People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 232

Page 232

“God, this is too delicious, isn’t it?”

A referee shouted, followed by another female referee as well, and even he felt that his food was going to be soft, like a flower, and his face was red.

“God, A5 can’t compare, this delicious taste.” A referee commented.

“The angle of the fire has even been calculated, which is really good.”

“Allow the texture of the meat to be at right angles to the direction of the live, so that the meat can be heated more evenly.”

“A real connoisseur can even see through the texture of beef, obviously. Your strength is extremely ingenious.”

However, after moving down, they didn’t finish talking, but continued to chew the delicious taste of the combination of beef and rice in their mouths.

“Wait, why does yours have a slightly sour taste in it~ˇ?”

“But why do you keep getting hungry as you eat? There’s a feeling that you want people to eat it all, or even have another bowl.”

“This sour taste, isn’t it?”

Eizan Gijin also laughed at this time.

“That’s right, this is the rice I made, and I put my own words in it, plum meat.”

“This can make the rice have a refreshing feeling, and at the same time, it can be combined with the greasyness of the beef, which aggravates the taste of the two but can reduce the greasy feeling.”

“Oh my god, it really doesn’t get tired of eating, it’s refreshing, is it actually Huamei?”

“That fluffy, fragrant beef, with the best sauce. Oh my gosh, it’s so delicious.”

The three judges seemed to be thrushing their eyebrows at this time, as well as the scented lamps.Swimming on flowers made from meat.

This kind of refreshing words, no rice is really praised.This way of elevating the ingredients to each other.It was so delicious.

While talking about the referee’s sentence, he devoured it, and he didn’t feel like stopping at all.

“My God, is this kind of meal impossible to stop at all?”

But after listening to the referee’s words, I will only lose until I have lost, and my eyes are wide. Is it that simple?Obviously the materials they use are similar.

But did you still lose?Damn it, even with a little extra effort.I can’t compare to Eizan Gitsuya, so it seems that I lost.

When I was thinking about it for a long time, the table judge had already eaten all the rice made by Eizan Gijinya, and sighed a little after eating, “Is it already finished?”

“My God, can you make another bowl please?” The female referee couldn’t help but asked Eizan Jijin.

Eizan Jijin also shook his head, afraid that they would be overwhelmed.

Although I have been doing it according to the rules for a long time, it is also very good, but it is this bowl that I want to miss the most.Rice made by Eizan Gitsuya.

Not only that, but Eizan Gitsu was also there.The platter is all on the top of Jiu I summoned.It can be overwhelmed for a long time and I will be disciplined.

“Impossible.” I followed the rules for a long time, a little unbelievable.

But Eizan Gijin also shook his head.

“Although the rice is really good, that kind of rush to the liver will make the rice compete with the meat.”

“Although your cooking is very similar to rice bowls, it’s not just rice bowls at all.”

Hearing this, Kaoru Jiu already realized that he really lost.

I have heard one.A friend once said that the trick to rice bowls is to put neighbors in a bowl of rice, and while saying that Eizan Jijin is still in his hand, he gestures like a circle.Be sure to condense everything in this bowl of rice.

“How? Would you like to come and taste what I made.”

Eizan Gitsuya had already prepared himself into a bowl of rice bowl and brought it to Teruki Kuga.

The purpose of this is to make him more convincing to lose.

I watched this scene for a long time, but I was stunned and Eizan Jijin also smiled and said, “¨’Please use it slowly.”

I looked at that bowl of rice bowl for a long time, but I felt bitter in my heart.She didn’t believe at all that she could really make her own delicious food.

Then he brought the bowl of rice from Eizan Gitsuya directly to his side.

Then looking at the fragrant rice in the meal, he was also a little stunned, and put a mouthful of rice into his mouth.

The feeling of holding it suddenly gave me the urge to burst into clothes.

I couldn’t help but take out the chopsticks again and continue to put them in my mouth, but the more I eat, the more I can’t stop the movement in my mouth.

One bite after another, he kept putting it into his mouth, and he didn’t even need to chew it, it had already melted into the water and was swallowed by himself.

Like in the spring breeze.

This bowl of rice bowl is like talking again, making him feel that he really lost.

Sure enough, in the final tie, all the referees voted for Eizan Gitsuya.

The winner of this top ten is Eizan Gijin. (Wang Ma Zhao)

And because of this, Eizan Jijin also directly ranked from ninth to eighth.And Jiuga Zhaoji also dropped from eighth to ninth.

The audience cheered, and even Mo Yu’s people were extremely relieved.

“Eizan Jijin is also great!” Tian Suohui also shouted at this moment, and raised his hands.

“Good job!” Everyone exclaimed.

“Damn, I actually lost.” But although I thought this way for a long time, he knew that his loss this time was not wrong at all.

“You’ve become stronger!” Jiu I said according to the discipline.Then he left directly, and he needed to practice hard.

At this moment, a man suddenly came to Eizan Jijinya’s side and patted Eizan Jijinya’s shoulder.

“You’re an amazing man.”

Eizan Jijin was also stunned for a moment, then turned to look at him, wondering who it was?

“It seems. You are the person I can find who started the rice bowl.”.

[224] The provocative non-food halberd!Brother Takami! (Please subscribe!)

“It seems that the next boss will be you.”

The man spoke again.

But Eizan Jijin also listened and shook his head, he was not interested at all.

“Haha, Eizan Jijin also congratulates you!”

When Eizan Gitsuya returned to the dark cooking club again, everyone had already returned here.

After seeing Eizan Gijinya back again, Mito Yumei directly patted Eizan Gijinya on the shoulder, haha, laughing that he is very open, so naturally he will not be restrained.

“Haha, this is everyone’s credit.” Eizan Jijin also smiled, if he hadn’t trained here, he probably wouldn’t have improved so fast, let alone if anything else would have happened.

Even, maybe it is impossible for him to continue to be the top ten.

“Okay, just be quiet.”

At this moment, Mo Yu spoke up.

Hearing this, everyone also calmed down from their laughter and waited quietly for what Mo Yu said next.

After seeing everyone quiet down again, Mo Yu first looked at Eizan Jijinya and said calmly.

“Eizan Jijinya, congratulations this time, Bao 647 took your seat, and at the same time, you also used your own courage to compete with the eighth seat Kuga according to discipline, and successfully defeated him to become the eighth seat.”

“Of course, these are also the credits of your own hard training, which are rare.”

Eizan Jijin also heard this, and he laughed.

“Of course, this also has a lot to do with the training of Lord Mo Yu.”

“Thank you for being here.” As he said, Yishan Jijin also slowly bent down and bowed to Mo Yu.

If it wasn’t for Mo Yu, I’m afraid Xiao Rui would not be able to go from the defeat that day to today.

Mo Yu also accepted the gift, and then looked at the crowd and said.

“In the next few months, the real ten-section review conference in the whole college will come, and then you must attend.”

“So in these next few months. I’m going to be training you guys more, don’t know if you have any confidence.”

Hearing Mo Yu’s solemn words, people suddenly became solemn, nodded vigorously, and shouted.

“Have confidence.”

Seeing everyone nodding, Mo Yu’s expression softened slightly.

“Very well, as I said, all of you must participate, and I ask each of you to get a seat of the top ten, otherwise, there will be this punishment.”

“And this punishment is different from usual, so you all pay attention. If you can’t pass it, wait for the punishment.”

As he spoke, Mo Yu’s face suddenly collapsed, and it seemed that he said, if anyone can’t pass, they can’t eat and walk around.

Knowing what kind of character Mo Yu is, therefore, everyone knows how valuable his words are, so they can only nod their heads, “I will definitely not disappoint Lord Mo Yu’s expectations.”


As this matter settled down, when Mo Yu went to the front of the school and returned to the House of China, a man suddenly walked out from his side.

There was a muffled bang, but they didn’t expect that neither of them would dodge, and then they collided directly.

Unexpectedly, under this impact, Mo Yu’s words did not move, and were firmly fixed to the ground, like a puppet with nails.

But the other figure who was hit fell directly to the ground, and even made an oops scream.

Can’t blame Mo Yu, after all, he was born in the underworld.How could the fighting martial arts that I have experienced be knocked to the ground by this small blow?

As for the man who was knocked down, Mo Yu was even more unmoved.

Just as he was about to leave, he didn’t mean to apologize at all. After all, if this matter was settled, it would be the man’s fault.

But at this time, there was a sudden scream from behind.


There was anger in the voice, but it didn’t seem to sound like it.Their standard discourse is more like a foreign language.

For the words here, it seems that the learning is not so refined.

Mo Yu didn’t look back, but kept walking forward. Why should he listen to what that person said?

However, when Mo Yu continued to move forward, suddenly the figure appeared in front of Mo Yu and blocked Mo Yu.

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