People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 104 The Dragon of Good and Evil

Chapter 104 〖The Dragon of Good and Evil〗

Finally, Madison came to a conclusion: "I found that the directors of the Harry Potter series seem to like to add more roles to Hermione, making her seem omniscient and the only character in the trio who can answer questions."

Bajiel: "Yes, yes, yes."

Madison nodded with satisfaction and continued: "The movie also deleted some interesting Easter eggs."

"Ms. Gladys Gudgion, a fanatical fan mentioned by Lockhart himself, actually appeared in the fifth film. She still insisted on sending a letter to Lockhart, who had collapsed, every week."

"The novel also mentioned another disappearing cabinet in Hogwarts. It was broken by Peeves."

"Why? I heard you say that Hogwarts seems to have one." Bajiel was interested.

He knew the preciousness of the disappearing cabinet.

The things put into the disappearing cabinet do not really disappear.

Instead, they go to another connected disappearing cabinet.

Some wizard families will use it as the only entrance and exit to ensure the safety of their homes.

The Granger family once considered it.

But considering its high cost and the fact that the Vanishing Cabinet used as an exit was not very strong and could be easily damaged, this option was abandoned.

Facing Basil's curiosity.

Madison answered: "Of course. This is all related to the Deathday dinner of Nick who was almost headless and was not filmed in the movie."

"In order to rescue Harry, Nick asked Peeves to break the Vanishing Cabinet."

"Nick also took the opportunity to let Harry and his friends attend his Deathday."

"And this Vanishing Cabinet, Draco spent almost a semester to repair it in the sixth grade. In the end, it allowed the Death Eaters to break into Hogwarts."

"By the way, the other Vanishing Cabinet connected to it is in the shop of Borgin and Burke in Knockturn Alley, the black box that Harry once hid in."

"In the sixth film, Half-Blood Prince, the Death Eaters got it."

"Is that so." Basil touched his chin, thinking that when he returned to Hogwarts, he would ask Riddle to take care of Borgin and Burke.

By the way, tell the boss that Gregory's World Box is very useful.

"Then I'll continue." Madison coughed again, "I just said that the Deathday dinner was deleted."

"At that time, other people were attending the Halloween dinner."

"Harry ran into the petrified Mrs. Norris after attending the Deathday dinner."

"It's normal to run into other professors and students who have also attended the Halloween dinner at this time."

"But in the movie, Harry was just finishing his detention. You know, there was curfew at that time."

"As a result, at this time, all the teachers and students in the school went out at night at the same time and ran into Harry and the petrified Mrs. Norris. It's outrageous."

"By the way, History of Magic was also deleted."

"So Hermione asked about the legend of the Chamber of Secrets in the Transfiguration class. Not Professor Binns, but is this reasonable?"

"With Professor McGonagall's personality, how could she agree to talk about topics unrelated to the course?"

Badger, who was specially taken care of by Professor McGonagall, raised his hand, "I think it's possible."

Madison smiled and shook her head, thinking that Basil was joking.

She didn't care and continued: "After that, Hermione and the others suspected Malfoy. They planned to make Polyjuice Potion."

"In the movie, Hermione just pulled out a book from the bookshelf and found the "Powerful Potion" with the formula of Polyjuice Potion. The raw materials were also mentioned in passing."

"But in fact--"

Bajiel raised his hand: "Professor Montgomery, I know this. It's in the restricted area. I saw the name of this book on the bookshelf in the restricted area."

Madison said unhappily: "Sweetheart, I'm not in the mood to play the teacher-student game now. You know, my cheeks are sore because of you."

"The "Powerful Potion" is in the restricted area. It must be signed by a teacher."

"So Harry and Hermione set their sights on Lockhart."

"This is very interesting. Harry dedicated himself to this and accompanied Lockhart in performing dramas. Hermione also sweet-talked to get Lockhart's autograph."

"But the movie didn't make it, and it was all omitted."

"I always think it would be better to make Harry Potter a TV series."

Madison's resentment became even heavier.

"The raw materials for the Polyjuice Potion were stolen by Harry and his friends in Snape's office. This is also a foreshadowing."

"In the fourth part, Snape suspected Harry because he found that the skin of the African tree snake and the horn of the bicorn were stolen. In the end, it was discovered that it was actually Crouch Jr. who was pretending to be Moody."

"The next is the Quidditch game."

"In the movie, the rainy day was changed to sunny, and the details of the Weasley twins' concern for Harry, the unity of the Gryffindor team, and Wood's desire to win were deleted. I was not interested in the little sports on the broom."

"But the movie added more scenes for Hermione, and the final Bludger became It became that Hermione blew up the Bludger. "

"But it was Dobby who stopped interfering with the Bludger when he saw Harry fall to the ground and the game was over."

"It's even funnier. Facing Harry in the hospital, Dobby in the novel felt very guilty and cried about it."

"The movie was changed again, and it became that Dobby waved happily at Harry."

"You know, in the novel, Harry really wanted to strangle Dobby to death after knowing the whole story. It was only when he saw Dobby's pitiful appearance that he let go of his murderous intention."

"If it was really Dobby in the movie, he would have been strangled to death by Harry."

"Next, it's time to boil the medicine."

"In the novel, Hermione is very cautious. Although she is in an abandoned bathroom, she is still in a small cubicle. A waterproof flame is raised in the toilet, and the crucible is placed on the toilet seat to cook."

"In the movie, Hermione actually started working on the bathroom floor."

Bagir: "Yes, it's too lax."

Madison nodded approvingly, "There's more to come. Didn't the school organize a duel club? In fact, during the actual training, students were first allowed to practice in teams. Only then did Hermione place her finger on Millicent Burst. A chance to finally become a cat girl with hair mixed with cat hair.”

"But the movie simply omits this and comes to the showdown between Harry and Draco."

"Draco's magic to create a black snake was actually taught to Malfoy by Snape, who had no martial arts ethics. He just wanted to see Harry, who looked like James Potter, make a fool of himself."

"Of course, because of this snake, Harry revealed his Parseltongue."

"So everyone thinks he is the descendant of Slytherin."

"But in the novel, when Harry heard others slandering him, he deliberately appeared from behind the slanderers to shock them."

"But in the movie, it just slips away in frustration. It doesn't reflect the Gryffindor side of Harry at all."

"Next thing, one of his detractors, Justin Finch-Fletchley, just got petrified."

"This is actually Peeves shouting in the novel. Those Hufflepuffs who slandered him all turned pale. It gave Harry the atmosphere of a villain who was caught doing bad things."

"But it looks great. As for the movie, it's just Filch calling Professor McGonagall, so it's just mediocre."

"After that, it's almost the same as the novel. Some unimportant details and plots have been deleted. For example, the Christmas gift Harry received, the polyjuice potion will have different hair colors and textures if added to it."

"But there are also some interesting details in it. In the Slytherin common room, Malfoy showed Harry and Ron in the appearance of Crabbe and Goyle the daily "Prophet", taunted Mr. Weasley, and also mentioned for the first time The secret room at Malfoy's house is under the living room floor."

"That's where Harry, Luna, and Ollivander were imprisoned in Part 7."

("This is also the place where Narcissa is loyal to me." Bajir couldn't help but think.)

"Also, Harry was too careless with the movie."

"In the novel, on Valentine's Day, while trying to escape the pursuit of the cupid dwarf invited by Lockhart, he broke the ink bottle and discovered the secret of the diary when he found that the diary had absorbed the ink."

"In the movie, Harry just writes 'my name is Harry potter' on it."

"How brave. I dare to touch any book."

"Especially Ron just said that some dangerous books were confiscated by the Ministry of Magic. And gave an example: one of them will burn your eyes out; anyone who reads the book "The Wizard's Sonnets" will be burned for the rest of his life. They could only speak in limericks; an old wizard from Bath had a book that you could never put down once you read it! matter."

"It wasn't Harry who took the initiative to ask Riddle questions later. It was Riddle who used his superb words to seduce Harry, making Harry curious, and allowing Harry to voluntarily enter his memory, and then believed that Hagrid was the culprit. ”

"The changes in the movie have greatly reduced the charm of young Voldemort."

"Later on, the movie also deleted the content of course selection. Hermione chose all the courses. This was originally a foreshadowing of the time turner in the third part."

"In the novel, the diary was stolen. Ginny obviously just made a mess in the bedroom."

"But in the movie, it's so sabotage, the pillows are cut, and it makes Ginny look like a crazy woman."

"What else?" Bagir gradually found pleasure in complaining.

"What else?" Madison's anger has almost been vented. But Bagir demanded that she could only stir her brain.

"Later, the scene where Malfoy flattered Snape and said he wanted to make Snape the headmaster was deleted."

"After learning that something happened to Hermione, those Hufflepuffs apologized to Harry. Because they thought that even if Harry was the heir, he would not do anything to Hermione. Obviously Harry is innocent."

"There is also Ron's concern about the Forbidden Forest. In the novel, this is his first time to go there. In the first book, it was Neville who went to the Forbidden Forest with Harry, not Ron."

"Deleted Aragog's statement that it was Hagrid who found him a spider-woman to be his wife, which was why he had so many children."

"In the novel, it was Harry who had quick eyes and quick hands and used Expelliarmus to hand over Lockhart's wand and throw it out of the window."

"That's why Lockhart used Ron's broken wand later, causing him to be hit by his own Oblivion Curse."

"But the movie changed to Harry and Ron pointing their wands at Lockhart, and Lockhart surrendered."

"It both weakens Harry and seems boring."

"In the novel, Harry stuffs his socks into his diary, not in the movie where Harry stuffs his socks into his diary."

"What else?" Bagir's eyes were bright.

Madison: "."

"Please spare me. It's gone. I can't think of anything else."

In the end, Bagir let Madison go.

After reviewing the location of the Horcrux from her mouth, he let her go.

Because there will be plenty of time later.

Moreover, he also needs to check what talents he has awakened.

Under the influx of strange emotional power everywhere.

"Huh? No change?" Bajir frowned.

But then, he noticed that there was a magnifying glass icon after the talent [Red Dragon Blood].

After clicking it, a line of text appeared in his eyes.

[Note: This talent is affected by emotional power, unknown alien sacred magic, and the source of negative emotions. ]

[When in the state of dragon blood burning, your skin can resist spells with damage below 5 points, increase your health by 30, and be immune to fire and alien magic damage below 100 points, and reduce fire and alien magic damage by 50%]

[Additionally consume 300 points of extraordinary energy to transform into the form of [Good and Evil Dual Phase Dragon]

[[Good and Evil Dual Phase Dragon]: Transform into a 66.6-foot-long red dragon with a horn crown on its head]

[Fire damage: 300]

[Health: 500]

[Note: The health bonus of the echo [Fenir Wolf] can be stacked]

[ Movement speed: fast]

[Evil Scales (whole body): Ignore damage below 100 points, can absorb surrounding fear and automatically repair]

[Note: This scale is also a conceptual existence, so parts without scales, such as eyes, also have the same defense]

[Crown of Good (Dragon Horn): Gives 100 and 50 damage bonuses to yourself and friendly forces respectively]

[Note: It is shaped by the sacred alien magic gathered by the king of the good in the fairy tale world]

Obviously, alien magic refers to the emotional power of this world - the magic in the mouth of fairy tale magicians.

Compared with Harry's world, it is more like a blue bar.

The burst of emotions will lead to a sharp increase in this magic.

Like Sophie, her current emotional power is already 23.

This is unimaginable in Harry's world.

And this kind of magic, Excalibur's power of good and the core of [Obsidian Shadow] [Source of Negative Emotions] have a linkage.

Thus, [Red Dragon Blood] has become Bajir's talent as a fairy tale magician, which has changed.

In the state of light burning, the skin's resistance to spells and fire, and health points are greatly increased compared to before.

Not to mention, it also adaptively develops resistance to the emotional power of this world - the power called alien magic by the system.

Finally, the "Dual-phase dragon of good and evil" was born.

This is probably the incarnation that Rafar spent hundreds of years to shape in the past to destroy the fairy tale kingdom.

The only difference is that the red dragon that Rafar turned into probably does not have the "Crown of Good".

According to the system annotation, it should be the concept of King Arthur that Bajir originally had as the introduction, and the magic of good brought by Excalibur was integrated.

But it's a pity that 300 extraordinary energy.

Bajir now has only 19 magic points at most, and that's not counting the bonus of [Magic Book].

Counting the 10'magic' bar brought by [Magic Wand Appearance].

It's only 29.

The remaining 271, Bajir will have such magic when he lives to the end of time.

However, after the [Piercing Ceremony], Bajir will become a fairy tale magician and possess the magic of this world - emotional power.

If the negative emotions in the [Source of Negative Emotions] can really be transformed into the magic of this world, plus Bajir's [Encouragement] talent, it is not impossible to make up this 271.

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