People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 124: The House of Requests

The kind smile that seemed to be embedded in his face disappeared.

There was no happy spark in the eyes behind the lens.

Every twitching muscle on the young face was filled with cold anger.

A kind of power began to radiate from his body, as if he was burning and feverish.

But her body began to wail unconsciously and lost control.

The yellow liquid soaked the sofa, just as fear soaked her heart now.

She finally realized that she might have made an irreparable mistake.

She wanted to beg for mercy, but she couldn't make a sound, and her mouth could only open and close like a dead fish.

"Pain!" Dumbledore's cold voice sounded.

Unexplained pain began to rise from Skeeter's heart. At first it was just like a branding iron inserted into her brain, but as the pain spread, every inch of her flesh and blood, her internal organs, seemed to be bitten by an ant.

This pain that was enough to take her life could not take her life at this moment.

The gentle magnetic field enveloped her body with the radiation, making her healthier than ever before.

She couldn't faint either.

Because this pain comes from the heart, it can only be felt clearly and in vain.

"Stop." Another command, but this time it is aimed at the curse that makes the woman in front of him bulge with veins and foam at the mouth.

But as if it was intentional, the line of the fading curse emerged on the surface of the body, flowing with a burning heat that cannot be ignored, pouring into her physical heart.

Let her clearly realize that the curse has not subsided and is still alive with her heartbeat.

The wand moved from the neck, and Dumbledore's voice no longer had a metallic texture and echo.

"You can recall and try to move the idea of ​​spreading the news about the girl."

Rita Skeeter rolled her eyes ugly, but the pain surged again in an instant.

The armchair in the distance automatically slid behind Dumbledore, he sat down, and said gently: "You should understand."

Skeeter nodded like pounding garlic.

She was still able to survive the torture of the curse just now because Dumbledore maintained her life.

And when Dumbledore is not by her side, it means that she will only go to death.

Boom! The blazing fire replaced Dumbledore's figure.

The armchair and the parchment were set on fire.

The ban in the room was also broken with Dumbledore's departure.

Skeeter lay on the ground and gasped.

His eyes were full of fear.

Then, a thick stack of information fell from the sky and hit her face.

On the front of the information was a photo of a blond wizard, who was blinking and flashing his dazzling white teeth.

And Rita Skeeter, lying on the carpet, seemed to see something and laughed out loud.

This was all that Bagel saw at the time.

He also knew that Gilderoy Lockhart was probably crossed out from the list of candidates for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Could the new consumable be Sirius (Bagel didn't know that the curse in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had been lifted)?

So, when Dumbledore later asked him to go to France, he was not too surprised.

In his opinion, Dumbledore at that time could do anything.

Maybe if necessary, he will go to Nurmengard in Austria to release Grindelwald.

Fortunately, Dumbledore seems to have returned to normal now.

He even allowed Basil to spend time with his precious sister, Ariana.

It was only 9:30. There were still 11 and a half hours until 9 pm.

In the club space, besides Basil, only Bella, Zoe and Ariana were there.

Madison went shopping for clothes.

Sophie and Beatrice were in class right now. As members of the witch club, they could not attend the morning meeting at 9 o'clock every Monday to Friday. But skipping classes was still not allowed.

And now Zoe's long legs replaced Beatrice's round and tight legs as his pillow.

Bella and Ariana were sitting not far away, reading.

But Ariana was reading "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and Bella was reading the bound volume of "Twilight".

Ariana complained as she read, how could Albus be like this, how could he let poor little Harry stay at the Dursleys' house?

He was really old and confused.

And Bella had already seen the chapter where she and Edward had a child and the vampires of the Volturi family had trouble with them.

Suddenly, she exclaimed, "What? Jacob and the others are not werewolves? They don't even know it themselves?"

"No, the real werewolves are extinct, and it's normal for Jacob and the others to be called werewolves."

"Huh?" This attracted Bagel's attention, and he stood up, hugged Bella, and looked at the book.

"Shapeshifters? A supernatural race inherited from their parents? Choosing to transform into a wolf is purely accidental? The first transformation can be a bear, an eagle, or a leopard."

"Outrageous. The werewolves in your world are called the Sons of the Moonlight. It seems that they can only transform at night, more likely when the moon is out, and they can't control themselves. Like the werewolves in our world, they continue their species by biting and infecting people? But they have been slaughtered by the vampires of the Volturi family."

Zoe's ears twitched and she came closer. "Shapeshifters? Sounds a bit like the skin-changers in The Lord of the Rings."

"This sounds like a druid. Can they only transform into regular animals? What about dragons and unicorns?"

Bajir's fingers glowed, and he instantly read the information in the book in Bella's hand.

After sorting it out for a while, he shook his head. "The Quileutes, or shapeshifters, are a minority among the Indians. In their daily lives, the only large creatures they can come into contact with are wolves, bears, eagles, and leopards. There are no dragons or unicorns in their world."

"And vampires, the cold-blooded people in their eyes, are they more like zombies than living creatures, so they can't be engraved? Or is it because of the rejection in their hearts?"

"But it's really strange. Jacob and his branch seem to have really engraved the wolf's body in their blood, possessing the characteristics of wolves, and are united like wolves, extending such strange abilities as common thoughts."

"And Animagus, in addition to having an animal body, has no bonus to the original body."

"I'm really curious, if the Quileutes can really engrave magical creatures, what kind of abilities will their original bodies extend."

Bajir can't wait to travel to another world.

Having been a wizard for 11 years, he doesn't feel particularly fresh about the magic and magical creatures in Harry's world. Although interesting, it is slightly inferior to the magic and wonderful creatures in other worlds.

For the first time, he felt that time passed too slowly.

He really wanted to see the collection of books in the witch academy.

Although the magic in it depends on bloodline, it cannot be used if it does not meet the standard. They are more like techniques to better control their own talents-calling the names of gods or demons through spells, or hinting at themselves.

For example, the magic of time reversal exists in the witch group. But except for the next super witch Mallory, it cannot be used at all.

But Bajiel is still very curious.

He began to plan what to do in Madison's world.

In the American horror world, it seems that there can only be one carrier for Satan to devour the world.

The original world line was that after time reversal, five years after Michael Langdon, the unawakened son of Satan, was hit and killed by Mallory's car, a new son of Satan was born.

He thought to himself, "So, should I kill him cleanly while he is still a mortal, or?"

Bajiel considered absorbing the negative emotions in Michael Langdon.

In the original world line, although Langton likes to kill, he still has good intentions towards his family.

This includes his grandmother Constance who raised him, his cheap father Ben, his biological father Tate, and his later adoptive mother Mead.

He really turned evil after his grandmother, his cheap father who was his psychologist, and even his biological father gave up on him.

But even so, he did not have the idea of ​​destroying the world, he just liked to kill.

It was because of the drive of the Church of Satan headed by his later adoptive mother Mead that he started to act.

In fact, from beginning to end, he was more willing to hunt down the culprit who made him unable to resurrect his adoptive mother-the witch group.

It can be regarded as the drive of his inner goodness because of his desire for maternal love.

Therefore, Bajir, who has mastered the power to guide a person to good or evil, should also be able to lead this son of Satan to the path of goodness.

As long as Langton is alive, the next son of Satan may not be born.

Madison and others can live a stable life without facing the end of the world.

Basil can also get a lot of gems and high-quality emotional energy.

While he was thinking, he went online mainly to confirm whether Basil would alienate her Ariana.

After meeting his requirements, he left a sentence, "I'm leaving first. I want to talk to Albus."

and disappeared on the sofa.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met her own portrait hanging on the fireplace in the living room.

Aberforth held his chin and sat quietly beside him.

"Where is Albus?" Ariana asked.

Basil said it would surprise her, she thought Albus was here too. But it seems that there is only Aberforth.

"You met the Granger kid again?" Aberforth took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"He did it to me?" Ariana's eyes dropped and her hands were twisted together. "He treated me very well."

The blue eyes and eyebrows suddenly raised, and her hands were on her hips. "This has nothing to do with you, Aberforth. What about Albus? Did he arrange for Basil to go to France? Did you have a part in it?"

Aberforth instantly drew a line between himself and his brother.

"Of course not!"

"You know me. I have always been a liberal."

"In our family, only Albus, that bastard, likes to control everything and has a strong desire for control."

"He is in the office now!"

He suddenly pointed to the portrait above the fireplace.

"Without the phoenix, we can't manifest into the castle."

"And the fastest way to get to the castle is through it."

His voice suddenly softened again, looking at Ariana in the painting, "Can you help us?"

It seems that even if Ariana is resurrected, it has not affected his feelings for Ariana in the painting.

Ariana at the side also followed suit, clasping her hands together and bowing, saying, "Please! Another me."

The girl in the painting smiled slightly and turned away. She did not disappear beside the frame like the people in ordinary portraits, but seemed to walk along a long tunnel painted behind her.

Her slender figure walked farther and farther away, and was finally swallowed by the darkness.

About a minute later.

A small white dot appeared at the end of the tunnel in the painting, and Ariana walked back towards them, getting closer and bigger.

The figure grew larger and larger, until her head and shoulders filled the entire portrait.

At this moment, the portrait on the wall opened like a small door, revealing the entrance to a real tunnel.

"Come on, let's go." Aberforth jumped onto the mantelpiece like a flexible monkey, entered the tunnel, and stretched out his right hand to Ariana.

Ariana lifted her skirt and jumped up.

Then, the tunnel closed suddenly, under the control of Ariana in the painting.

On the other side of the tunnel were smooth stone steps that looked very old.

Brass lamps were hung on the walls, and the dirt floor was trampled flat.

There was no end in sight.

Aberforth led the way, saying as he walked: "This passage was built when the school was first established."

"The exit of the passage, which is your portrait, used to be a blank picture frame."

"The headmaster's portrait can be placed inside to control the switch."

"But after I became the owner of the Hog's Head, the portrait in the frame was replaced by you."

Ariana suddenly realized and shook her head cutely, "So, the owner of the Hog's Head is actually a faculty member of Hogwarts."

Aberforth nodded, "Yes, but only the headmaster knows their identities."

Ariana then asked: "What about the entrance? Where is the entrance in the castle?"

"You just said that the headmaster's portrait is in the headmaster's office?"

She just saw "The Philosopher's Stone", so she didn't know yet.

Aberforth shook his head and turned a corner. "No. But it's also on the eighth floor."

"It's in a very wonderful room - the Room of Coming and Going, also known as the Room of Requirement."

"It will only appear when people really need it. When you go in, you will find that the layout inside is completely in line with your needs."

"Once I wanted to find someone to duel, I found it. There was a complete duel field inside. But the most valuable are the books about dueling inside. It connects to the library and transfers the books I need to the bookshelf in the room."

"This passage also relies on it. When the school is really in danger and needs shelter. It will continuously optimize its internal according to the needs of the refugees."

"Until the refugees can't cope with the danger outside the house, need food, and leave the school. This passage will appear."

"After all, food is one of the five exceptions to the 'Gamp Basic Transfiguration Law'. It can't create food out of thin air."

"It's amazing." Ariana said while panting. The slope of the road is very steep now, and her white forehead is slightly sweaty.

Then, silence fell between the two. Their minds were gradually occupied by the action of moving their legs.

All that was left was to move forward and reach the destination - the end of the passage.

Finally, after turning the last corner, the end was reached.

It was another short stone staircase and a door exactly the same as the one behind the portrait of Ariana.

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