People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 50

Page 50

However, he still lost to this little bun?

Not only Asano Taiki can’t accept this result, Hojo Miyoko has been in a sluggish state since just now.

She originally thought that she, who was so praised by Mr. Ohno Teru, was already a [*]% surefire winner in this Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition.

I didn’t expect that the two contestants who came afterward would not only cook better than the other, but also easily surpass her? !

Even last year, in the Chinese cooking competition that her father Yuto Hojo participated in, there were not so many masters, right?

You know, Hojo Miyoko’s own strength has surpassed Hojo Yuto.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for anyone in this Chinatown to be able to beat her in cooking!

But what happened before her was reminding Miyoko Hojo.

She has already lost to two contestants who came from behind.

In this way, the Hojo Building can only get the third place at most.

Thinking of the malicious gazes from those in the Beijo Building before he left.

Miyoko Hojo felt as if her whole body had fallen into an ice cellar.

“Five minutes left in the game.”

Ono Hui glanced at the big clock hanging on the stadium.

At this time, there were very few contestants on the field who had not yet presented their dishes.

“Well, it seems that the results of today’s Chinese cooking competition are already obvious.”

Hearing Ono Hui’s words as if muttering to himself, Bai Chuanhang’s face showed a rather proud expression.

“Since that’s the case, then I’ll first announce that the winner of this Chinatown Chinese Cuisine Competition is…”

“Wait a moment!”

A voice sounded, interrupting Ono Hui.

“This is my dish, judges, please taste it.”

I saw a girl with short blond hair and a slightly dark complexion, raising her hand high.

Looking at her face that seemed to be younger than the two contestants just now, Ono Hui frowned slightly.

The moment Miyoko Hojo saw her, her eyes widened in surprise.

Mito Yumei’s four words almost rushed out.

Why is this woman here? !

Also, isn’t Mito Yumei good at meat dishes? Although the theme of today’s cooking is indeed pork.

But she had never heard that Mito Yumei knew Chinese cuisine before!

On the field just now, when everyone bowed their heads and focused on their own cooking, they didn’t notice the situation of the people around them.

At this moment, I saw Mito Yumei appearing on the field.

The mood of Hojo Miyoko 490 is like seeing penguins in the African savannah!

“What’s your name and what kind of food do you cook?”

Somewhat dissatisfied with the result that he was about to publish, Ono Hui, who was interrupted by Mo Yu, glanced at Mito Yumei.

In his opinion, Mito Yumei looks too young.

I’m afraid you’re just in high school, right?

This is not the kind of place where children play at home, this is the real society!

“Huaxialou contestant, Mito Yumei.”

Putting the plate covered with the stainless steel dome in front of Teru Ohno, he said confidently with his hands on his hips.

“This is the dish I made, Binghuo Wuji Double-Cooked Pork.”

“Twice-cooked pork?”

Not only the judges around, but even the contestants standing nearby were stunned when they heard Mito Ikumei’s words.

“How dare you make double-cooked pork in front of Mr. Ono Hui?”

The idea popped into their heads collectively.

At that time, Ono Hui established his status as the first person in overseas Chinese cuisine with a double-cooked pork.

Since then, no one has dared to cook twice-cooked pork in front of Ono Hui!

In easy-to-understand terms, this is called banning the axe, and it is self-humiliating!

And now, after many years, there is actually a little girl who doesn’t know how high the sky is, and actually dares to make double-cooked pork in front of Ono Hui! ?

“I think you should go back with a plate while Mr. Ohno hasn’t tasted your double-cooked pork.”

“Otherwise, if Mr. Ohno finds out what’s wrong, your life as a cook will probably be over.”

Bai Chuanhang hugged his arms and said with a gloomy smile.

Ono Hui also sat in the position, with a sullen face and did not say a word.

In the teahouse, Nao Sadazuka, who had been serving by Mo Yu’s side, saw Mo Yu’s mouth suddenly curved into a cold smile.

It was like the King of Ice and Snow, when he saw a weed trying to show his teeth and claws in front of him.

“Lord Mo Yu, is there anything wrong with what they said?”

Nao Sadazuka asked.

After all, she had also heard of Ono Hui’s name, and even knew that this person was the first person in Chinese cuisine worthy of the name Nippon.

Even the Chinese cuisine that he was full of praise should be somewhat quintessential.

To this, Mo Yu replied yes.

“They only know a little bit about Chinese cuisine.”

“It’s not funny to be superficial, it’s funny to think of your superficiality as deep.”

“Even the so-called first person in Japanese-Benzene Chinese cuisine.”

Since he thought he was famous for his double-cooked pork, he made this dish his own.

Such an attitude, putting him and Chinese cuisine together, is considered an insult to Chinese cuisine.

Under the stage, Mito Yumei raised her head high.

“Hmph, after you’ve tasted this dish, you won’t think so.”

After all, this is what she can only cook under Mo Yu’s personal guidance!

And this time, it was definitely Mito Yumei’s best performance.

After speaking with confidence, Mito Yumei lifted the dome cover on the plate. .

【53】Ice and Fire Promise Twice-cooked Pork!The true meaning of cooking! (1 more, please subscribe!)

“Wow, what is this?!”

I saw the moment the dinner plate was opened, a golden light suddenly shot out!

I never thought that the cooking would actually shine on its own, and several judges covered their eyes in horror.

Hojo Miyoko, Shirakawa Hang, and the others showed surprised expressions, staring intently at the dinner plate that was still emitting light.

They could see that the golden light was definitely not something Mito Yumei deliberately used to exaggerate and make the dishes shine.

But the food itself really shines!

But how is this done?

Not to mention them, even Ohno Teru doesn’t seem to understand the reason.

His cheeks twitched slightly, and his wide eyes stared suspiciously at the plate in front of him.

At the same time as the dome was lifted, a strong aroma of meat also dissipated.

That is, after the pork is stir-fried on high fire, the moisture shrinks in an instant, and it is assisted by other spices.

Unparalleled aroma!

Only stir-fried pork, its own aroma, can achieve such a peak!

Ono Hui, who once made a name for himself with a double-cooked pork, knows this situation all too well.

However, what terrified him was that the girl’s twice-cooked pork was not at the same level as the one that he had cooked back then!

It can even be said that even if the current Ono Hui is allowed to make it himself, I am afraid that the flavor is far less than this double-cooked pork!

However, after the light dissipated, the judges and the contestants moved their heads curiously.

The sight on the plate surprised them!

“This…you double-cooked pork, why is it iced?!”

I saw a layer of light frost condensed on the thin slices of meat that were originally covered with the fragrant and thick sauce on the red-colored twice-cooked pork!

Above the frost, there is the slightest chill!

It was as if it had just been taken out of the freezer!

The guys looked at each other.

“The point of double-cooked pork is to stir-fry the pork with high heat at the moment when the pork is placed in the pot, and the moisture of the pork and other accessories is evaporated to dryness in an instant, so as to maintain the umami and color of the food itself.”

“Only an extremely passionate flame can make the perfect double-cooked pork.”

“However, you actually refrigerated the twice-cooked pork, which not only affects the heat of the twice-cooked pork itself, but also reduces its taste!”

“Let the pork slices, which were cut perfectly and evenly, become hard and chewy under the action of low temperature!”

The judge sternly reprimanded.

Mito Yumei glanced at him with his hips crossed.

“Why do I do this, you only need to taste this dish to know.”

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