People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 45

Page 45

Mo Yu, who was sitting in the seat, glanced at Nao Sadazuka.

The latter immediately took out a document knowingly, and began to read out to the members of the Dark Cuisine Research Society the content of the special training they needed to receive next.

“From today onwards, the weight of your special training pot will be increased to [-] catties, and you will practice [-] strokes of the spoon every day.”

“The pad for cutting tofu has been changed from eggs to balloons, and each strand of tofu must be able to pass through the eye of a needle.”

“From the morning, everyone has to run ten laps along the club building with a [-]-pound sandbag tied.”

“and also……”

The expected increase in the difficulty of the special training, but for the members of the Dark Cooking Research Society who have been psychologically prepared.

When they were just ordinary people, whether it was cooking talent or physical strength, they couldn’t be more ordinary.

Those special training assessments that seemed difficult to complete, they all survived.

If that’s the case, what’s the difficulty that can hold them back?

After reading all the special training contents, Nao Sadazuka released another club activity specially customized by Mo Yu for the summer festival.

“Besides, after the special training every day, you all have to come up with a dish for the summer festival.”

“On that day, Lord Mo Yu will select the three worst performers, and they will receive severe punishment in addition to the special training they must do every day.”

“If someone is in the last three for three consecutive days, then he will be expelled from the Dark Cooking Research Association!”

The cold voice changed everyone’s expressions.

This also made them realize that the competition that Mo Yu mentioned was indeed everywhere.

But no one objected.

To them, all of Mo Yu’s orders were already the supreme bible.

“If you have no opinion, let’s get started.”

Mo Yu glanced at it and said lightly.

“Yes, Lord Mo Yu!”

The Dark Cuisine Research Society, which already owns several small club activity venues, no longer needs to borrow the activity venue from the instructor.

In an event venue that is not small in size, it can accommodate a dozen people for special training at the same time.

The members of the Dark Cuisine Research Society have started a new high-intensity special training.

“By the way, Mito, your special training content, in addition to the points announced above, also includes the sword technique I asked you to practice.”

“This week, I’m going to see you dissect a whole cow in ten minutes.”

Mo Yu said to Mito Yumei.

Mito Yumei was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

“Yes, Lord Mo Yu!”

After getting the secret of the swordsmanship of the ox Qinglong slash from Mo Yu, Mito Yumei was deeply attracted by this mysterious swordsmanship.

For Mito Yumei, who is good at meat dishes, knife skills are definitely an indispensable part of meat dishes!

Moreover, the superiority of the bull’s Qinglong slash completely surpassed any kind of swordsmanship in the knowledge of Mito Yumei.

It really let her know what it means to be outside people, and there are days outside the world.

This kind of wonderful knife work, even the meat emperor Nagasawa Ryunosuke, can’t do it!

In the past few days, under Mo Yu’s special training, his strength is stronger than before, and Mito Yumei believes that his progress is rapid.

As long as you continue to practice this knife technique.

Soon, she will also have the wonderful knife skills that Mo Yu showed in the meat and halberd cooking competition before!

Thinking of this, Mito Yumei’s fighting spirit completely burned!

In the next month, the members of the Dark Cooking Research Association will be training strictly according to Mo Yu’s plan.

With the increase of talent growth value brought by special training.

There are many of them, and during this period of time, their strength has grown significantly.

Among them, the one that has grown the most is naturally Mito Yumei.

She had already possessed the talent of a seven-star first-class chef before, under the condition that she had gained eleven times the talent growth value experience bonus.

Mito Yumei’s growth rate is no less than the top five of the top ten.

The one-month training also allowed Mito Yumei to become a nine-star first-class chef.

There is only a thin line between the super chefs who exist in the watershed between real masters and ordinary people.

However, there seems to be only one step between a super chef and a first-class chef.

But this step is a gap that many people cannot cross!

If you want to reach a super chef, it is no longer possible to do it.


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But for Mito Yumei, it was only a matter of time before he joined the Dark Cuisine Research Association and became a super chef.

According to Mo Yu’s estimation of her strength, after this summer festival, Mito Yumei should be able to upgrade to a quasi-special chef.

Right now, what Mo Yu was thinking about was another question.

This summer festival, Shi Yingshi, Kuga Teruki, Eizan Eejin also and other ten heroes will definitely participate in this event.

Maybe even in person.

As for the Dark Cuisine Research Association, the only person who can confront them head-on is Mo Yu.

It’s just Mo Yu himself, but he has no plans to end.

In his opinion, this summer festival is a star-raising reward that makes countless societies flock to.

For the Dark Cuisine Research Society, which only has two stars, how eager they are for this reward.

Not as strong as Si Yingshi and the others.

The reason why Mo Yu was bound to be the leader of this summer festival was for other purposes.

But if you want the Dark Cuisine Research Association to have the strength to compete with the four-star large societies such as the French Cuisine Research Association, the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, and the Fried Cuisine Research Association.

Two first-class chefs, Mito Yumei and Sadazuka Nao, are obviously not enough.

“The super chef is the quasi-level of Yuanyue Shijie. Apart from Shijie and me, there are currently only a handful of students in the academy who can reach the super-grade level.”

“If you want to win this summer festival, the Dark Cuisine Research Association will need at least five to six five-star first-class chefs.”

“Or, three or more nine-star first-class chefs will do.”

After reading the strength reports of Togetsu Academy’s clubs that Nao Sadazuka collected.

Mo Yu quickly made a preliminary judgment.

Sadazuka Nao’s current strength is at the level of an eight-star first-class chef, but her own talent is far less than Mito Yumei.

With the acceleration of the talent growth value, Nao Sadazuka’s growth rate will only be gradually dropped by Mito Yumei.

With Nao Sadazuka’s growth rate, she probably won’t be able to reach the level of a nine-star first-class chef until the summer festival ends.

Therefore, Mo Yu’s next move is to work for the Dark Cooking Research Association before the end of the spring semester and before the holidays.

Before I found one, I was like Mito Yumei before I joined the company.

Students with at least seven-star first-class chef level, and use the next month.

Intensive training for her.

Only then can she have the same nine-star first-class chef level as Mito Yumei before the summer festival starts.

After making a preliminary estimate in his heart, Mo Yu also began to calculate.

At the same time, the special training of the Dark Cuisine Research Association continued every day.

Just five days after the start of the special training assessment, there was a member of the Dark Cooking Research Association, because for three consecutive days, he won the second-to-last result.

He was mercilessly expelled from the Dark Cuisine Research Society.

This self-proclaimed student who has undergone unprecedented cruel special training, has been trained into a wolf, and will no longer cry because of any difficulties and setbacks.

When I heard that I was about to be expelled from the Dark Cooking Research Association because I failed the assessment.

He was sobbing in pain, hoping that Mo Yu could give him another chance.

It’s a pity that no matter how he grabbed the ground with his head and bumped his forehead into red, swollen and bleeding, it couldn’t shake Mo Yu’s expression.

“These rules, I made it very clear when you joined the Dark Cuisine Research Society.”

“If you don’t obey, don’t work hard, and aren’t strong enough, if you meet any of these three points, you have to leave the Dark Cuisine Research Society unconditionally.”

Mo Yu said with a cold expression.

Those members of the Dark Cuisine Research Society who had just completed the special training assessment and stood on both sides with their heads bowed, respectfully listening to every word of Mo Yu’s instructions.

After hearing these words, my heart froze.

Although they knew that if they were not strong enough, they would be expelled from the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

But when this scene was really discovered in front of their eyes, that kind of immersive feeling that everyone was in danger.

Only then will their potential be truly stimulated!

This will make them work harder to achieve Mo Yu’s request.

After more than half a month of training, every member of the Dark Cuisine Research Association seemed to have a real wolf-like aura in their eyes.

Rolling and rolling, it is prohibitive.

During that time, even when nearby clubs held club activities, members of other clubs had to subconsciously walk around the gate of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

until a certain day.

After a day of special club training, the members of the Dark Cuisine Research Association were staying to clean the activity room.

There was a sound of arguing from outside.

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