People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 49

Page 49

“These two people, it’s not easy…”

Hojo Miyoko didn’t expect that she thought she had secured the victory, but she bumped into the two of them showing good strength one after another.

This made her even more daring to be careless, and hurriedly turned her eyes back, staring directly at the heat of the steamer on her stove.

The competition has entered the final stage, you must not let your cooking have any accident, absolutely not!

Miyoko Hojo said to herself secretly in her heart!

When there were fifteen minutes left in the competition time, one after another, contestants submitted their works.

“Meicai pork? This pickled vegetable is not marinated at all, and the greasy feeling in the fat is not well removed. How dare you open a store in Chinatown at this level?!”

“The meat in the pot is too sweet, and the frying paste wrapped around it is too thick, which affects the taste of the pork itself!”

“Sweet and sour pork ribs? This vinegar will make people’s teeth sour. I used to think that only people would put too much sugar when they make sweet and sour pork ribs. I didn’t expect that there would be too much vinegar. Are you in?!”

In the judgment seat, a gray-haired judge frowned and continued to comment.

The spectators watching by the side also whispered.

“This year’s Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition has invited Mr. Teri Ohno as the judge.”

“Yeah, I heard that he is a leader in Japanese benzene Chinese cuisine, and more importantly, his mouth is very poisonous.”

“Wow, Mr. Ono Hui is much more critical than those people. He is not here to be a judge at all. I’m afraid he is here to undermine the confidence of others?!”

“That’s not true. Look at the few people who were criticized by Mr. Ohno just now. They are dejected. I think they may not even have the courage to enter the back kitchen and pick up a spoon in the future.”

The whispers in the audience also reached the ears of some contestants who were still preparing for the competition.

Miyoko Hojo also heard their voices. 20

Miyoko Hojo, who has been immersed in Chinese cuisine since she was a child, has naturally heard the name Teru Ohno.

He is a well-deserved leader in the Japanese and Chinese cuisine industry.

The Chinese cuisine made by Teri Ohno can even be compared with some local famous chefs in Zhongguo.

It is said that there was once a wealthy Chinese businessman who was wandering all the year round, because he missed the dishes of his hometown so much, but he was abroad and could not taste it anyway.

In the end, I didn’t want to eat or drink, and my body collapsed because of this weakness.

In the end, he paid a lot of money to hire Mr. Ono Hui, and asked him to fry a “double-cooked pork” from his hometown.

Unexpectedly, after eating it, the rich Chinese businessman praised “this is the taste of my hometown” while gobbling down the twice-cooked pork.

In the end, the wealthy Chinese businessman was cured of his illness. Since then, he has always praised everyone that Mr. Ohno Teru’s cuisine is the most authentic Chinese cuisine abroad.

Ohno Teru also became famous because of this.

Teri Ohno, who is blessed with the halo of the first person in the Japanese Chinese cuisine industry, obviously has more say in Chinese cuisine than others.

It is precisely because of this that Teri Ohno was invited as a judge to attend this Hengbin Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition.

Although he was the judge, he was criticizing the cooking of the contestants.

Not only because of his pride in this regard, but also because he has the capital to comment like this.

Even when Hojo Miyoko was young, she always used Teru Ohno to motivate herself.

“This time, Mr. Ohno turned out to be the judge, then I must not fail!”

Miyoko Hojo secretly clenched her fists.

“Really, there are so many people, and none of them can do it. Just like this, how dare you say it’s Chinese cuisine?”

Ono Teru, who was muttering to himself, suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

“Huh? This taste is Dongpo pork?”

“Mr. Ohno, this is my entry, Dongpo Pork with wine, please taste it!”

Miyoko Hojo looked serious and respectfully presented the plate in front of Teru Ohno.

“Pleasant color, neat pieces of meat, and a strong aroma…”

Finally, seeing a Chinese dish that was quite eye-catching, Ono Teru’s eyes lit up.

He took out his chopsticks and gently moved one of the pieces of meat, and immediately felt the elasticity and smoothness of the meat.

Ono Teru picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

“The characteristics of Dongpo Pork is that it is fat but not greasy, crispy and delicious. This dish is well grasped.”

“The aroma of the wine brewed to neutralize the greasyness of this Dongpo Pork. At the same time, it also added a touch of aroma, bringing a touch of sweetness to the taste of the meat. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.”

“Impossible, quite the perfect Dongpo Pork.”

Teru Ohno and the other judges kept nodding their heads.

“This is the first Dongpo meat I have eaten in the current competition that completely suits my taste!”

Ono Teru’s praise made Hojo Miyoko’s always stern face show a happy expression.

For her, there is nothing to be proud of than being praised by an idol-like figure she once regarded as a target.

Moreover, his own cooking can even make Ono Hui feel satisfied, which shows that his Chinese cuisine is good enough!

“Wait, Mr. Ohno, please try my dish.”

At this moment, a voice sounded from the side.

At the same time, a strange smell of meat drifted towards the judgment seat.

“This taste…”

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“It’s a crab lion head!”

I saw that in the snow-white bowls presented by the Asano trees, each contained a lion head with a bright and ruddy color.

With the green vegetables laid out below, it is even more pleasing.

Especially the strong meat aroma, which is several times more fragrant than the Dongpo pork that Hojo Miyoko made before!

Ono Hui picked up a spoon and scooped a bite of lion meat into his mouth.

“Fragrance, it’s so fragrant!”

“The ratio of fat to lean meat is very good, and the ratio of diced meat to meat filling is also just right, the more delicious the meat filling, the more fragrant it is!”

“The crab powder and shrimp meat added to the meat filling enhances the fragrance of the lion’s head, but it does not overwhelm the guest.”

“While the lion’s head has a fat but not greasy taste, it also has a more mushy, melt-in-your-mouth feeling than Dongpo pork.”

Ono Hui couldn’t help but admire.

Judging from his expression, this crab meal lion head seems to be even more delicious than the Dongpo pork that Hojo Miyoko made meticulously just now.

“I think this crab lion head dish should be the one that suits my heart the most in this Chinese cooking competition…”

“Wait, Mr. Ohno, before you make a decision, come and taste my dish.”

Bai Chuanhang glanced at Asano Taiki, who had a bright face, and Hojo Miyoko, whose face was slightly pale.

“This is… a bun?”

Ono Hui looked at the small and delicate shapes in the steamer, and the buns could be delivered to his mouth at once.

“That’s right, these are the frozen three-fresh buns that I made specially.”

Bai Chuanhang said confidently.

“Judging from the outer skin of the steamed buns, we can see that the method is quite in place. The dough of the steamed steamed buns is quite white and lustrous, and the oil and water in the fillings did not overflow and damage the appearance.”

Ono Hui took a bite of the bun.

“Okay, it’s hot…”

The scalding soup inside almost burned his lips and tongue, and Ono Hui kept sucking cold air into his mouth.

And when the heat of the soup gradually dissipated, Ono Hui’s mouth suddenly filled with a very fresh taste like a sea tide!

“This taste…”

When the scalding heat of the stuffing soup completely hidden under the skin of the buns dissipated.

The soup with the three fresh meat filling instantly turned into a delicious soup that seemed to heal the heart, and slowly flowed down the throat into the stomach.

“Such a rich and rich soup comes from the jelly made from pig skin. After being steamed in a pot, the jelly is melted and formed!”

“And not only the fragrance of the jelly itself, but also the deliciousness of the three fresh fillings!”

“It’s like drinking soup!”

Teru Ohno and the other judges said in surprise.

“And the soup bag is made into such a size that is suitable for a mouthful, just to make people fully feel the pleasure of the soup splashing in the mouth.”

“There are also three fresh fillings that are also very delicious. After the main pork is simply marinated, it retains the umami of the pork itself, and also removes some of the fishy smell in the pork.”

“The shredded fungus is crisp and refreshing, and the chopped tomato puree brings a touch of freshness to the filling, and also gives the meat filling a sweet and sweet feeling.”

Ono Hui’s eyes flashed, as if he hadn’t tasted such a surprising experience for a long time.

“And the dough of this soup dumpling is also excellent. It looks like a thin piece of paper, but when you bite into it, you can feel a slight snap of your teeth.”

“When you bite through the tough dough, the rich and delicious soup inside will flow out at once, making people feel that the nose and mouth are filled with this fragrance.”

The other judges were also full of praise for this frozen three fresh buns.

“The previous wine-stuffed Dongpo Pork, and Crab Powder Lion’s Head are also quite perfect, but both in terms of surprise and taste.”

“I think it’s still better than this frozen three-fresh bun.”

Ono Hui put down his chopsticks and made his own comment.

The other judges also nodded.

“how so……”

Asano Taiki took a step back in disbelief.

His crab powder lion head has been considered to be the most vivid display of the deliciousness of pork.

Even crab powder, shrimp and other ingredients are only used as supplements to enhance the umami of lion head.

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