Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 91 - Extra ((1)

Ye Lizhu suddenly heard Tixiao say that she was going back to Xianzhou, but she was actually taken aback.

Ye Lizhu said to Tixiao: “His Royal Highness, can I go home and live for half a month? I want to spend time with my father and Jiayou. They have not seen me for a long time, so they must miss me very much.”

Tixiao disagreed: “How can the water thrown by the married daughter go back?”

Ye Lizhu was a little dissatisfied: “I’m not the water that was poured out!”

The two quarreled, and a cold war began.

At night, when Ti Xiao went to bed, he found that there was only one pillow on the bed.

The originally very wide quilt has become a very small and very small quilt.

Ye Lizhu hugged the quilt and put her pillow on her pillow, and closed her eyes alone.

When Tixiao approached her, Ye Lizhu made a stink: “If you don’t let me go home, I won’t sleep in the same bed with you.”

Tixiao had expected her to be like this a long time ago.

Ti Xiao snatched Ye Lizhu’s small pillow back to his pillow, and hugged Ye Lizhu with the quilt in his arms: “Furious with me? Huh? Last night, he said that he would listen to his husband for a lifetime. What kind of posture the husband asked him to pose? What pose.”

The love words on the bed can’t be taken seriously. Besides, she didn’t say that. It was Tixiao who forced her to say it. If she didn’t say it, he would…

Ye Lizhu was wronged, her eyes flushed: “You are not good to me, so I won’t listen to you.”

Ti Xiao circled her in his arms: “What’s not good? Huh? I almost took my heart out and gave it to you.”

Ye Lizhu’s nose rubbed against Tixiao’s nose: “I want to go home and see my father and Jiayou.”

It’s not that Ti Xiao forbids Ye Lizhu to come back, he just forbids Ye Lizhu to stay in Ye’s house for several days.

Finally, I caught her heart firmly. When she came back, Ye Fuan was muttering in Ye Lizhu’s ear all day, “Beads, only father is best for you in the world”, “Tiao Xiao, that traitor, no father is good to you.” “, what should I do if I lose my heart?

Tixiao tolerates Ye Lizhu staying outside for three days at most, but her temperament will definitely not come back if she stays for less than seven days. What was mentioned for half a month before. Half a month… Hehe, it’s impossible without even thinking about it.

Ti Xiao said: “Can only live for half a day.”

Ye Lizhu flattened his mouth: “Can I stop for a long time? At least one day.”

Tixiao kissed her forehead: “Well, I promised you for my husband, what reward will you give for my husband?”

Ye Lizhu took back the original quilt on the bed. The quilt was so big that Ti Xiao watched her swayingly holding him, couldn’t help but let out a low laugh, and threw the quilt onto the bed.

It was already spring when I really left.

Ye Lizhu bid farewell to his father and younger brother. Ye Jiayou, who has always been strong, secretly wiped his tears. Ye Lizhu hugged Ye Jiayou: “Don’t cry, I will come back to see you and dad.”

Ye Jiayou originally wanted to say “I didn’t cry”, but when he looked up and saw Ye Lizhu, he felt sorrow in his heart and held Ye Lizhu’s clothes: “Zhuzhu, wait for me to grow up, I will ride to Xianzhou. It’s up to you.”

Ye Lizhu nodded.

Ti Xiao looked at Ye Lizhu from the side, his eyes swept over Ye Jiayou, and then said to Ye Lizhu: “It’s not early.”

The maid helped Ye Lizhu onto the carriage.

Ye Fuan said to Tixiao: “From now on I will help the prince, King Qin, Zhuzhu is my only daughter, if you are…”

“The prime minister can rest assured, I will treat her well.” Ti Xiao said to Ye Fuan, “I won’t let her suffer any wrongdoing.”

As the carriage went away, Ye Lizhu quietly opened the curtain and looked back.

The wheels rolled across the ground and creaked, and the figures of Ye Fuan and Ye Jiayou and others gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared slowly and were no longer visible.

Ye Lizhu’s head was empty, and she was dull and uncomfortable, so she wiped her tears.

Ye Lizhu knew that Beijing and Xianzhou were thousands of miles away. After leaving this time, she did not know how long and when she could see her father and brother again.

Ti Xiao was originally riding a horse, Ye Lizhu looked out.

Tixiao rides on a tall horse. He is tall, dressed in a black robe, and his long hair is tied with a purple crown. His face is handsome and his facial features are three-dimensional and deep.

Seeing Tixiao, Ye Lizhu felt relieved a lot.

She went to bed obediently.

The weather became warmer, and the spring breeze made people’s bones loose a lot.

During the ten days on the road, Ye Lizhu was in good health and did not get sick due to the bumps. He mentioned that he had learned about it. He knew about every town along the way. He told Ye Lizhu some interesting stories at night so that she would not feel boring on the road.

Ye Lizhu also brought many books on the road to relieve her boredom.

This day I went to one place, because it had just rained a few days ago, the road was bumpy and it was not easy to walk. Ye Lizhu was bumped and made her body uncomfortable, and there were some noises from the carriage. She felt uncomfortable whether she was lying or sitting. .

The carriage continued to walk, and the curtain was suddenly opened.

Tixiao’s tall body got in.

Ye Lizhu lay lazily, she hugged a pillow and whispered: “Why did your Highness come in?”

Although the carriage is very spacious, much more luxurious than ordinary carriages, and everything is well prepared, Tixiao doesn’t like being here.

He is tall and feels too stuffy inside.

Ti Xiao said: “I’m worried that you will be uncomfortable in it.”

Ye Lizhu’s eyelashes trembled, and she rolled over: “I’m tired of it a long time ago. The station I stayed at last night was not good. The bed board was too ridiculous.”

Tixiao is not picky, nor is he as squeamish as this little woman. He had never experienced any hardship before marching and fighting, and this journey was not hard for him.

But she was different. She hadn’t traveled far, and she couldn’t sleep comfortably during the day and night. Tixiao hadn’t been willing to touch her for the past two weeks.

Mingming used to sing songs every night in Beijing.

Ye Lizhu saw Tixiao sitting over, and she slept on Tixiao’s lap: “How many days can I get there?”

Tixiao’s slender fingers brushed Ye Lizhu’s hair: “It’s coming soon.”

Ye Lizhu pulled up and said, “You also fall asleep.”

Ti Xiao had to lie down with her.

Although Ye Lizhu was a little bumpy in Tixiao’s arms, she didn’t feel uncomfortable anymore.

I feel very comfortable holding Tixiao, and Tixiao is her medicine.

Ye Lizhu lifted his chin, kissed Xiao’s lips, kissed Xiao’s Adam’s apple, and buried his face in his neck: “Your Highness, don’t leave, I will sleep for a while.”

The spring shirt was light and thin, and Ye Lizhu wore an ivory white shirt today, very simple and plain. Because she is beautiful in her own life, and she feels good-looking no matter how simple she is.

Her eyebrows were burning with cinnabar, her peach eyes filled with water, and her lips were full, as if waiting for someone to pet her.

Tixiao didn’t touch her for half a month, which was almost impossible in the past.

Ye Lizhu’s body was lightly scented, refreshing, and she was as soft as boneless.

Ti Xiao pinched Ye Lizhu’s slender waist: “Ye Lizhu.”

She let out a lazy “um”.

The carriage was bumping on the road, and the spring was gentle and warm, Ye Lizhu closed his eyes as it swayed.

The discomfort just now, I feel comfortable now.

Ti Xiao pressed her sore waist and shoulders for her. He could suppress his strength, only gently, trying not to let Ye Lizhu feel too strong.

Having pressed her shoulders in this way, Ye Lizhu almost flew with ease, and she whispered: “Press my waist again.”

She was too sore in her waist due to the bumps, making her uncomfortable.

Seeing that she had given up her vigilance, Ti Xiao widened her belt: “I feel uncomfortable across the clothes.”

Although Ye Lizhu followed Tixiao in the **** and left Tixiao at night, Tixiao knew that Ye Lizhu would definitely not agree to him when he was still on the carriage in the blue sky and white sun.

Ye Lizhu really didn’t know what Tixiao wanted to do.

Until Tixiao grabbed his wrist.

She was taken aback for a moment, her eyes widened: “Your Highness, don’t…”

Before finishing speaking, Ti Xiao kissed her.

The ground outside was pitted and bumpy, and it was inevitable that the carriage would be bumpy when walking on such uneven ground.

If you encounter a particularly large pit, and you can’t go around, the bumps will be deeper.

Originally, Ye Lizhu had adapted to Tixiao, even if Tixiao was really scary, but she hadn’t been warm for a long time, this time it was a bit difficult.

Ye Lizhu couldn’t bear to walk down like this.

She couldn’t make a sound yet, and she couldn’t make a very obvious sound.

I don’t know how long it took before the carriage finally reached the open and flat road.

Tixiao opened the curtain and let the light and warm wind blow in. Spring is warm in Japan. It is the season when it is easy to sweat. Ye Lizhu’s thin clothes got wet.

She leaned on Tixiao’s shoulder, her eyes half-closed, and she was confused just now. She hadn’t fully awakened yet, Tixiao untied the belt that was covering her lips.

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