People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 1

Chapter One Edmund’S Mysterious Oriental!

Ghana was the largest overseas colony of the British Empire in 1845 after the Great Merger of Upper and Lower Ghana.

In Edmond, the largest city in Alberta, a manor covering an area of ​​thousands of acres was filled with festive lights.

The guests come and go constantly, and all kinds of unique gifts are constantly sent into the manor by the guests.

Today is February 7th, the most important festival for the people of Daxia, and also the most grand festival of the year, the Spring Festival.

Foreigners in Ghana do not understand the meaning of this festival, but it does not prevent them from coming to the manor to congratulate the owner and discuss cooperation matters in the coming year.

Although in the eyes of the traditional aristocrats on the other side of the ocean, the large foreign landlords in the colony are not worth mentioning, but it is undeniable that in this area, the Lin family is the most powerful, wealthy and powerful landlord.

Winter in the Midwest is very difficult. The temperature is minus 20 degrees and there is often heavy snowfall. Even the eyelashes will freeze within three or two minutes after walking out the door. It really takes a lot of courage to go out at this time.

The rooms in the manor have the underground water heating system pioneered by the Lin family. A boiler with huge amounts of coal burns a large amount of coal 24 hours a day to supply hot water to the underground water pipes.

Even the big animals in the stables are treated like this, but the workers and slaves who work on the pastures and farmland can only curl up and shiver under the thin bedding.

The local farmers and ranchers all think that keeping them alive is a gift, saying that this is very in line with the rules of Ghana, because most of them have black skin, and they should live this kind of life as a matter of course.

Lin Feng has adapted to the daily life of the local so-called aristocrats in the past year. He already has a butler from London to take care of the manor’s chores, and he has also invited the aristocratic etiquette guide.

The aristocratic etiquette instructor is also from London, graduated from Oxford with a bachelor’s degree in theology and history, and is proficient in Spanish, Italian, and French.

If you want to integrate into the local upper class society, these are all things that must be done. Before the strength of your subordinates surpasses the governor’s mansion, you must follow this rule.

Lying on a luxurious recliner, Lin Feng half-closed his eyes and was annoyed by the noise outside, and couldn’t help thinking about the experiences of these years.

He is a time traveler!

It’s just that he was unlucky, and he was chased and killed by the soldiers of the Tartar green battalion just after crossing over.

Maybe the situation was urgent at that time, and the memory in my mind had not been straightened out, so I ran for my life in a hurry under the pull of my subordinates.

Fleeing all the way to Leizhou, the documents of sea arrests have been posted all over the streets and alleys. With his solid historical knowledge and epoch-making vision, he recognized that the Qing government’s foreign powers and middle-level officials did not dare to offend the big powers easily.

In a British Empire Bank, all the 300,000 taels of silver from the Songjiang Mansion were exchanged for nearly 100,000 pounds.

He also bribed the captain of the British merchant ship “Roland Dona” with 100 pounds, took more than 20 men on board, and escaped from the net of the Qing Dynasty.

After more than a month of turbulence at sea, I came to Ghana, which was still in a period of war. When Ghana was in turmoil due to the merger of the upper and lower provinces, I decisively bet on Earl Minto, the Governor of the British Empire in Ghana, with 30,000 pounds. The donation was exchanged for a knighthood.

The money was well spent. Not only did it help Lin Feng solve the legal status of more than 20 people under him, but he also got the same right to enclose land as the British immigrant to Ghana, and enjoyed the right to tax exemption for the first 5 years.

He ran around to recruit workers, bought slaves to build manors, and at the same time, took advantage of the tense situation that Meilijian had created friction at the border several times, and obtained the approval of the military factory from the Governor’s Mansion.

With a pound in one hand and a musket in one hand, Lin Feng quickly gained a foothold in Edmond.

With his excellent strategic vision and his brave men, he defeated the robber Alison several times, and his reputation in this city far surpassed that of ordinary landlords.

No one cares about the poor in the busy city, but the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong and rich. The surrounding British landlords respect and fear Lin Feng. When Lin’s manor holds a Spring Festival feast, the nearby landlords and wealthy businessmen all bring gifts to congratulate him.

Many down-and-out nobles and bankrupt businessmen felt that this was an opportunity to turn around, and many of them had a young and beautiful girl by their side.

“Siona, although the patriarch of the Lin clan is a few years older than you, he looks only in his early twenties. He is handsome and noble, so you have to behave well. Even if you can’t be Mrs. Lin, you can be regarded as a lover by him. , our Hunter family has developed…”

At the moment, a businessman in a mink coat was exhorting his precious daughter.

There are quite a few people like him telling their daughters or relatives, and sparks are almost sparked when the eyes of each of them meet each other.

the reason is simple!

Among the Edmond landlords, the Lin family is a somewhat different but powerful existence.

The Lin family, which holds the title of jazz, can recruit a guard of no more than 300 people. This is a privilege granted by Earl Minto, and it is a legal armed power that other farmers and ranchers do not have.

Although the farmers and ranchers in Common also have their own armed forces in private, these forces cannot be seen. They can fight and kill in private.

However, the guards of the Lin family are different. As long as someone dares to infringe on the interests of the family, they can hit the door loudly and destroy those who dare to trample on the dignity of the nobility.

This kind of family patriarch who is rich and has legal armed forces, not to mention only a few years older than these girls, even a few dozen years older is a rare commodity in the eyes of the girls’ parents.

At the moment, after all the guests arrived, Lin Feng, the protagonist of the banquet, walked out of the room and came to the manor’s auditorium, where he sat at the head to accept congratulations from everyone.

He was in a good mood when he heard people saying Happy Chinese New Year in awkward Chinese.

Although it took a year to become bigger and stronger, the current strength of the Lin family is vastly different from before.

The more than 20 subordinates who followed him across the ocean before, no one cares about the first team of musketeers. The muskets in their hands have eliminated the old-fashioned firearms inspired by caps, and used new ones that fire metal fixed center-fired bullets. At the same time, there are more than 20 16-pound breech-loading rifled guns hidden in the secret warehouse Curry, which can be pulled out at any time to attack the city.

This was developed in advance at the Lin’s military factory thanks to the advanced knowledge of the traversers, advanced equipment that even the guards of the Governor’s Mansion did not have.

Just as Lin Feng was perfunctorily responding to the compliments from the guests, a group of sturdy knights galloped outside the gate of the manor. Under the watchful eyes of the guards on duty, they dismounted and surrounded a gray-haired old man with a ferocious face and walked to the gate.

“Go and tell your master that the patriarch of the Howlett family is visiting, and ask him to come out to greet him!”

One of the knights raised his head proudly and shouted at the guards arrogantly.

Before the rise of the Lin family, the Howlett family in this area was the most powerful, wealthy and powerful family force. The knight was very proud of this, and looked down on the rising star in front of him.


Before the guards could raise their guns, the old man in the head slapped the knight hard on the face, and his gloomy voice sounded like thunder.

“You idiot, damn maggot! Apologize quickly, if you offend Mr. Lin, James’ illness will be hopeless!”

The knight covering his face lowered his proud head and whispered in a low voice.

“Sorry, I was too impulsive!”

There was no change on the guard’s face, he chatted coldly and turned back into the manor.

“Wait here, if there is any change, kill immediately!”

Old Howlett’s face twitched, but he had to suppress the urge to draw his gun.

His grandson James Howlett fell ill again, and now he is unconscious. The doctors he invited were helpless, and now he could only pray to the powerful enemy in his own eyes for treatment.

That young and powerful Oriental had his heart pierced, and the next day people saw him appearing in the bar eating and drinking.

Old Howlett believed that the owner of this manor must have the magical ability to snatch people from Death God, maybe it was the mysterious oriental witchcraft.

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