People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 105 Spell Class

"Father!" "Father!" "Father!"

In the past few days, Bajier could always hear this call when he woke up every morning.

Then there's Tedros' big face.

Then he respectfully handed over the prepared toiletries.

The roommates and other princes around him looked at this like believers seeing their gods.

This made the happiness that Bagir had accumulated in recent days drain away.

At this time, he would always say to Tedros: "I am not your father. Why don't you go to Agatha? Or treat me like air at night."

Tedros's answer every time was: "That is so as not to disturb your rest. I called you because I saw that your eyelids were loose and you were about to wake up."

As for the topic of Agatha, he avoided talking about it.

Madison has a unique view on this: "He should be the kind of boy who grew up under a more traditional education in England. Talking about girls with his father is unacceptable to a traditional gentleman. What's more, this is what he likes."

However, even with the big trouble of Tedros, Bajir is still very happy in the academy.

Compared with Hogwarts, which has at least two classes every day on weekdays, Good and Demonic Academy sometimes has no classes a day.

Even if there are classes, they are very short, only one and a half hours.

The content of the class also seemed to have nothing to do with magic.

Etiquette, dress, swordsmanship, riding and shooting.

It's almost all exercise classes.

The strange thing is that even though everything he does has nothing to do with magic, what is called magic in this world is deeply rooted in Bagir's body and gradually becomes more powerful.

Just waiting for the piercing ceremony to come.

At that time, it will be awakened, and maybe it will be reflected in the character data.

The huge energy required for the "Good and Evil Dual Phase Dragon" will also be achieved.

Bajir's intuition told him that this was very possible.

This is the wonderful sight that wizards in the Harry Potter world have after awakening their Third Eye.

One morning, while drinking scarlet soup with a spoon, among the chopped basil leaves, he suddenly saw himself transforming into a red dragon, soaring on the top of the tower. In the blazing dragon flames, Rafael struggled inside and turned into charcoal.

Rafael's destined death made Bajir, who had been worried, begin to relax physically and mentally.

So, when he was at Hogwarts, Bajir, who had suppressed his nature and forced himself to be in the library, could finally let go of everything and have fun everywhere.

In particular, the environment of the charity hospital is beautiful, like a fairyland on earth.

It adds a touch of comfort.

But these alone cannot make Bajir particularly happy.

After all, Beatrice can see whether she can eat it or not.

A great beauty, she changed different tricks in front of him all day long, and even tried the dark style of the Evil House, which made Bajir want to go further with her.

If it weren't for Madison's existence, Bagir would have let himself be expelled from the college before Rafal could take action.

It can only be said that Madison is indeed as she introduced herself. After reading group videos, she has a great blowjob. She was very unfamiliar at first, but after getting a little familiar with it, she showed a professional level that even Japanese teachers are amazed by.

There are indeed advantages to having a big mouth.

Of course, as an outstanding young man with five principles and four beauties, Bagir will not just be addicted to sports.

On the public screen of the club - that is, in the group chatting, and going online at 9 o'clock every night to hold club activities, I still persisted.

He also specially started Quidditch to show Madison and Sophie the superb flying skills he had learned from Harry and Draco.

But unfortunately, he is the only one who can be considered a wizard in Harry's world.

Even though Sophie and Madison have what their world calls magic, they are still Muggles in Harry's world.

Fortunately, unlike the game settings, the event is open, and it mainly depends on the individual, and there is no group requirement.

In the end, I got the 60 club badge steadily.

Just when Bagir thought they would cheer for him, Sophie and Madison were devastated.

"Just a little bit closer!"

"My gold card!"

Only then did Bagir realize why they had stopped doing anything after exchanging a purple card.

It turned out that I wanted to stock up and redeem gold cards.

This made them both very angry.

So the next day, Sophie's roommate Hester, who can summon dragons, had a black circle on her left eye. Bagir was listless, looking like he had learned time management from Luo Zhixiang and practiced it in depth.

But on this day, Bagir finally got involved in the spell lesson that was not filmed in the movie and was mentioned by Captain Hook's son Hawke.

The prince and princess took this class together.

Sophie was also in class, sitting with Agatha.

Tedros and Sophie both looked gloomy.

On the public screen, Madison was speaking frantically.

"Spell class? What exactly will you teach in this class?"

"I'm at school now."

"You won't believe that Queenie, who I mentioned before and does a pathetic job, is actually a black person!"

"How annoying! She is a natural voodoo doll. As long as she looks at you, she can transfer the harm from her body to your body."

"Just like what Bajir said, Cordelia teaches us almost nothing except history. We can only teach ourselves by reading books."

"That damn Latin is giving me a hard time."

"But there is a resurrection spell in it!"

"I really want to try to resurrect a puppy and awaken my ability to bring the dead back to life in advance."

“But watch the ceremony, splice the body, draw a circle around the body with bone powder, inhale the smoke of the burning unknown powder, and then draw a six-pointed star on the chest of the body with the witch's blood.”

“And recite the spell loudly: Calpriziana, offina alta nestra, fuero menut.”

“Azazel, Lord of the Underworld.”

“We will give our bodies and minds to you.”

“We obey you.”

“Serve you forever until death purifies this sinful body.”

“Recite ‘Berald, Berolald, Balbin, Gab, Gabor, Agaba’ four more times.”

“Finally, shout: ‘Return to the world and resurrect.’”

Sophie couldn't help but reply. She was going to leave Madison alone until the end of get out of class.

"You are a witch, aren't you? Not the so-called pretty girl who can do magic."

"Look at this spell, it's obviously related to the devil."

Madison: "So, could it be that my world is the most dangerous? Is there really a heaven and hell here?"

"Look at the Bible, God is not a merciful god."

"I won't go to hell."

Bajir: "You really have a hell. When the soul leaves the body or dies, the soul of you witches will fall into a personal hell."

"It is composed of the life fragments that you hate the most and fear the most."

"Unless the will is strong, the soul cannot return to the flesh and will eventually turn into sand."

"As for the gods of death, the only one who appeared in the original play was Papa Legba."

"The gods in West African and Haitian voodoo."

"The current voodoo queen Mary Laven later gained eternal life by giving him a pure soul every year. It can even curse others with eternal life."

Madison: "holly shit!"

On the public screen, Madison stopped talking.

At this time, the spell class officially began.

The teacher of spells in the Good House is a guy who looks like Quirrell and wears a scarf.

However, this room feels like a divination class, with white smoke lingering around the whole room, giving people a strong sense of charlatanism.

"Everyone, you can call me Professor Rocky."

You are really Quirrell!

"You haven't been given magic yet. And you are different from the hopeless."

"As descendants of evil villains such as witches, evil wizards, werewolves, and vampires, most of them have mastered some spells."

"Some even have a system."

"Of course, this can't be compared with finger magic."

"But it also makes them more familiar with magic."

"And most of the princes and princesses who are forever have never had it."

"Princes always hone their swordsmanship and riding and shooting. Princesses will not learn magic from fairy godmothers, but seek more beautiful clothes and outfits."

"So, in this class, I want to narrow the gap between good and evil. Let good prevail."

At this point, he pointed his finger behind the mist.

The mist dispersed.

In the big copper basin, purple flames burned, with various unknown herbs and flower stems as fuel.

"Everyone, take a deep breath and close your eyes."

"Find the throbbing deep in your heart."

"You who come to the magic academy already have unique talents."

"Come, relax."

The students sitting cross-legged on the cushions all closed their eyes.

Bajier was one of them.

As the white smoke poured into his nasal cavity, every inch of his muscles relaxed.

So did his consciousness.

He could break free of this feeling at any time.

Logically, he should be cautious and stay awake all the time, and should not lose consciousness in a school with Rafar.

But his subconscious told him that everything was fine.

The more mysterious Tianmu was the same.

So, with his own cooperation, his consciousness seemed to fall into a swamp.

A warm swamp full of smooth female bodies.

Keep going down and down.

Until a voice, "Okay, get out of class is over."

He woke up.

There was no change in his body, but he was a little more energetic.

As if he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

The so-called spell professor had left the classroom.

Shit! get out of class is over, and it's over?

He didn't even wake them up.

It's dark now.

Other students fell off their cushions and fell asleep.

From the safe classroom, no one has awakened any unique talents.

He casually pushed away the softness of Beatrice that was pressing his mouth and nose tightly.

Ahem, it must be Beatrice who came over by herself.

He hooked his little finger, a glimmer of light flashed, and the power of the cleansing spell made the traces of saliva on it disappear.

He sat back down as if nothing had happened.

On the public screen.

Madison appeared, "Where are you?"

"It's nine o'clock now. It's time to start the club activities!"

"You all should understand that this is very important to me."

"I need more gold and purple cards to protect myself and learn more and stronger magic."

Private message channel.

"Sweetheart, as usual?"

"Master, your slave wants to be whipped."

Then there were some photos that violated public order and morality (in order to prevent Sophie from suspicion, some were also posted on the public screen).

After reading it with a critical eye, Baqir replied.

“Look.” Attached is a photo of the classroom.

Madison replied immediately: “Are you high?”

Bajir: "The piercing ceremony will not begin until a week later."

"Now it seems that inhaled nebulized drugs are used to put us into deep sleep."

"Discover the talent that was born after arriving at the academy."

"But obviously that didn't work."

"In the original plot, when they dueled with the Evil Academy, the students of the Good Academy did not use any magic, but relied on swords, shields, and bows and arrows."

"Maybe the spell classes in the Evil House are more useful?" Bajir guessed, "Wait, someone woke up. Sophie will probably be here soon."

Private message: "Date aborted." Public screen: "You can go to the club first. Remember to wear more clothes this time. I want to try herbal medicine today."

"Hmm~" Beatrice rubbed her eyes pretentiously, tilted her head and made a cute sound.

"What's going on with me? I'm a little wet." Her hand held an indescribable part.

But it feels very dry and refreshing, without even the sticky feeling after sweating.

But she didn't have time to think.

Her awakening seemed to be a signal.

The sleeping princes and princesses also woke up one after another.

The room started to get noisy.

That includes Sophie.

Pushing away Agatha who was close to her (Tedros took the hand in surprise and looked into the eyes of Agatha who woke up in a daze, immersed in the pink atmosphere), arranged his hair, and plucked out his green eyes as usual. After Trish.

She opened the community's public screen.

Browse through the contents.

Then he replied: "Everyone is awake. In about 15 minutes, we will start club activities."

The corners of her mouth curled up, so that Bagir had to separate from Beatrice first.

In the academy, in order not to alert the possible surveillance of Rafael, they all consciously entered the club space.

For the safety of their sleeping bodies, they usually choose dormitories.

As for the boys' dormitory, girls are not allowed to enter.

This is completely different from the rules of Hogwarts that Madison said - girls can enter the boys' dormitory, but boys cannot enter the girls' dormitory.

It turns out that Sophie was still too naive.

In her eyes, Bagir gently rubbed his temples and lay weakly in Beatrice's arms.

Said: "I'm still a little dizzy, can I take a nap?"

And Beatrice, the little Bichi, really couldn't wait to nod her head and agreed.

And she could only endure the grievance, leave Agatha, and go to the dormitory in the evil courtyard.

She couldn't be angry yet.

Bagir was doing it for her own good. Beatrice plays the role of ‘Agatha’ in the original plot.

No, because of this, after enrolling for so long, Rafael has not shown up once.

Obviously, Rafael thought that in this state, she would turn dark without any additional arrangements from him.

Bajir's plan was very successful.

Hache! In the tower, Rafael rubbed his nose.

"Why are there still people talking about me? I'm ready to live in peace for a few hundred more years."


Fifteen minutes later, after chatting with her roommates and hearing a lot of derogatory remarks about the charity home, Sophie went to bed smoothly.

We finally arrived at the club space.

In the space, Bagir sat upright.

That slutty bitch! Madison was wearing light pajamas again, sitting close to Bagir.

From time to time, he provokes with words and actions.

"I think we can start club activities."

Sophie said viciously.

A little bit different from the harmless little sheep he usually looks like.

It feels like it went dark at the end of the movie.

She narrowed her eyes forcefully and viciously, looking up and down at Madison's exposed parts, "You shameless little slut, dressed like this. I sincerely bless you, poisonous spiders will happily crawl all over your body. Tongues of Fire Burn your delicate skin."

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