People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 46

Page 46

However, this kind of voice did not attract Mo Yu’s attention. After all, in this club building, besides them, there were other clubs.

Wherever there are people, disputes are inevitable.

However, as girls, Nao Sadazuka and Yumei Mito always have a natural curiosity for gossip.

Hearing what seemed to be a very intense quarrel outside, the two girls stuck their heads out of the door of the Dark Cooking Research Association in unison.

Look to the place where the noise is coming from.

“Isn’t that the Chinese Cuisine Research Association of Yuga Teruki’s?”

Nao Sadazuka immediately recognized the club to which the event venue belonged, and said in confusion.

“The voice of one of them sounds like a long time to me.”

Mito Yumei also looked around curiously.

“Apart from Lord Mo Yu, how dare anyone dare to challenge the ten heroes so blatantly? Could it be that she is also a top ten?”

Just when the two of you discussed each other word by word.

I saw a girl angrily walked out of the gate of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association.

From a distance, she was wearing the same uniform as Nao Sadazuka, a first-year student at Togetsu Academy.

The neat purple short hair contrasts sharply with the delicate curves outlined by the slim uniform.

Coupled with the neat and tidy movements, it makes people feel that the character of this girl must be quite direct and sassy.

“For a long time, my senior, I have said many times, I have no intention to join your Chinese Cuisine Research Association, please don’t pester me again!”

The girl scolded the people who were chasing after her in a cold voice.

“But apart from you, Hojo-san, I can’t think of anyone who is more qualified for the position of vice president of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association than you.”

Even if he was reprimanded by his juniors, Jiuga Teruki didn’t seem to be very angry.

On the contrary, he still enthusiastically invited the other party to join the Chinese Cuisine Research Association.

“Hojo-san… Could it be that Hojo-san Miyoko who is good at Chinese cuisine?”

Mito Yumei blinked and said in surprise.

“It should be her. I heard that Hojo’s home runs a Chinese restaurant called ‘Hojo House’.”

Nao Sadazuka blurted out.

As Mo Yu’s capable leader, in order to select the most suitable members for the Dark Cooking Research Association, Nao Sadazuka has been around for a while.

I have already looked at all the student materials of the first year of the Higher Ministry.

“I heard that she is not only good at Chinese cuisine, but also has amazing strength. Just stomping on the floor can leave deep shoe prints.”

It’s just like Mito Ikumei, who has forged his terrifying strength in order to cook meat dishes.

Sadazuka Nao secretly complained in his heart.

“Hojo-kun, haven’t you joined any clubs yet?”

Ikumei Mito, who didn’t notice Nao Sadazuka’s slander, asked.

It has now been more than two months since the start of Totsuki Academy. Among the first-year students, those who have not joined the club are really rare.

“No, Hojo is good at Chinese cuisine. She is the most suitable person to join. It is also the Chinese cuisine research society of my senior.”

“But it is said that Hojo-san thinks that my senior’s Chinese cuisine used Sichuan cuisine to monopolize other cuisines, and used spicy flavor to violently dominate the entire research group.”

“So for Hojo-san, a club like Kuga-senpai is not worthy of being called the Chinese Cuisine Research Association.”

Nao Sadazuka kept talking.

At this moment, she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

“Lord Mo Yu! I seem to have a recommendation!”

Nao Sadazuka ran in the direction of Mo Yu ecstatically.

“Miyoko Hojo.”

After listening to Nao Sadazuka’s words, Mo Yu opened his eyes and looked at her.

Mo Yu had paid attention to this person before, but Miyoko Hojo had always been a loner in Togetsu Academy.

In addition, she did not show a strong desire for something.

That’s why the Dark Cuisine Research Society didn’t consider her to be someone who could be recruited.

However, when Nao Sadazuka reported to Mo Yu this time, he also provided an additional important thing.

“I just heard that when she was arguing with my senior, I mentioned that in half a month, the Hojo Building opened by Hojo’s classmate’s family will participate in a Chinese cooking competition held in Chinatown!”

“Hojo-san seems to be struggling with this recently.”

“Lord Mo Yu, our chance might come!”.

【49】Intervention in the dark!The precarious Hojo Building! (!)

“Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition.”

Mo Yu looked up at Nao Sadazuka and motioned her to continue.

“I’ve heard of this.”

A member of the staff behind Nao Sadazuka raised his hand.

Chinese cuisine with a long history and extensive and profound knowledge is widely spread in the world.

Although when Chinese cuisine was spread abroad, it had to be adjusted according to the tastes of various countries because of the need to follow the local customs.

However, this did not affect those Chinese who originally belonged to Zhongguo, as well as those foreign friends who liked Zhongguo culture, and their love for Chinese cuisine.

That’s why Chinatown exists.

The Hojo Building opened by Hojo Miyoko’s family is a Chinese restaurant in Hengbin Chinatown.

Just two weeks ago, Chinatown held a cooking competition, claiming that all Chinese restaurants in Chinatown could participate in this event.

In addition to the generous bonuses, the top three restaurants in this event will be rewarded with the recommendation of Chinatown’s signature restaurants for one week in a row.

The restaurant that won the first place will be able to have a one-month large-scale neon advertisement stand-up privilege at the intersection of Chinatown.

The tour guide who is responsible for taking tourists to Chinatown will also recommend the restaurant as the first choice for tourists.

“Last year, Chinatown also held a cooking competition, and the winner at that time was Hojolou.”

“So this time, the Hojo Miyoko family will definitely try their best to win the championship this time!”

Nao Sadazuka looked at Mo Yu.

“Mr. Mo Yu, Hojo has not joined any clubs yet, and my investigation shows that her strength is not bad, what do you think?”

In Nao Sadazuka’s investigation, Miyoko Hojo already had the strength to surpass that of the main chef of Hojo when she was young.

It’s just that because she’s a girl, she’s been ostracized by other people in Hojo Building, thinking that a girl “is absolutely impossible to cook better than a man”.

That’s why Hojo Miyoko came to Togetsu Academy, trying to make some achievements in Togetsu Academy to prove her strength to her family.

It just so happened that Mo Yu’s Dark Cooking Research Association included various members who were good at different kinds of cooking.

But Nao Sadazuka, who now seems to have the same status as Mo Yu’s confidant, knows that.

The heritage of the Dark Cuisine Research Association is built on the basis of Chinese cuisine!

Therefore, Miyoko Hojo, who is also good at Chinese cuisine and has a talent not inferior to Mito Yumei, is currently preparing for the summer festival by the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

The most suitable recruiter!

In short, in Nao Sadazuka’s eyes, Miyoko Hojo is fine except for being a girl.

As she thought so, she quietly glanced at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu seemed to be noncommittal about this. Until today’s club activities were disbanded, Nao Sadazuka never heard him talk about Miyoko Hojo again.

Although I don’t understand what Mo Yu is thinking about this, but for Nao Sadazuka.

Every move of Lord Mo Yu will have his own considerations.

Every word of Lord Mo Yu is correct.

These two programs have been deeply rooted in her heart.

Therefore, Nao Sadazuka firmly believes that Mo Yu must already have his own plans at this moment.

After returning to the Heilin group, Mo Yu summoned Beiyuan Falcon.

“Investigate the Hojo Building opened in Hengbin Chinatown and the Chinatown Cooking Competition.”

“Yes, my lord.”

With many years of experience in serving Mo Yu, Beiyuan Falcon has become accustomed to obeying every order of Mo Yu, and no matter how curious he is, he will never ask the reason.

In less than half a day, Mo Yu got all the information he wanted from Beiyuan Falcon.

“Last year’s Chinatown Cooking Contest, the winner was the chef of Hojo House, the father of Miyoko Hojo.”

“But the subordinate just investigated and learned that Hojo Miyoko’s father unfortunately broke his arm at work some time ago. I’m afraid he won’t be able to participate in this cooking competition.”

“As the daughter of the chef, Miyoko Hojo, coupled with her outstanding cooking skills, was temporarily selected as the representative of Hojo Building to compete in this Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition.”

“But because other people in the Hojo Building are not particularly convinced of Hojo Miyoko’s strength, the result of this cooking competition is very important to Hojo Miyoko.”

After Falcon Kitahara respectfully reported the situation of the Hojo Building, he continued.

“But the situation in Hojolou this time is quite dangerous.”

Hearing this, Mo Yu looked up at Beiyuan Falcon.

“How to say?”

“In this Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition, several unknown forces have joined.”

··0 Flowers

Kitahara Hayabusa said respectfully.

Although the Heilin group has been developing secretly in Japan over the years.

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