People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 100 A son without blood relationship?

Professor Dovi patted Bajir on the shoulder exaggeratedly, "Of course it only belongs to you! Just like [Storybook] chose the two brothers Ryan and Rafael. It is not the former user's turn to question Excalibur's choice."

"I almost forgot that your countryman Agatha of Gavalden was also found by me. She is with Tedros."

"It is believed he has brought her to the hall."

"And Sophie, I will tell the principal about her situation. If nothing happens, she will become a member of our charity home."

"Okay, everyone, please follow me."

"The opening ceremony is about to begin!"

Bagir, who was following Professor Dovi, simply answered Beatrice's three consecutive questions, "Who is Agatha? Who is Sophie? What is their relationship with you?"

He finally had time to look at the public screen and reply.

"I'm trying to understand the situation. According to the original plot, Sophie was placed in the evil house and Agatha was placed in the good house."

"But this time because the three of us are united, Rafael is even ready to throw us all directly into the evil house."

"But there is also King Arthur's holy sword Excalibur in this academy. It chose me. It enveloped us and brought us into the Academy of Goodness."

"Sophie was assigned to the evil house despite Rafael's obstruction."

"But that's not the point."

"Sophie also made it clear later."

"The important thing is that in the rules of the charity house, those bad ones are expelled. In other words, if you fail in the future, you will not be turned into something else."

"I was just found by Professor Dovi and told this."

"Agatha is fine too. She met her true love ahead of time - King Arthur's son Tedros."

Then, he told in detail the original plot of the movie Good and Demonic Academy.

For example, the current principal Ryan is pretended to be Rafael; he deceived Professor Letso's feelings, saying that he wanted evil to overwhelm good, and asked her to help train Sophie; he also specifically described Rafael's appearance.

At the same time, he chatted privately with Madison: "I probably won't have time in an hour. I'll talk privately when I have time."

Madison replied on both the public screen and private chat: "OK."

Sophie: "Prince and princess. How envious. Damn Raphael! There are only witches around me, I mean the kind in fairy tales. And there is a silly boy. He said he is the son of Captain Hook."

"Hawk, sounds like a name for vomit."

Madison: "I'm so envious! Magic Academy! There are only two classmates in my witch academy. One is named Nan and the other is Queenie. Queenie is a new student like me. Do you know what she did before? A fried chicken shop waiter."

"The teacher is Cordelia - the daughter of the super witch and the principal. The housekeeper is mute."

"No wonder there are so few witches enrolled. It seems so unreliable."

Sophie: "You were in Hollywood, California this morning. And your consciousness and appearance are the same. Even if you take that plane, you won't be naked."

Madison: "Idiot from the old days, we have such things as telephones in the 21st century. Can't I know the specific situation of the school in advance?"

Bajir: "Okay, this is the difference between the times and has nothing to do with personal stupidity. In fact, Sophie can think of airplanes, which is pretty good."

"By the way, Sophie, our dean, Professor Duowei, said that he will report your situation to the principal and arrange for your transfer to another hospital as soon as possible."

Sophie: "I don't have any hope. Rafael is the principal now. He will probably ask me to find true love's kiss again - just like in the original plot you mentioned."

"He also used this to turn me into a black man and accept his blood magic. Kissing him - wow, it makes me sick just thinking about it."

"But now that there is Bagir, how can I - no, in this case, he will probably come up with other plans. We will lose the prophetic advantage."

Bajir: "Yes, so don't be angry later. This is part of the plan. I will assume the identity of Tedros in the original plot."

Sophie: "Then who is 'Agatha'?"

Bajir: "You will know when the time comes."

In reality, Bajir looked at Beatrice beside him and smiled proudly.

They were now in the hall.

There are three stepped benches on each side of the hall, with three steps.

The bench in the charity courtyard opens to the window, just enough to be enveloped in sunlight.

The benches in the evil courtyard face the sun with their backs.

Professor Dovey disappeared into the curtain painted with two red and white swans.

Gothic-style, black-clad students from the Evil Academy and colorful, luxuriously dressed students from the Good Academy stood on both sides of the carpet across the entire hall.

They are clearly separated and do not disturb each other.

However, among the Shanyuan students in the hall now, except for Bagir, they are all girls.

The boys obviously wanted to put on a fancy show just like in the movie to celebrate the Academy of Good's victory over evil in the previous school year.

As the only boy, Bagir caught the princess's attention.

Even the students of the Evil Academy, who seem to regard ugliness as beautiful, are attracted by the charm of Bagir, the savior of evil people who belongs to Riddle, under the grace of King Arthur.

The hall instantly became very quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

However, this tranquility was broken by Agatha, who was brought here by Tedros and who only thought about Sophie.

Agatha, who had not changed her clothes and was still dressed very masculinely, hurried over and said, "Have you seen Sophie?"

"Are you Agatha?" Beatrice's brows widened.

She had just been worried that Agatha and Sophie would be beautiful.

Her tone was much lighter, "A hopeless (never). I hope you can learn to dress up forever (ever)."

"Even if the academy doesn't have this requirement now, don't embarrass Basil."

"You are all from Gavalden, aren't you?"

Agatha has long been accustomed to sarcasm, "What is hopeless (never)? And forever (ever)."

Beatrice raised her eyebrows, but for Basil's sake, she patiently explained: "Forever (ever), because we believe in eternal happiness. Hopeless (never), because they don't believe."

Just when she wanted to further introduce the difference between the Forever Ball and the Hopeless Ball, a high-pitched female voice interrupted it.

"Agatha!" Sophie, dressed in black, ran over here.

"Sophie." Agatha greeted her.

However, Sophie bypassed Agatha, and in Beatrice's angry eyes, she threw herself into Basil's arms.

Her fingers glowed slightly, and blew the werewolf guard who wanted to stop her from coming to Forever in place.

"Aren't you a freshman?" Beatrice pushed Sophie away without any courtesy, and said condescendingly: "We will be given magic a week after enrollment. Will your fingertips hurt?"

"No." Sophie narrowed her eyes, she knew who 'Agatha' was.

She said teasingly: "I am a princess. When I cast a spell, I only feel a tingling sensation on my fingertips, just like Basil licking my fingers."

"You!" Beatrice put her finger into Basil's mouth, "I can do it too."

"Also, the ceremony is about to begin. Even if Professor Dovey thinks you may have been assigned to the wrong house, you should go back to Hopeless and sit down now."

"Stop your magic."

The forgotten Agatha came over, not complaining about being ignored at all.

Instead, she said for Sophie: "Are you worthy of entering the Good Academy? Basil is Sophie's boyfriend!"

Basil took the opportunity to spit out Beatrice's finger.

Beatrice raised her head without any shame, "Kindness deserves the best. Basil is the best. The best princess and the best prince are together, this is a fairy tale. And the evil witch can never get the prince's love. They are destined to be defeated and beheaded from the beginning."

"I'm not a witch." Sophie said coldly. The light on her fingers went out.

Under the murderous gaze of the werewolf guard, she sat back in her hopeless position.

Beatrice pulled Basil to the second level of the stepped bench near the exit.

Beatrice's follower, the strong, fat, and shiny black girl, pulled Agatha to the first level and sat down at Beatrice's signal.

Agatha wanted to move, but she couldn't struggle at all.

Soon, everyone sat down.

Sophie on the opposite side dealt with Captain Hook's son Hawke, who seemed to be eating dried shit and said it was "good and smelly".

At the same time, she stared at the opposite side with resentment.

She was facing Basil and Beatrice.

I can only say that Beatrice found a good position.

She winked at Sophie provocatively while rubbing her cheek against Basil's chest.

This is the wife's crime.

Agatha thought Sophie was looking at her, and she waved her hands happily and jumped up and down.

The next second, the dark and strong princess suppressed Agatha with her weight.

Because two deans appeared on the stage.

Professor Dovi: "Elegant and beautiful first?"

Professor Leso: "If you insist, Clarissa--"

However, before the greetings were finished, Professor Dovi, the dean of the charity institute, took the lead to the front of the stage.

"Glad that you agree."

She waved the equally golden 'magic wand': "Welcome freshmen! I am Professor Duowei, the dean of the Good School."

Offstage, the students on the benches of the Good School clapped and shouted: "Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever! Forever!"

Professor Leso walked to the side of Professor Duowei and introduced herself: "I am Ms. Leso, the dean of the Evil School."

Offstage, the students on the benches of the Evil School pointed their hands at the opposite side and shouted: "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

Professor Duowei tapped the floor with her golden magic wand, signaling silence.

Then she said: "According to tradition, the school that won last year is another one that we could not have imagined."

"Justice, kindness, handsomeness, honesty, humility, and brave princes will show their chivalry."

After the voice fell, she tapped the ground twice and said to the entrance: "Gentlemen!"

The sound of stomping feet sounded in unison.

The princes who appeared were wearing black long leather boots, suit pants, vests, and puff sleeves.

They all stomped their feet and walked in with an extremely stupid attitude.

Then they started to play swords like a child.

The students of the Evil House booed.

"A bunch of weaklings."

The students of the Good House and the princesses sitting on the benches did not cooperate in praising.

They just saw Bajiel and could not make such expressions and movements against their conscience.

Bajiel raised everyone's aesthetic standards.

Sophie was the same.

She kept taking pictures with her eyes and posted everything on the public screen.

Madison: "Holly shit! Why is there a black prince in the front! Is this an African fairy tale?"

Bagir: "Maybe Egypt? Black historians have been working hard to prove that Egypt is a black civilization. The reason is, 'I heard my grandmother say that Barabara is a black person.' In their little minds, they believe that their grandmothers are the most authoritative." "

Sophie: "Look, they're still posing. And throwing flowers? Agatha threw the most flowers. But she didn't pick it up. It's obvious, isn't it? She has you."

"Hey, no, they threw it at you. Do princes also like men?"

"That Tedros isn't in there, is he?"

Bagir: "No."

Sophie: "Very good. No wonder I liked him in the original plot. It's not like these peacocks in all their glory."

"I still like men, bah!"

However, the next second, a whistle sounded.

A black-haired man in a blue gown appeared on the terrace above the hall. He had a confident smile and held a long rope hanging from the roof.

He said to the princes below: "If your dance is over, maybe you can get ready for the real battle."

Sophie: "Is he Tedros? I take back what I said before."

Bagir: "Yes."

Madison: "Are you blind, country girl? The original plot actually fell in love with him? But it's right to think about it. He is the son of King Arthur after all. He is more handsome than the black prince."

Sophie: "Shut up! Fortunately, there is Agatha."

Sophie: "Wait a minute! Tedros defeated the Cyclops' son because he had Excalibur. Now, isn't Agatha's marriage gone?"

Bajir: "Don't worry, I will take action."

"Furthermore, Tedros is inherently stronger than the Cyclops's son. In the original plot, they were evenly matched because Letho enchanted the long-handled double-sided ax of the Cyclops's son. They achieved parity in terms of weapons."

"And now, Professor Letso has no reason to take action."

Madison: "Equality in terms of weapons? Just from your encounter just now, we can see that Excalibur is definitely not that simple."

"It's like a butter knife in Tedros' hand. An enchanted ax would be the equivalent."

"As far as I'm concerned, Bagir, you can just leave it alone. Let this guy learn a lesson."

"As long as that black aunt, Professor Dovey, is here, he will be fine."

Bagir didn't reply.

Because he sensed something similar to Excalibur in Tedros.

It’s just that one is a friend reunited after a long separation, and the other is a son he hasn’t seen for many years.

"It's amazing, I haven't been a father yet."

"Will he feel the feeling of father in me?" Bajir thought.

He has decided that if there is real danger, he will take action.

For the sake of his unrelated son - Tedros.

However, the appearance of Tedros finally caused some more applause from the charity house.

Even though he is not as good as Bajir, his identity as the son of King Arthur and the heir of Camelot is still worthy of the applause and cheers of the princesses.

"This damn kid, why don't you prepare a sword?" Bagir, with Excalibur hanging on his waist, frowned and thought.

But even so, Tedros still defeated all the princes with swords with his bare hands.

"Hero, damn hero." Professor Letso looked at the shining Tedros in front of him, feeling a strong desire to destroy it in his heart.

At the same time, she glanced at Bagir and regarded her heartbeat as a betrayal of Rafael, but she could not bring up the idea of ​​hurting Bagir.

He could only make up his mind to vent all his anger on Tedros.

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