Zhou’s imagination was used to guess again, guessing whether she would leave or not.

Hey, she threw the phone aside and lay on the bed, thinking that Su Chang’s participation might not be her luck, but doom.

The door was knocked lightly.

“Open the door.” Yu Zhou sat up.

Xiang Ban pushed the door open, only leaned half of his body reservedly, and asked: “I heard nothing inside, is it over?”

“It’s over, I’m exhausted.”

Xiang Ban smiled: “Miss Yu, are you hungry? I didn’t eat too much for dinner.”

“I’m not hungry, I’ll wash up and go to bed soon.”

Xiang Ban said: “Ask Miss Yu if she’s hungry, which means I’m hungry.”

Depend on. Use her words, come to her army.

Yu Zhou turned over and said, “Go out, I’ll cook a bowl of noodles for you.”

Fortunately, do something to divert attention.

Xiang Wan was very polite, she didn’t sit on the sofa waiting like the uncle, she just stood behind Yu Zhou like the supervisor, looking carefully.

First, press the button of the kettle to boil a pot of water.

Yu Zhou took out two cylindrical boxes from the storage box next to the refrigerator, tore open the packaging, opened several small bags, and put seasonings in them.

Xiang Wan stopped talking.

This palm-sized pouch, and Yu Zhou’s shaking movements, really looked like poisoning.

But the two have no grievances or enmities, so how could Miss Yu be so vicious. So she exhaled a breath, trying to comfort herself.

After preparing the materials, Yu Zhou hung his neck while playing with his mobile phone while waiting for the water to boil.

After a while, the water in the jug boiled, and the button popped out with a “thump”. Yu Zhou picked up the jug, filled the food box with water, then covered it, inserted a fork into it, and brought it out of the kitchen to the table in the dining room. superior.

Xiang Wan stared at the colorful food box: “Miss Yu said it’s ‘cooked’ noodles?”


“You’ll know in a while, almost.”

The two stood still for a few minutes, eyes wide open, and Yu Zhou glanced at the phone: “It’s ready to eat.”

He was the first to open it, and the fragrance wafted into his nostrils. Yu Zhou twitched his index finger, blew on it a few times, and then let out a mouthful.

After eating deliciously, Xiang Wan frowned and moved his eyes up and down a few times before sticking to the fork to look like a tiger or a cat.

“Is it delicious?” Yu Zhou asked her while chewing the noodles.

It had a strange taste, but it was not unpalatable, not to mention it bothered Miss Yu from working late at night.

“It’s delicious.” Xiang Wan wiped his lips with paper, smiling.

Looking at her expression, Yu Zhou felt very comfortable. If Xiang Wan could eat more deliciously, he would be even more comfortable. Just like every time Xiaowanwan eats delicious wet food, she sheds tears.

As the host of feeding, that sense of satisfaction, that sense of accomplishment, is about the same as one day she got up on Changpei and found that yesterday’s new chapter’s comments had double digits.

While eating noodles, Yu Zhou suddenly remembered something important: “Let me tell you, today I participated in the script reading, which was really an eye-opener.”

“This professional dubbing is different. It’s different from listening to a dubbing show.”

It’s ironic to say that when she was with Su Chang, she deliberately kept a distance, and she had never been so deeply involved.

“Didn’t you see, Director Peng, post-production teacher, screenwriter teacher, that’s amazing. I was stunned by the technical terms. And he’s very tall.”

“I feel like I’m in a movie.”

Xiang Wan didn’t understand, and listened quietly.

“So my conclusion is that this industry has great potential, you have to get into it, and you have to get into it seriously.” Yu Zhou wanted to make a gesture of pushing his glasses, but when he raised his hand and found that he didn’t have glasses, he put them down again.

Xiang Wan pondered: “Then, how do I get into the industry?”

Yu Zhou looked at her gentle long hair, and pretty eyebrows, and made quick calculations in his mind.

After a while, she pulled out and took out the ipad from the side. It was a little difficult for her to read the interface that had been set to full traditional Chinese since yesterday. She opened the browser, entered a few words and searched.

Finally, he handed the screen to Xiang Wan who was facing him with satisfaction.

“Let’s do the basics first. Starting tomorrow, get up at 7 every morning and practice tongue twisters.”

“Tongue twister?”

“Yeah,” Yu Zhou tapped on the ipad, “800 pacesetters headed to the north slope, I searched for it just now.”

Looking down at Xiang Wan, the search bar reads “What tongue twisters to practice when practicing lines in Chinese opera”.

Yu Zhou followed her gaze and explained: “I don’t know how to dub, and I don’t know what school there is. We are laymen, so we can only learn from it in all aspects. You know Chinese opera, many stars are from Chinese opera , but it’s hot, Yang Mi is.”

Xiang Wan raised his eyes: “Yang Mi is from Beidian.”

Yu Zhou was shocked: “How do you know?”

Xiang Wan lowered his head and continued to look at the screen: “When you were in the room, I wanted to read a book, so I asked this black box for help. I accidentally opened a page of the book, and the beauty in the letter was like a star, and the first one was this girl Yang Mi.”

“When I click on her picture scroll, her life is revealed. I read it carefully and know a thing or two.”

Yu Zhou was dumbfounded and wanted to correct her. It didn’t mean “beauty is like a star”, but “beauty star” in the browser recommendation column.

But she didn’t, because more importantly, she doubted, were all the ancients so smart?

“You have such a good memory, it’s a pity that you don’t remember your lines.” Yu Zhou laughed.

Xiang Wan still had a question: “7 o’clock, what time is it?”

Yu Zhou took out his mobile phone and checked: “Chen Shi.”

“Why is Chen Shi, is there auspicious time to pay attention to?”

“No,” Yu Zhou shook his head, “It’s just that you seem to be more diligent. Think about it, if you become famous in the future, you go to interviews to talk about the past, and you say you get up at 7 a.m. to practice kung fu, and you say you get up at 11 a.m. to do kung fu. Is that the same thing? ?”

She crossed her arms and suddenly felt like a manager.

Xiang Wan put away the ipad and ate the last bite of noodles: “Remember.”

“You practice first, I will find a way to get you an ID card.” Yu Zhou said.

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