People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 231

Page 231

After discussing for a while, the three referees always put forward a request of 4.6, which turned out to be for them to make rice bowls.

Hearing the request, the two fell into contemplation, thinking about what kind of food they need to make.

Soon, the two came to the side of the ingredients to select the ingredients.

Eizan Gijin also chose a piece of beef that looked extremely gigantic.

The quality of the meat seems to be extremely thick, and it is so huge that it is as high as Eizan Gitsu.

At this point the beef is hanging on the shelf.And Eizan Jijin also had a calm expression on his face.

But when they saw this piece of beef again, everyone present exclaimed.

They didn’t expect that Eizan Gijin also chose such a huge beef.

Even if I follow the rules for a long time, it will be full of seriousness. If it were me, I am afraid that it would take a lot of effort to handle the beef. .

【222】Onion Steak Donburi!Back to Basics! (Please subscribe!)

The judges looked at this scene and were a little surprised!But the fact is that they can only wait quietly for Eizan Gijinya to finally show his strength.

As for Eizan Gijin himself, he was full of calm.He believed he could.

So let’s get started, the host waved his hand.Her face was full of excitement, and it was difficult for her to see this scene even herself. “Both take their places.”

“The loser will lose the seat where he is. Then this is a desperate battle on the tip of the tongue, and the halberd officially begins!” Following the host’s order, everyone present began to cheer.

He gently stroked the piece of beef on his cooking table, which looked obviously extremely strong.

Eizan Gitsuya put his face next to the beef, and gently sniffed the fat beef with his nose.

The faintly revealed beef aroma fascinated him.

“This kind of itchy feeling on the tip of the nose. No one can resist it!”

20 Eizan Gijin also muttered to himself.

And when he saw this piece of beef, he continued to contemplate in his heart, how to make delicious meat dishes?

In the process of maturation, will some delicious ingredients continue to be produced?

Then the sweet aroma begins to be released.

“In that case, let me cook this piece of meat!”

Every chef wants to cook high-quality ingredients.

Immediately after that, the meat was put directly into the frying pan by Eizan Gijin, and the oil was also high-grade oil.

With that sizzling sound, it also resounded in the field.

“First paint the surface of the meat first.”

While speaking, Eizan Gitsuya gently scooped up the seemingly large amount of butter in the pot with a spoon.

Immediately after that, it was squeezed on the surface of the beef, and the butter was carried on the meat.

Like a waterfall, it went down smoothly, and the hot oil poured on the frost, and at the same time made a wonderful sound of zizi.

At the same time, due to the coloring of the hot oil tip, there is also a strong aroma floating on the entire arena.

The rich aroma of butter permeated the whole place.

“It’s fascinating.”

『;’;若’?水;,?资,:’源!群.’』?6,’,5;6.,”6,,1″.8″8;9?6;?;『!’若:水?,!中:.;转’!?群”?’』’”3!0.’.0?”!0.”3,..1!4.”2,7  主持人,此时也闻着那股淡淡的香气,神色有种说不出的畅快感,令人舒适,光是这香气,就已经让人觉得饥肠辘辘了。

Looking at Eizan Jijinya’s approach below, Mo Yu and the others were also surprised.

Even a few girls around have the same pink fragrance on their faces.

They all want to taste it.

Treating the surface of the meat in this step completely cuts the inside of the meat.

Mo Yu explained the game lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Eizan Gijin also took the next step.

As he put the gravy on the skin of the meat, he picked up the meat and put it in the oven.

“As long as the meat is cooked inside, it’s fine.”

While Eizan Gijin was waiting here, he also took a liking to Yuga Teruki’s side.

I saw a long time I was carrying a lot of onions at this time.

“Well, what is he going to do with that?”

The host was also puzzled, looking at a plate of chopped onions that had been made by me for a long time on the big screen.

At the same time, he also brought out his own meat.

When the meat was cooked again, Eizan Gijin also brought the meat out.

At the same time, a needle appeared in his hand and gently pierced the surface of the meat.The juicy feeling fascinated him at the same time.

Gently cut off such a huge piece of meat piece by piece, Eizan Jijin really won’t give any promise.

Because at this time he has not yet prepared the complete meat ingredients.

At this time, Eizan Jijin is also like a pianist who is playing the pianist. When he wants to touch this piece of meat, for the meat itself, Eizan Jijin also shows his pity and looks extremely sublime.

This is like a sonata talking about meat, extremely comfortable.Silent is better than sound, generally like hitting a man’s body.

“I must win.”

The onion was slowly swallowing the scent in the butter, still tangy.

It’s just that I have been following the rules for a long time, and it seems that I did not continue the next action.

But when I turned the onion gently over a long period of time, that kind of forced marriage hit my nostrils.

Even if it was more intense than when Eizan Gijin went to fry the beef just now.

When the people present smelled the aroma, they suddenly made some strange noises.

“What the hell did this guy do?”

With the passage of time, the last minute soon arrived, and the two sides were also preparing their own dishes.

Who can win at the last minute?Everyone didn’t expect it either. The ding sounded for a minute and passed immediately.

“It’s cooking time.” The host shouted.

At this moment, they have also prepared their own dishes.

“Then the review session will begin next.” The host said lightly.

“First of all, let’s start with Kuga Teruki’s cooking.”

First, I glanced at Eizan Gitsuya.

Then the host spoke again.

Just as I nodded my head, I brought my rice bowl, called Donburi.

I saw Kuga Teruki’s rice bowl is very simple, it only has three bowls.

“Excuse me, what is the bowl of rice that you named it?” the host asked curiously.

After a long time I nodded and said. “This is a steak bowl.”

“Uh, is that all?” After listening to 647 for a long time, the host was stunned, as if he was not optimistic about the long time.

However, the referee is not like the host, after all, it is only a name.

The real thing is its deliciousness, is it good or not?

When Jiu I served the rice according to the rules, I saw that there was a steak piled on it, and the steak was full of onions.

Seeing this scene, the three referees were a little shocked.

“This look looks okay, so I’ll give it a try!”

After the three people entered separately, it was immediately.The referee can’t stop.

“Oh my God, let’s not talk about the tenderness of this meat. I didn’t expect that the special sauce made with onions can also stimulate people’s appetite!”

“The onion is then fried in a thick pan that has been fried with steak, and red wine is poured into it to make the onion more delicious.”

“Continue to cook the remaining gravy, leaving the onions out of the gravy.”

“Next, thicken the potato flour in the water.”

“At the same time, it makes the rice stick tightly to the rice. It’s really addicting.”

For the rice bowls that Kuga Teruki made, all three gave very high evaluations.

“Okay, then let’s start with Eizan Gitsuya-san’s cooking!”.

【223】Glorious Cross!Heaven appears!Illusions are invincible! (Please subscribe!)

Eizan Gitsu also nodded, and after a while he placed his rice bowl on the referee’s table as well.

The rice bowl looks plentiful.Unexpectedly, he cut a small flower out of meat.

It looks very good-looking, plus the role of the plate.

Eizan Gitsu also said, “This is a yakiniku rice bowl.”

it looks.Eizan Gitsuya’s yakiniku rice bowl is even more appetizing, and the thick beef increases the appetite.

Looking at the rice bowls made by Eizan Gijinya on the big screen, they couldn’t help but go through the sound axis. It’s not a bowl of rice bowls at all, but a bowl of top-notch dishes, right?

“Well, the sliced meat is piled up like a flower, it looks very beautiful, and you can see such a beautiful rice bowl.”

A female referee was also a little surprised when she looked at the rice bowl that Eizan Gijin also made.

I didn’t expect a boy to be able to make such a beautiful meal.

“Then we’ll start.”

As the three referees took out the spoons and began to put them in their mouths, the feeling of tender meat and abalone was immediately carried on the rice, making the whole rice also taste like a rice bowl.

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