Pat Me Please

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

What can change in a month?

It is enough for the crew to read the script correctly.

Enough to Wan Nian, “eight hundred pacesetters rush to the north slope” and “four is forty is ten”.

Under the leadership of Yu Zhou, Xiang Wan became one with the elderly in the community and became a legend in the chess and go circles of the community.

It was also enough for Yu Zhou to start calling her.

But one month is too short, so short that there is still no thunderstorm in the weather forecast.

Yu Zhou opened the door with a watermelon in her hand. The heat almost made her stink, but Xiang Wan, who was well-clothed and well-fed, didn’t dislike it. He reached out to take the watermelon without changing his expression. Hug it, go to the kitchen.

“But put it in the refrigerator? You once said that if the watermelon is not frozen, it will be dead.” Xiang Wan said softly, and opened the refrigerator door with ease.

Very self-conscious, Yu Zhou is very satisfied.

“There’s good news,” she said as she took off her shoes.


“When I came back today, the test station at the east gate was withdrawn. I asked the aunt in the community, and she said that everything except the west gate was withdrawn. Now that the epidemic situation is stable, there is no need to scan the code. The test station at the west gate is reserved for epidemic prevention. Love repeats.”

“Wow.” Xiang Wan closed the refrigerator door, this reaction was learned from Xiang Yu Zhou, she was very unskilled in using it.

“I really don’t care about it.” Yu Zhou curled his lips.

“You should say—I can go out now!” She smiled and went to the bedroom to get clothes and prepare to take a shower.

The slippers came and went, from far to near, and Yu Zhou added: “This month I consulted a lawyer and asked someone to inquire about it, but they all said that there is no other legal way to register. I am thinking, when I can go out , I’d better take you to the police station and ask about the situation.”

“Okay.” Xiang Wanyang said.

The sound of drizzling water came through the wooden door, Xiang Ban closed the kitchen door, and lay down on the balcony to look at the sky.

She is about to be able to go out, but what does the outside world look like?

After posting for a while, Yu Zhou’s cell phone kept vibrating on the sofa. She already had a basic understanding of this object, so when Yu Zhou came out wiping her hair, Xiang Wan reminded her: “Someone is looking for you.”

Yu Zhou bent down to pick up the phone, opened it, and it was Peng Houzhi’s WeChat group chat message in the “Sacred Shrine Crew”: “The studio will open tomorrow, at 12 o’clock, the author will come over.”

Below is an address shared.

“15th Floor, Block A, Chenxi Recording Studio.”

Yu Zhou thought for a while and replied: “Should I go? Am I alone?”

What about the late teacher, the screenwriter teacher?

A voice: “I’m busy in the later stage, and the screenwriter is on a business trip. Come on. Tomorrow is the preview. The audience’s first impression of the voice line is very important. You have to check it. After all, the author knows the original character design and the expectations of book fans. “

Yu Zhou was a little embarrassed: “I don’t have any book fans.”

“…Then we also need to respect the original work.”

It can be seen that Peng Hengzhi has not directed many IP-adapted radio dramas without book fans.

Yu Zhou sighed and typed: “Okay, see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Nervous, slightly agitated.

Yu Zhou glanced at Xiang Wan, who was watching TV, and touched his face. If he knew that he would have taken an umbrella when he went out today, he seemed to be a little darker when he looked in the mirror.

Walking to the bathroom, squatting down in front of the sink, rummaging through the boxes and cabinets to display the cosmetics that were put away after leaving the job.

Will the foundation expire? It has been used for a long time, is it necessary to remove a new air cushion?

The kitten Wanwan was squatting by the door, and the old **** was watching her from the ground.

“What are you doing?” Yu Zhou tore off a mask, and carefully stuck it on in front of the mirror.

Use the remaining essence to care for the neck and back of hands.

Going out with the mask on, Xiang Wan was taken aback. She looked at her as if she was looking at a dance master.

Yu Zhou combed his hair, his lips didn’t move much: “The mask is for skin care, it’s good to use the skin.”

With a twinkle in his eyes, he asked her, “Do you know what my mask is called?”

Xiang Wan shook his head.

“Ex-boyfriend face mask. The ad says you’re going to use it and your skin will be revitalized and radiant, and seeing the ex-boyfriend’s battle wins beauty.”

“Ex-boyfriend…war?” Xiang Wan frowned.

“You don’t understand, you’re still young.” Yu Zhou sat on the sofa and asked her again, “Do you think my hair looks good? Should I perm it? It looks a little more, and it has fallen out a lot recently. .”

He has a lot of hair, a high skull, a small face, and good bones.

“I don’t quite understand, but I’ll see.” Xiang Wan turned his face to look at her seriously, “You look good no matter what.”

Saying such words in a sweet voice is fatal.

Yu Zhou’s face was a little red, but fortunately the mask blocked it. Silently read “I’m a **** and she’s a straight girl” three times silently, with a clear mind and less desires, with a contemptuous smile in my heart, the basic operations of a straight girl, small scenes.

Then he stared blankly at the TV, thinking about which outfit to wear tomorrow.

After thinking about it for ten minutes, she wailed silently, because she really had nothing to wear.

Yu Zhou expressed this sentence very concretely when he walked to Tianyin Building wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts, and with not-so-straight hair. After the clothes in the cabinet supporting the scene were rolled by cat hair, she has been too lazy to send them for dry cleaning, after all, she has also left the job. And it was too late to send it one day in advance.

If you deliberately go to the mall to buy a suit, it is too grand, and it is said that this author is very cheap.

Therefore, she can only find a few clothes that are not very old from the ordinary clothes.

Do it casually, do it casually, it seems that she is not so rushed.

Although I searched it on my mobile phone beforehand, Tianyin Building is still more magnificent than in the picture, with a tall and open lobby, well-uniformed security guards and a lobby manager, and the revolving door exudes an elegant fragrance. Just in time for dinner, the urban beauties came out of the elevator, swept their faces and passed through the turnstile.

Yu Zhou couldn’t swipe his face, so he consciously walked to the side information desk to register as a visitor.

The recording studio is in this building, is it necessary? The rent is expensive…

She was quickly calculating the cost of the radio play.

While waiting for the elevator, send F a WeChat message: “Teacher F, let me confirm with you again, if this drama loses money, my copyright fee will not be recovered?”

F replied quickly: “???”

OK Yu Zhou got off the high-grade elevator and looked at 15F engraved on the black gold plate above the porch.

There is a left and right sign, the Sansheng studio is on the right, half of the floor is there, and the English name is written on the sign, which is very advanced.

There is no front desk, and it is a simple and generous front hall, not too big, with a white tone, which looks very comfortable. In addition to the logo with a light blue halo, there are a few well-trimmed potted plants.

Turning from the front hall, there is a living room and lounge. Floor-to-ceiling windows spread the sunshine warmly. The carpet looks like a well-steamed pastry. On the left is a row of display cabinets displaying trophies, certificates and photos of celebrities, and several rows of bookshelves form an exquisite On the right is the reading corner, and the lounge with tables and chairs is on the right.

Peng Yuzhi sat there, flipping through a book.

Yu Zhou once searched for Peng Houzhi on Weibo, but she didn’t like to post photos or show her face, so she didn’t know what she looked like. But the first time Yu Zhou saw her, he knew that she was Peng Houzhi.

It sounded too similar to the voice, with a white shirt, a mid-length skirt with wrap-around hips, long black curly hair, curly eyelashes and Armani No. 400 lip gloss, very red and full of aura.

Peng Houzhi looked up and saw her: “Hello. Here we come.”

Smiling, not as inaccessible as just listening to the voice.

“How did you come here?” She lightly threw the book on the table, nodded to Yu Zhouzuo, “wait a while, they haven’t come yet.”

Yu Zhou greeted him generously, and sat next to Peng Houzhi: “I took a taxi, I’m afraid of traffic jams, so I came early.”

“It should be fine at this point today.”

“Yes, there is no traffic at all, and it will be there in 20 minutes.” After Yu Zhou finished speaking, he was a little embarrassed, so he looked for a topic ahead, “Which teachers are here today?”

Peng Yuzhi gave her a copy of the script: “I printed it out for you. All four main assistants will come, but in this trailer, Su will sing more monologues. I will let her come first, and the others will come later.”

I understand, it’s boring to come early and wait.

She looked down at the script, she had already memorized it by heart, but it seemed like she had something to do.

Read word for word until the third line.

“Shen Bai: There are some people who come from all over the world, with three or four points of familiarity, and seven or eight points of unfamiliarity, and tell you what it means to meet.”

“Here we come.” Peng Yuzhi stood up, “Su Chang, here.”

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