People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Start Mutant!

In the grand hall of the manor, the congratulations of Ang Chang’s guests came to an end.

Lin Feng looked at the people enjoying the Chinese food in a gentle or rough manner, with a smile on his lips. To be able to create his own world in a foreign country, he has already taken the first step in his plan.

But after the guard at the door came in and whispered into his ear, the smile on his mouth faded away.

“Mr. Howlett is here, and he is waiting for your reception at the door!”

After waving his hand to let the guards go down first, Lin Feng stood up slowly and said loudly to the guests.

“Gentlemen and ladies, I’m sorry to be excused for a while, a distinguished guest has just arrived, and I need to receive it!”

The guests at the scene began to discuss, who has such a big face?

You must know that when they came to Lin’s Manor, they were not so honored to be greeted by the head of the Lin family in person.

“Could it be Commissioner Mengkins of the Police Department, or Commissioner Edhausen of the Tax Office?”

“Stop talking nonsense, these two big shots, they won’t be so condescending!”

“Did you forget that the Howlett family was the most powerful before Mrs. Lin came here. I think it must be the old Howlett who attracted Mr. Lin out to greet him.”

Someone guessed the truth, but others apparently didn’t believe it.

They are different from the Lin family who have just arrived. Old Howlett’s character and style are hard to believe. He will take the initiative to visit a rising star.

That Mr. Howlett has a strong aggressive nature and a tough and stubborn personality. Everyone who faces him will feel full of oppression.

Even though his father was only the first mate of an old ocean-going whaling ship, the old Howlett never felt inferior. Instead, at the age of 17, he carried a teacher’s flintlock with only 3 pounds 15 shillings on his body. Follow the fleet of the British Empire and become the first colonists to set foot on the great land of Ghana.

Old Howlett often told people that he was one of the pioneers of this great era, a new nobleman who brought the spark of civilization to this barren land, and an adventurer who was unwilling to be ordinary and followed his dreams.

Such a proud and stubborn big shot made an uncharacteristic move today, and the wealthy businessmen and farmers present couldn’t help raising their evaluation of the Lin family again.

The waiters who shuttled among the guests and kept delivering drinks and pastries were surprised to find that the guests who had previously treated them with contempt and disdain turned out to be polite and thanked with a smile when they received the drinks or pastries.

At the gate of the manor, the old Howlett watched the manor owner who was approaching, his frowning eased.

“Dear Lin, I’m really sorry for interrupting your banquet!”

The old man, who had never bowed his head to anyone, took off his hat for the first time, leaned slightly and said apologetic words.

Lin Feng walked up to him in two or three steps, stretched out his hand to hold his withered but strong hand, and said with a smile.

“Mr. Howlett is polite, this is not a place to talk, let’s go in and have a good chat!”

After finishing speaking, he took the old Howlett and strode into the manor.

The guards led the knights into the guard room to avoid the wind and snow. Strangers with weapons were not allowed to enter the manor.

The old Howlett walked all the way, habitually scanning all parts of the manor with his sharp eyes. This is the sequelae left by the long-term struggle with the local aborigines after he set foot in Ghana that year.

On the way from the gate of the manor to the auditorium, he has already seen no less than 12 hidden secret posts and densely packed traps under the wall.

When Lin Feng brought the old Howlett into the auditorium, the expressions of the guests were astonished, as if they saw the sun rising from the west. Among them, the wealthy businessman who guessed the truth became more determined in his heart to let his daughter become Lin Feng. The idea of ​​a patriarch lover.

Once the Lin family and the Howlett family join forces, the situation in Edmond will change drastically. No wealthy businessman or farmer or rancher can resist the combination of two behemoths.

Ignoring the guests who wanted to chat, Lin Feng led the old Howlett straight to the study. This is the place where he receives important guests, and it is also the most secure and confidential place in the entire manor.

The two sat facing each other, butler Lin Shuhao brought a cup of tea and coffee, and put them on the coffee table in front of them respectively.

“Mr. Howlett, there is an old saying in our Daxia that you can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and if you have something to say, just say it.”

Lin Feng picked up the teacup and took a sip of the fragrant tea.

In fact, when holding the old Howlett’s callused hand, Telepathy had already read his thoughts and memories, knowing that the old guy came to beg him to save his grandson.

I also knew that it was because Lin Wei was shot in the heart last time, but he was alive and kicking the next day, which attracted the other party to come to his door.

“Hmph, when the old Howlett’s business is over, Lin Wei, you can go back to the new barracks for me!”

Old Howlett looked away from the butler, and sighed in his heart that even a butler of the Lin family was no less powerful than his knights.

“Since Mr. Lin is so straightforward, I won’t say those polite words.”

“I came to you this time because I hope you can help me save my grandson James!”

“He has been in a coma for three days with a high fever. Dr. Bills from the municipal hospital and Father Hans from the church are helpless…”

The development of the Lin family has not been easy so far. Once other people know about his uniqueness, it is likely to cause Common people to suspect him, so he resolutely refused.

“I respect you, Mr. Howlett, but I can’t do anything to save people. Maybe you should ask the governor to find a better doctor from the British Empire!”

Mr. Howlett’s sharp gaze became cold, but softened in an instant.

This mysterious oriental man in front of him is not weaker than him, and he has needs for others, so he can’t offend him for a while.

“For a fertile farm of 3,000 acres, as long as Mr. Lin saves my grandson, I will bring the land deed, and even sign the transfer agreement now!”

“Please don’t refuse. Your musketeer captain can be saved if his heart is punctured. James is just suffering from the disease, so it shouldn’t be difficult for you!”

Mr. Howlett, who is over sixty years old, worked hard on women when he was young, but now he only has one son, John, and his son has only one heir, James, who is still in a coma with a high fever.

Thinking of his eldest grandson Tony who died a few years ago, the old Howlett trembled in his heart, deeply afraid that James would repeat Tony’s tragedy.

Looking at Howlett with a sad face, Lin Feng could feel the deep feeling of licking the calf like the sea, which reminded him of his grandfather who brought him up single-handedly before time travel.

It’s a pity that when he returned to his hometown after graduating from university, he only saw the empty old house. He learned from the neighbors that his grandfather ran out of oil and died a month before his graduation.

Before the old man died, he refused to let his neighbors call him, fearing that his grandson’s studies would be delayed, but he was ignorant and missed the chance to see his grandpa for the last time.


Lin Feng sighed, if he had the current ability before crossing, he would definitely be able to save grandpa.

“Okay, I agree to help you, but I have a few conditions, no other people should be present during the first treatment!”

Old Howlett nodded again and again. He only asked for help from his grandson, and he also knew that some things should not be exposed to the eyes of others.

“Don’t rush to agree, just listen to my conditions before deciding!”

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Feng continued to say other conditions.

“The second condition is that 3,000 mu of land is too little. I want 10,000 mu of land.”

“The third condition is that James will recognize me as his adoptive father, and I will teach him when he comes to the manor every day.”

Compared with the first condition, the latter two conditions are much more stringent.

Although the 10,000 mu of land made the old Howlet feel distressed, after all, it accounted for one-fifth of the Howlett family’s land, but he was hesitant about the last condition.

foster father?

It’s like the godfather of the Italian Black Glove Party. What does this oriental guy want to do?

As for entrusting his grandson to Lin Feng to teach him, he didn’t care too much.

Lin Feng looked at the pensive old Howlett leisurely.

Compared with 10,000 mu of land, he pays more attention to the latter two conditions, which have to be cautious about the confidentiality of his ability.

Raw deadman flesh and bones is just one of his abilities, but for the worldly people, it is enough to make anyone crazy.

If he can’t have a solid enough relationship to keep the secrets secret, he would rather offend the old Mr. Howlett, and at worst, fight with each other. Anyway, with the new guns in hand, he might not be able to defeat the opponent.

Based on the recently collected information and the Extraordinary Ability constantly emerging from his body, Lin Feng had some guesses in his heart.

This world may not be just a simple parallel universe as he thought before.

He is definitely not the only one who possesses Extraordinary Ability like him.

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