People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 123: The Man Who Intruded into Gringotts

And Ariana, who was sent to the Pig's Head Bar with girlish decoration early in the morning, is now very angry.

I even forgot to speak in the group.

Even the painting of herself in the living room upstairs could not soothe her emotions.

Aberforth was worried: "What's wrong with you?"

Ariana said with a sad face, "Albus, Albus, he wants to send Bajir to France! I finally made a new friend."

Brother's radar is activated!

"Bajir?" With murderous intent surging, Aberforth gritted his teeth and said, "His name sounds like he's a boy? How did you know him?"

"In a dream." Ariana poked her finger, "We can meet in a dream."

Ten minutes later, the two elderly brothers met at the entrance of Hogsmeade.

The greatest white wizard was as devastated as an eggplant beaten by frost, "Ariana already knows him? It seems that Nick and I guessed right. He really has the blood of King Arthur and Merlin."

"Controlling plants, the blood of the red dragon, traveling in dreams, wrapped in the aura of a king, extraordinary handsome, similar to Grindelwald, and a great wizard."

"I said, are you really Alzheimer's?"

"Are you really describing a student? Rather than the male protagonist in a fantasy, vulgar, female-oriented novel written by a teenage girl?"

Albusford heard everything his brother described, and for a moment he thought his ears were broken.

Albus was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, circling the door.

But even so, they did not forget to cast a soundproof spell to prevent Ariana in the bar from hearing their conversation.

In the library, Bagir rested his chin on his hands and watched this scene amusingly.

Albus Dumbledore now has the look of the movie version, the fourth Goblet of Fire.

However, it was no longer Harry who had his arm clamped, but his brother Aberforth.

"Aberforth, Aberforth!"

"Didn't you listen carefully? This bastard Granger kid has the blood of Merlin!"


"Sneak into girls' dreams and get them pregnant!"

"Ariana hooked up with that bastard brat, in her dream!"

"What's even more terrifying is that according to your description, he can contact Ariana even when he is awake!"

At this moment, in Albus Dumbledore's mind, the image of his lovely sister Ariana holding the Granger kid's hand with a pregnant belly kept breaking and reappearing.

Masterful mind readers and Occlumens, able to completely control their own thoughts.

But right now, he couldn't control it.

He suddenly wanted to pick up the Elder Wand, find the kid, and give him an Avatar.

Same as before. While Albus was thinking, his brother Albusford was already taking action.

He waved his wand, and the boar's head on the wooden sign hanging from its rusty stand came to life, breaking free of the white cloth that wrapped it.


Along with the rising dust, a six-foot-tall wild boar descended into the world.

Albusford stepped up, held the reins, and looked at Hogwarts Castle in the distance.

The boar's front hooves were raised high.

Albus Dumbledore's subconscious sense of responsibility as the headmaster allowed him to discover all this in time.

"What are you going to do?"

In a flash of lightning, the wand was pulled out, and a golden ribbon poured out from the tip, binding the wild boar tightly.

There were scratches on the slate floor.

He looked at his brother who was still sitting firmly on the boar's back and said, "You are a bit too extreme."

"Just use the Imperius Curse, the Killing Curse or something like that -"

Aberforth was surprised and interrupted: "Killing Curse? I'm not going to Azkaban. The Imperius Curse is too much."

"What about you?" Albus looked at the wild boar.

The behemoth was still struggling on the ground, letting out a deafening roar and drenching the soil with its saliva.

He didn't believe it.

Aberforth couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm just going to let Tibbers (the name of the wild boar) crush that boy's ribs."

"He's been so impressed by you and Nico Flamel that it won't cost him his life."

In the library, Bajir's smile froze.

Especially Dumbledore was moved.

Good guy, you called me Xiao Tiantian yesterday, but today I am Mrs. Niu?

With a snap, Bagir closed the book.

He disappeared directly and went to the club.

That's right, he doesn't pretend now.

Dumbledore knew that now he could travel to the dream.

At the same time, in front of the Pig's Head Bar, Albus Dumbledore's face darkened as his half-moon lenses exploded.

With a wave of his wand, the boar jumped back onto the wooden sign, and Aberforth asked, "What's wrong?"

Albus adjusted his glasses and said solemnly: "The triggering magic I set is triggered by Bargeer Granger's disappearance in the school in a special way."

The next second, he and Aberforth teleported to the living room of the bar.

Ariana was lying on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

Aberforth's fingers turned white as he held the wand, "She was asleep! When that bastard brat disappeared. I really should-"

Albus seemed to have discovered something.

Stopping Ariana's brother who wanted to wake her up, "Her magic power is more stable after she falls asleep."

What he cares about most now is his sister. Her physical improvement allowed reason to finally return to his brain.

The holy sword that gathered all the goodness, and Basil's past performance in school came to his mind.

"That bastard - no, Basil is to help Ariana."

"He is using dreams to make the Obscurus return to the control of the Obscurus."

He smiled bitterly, "It seems that Delis (the portrait of the old witch with long silver hair) is right, he is really a very good spouse for Ariana."

"The question now is, if Ariana falls in love with him, will he accept her."

"He dares!" Aberforth shouted. In his heart, his sister is the most perfect existence in the world. No one can be worthy of her!

Albus looked at his sister's peaceful sleeping face and said sadly: "That boy has a noble character."

"Due to his bloodline, his body has fully developed. It is the stage when his desire for love is the strongest."

"Especially, he is very handsome. As long as he beckons, any witch or even wizard will not be able to resist climbing into his bed."

"But he only accepts Hermione."

"Poor Ariana, he has a girlfriend and there is no place for you in his heart."

"He won't accept you."

If Madison could see this scene, she would definitely find it ironic. She hated Dumbledore's light-hearted words to Lavender in the movie: "It's good to be young, and you can still feel the pain of love." But now facing her sister, he changed his face again.

And Bagel, who is considered to have a noble character and is dedicated, is surrounded by beautiful women.

He did not alienate Ariana as Dumbledore wanted. On the contrary, he accepted it very happily.

Faced with Ariana's deliberate approach, he did not refuse.

At this moment, he was holding Ariana's hand and complaining bitterly.

"Just a few days ago, I was the King of Britain that your brother Merlin wanted to follow and teach. Now I have become the annoying person he wants to drive out of Britain."

Ariana leaned close to Basil's body, "This is not your fault. It's all Albus's problem. He is over a hundred years old and it is inevitable that he will be confused."

"Don't blame him, okay?"

"If you really want to go to France, I will go with you!"

"Albus will not refuse me! If he objects, I will find Aberforth!"

"No need." Basil shrugged, "He should have understood that I am someone he can't fuck ”

“What’s more——”

Zoe continued: “What’s more, I will be a formal member tonight. Bucky will come directly to our world then.”

“Can your old white-bearded brother bring back Bucky from our world?”

“Alas,” Ariana frowned with her hands on her hips like a little adult, “What I’m most worried about now is that they will make me break up with Bajir.”

“Don’t worry.” Bajir yawned and rested his head between Beatrice’s legs, “You’ll be surprised later.”

When he came to the club, he did not give up monitoring the Hog’s Head.

That’s right, on the map in his mind, the [Pig’s Head] has been lit up by him at the cost of 1,000 gems.

In fact, after he was no longer short of money, he had already lit up many buildings.

All floors of the [Ministry of Magic], [Old Black House], and [Headquarters of the Daily Prophet] were activated by him at the cost of gems.

A total of 15,000 was spent.

In other words, this morning, Dumbledore came directly to Rita Skeeter's office, cursed her, and threw evidence of Lockhart's crime at her. Bagel also seemed to have witnessed it personally.

All because of the magical magnetic field of a strange wizard that he accidentally discovered in the castle yesterday.

Combined with the strange appearance - a fat big beetle with a symbol like glasses around its antennae.

Its identity is self-evident.

So the next day, Bagel turned his attention to the second floor of the head office of the Daily Prophet.

It was a comfortable and luxurious office that looked like a bedroom.

Rita Skeeter grinned, and her three gold teeth gleamed in the candlelight.

Dumbledore is undoubtedly a good man.

Even if he wrote a book describing him as a crazy old man, he didn't care.

He would not use his influence and superb magic to deal with her.

She likes such influential and pedantic good people the most.

It is their contribution that makes her have everything she has today. Of course, this is also inseparable from her hard work in Transfiguration, becoming an Animagus, and a beetle that is easy to sneak.

Even Hogwarts, which is known as the safest, is as easy for her to walk into the garden by crossing the fence.

The only trouble is that she needs to avoid McGonagall and Dumbledore. They are very good at Transfiguration.

Also, be careful to avoid pets that feed on beetles when in the castle. After all, you can't switch to human form there. More precisely, you can't switch forms.

She deeply remembered the name of Neville Longbottom, an unknown man, through his pet toad, Lefo.

She remembered these hateful pets who like to eat insects and their owners. In particular, raising toads is not popular among the younger generation in the UK, and the number of people is particularly small.

But this does not mean that there are few toads in the castle.

Flitwick, the dwarf, likes the Frog Choir and raises a lot of hateful, slippery-skinned, mucus-covered little guys.

So every time she went to Hogwarts to get information, she avoided entering the castle.

But she felt that yesterday's adventure was well worth it.

Thinking of this, she took another bite of the pink donut. Her short and thick fingers had long nails. The nails painted with death Barbie pink inserted into the pink frosting, scooped up a piece of cream, and put it directly into her mouth.

Her green peacock feather pen seemed to sense the owner's joy, and wrote on the parchment in a flamboyant manner:

[Dumbledore started a twilight love again, unknown secret lover]

At that time, Bajir almost shot Skeeter to death in a protective manner.

Dumbledore, who was touched on the bottom line and might become the White Devil, was not what he needed.

After confirming that the variables of other worlds could also be received and converted into gems, his attitude towards this world also changed.

He was not a simple time traveler.

He really lived in this world for 11 years before awakening his memory.

The cave far away in Devonshire was also a place where he could call home with peace of mind.

In the British magic world, the countless people who came in and out of the Leaky Cauldron were also an indispensable part of decorating his past personality.

Unless necessary, he didn't want the world to go in a bad direction.

Before, considering the variables of the world, he could turn a blind eye to the fact that the original world's tilt could be transformed into gems.

Deceiving himself to do things. But now there is really no need.

Otherwise, he would have resurrected the Potters together.

Just kill the terrorists like Voldemort who affect his good life.

For positive people like Dumbledore who contribute to his peaceful life, it is no big deal to protect their personality stability and eliminate one or two scum.

By the way, you can get some gems, why not?

However, just when the tip of Basil's wand was already glowing green.

Dumbledore appeared.

He emerged from the firelight, his expression solemn and stern.

The wand pointed to his throat, as if he was going to use the amplification spell.

Skeeter wanted to scream.

"Quiet!" The voice with a metallic echo came from Dumbledore's mouth.

The room really became quiet in an instant. Skeeter screamed in vain but no sound came out. The rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the parchment disappeared.

"Stop!" Dumbledore's words now seemed to have a kind of magic, and what he said must be true.

The gorgeous peacock feather pen stopped, and Skeeter's body also stopped, as if it was petrified.

"Come here!" The parchment obeyed the order and went to Dumbledore's hand.

The blue eyes swept across, and cold anger began to emerge.

Rita Skeeter began to feel breathless. Although the wrinkles and beard on that face disappeared. The hair turned reddish brown.

But she still recognized the identity of the visitor-Albus Dumbledore.

For the first time in her life, she fully understood why people said that Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort feared.

He obviously did nothing.

He just stood there.

But it was still hard to ignore and made people feel afraid.

The chapter name cannot be changed. It should have been called the unexpected visitor of the Daily Prophet

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