People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 99 The Ownership of the Holy Sword

Agatha and Bagir disappeared into the beam of light.

Sophie fell back into the quagmire.

The surrounding students who also fell into the muddy water all looked at Sophie.

Sophie was not panicked. She was told that the other students did not know finger magic yet.

They only have some innate abilities brought about by their villainous status given to them by fairy tales, or magic tricks passed down from their families.

In other words, now...except for the professor, she is invincible.

And Professor Bagir told her a secret - the current dean of the Evil Academy is not bad enough, there is someone she knows in common with her.

They are both from Gavalden.

However, not everyone turned a blind eye to Sophie, who was incompatible with the evil courtyard.

A shirtless boy with a baby face and death bangs approached Sophie.

"Now that bird ate my shirt, wow."

"Can I touch your hair?"

"Most witches don't have princess-like hair."

"Definitely smells like cake."

"I like cake."

Very talkative.

Sophie was so embarrassed that she dared to imitate Bajir in speaking.

Her fingers glow.

The invisible wind prevented the young man from getting close.

She turned and walked confidently towards the furry werewolf wearing an armored cloak.

Walked into a passage that looked like a dungeon.

He bumped into Professor Letso who was rushing here after hearing the vision.

"Are you Sophie, Sophie of Walgarden? Come with me!"

Sophie raised her head confidently, ignoring the disgusted looks from the people around her.

The situation with Bagir Agatha is quite different.

Maybe he sensed Bagir's thoughts.

Agatha who was supposed to appear in the princess area in the sea of ​​flowers was replaced by Bajir.

So, under the bright sunshine, the handsome young man embraced the sword, his fair skin shining, lying quietly in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, with fairies guarding him.

In the arena, a girl with black skin and afro hair appeared on the turf.

Tedros, who was looking for the holy sword everywhere, accidentally kicked her, but at this moment, it seemed to be kicked into his heart.

Beatrice and the princesses headed by her also happened to see Bajir.

They had never seen such a handsome young man. Compared with him, Tedros? Which one?

All the princesses' faces were stained with blush, full of girlish timidity.

At this moment, they all thought about attending the dance party with Bagir, and even more intimate scenes.

"He's mine!" Beatrice, who had blond hair, a delicate tiara, and a luxurious princess dress, looked gentle and cute, changed her face instantly, and looked to both sides fiercely.

The princesses on both sides suddenly became depressed. Although Tedros was left. But there is a saying that goes, ‘I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the sun’. Tedros is that darkness right now.

And Beatrice put on a sweet smile again.

Sitting next to Bagir, the catkins brushed his cheek without hesitation.

So, Bagir opened his eyes and saw a girl with a delicate face. She blinked her light green eyes and said softly: "Are you lost? My prince."

It's Beatrice.

The girl moved closer, as if she was eager to eat Bajir alive.

Among the girls behind her, a girl wearing a Japanese kimono who looked like a young girl "softly" reminded: "Beatrice, before graduation, our students of Shanxi Academy must remain pure."

"I know, I know." Beatrice repeated in a low voice, but she got closer to Bagir.

She is so beautiful.

After all, the movie is acted by people, and in the real world, she is much more beautiful as a real princess.

So much so that Bajier forgot to complain that a university still cares about purity, but a normal university would add credits for marriage.

He was now completely immersed in the beauty of the girl in front of him.

He could even feel the warm breath mixed with the unknown floral fragrance hitting his cheek.

His strong willpower freed him from his addiction. He looked around and saw a garden with good greenery.

Beatrice's follower stood not far from her.

But I have to say that her followers were well chosen.

They can all bring out her beauty.

Except for the pretty black-haired girl with wheat-colored skin, the rest of the red-haired girls and Japanese girls are all average. There was also a fat black girl who could barely be identified as a woman.

She impressed Bagir the most.

In the movie, she is the ugliest, and she actually calls Agatha, who is of the same race and is pretty compared to her, "a devil."

Like other princesses, the witch, troll, and half-hunchback are much more polite.

And these fairies flying around.

It's completely different from Harry's world.

The ones in Harry's world have colorful wings, look similar to humans, are 1 to 5 inches tall, and are all female - the pretty ones.

But the fairy who was tugging at the corner of his clothes was actually wearing clothes and wrapped in a white gauze scarf, which looked very beautiful from a distance.

But up close, their faces have obvious animal features, with fangs and pointed ears.

There were actually men and black people inside.

Fairies are all black, that's right.

"Can you please go further away?" Beatrice said to the ugly creatures in her eyes, the fairies, while maintaining the most basic politeness. "This prince obviously doesn't need to go to the dressing room."

The girls behind her also praised each other.

“His smile could make flowers bloom.”

"His skin is better than snow."

“His hair looked like it had been forged from gold by the most skillful craftsman.”

"His eyes are like clear sapphires, like a lake."

Beatrice raised her delicate chin with satisfaction, "Okay, my prince, it's time for us to attend the opening party."

Then he took Bagir's hand and pulled him up.

At this time, Agatha was also pulled up by Tedros.

He was covering his face, obviously slapped by her.

But there was sweetness written all over his face.

Just now Agatha was anxious to go to the evil courtyard to find Sophie.

Tedros directly said that all the people there are evil people, and good and evil do not mix.

As a result, he was slapped.

It wasn't until he said that the opening banquet would be attended by people from both colleges that Agatha calmed down.

Willing to talk to him.

Tedros smiled and looked at Agatha.

"I've never seen a princess with such an attitude. It's impressive."

Agatha frowned and mocked: "I'm not a princess, I'm just an ordinary girl."

But looking at Tedros with stern eyes, she felt a hint of sourness, "They usually smile at you and wink at you?"

Tedros nodded without hesitation, "Yeah, that would be boring. So thank you for not being boring."

Agatha laughed out loud, "No, I'm actually bored."

Just when the atmosphere was getting more and more pink, and she was about to mention her hairless cat named Reaper, Professor Dovey's appearance interrupted their conversation.

She was in high spirits and had an unprecedented smile on her face.

"Hello, Agatha of Gavalden."

However, although she was talking to Agatha, her eyes were looking at Tedros' waist.

There was a sword that was unique in the world and symbolized the British royal power.

But now it's gone.

Tedros didn't pay attention. His mind was entirely on Agatha. "You came here to take Agatha to the dressing room. She deserves better dressing up."

Professor Duowei, who wanted to ask about the whereabouts of the Holy Sword, ignored it for the time being, but said excitedly: "No need. You will never have to worry about dressing up, appearance or anything like that. The purpose of the Kindness Institute is to let everyone discover that those who learn to be kind Strength. Positive emotions.”

“How kind a person is is not judged solely by appearance, but by how he behaves.”

"Tedros, I would like to thank your father for the holy sword, which brought true goodness back to the academy. It drove away Raphael's influence."

"But where did it go?"

When Tedros heard the Holy Sword, he finally regained some sense: "I don't know, it turned into a golden beam of light."

"I know." Agatha suddenly became excited.

Both looked towards her.

Agatha: "Maybe we were all assigned to the wrong house just now. Me, Sophie, and Bagir were taken to the evil house by the big bird and thrown into the quagmire."

"At this time, the beam of light appeared and enveloped the three of us."

"To get us to the right academy."

"Then the water of the mire turned scarlet, formed the shape of a man, and seized hold of Sophie."

"Sophie fell into the quagmire and was sorted into an evil house."

"Raphael!" Professor Dovey began to tremble, "He is back? He has not appeared for hundreds of years since he failed to murder his brother."

"It's just secretly affecting the balance of good and evil, making the Academy of Goodness start to be vain, and care more about appearance than heart."

"Sophie? A reader. He wants a reader to go to his academy."

"Wait, true love's kiss? He wants the reader's kiss!"

Professor Dovi turned his head and said, "Reader, you are right. I am afraid Sophie was indeed assigned to the wrong college."

"When a kind heart loses everything, it will produce great magic when there is only one person in its eyes. Let alone her as a reader."

"Rafaal just wants to be the only one in Sophie's eyes. He hopes to join forces with Sophie to destroy the entire school!"

"So, there are good people being oppressed by evil?" Tedros made a bodybuilding pose, "Is there anything you need me to do? Dean?"

But both ignored him.

Agatha asked: "Can we go back to Gavalden directly? We don't belong here. And what are the readers?"

"Go back?" Professor Dovey chuckled, "Don't say anything stupid. There is no way back. (Agatha was shocked: What?)"

"As for the readers. Every once in a while, a lucky person from the outside world is chosen to join this sacred institution. We call them readers because they can read about the magical adventures that originated here."

"They call it a fairy tale."

"Okay, come with me."

"After I send you to the hall, I have to find another new student—Bajir Granger."

"As for you, Tedros. You'll have to put on a show later. That's your job as a prince."

"Remember to find a new sword, Leso will definitely attack you. She is always dissatisfied that evil loses to good."

Society public screen.

Madison: "So you all went to some magic academy?"

Sophie: "Yes! But Bagir and I didn't get into either one. We were all going to the charity house. But that damn Rafael——"

Madison: "Who is Rafael?"

Sophie: "He should be the big villain that Bajier said. I knew it from Dean Letso. He suddenly appeared and grabbed my ankle. We were all going to the charity house! I knew it, I'm a princess! That Rafael must be trying to make me black, just like what Bajir said before."

Madison: "But you won't do it now, right? Of course I know. What I'm most concerned about now is Bagir! He hasn't spoken."


Bagir is really busy right now.

After the vacancy of the director of the True Kindness Academy and the arrival of the True Kindness in the Kindness Academy, all the teachers were strengthened at an epic level.

Therefore, Professor Duowei, the current dean of the charity hospital, easily found Bagir.

Just now, Bajir was walking and sticking to Beatrice.

Just as they were immersed in the world of the two, a black aunt with blue eyeshadow and gold appeared.

She is not ugly or beautiful, her skin is not very dark, and her figure is not as bloated as Beatrice's dark-skinned followers.

But for a second, Bagir was looking straight at Beatrice's perfect profile, caressing her hair, and playing with the pink diamond-encrusted necklace around her neck.

As a result, Professor Duowei appeared the next second.

If it were Charlize Theron who just looked a little weird, it would be a surprise, but if it were Professor Dovey, it would be a shock.

In particular, she was carrying something similar to a magic fairy scepter in her hand.

My childhood is so hot! Dark version of Fairy Queen.

"Beatrice, please let me borrow your little boyfriend for a while."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that the Charity Hospital is now back to its old appearance. You no longer need to put on makeup, look pretty, or smile well to get stars. Girls, please enrich your brains. In the future, the library will replace the dressing room as your ’s permanent place.”

"But on the other hand, if you fail in the future, you will not be transformed into anything else. You will only repeat the grade."

The princesses chattered and discussed.

But they are more happy.


"Then you don't have to wear a skirt!"

"I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Professor Dovi ignored them. She shifted her gaze. After glancing at the sword on Bagir's waist, she smiled even brighter: "Hello, Bagir of Gavaldon. I am Clarissa Dovey, from the School of Goodness. Dean."

"You saved this academy!"

"It's a miracle. It seems to be perfectly crafted for you. He is obviously a reader, but he has a royal demeanor, as if the ruler of Camelot has come to the academy."

"No wonder it echoes you to shine like never before, leaving Tedros."

"Oh," Bajir said with a sword trick, "Is it that Tedros's? I need-"

In fact, Bagir has already tried making it into a card.

But this sword actually costs 50,000 gems.

If he really wanted to pay it back, he would have no choice but to make a card.

Fortunately, everyone seemed to think that the sword belonged to him.

Beatrice leaned forward again, softly pressing against Barzil's arm, "King Arthur also got Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake. It belongs to you. You are much better than Tedros."

"I heard it just now. It was Bagir who changed the academy. If it doesn't belong to you, who else can it belong to?"

"I no longer have to be timid and just keep this makeup look. Wait until tomorrow, and I'll show you another style of me. I've wanted to try it for a long time!"

"Yes, yes." The other princesses also said.

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