Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 92 - Extra (2)

It took a full quarter of an hour for Ye Lizhu to wake up.

The incident with Fangcai really made her dizzy. It was too long since she had been close to Tixiao. This time the carriage bumped up and down, which was too tossing.

Ye Lizhu was too tired to move, she closed her eyes: “Your Highness…”

Ti Xiao had already put on his clothes, he didn’t take off too much before, and the clothes were not soiled, but Ye Lizhu was different from him.

After a pause, he said: “I have become a little weaker recently.”

Ye Lizhu didn’t say a word. Compared with Ti Xiao, she was indeed too weak.

Stationed at a place with a water source at night.

Tixiao can go directly to the river to wash, but Ye Lizhu can’t. She is afraid of the cold. Although spring is here, the river is cold and she cannot touch it.

Ye Lizhu was sitting on the bank, with a blanket spread on the ground, the moonlight was like water, and it was sprinkled cleanly on the ground, bright as day.

Today, the fifteenth moon is full, the moon stars are sparse, and the sky is slightly blue with moonlight. Ye Lizhu wears a thin cloak, and she looks at the perfect figure of the man in the water.

Tixiao came out of the water, and the icy drops of water flowed down his dark hair, across the deep eye sockets, falling from the straight bridge of the nose, all the way down, and gradually reached the neck socket, chest, and then the well-kept abdomen. The muscles finally fall into the water, and the water falls into the water, and can’t be seen again.

Ye Lizhu was blown by the gentle night breeze, and her eyes narrowed slightly. She still felt a little dizzy. She was open all around and covered with broad plains. She couldn’t see the edge at a glance, but she could only see at close range. Mention Xiao.

Do some math, she is far, far away from the capital.

Ti Xiao came out of the water, and Ye Lizhu handed it over a clean cotton towel: “His Royal Highness wipe it.”

The water was cold, Tixiao wiped his hair and body, in front of Ye Lizhu’s face, he actually didn’t have to worry about anything.

Ye Lizhu said, “If you bake it in the past, your hair will dry faster. You must be very tired after a day’s journey. Rest early.”

Ti Xiao said with an “um”.

Ye Lizhu had been intimate with Ti Xiao during the day, and she was sweating, so she also had to wash her body.

She loves to be clean, and no matter how busy she is on the road, she always wipes her body before going to bed.

The maid had already boiled the water to make room.

It’s not cold outside, so someone surrounded them with things, and Ye Lizhu just scrubbed outside.

When Tixiao entered the tent, Ye Lizhu undressed under a big tree.

The evening breeze is slightly warm, and it feels very comfortable to blow across the skin. Ye Lizhu’s body is much better than before, and he doesn’t worry about catching cold again.

The maids were guarding all around, and no one would come over. Ye Lizhu didn’t like others waiting for her to take a bath. She twisted the veil, and the veil was warm and wiped it from her slender neck.

Ye Lizhu was only surrounded by a thin cotton cloth towel. She was sitting on a short stool, soaking her feet in a basin, soaking the kerchief in her hands in another hot water basin to moisten her, and rubbing her own. Arm and collarbone.

When Ye Lizhu was about to untie the cotton cloth around her body and took a wooden scoop to wash her body with water, she suddenly heard Yusha’s voice: “Your Highness!”

She was startled.

Tixiao told everyone else to retreat.

Ye Lizhu sat down again, lowered her eyebrows and wiped her arms, never wanting to tear off the cotton towel from her body.

Ti Xiao said: “Why is it so long? I’ll wipe it for you.”

Ye Lizhu is always slow and meticulous in her work. Her hands are full of water, her slender fingers are holding the soaked cotton cloth, and her lips are gently squeezed: “You go to bed first, and you will go back later.”

She had washed her long hair, wiped it half dry, and tied it with a silver hairpin. The ink piled up like clouds, so beautiful that people couldn’t remove her eyes.

Ti Xiao took the wooden scoop, scooped water from the bucket, and untied the cotton towel on Ye Lizhu’s body. The warm water fell down the scoop, bit by bit.

Ye Lizhu always felt a little unnatural being watched by such gazes.

After a long time, she was wrapped in a blanket and Tixiao hugged her into the tent.

Today, I had tossed her a bit too much during the day, and Ti Xiao was reluctant to touch Ye Lizhu at night.

He whispered in Ye Lizhu’s ear: “Does it hurt after a little medicine?”

Ye Lizhu’s eyes turned red: “I, I will come by myself.”

How could Tixiao let her come by herself, he said: “I hurt you, and I will give you the medicine myself.”

Ye Lizhu couldn’t get away.

If you are usually at home, no matter how close you are with Tixiao, Ye Lizhu can adapt.

Now outside, this is outside the tent, Ye Lizhu always feels weird.

She covered her eyes with one hand.

Ye Lizhu’s white shell teeth bit her lips slightly, and the tender lips were bitten out, and the earlobes were red and bright red, making people feel affectionate when they saw it.

Tixiao changed her new clothes. The pockets were light pink with double lotus embroidered on them. Tixiao looked at it and said, “You embroidered it yourself?”

Ye Lizhu lowered his head and glanced. She did make this little dress by herself.

She is serious in embroidering, so she is very delicate, and Tilian is vivid.

Tixiao touched the pattern on it.

Ye Lizhu nodded: “I did it.”

very nice.

It’s too beautiful, and it makes people think of shredding, and shredding from her is also because he likes it too much.

Ti Xiao said: “It looks good.”

Ye Lizhu was uncomfortable with his eyes.

She spent this time with Tixiao and knew Tixiao too well.

What happened during the day today is not enough for him. Once in the palace, no matter day or night, Ti Xiao would never end once.

His energy is really good.

Now I am also forgiving for her to take the car too hard, so it only takes one time.

There was a bump in the carriage, and Ye Lizhu was sitting so that his bones fell apart. Every time the carriage bumped, Ye Lizhu would feel that her waist would also be broken by the bump, which was extremely tired.

However, compared with him, she sat in the carriage all day, which is not very hard.

Ye Lizhu hesitated for a moment, and put his arms around Tixiao’s neck: “His Royal Highness…”

Tixiao was a little puzzled: “Huh?”

His warm breath sprayed on Ye Lizhu’s neck, and Ye Lizhu felt that his face was going to be red.

Her eye circles are also a little red, because her skin color is too white, so when she is shy or angry, she always expresses her emotions.

Ye Lizhu took the initiative to hold down his shoulder.

Her long hair was scattered on her shoulders, soft and fragrant, and it also hung down on Tixiao’s body.

Ti Xiao saw that Ye Lizhu was untying his clothes, he held her hand, guessing that Ye Lizhu might eat the marrow and know the taste, once during the day, so he wanted it at night.

However, Ti Xiao was really worried about letting her get pregnant too early.

Ti Xiao squeezed the back of Ye Lizhu’s hand. She seemed to have lost a little weight during this period of time on the way. Her body would not work without him, and he still needed him to love her.

Tixiao turned off the lights in the tent and put the person on the bedding…

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