People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 51

Page 51

“Just this kind of food, do you still need to taste it?”

Bai Chuanhang sneered disdainfully.

In his opinion, treating twice-cooked pork in an ice-cold way is simply an unbelievable stupid operation.

Although Bai Chuanhang’s best Chinese cuisine is Su cuisine, in the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, those who are good at Sichuan cuisine such as double-cooked pork are naturally the first to recommend the company for a long time.

But Bai Chuanhang believes that if Jiuga Zhaoji was at the scene at this moment, he would definitely reprimand this stupid behavior!

In the teahouse, Mo Yu took a sip of tea.


These two words floated out of his mouth.

Kitahara Hayabusa had investigated it before, and Shirakawa Hang, who played on behalf of Yuxianglou, was actually the vice president of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association.

At the same time, he is also one of his confidants for a long time.

Shirakawa Hang, who is a second-year student in the higher education department with Teruki Kuga, has a talent for Chinese cuisine, and it is indeed not bad.

Even Taiki Asano, a nine-star first-class chef who was discovered outside by Eizan Edizin, is even more powerful.

Judging from the frozen three fresh buns he just made, this person also has some unique ingenuity in cooking.

The strength is probably at the level of a quasi-super chef, and only a little less can officially become a one-star super chef.

Such strength, in Yuanyue Academy, can indeed be regarded as an existence that can walk sideways, second only to the status of the top ten.

Mito Yumei’s current strength is a nine-star first-class chef, and in terms of rank, it is slightly inferior to Shirakawa Hang.

However, her ice and fire Wuji double-cooked pork was made after her own special training.

The level of this dish is more than nine-star first-class.

Even in the dark cooking world, dishes that emit golden light are at least above the super-class level!

Even the genius-level Mito Yumei has only recently managed to make twice-cooked pork that can shine.

Judging from the golden light this time, her performance today is obviously the best one.

“Mr. Ohno, please.”

Mito Yumei turned to look at Teru Ono, who had been silent since just now.

“Mr. Ohno, what is there to eat with this dish, and it is even treated in an ice-cold way. After eating it, you will definitely have diarrhea!”

Bai Chuanhang and other judges also persuaded.

However, only Bai Chuanhang himself knew, the moment he smelled the aroma of this twice-cooked pork.

Originally, I had tasted Dongpo Meat, Crab Noodle Lion Head, and Jelly Frozen Sanxian Steamed Bun one after another, which were very satiety.

The stomach, which was already seven or eight minutes full, actually made a gurgling sound at that moment.

The umami of meat and the fragrance of vegetables are like a surging river,

Moreover, he can feel that this ice and fire Wuji double-cooked pork is not as simple as these people seem!

Otherwise, with the fact that he has tasted the tongue of the Japanese and Chinese cuisine world for decades, how can he start to move again!

You know, as early as more than ten years ago, my appetite seldom throbbed because of the Chinese dishes made by others.

Right now, at the moment of just smelling this fragrance, it seems that everything has recovered again.

In addition to being shocked, Ono Hui was even more curious about this dish.

In any case, he also wants to taste this ice-fire Wuji double-cooked pork, what’s so special about it!

Thinking like this, Ono Hui extended his chopsticks to one of the pieces of double-cooked pork.

At the moment when the twice-cooked pork was picked up, the thin and translucent fatty meat and the skin jelly constantly trembled slightly.

“Good swordsman.”

Ono Hui sighed in admiration.

“The thickness of each slice of these twice-cooked meat is just right, which can bring the satisfaction of rejection to the lips and teeth.”

“It’s not too thick, and people feel greasy because the pork is too thick in the process of chewing.”

Hearing Ohno Teru’s compliment, everyone else cast a surprised and jealous look at Mito Yumei.

They are all experts in overseas Chinese cuisine, and naturally they know that double-cooked pork also has requirements for knife skills.

And Mito Yumei’s sautéed meat knife skill was praised by Teru Ono, which naturally shows that his knife skill is not general.

“Hmph, it’s just knife work, I want to see, what capital does the iced double-cooked pork have to conquer Mr. Ohno’s tongue!”

Bai Chuanhang looked at Mito Yumei who was smiling confidently, and secretly clenched his fists.

Ono Hui put the twice-cooked pork into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Just when everyone thought that Teru Ono would taste this dish while commenting.

But seeing Oh Ye Hui as if he felt something strange, suddenly the whole face trembled like a cramp!

“Mr. Ohno, what’s wrong?”

Looking at Teru Ohno’s beard trembling along with his muscles.

The judges even thought he was getting old and had a sudden stroke.

“Is it because this dish is too unpalatable?”

Bai Chuanhang couldn’t wait to look at Ono Hui, and even wanted to hear the word “unpalatable” that Ono Hui spit out of his mouth.

However, when Teru Ono sat stiffly in his seat, it was half a minute long.

He spoke as if to find his own voice.

“This double-cooked pork, this double-cooked pork…”

“It’s amazing!”

After speaking, I saw this old man, who was already in his [-]s or [-]s, who had been sitting on the judgment seat, swooped in front of the plate of twice-cooked pork with his agile skills like a tiger.

Everyone was taken aback.

“Look, what is this!”

I saw Ono Hui pick up a piece of twice-cooked pork, turned around and asked around.

“This, this is twice-cooked pork…”

One of the judges was frightened by Ono Teru who looked like he was going crazy, and said timidly.


Ono Hui looked sharp, and what he said made them even more confused.

“You all come here and take a closer look!”

Hearing Ohno Teru say this, everyone scratched their heads and moved closer.

Carefully looked at the same piece of meat as before, which was fat and thin, suitable thickness, thick sauce, and condensed pieces of ice.

“Isn’t this double pot meat… Wait a minute.”

In the end, Bai Chuanhang is the strongest cook among the contestants on the scene, except Teri Ohno.

Soon, he found a clue.

“This piece of meat… no, these twice-cooked pork…”

Bai Chuanhang’s eyes lowered his head in disbelief as he swept back and forth on this ice-fired pork.

“These twice-cooked meat are actually processed with the knife method of sandwiching meat with sand!”

“Meat with sand?”

After listening to Bai Chuanhang’s words, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

“First cut a slightly thick piece of pork belly in the middle without cutting it, and then put a slightly thinner piece of pork between the cut pork belly!”

“So, this is actually meat in meat!”

“It’s just because the thickness of the twice-cooked pork is just right, and because of the knife technique, you can’t taste it until you enter it!”

Bai Chuanhang’s words made everyone suddenly realize, but also breed new doubts.

“But why do you want to do this? The thinness of the twice-cooked meat is already very high. Wouldn’t it make the knife more difficult to use the method of sandwiching the meat?”

In this regard, Ohno Teru just turned his head and said to the other judges.

“You guys have a taste.”

Ono Hui’s words caused the other judges to look at each other in dismay, but they could only lower their heads to taste this ice-fired pork.

“it’s wired……”

Miyoko Hojo, who had been staring at the plate of twice-cooked pork, suddenly had a strange idea in her heart.

Just after the ice-fired pork was served, the ice slag on the surface didn’t seem to melt at all.

You know, it’s spring now, even if it’s a quick-frozen product just taken out of the freezer at room temperature.

After so long, it should be gone.

However, the ice slag on the twice-cooked meat has no tendency to melt.

“Could it be…”

Miyoko Hojo suddenly had an idea in her heart, and she saw those judges, just like Teru Ono before, widened their eyes.

The muscles on the cheeks are as stiff as stones, and they are constantly shaking!

“¨’This piece of double-cooked pork, this piece of double-cooked pork…”

It seemed that it took them a long time to free their tongues from the extreme deliciousness just now.

“The crystals on this twice-cooked meat are not ice slag at all!”

“It’s sugar for umami!”


There was an uproar in the venue.

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