Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 82: The Foreign System and the Source of Immortality

Upon mastering the foreign ancient language, Gen Jin delved into the ancient tomes of the Four-Armed Tribe.

These old books, steeped in the aura of time, narrated the tribe's long, glorious history, once ruling vast lands, before declining and becoming a small tribe in the wilderness.

Nevertheless, their ancestral land remained untouched by calamity, well-preserved through the ages.

Through these ancient texts, Gen Jin gained a profound understanding of the Four-Armed Tribe's history—a saga steeped in blood, brutality, and ruggedness, epitomizing the essence of most alien tribes.

Had it not been for his exceptional physical talents and cultivation aptitude, the tribe would have shown him no respect, viewing him merely as a lowly slave or a source of blood food.

Simultaneously, Gen Jin uncovered what he desired most—the alien realm's cultivation systems.

Though the Four-Armed Tribe was weak, with few powerful cultivators, their ancestors had once reached profound levels of evolution, leaving behind cultivation methods for future generations.

Breath-feeding, blood-boiling, mist-swallowing, organ-cultivation, spirit-consolidation...

Even their cultivation methods exuded a sense of rawness, all about 'eating' or 'swallowing.'

This was the native system of the alien realm. In truth, this world was a melting pot of systems, many assimilated after conquering ancient worlds.

The Immortal King only needed to sacrifice to the World Tree, altering the world's fundamental rules to unlock the 'permissions' for these systems, allowing them to flourish and bear fruit on this land.

In terms of cultivation, the alien realm was always inclusive, embracing diverse systems. In the original work, after decimating the primeval worlds and shaping them into realms, the alien realm absorbed numerous ancient lifeforms and assimilated methodology, enabling geniuses like Mo Dao to cultivate three strands of Immortal Qi.

However, assimilation did not mean widespread adoption by native beings. Their foundation remained their native system, using assimilated systems as supplements, taking the essence and discarding the dregs.

Today's breath-feeding and blood-boiling stages were the results of endless evolution and refinement. Gen Jin was fascinated by the various systems within the alien realm, completely absorbed in the depictions within these ancient books.

Among them were systems relying on ancient artifacts and formations, ones evolving through absorbing special energies, and others with eerie, unfathomable pathways, capable of confronting the Great Dao head-on to become celestial beings, eliminating enemies from the source.

The most astonishing revelation was about the infinite devouring evolution mentioned in the ancient texts of the Four-Armed Tribe, which involved accumulating quantitative changes to produce qualitative breakthroughs, forcibly shattering the shackles of cultivation.

In their glorious past, a mighty warrior of the Four-Armed Tribe had joined the foreign realm's army, participating in the grand event of annihilating other ancient worlds. There, they witnessed firsthand how the chosen dark seed rapidly rose to power, ultimately becoming an immortal being.

This event left a profound impact on the Four-Armed Tribe's warrior, who recorded it in ancient books, leaving this earth-shattering secret for future generations to know.

"A super dark seed, evolving by devouring in the shortest time to become a colossus—this was how Yu Tuo rose to prominence," Gen Jin mused, speaking only in his heart without uttering a word.

Since Yu Tuo was a supreme immortal king, mentioning his true name among foreign races could trigger unpredictable phenomena.

Surveying the local systems of the foreign realm, as well as numerous systems absorbed from other worlds, Gen Jin's most direct impression was that the native systems of the exotic realm placed great emphasis on the power of bloodlines.

It is a path of evolution primarily focused on bloodlines; when a cultivator reaches a profound realm, their blood changes color, transforming towards the colorful spectrum. The more diverse, purer, and truer the colors, the more formidable the power.

Take, for example, the ruler of this region, Luo Mo, who possesses the true blood of five colors, a forbidden lineage.

In the foreign realm, even those with five-color blood who do not cultivate might ultimately reach the half-step immortality realm—the strength of such bloodline power is too domineering.

Not only Luo Mo, but Anlan, Yu Tuo, and others also possess five-color blood, signifying they are the most powerful beings in this world—the immortal kings.

As for the legendary seven-color blood, it had appeared in this realm's long history, though it flashed like an ephemeral bloom, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Gen Jin speculated that seven-color blood might be exclusive to immortal giants, their descendants potentially inheriting such bloodline colors.

If one were born with seven-color blood, they might reach immortality without needing cultivation, demonstrating the critical importance of bloodlines in this realm.

"The Academy of War Gods."

Among the pile of ancient books, Gen Jin discovered references to a place he might soon visit.

In this ancient text, Four-Armed Tribe experts extolled this academy, considering it one of the highest institutions in the exotic realm. The reason was none other than Luo Mo, the ancient ancestor of the realm, a supreme being not much weaker than Anlan or Yu Tuo, who stood behind the academy.

There are ten such academies in the foreign realm, each corresponding to ten cities and ten immortal kings.

Unlike many Immortal Kings who emphasize family, they not only cultivate their own descendants but also nurture outsiders with extraordinary talents. Therefore, they establish academies, gathering supreme talents from various foreign regions.

The foreign realm is vast and endless, teeming with diverse races and beings, with no shortage of prodigies throughout history. In every generation, they emerge like bamboo shoots after spring rain. However, the War God Academy, one of the top ten academies, offers only a thousand places for advanced studies each year.

Being on the list of a thousand means a smooth path in the future of cultivation.

Within the War God Academy, there is not only the teaching of supreme beings but also personal guidance from the Immortal themselves.

These are unimaginable cultivation resources for outsiders.

Once, an elder of the Four-Armed Tribe, who taught the ancient foreign language, competed for one of these slots in the War God Academy. He narrowly missed being one of the thousand, only to be overpowered by an opponent with a quarter of royal blood, leaving him severely injured and stagnant ever since.

Thus, the elder recommended Gen Jin for this year's slot selection at the War God Academy, not only for the rise of the Four-Armed Tribe but also to fulfill his own unachieved dream from years past.

"The War God Academy, huh? Very well, this is where I start my rise," Gen Jin mused to himself.

A thousand slots seemed easily attainable for him. With his incredibly powerful physique and not weak spirit and cultivation, comparable to the offspring of Immortal Kings, failing to make it into the academy would be a laughingstock.

This way, he could quickly ascend, competing with the prodigies of the foreign realm to become the outstanding figure of this era, aiming for the realm of the Immortal King.

The next day, Gen Jin began his first practice session, ultimately choosing to train in the native system of the foreign realm. This system is considered orthodox here, and it's used by almost all Immortal Kings to achieve the supreme realm.

The first realm is Qi Consumption, which is simple and straightforward: continuously absorb energy, infuse it into the blood, organs, and every part of the body to strengthen oneself.

In this process, the method of Qi Consumption is crucial. Practicing it ordinarily yields far less strengthening compared to the Supreme Method, the Immortal Method, or the ancient scriptures founded by Immortal Kings.

However, Gen Jin had limited resources and could only practice the ancient method of the Four-Armed Tribe.

Moreover, due to racial differences and distinct body structures, some details of the Four-Armed Tribe's ancient method puzzled Gen Jin. For example, he only had two arms while the Four-Armed Tribe had four, and he had two eyes while they had three.

These differences in physical structure led to varying meridians and routes for Qi flow within the body.

The cultivation scriptures of the foreign realm are tailored for the beings of their own races.

Nevertheless, all methods connect; scriptures can be adapted. Through continuous trial and error over time, a path suitable for human cultivation has been developed. Although it still has some flaws and feels a bit sluggish in operation, it is certainly better than having no method to cultivate.

In the early morning, Gen Jin sat cross-legged in the secluded chamber prepared by the Four-Armed Tribe, absorbing the essence stored in front of him from a distance. Instantly, the essence filled the air, flowing entirely into his nose and mouth.

Following the method he recently devised, he began guiding this essence through his organs, blood, limbs, and finally to his skin, constantly enhancing his body.

Thus, with this "essence" body, he formally embarked on the path of cultivation, utilizing the native system of the foreign realm.

In the Essence Consumption Realm, what is tested is the potential of a being and the power of their cultivation method.

In this stage, each cell of a being’s body acts like a water tank, where the essence is akin to water. Consuming essence is a process of accumulating it as if filling these tanks; the larger the capacity, the more essence it can store, directly revealing a cultivator's strength.

However, compared to ordinary methods, the techniques of the Immortal and Immortal King are vastly superior, endowed with profound symbols of the Great Dao. These improve the storage capacity of the water tanks, allowing cultivators to store more essence and become even more powerful.

Moreover, the purity of the essence consumed significantly impacts cultivation at this stage.

After all, every cell in the body must refine the essence into its own to retain it. If the essence refined is impure and mixed, the refining efficiency is greatly reduced.

If the refined essence is extremely pure, even the cultivation speed of the cultivator becomes astonishingly fast.

The essence blocks in front of Gen Jin are merely the most basic "source blocks" of the foreign realm, condensed from the world's primal essence. The foreign realm typically refers to them as source blocks. In comparison, the primal essence condensates from the Primeval World and the Immortal Realm are called "essence walls," similar in concept to the sources from the Shrouded Sky era, crucial resources in the cultivation process.

Given that the Four-Armed Tribe is not particularly powerful, being merely a small tribe, they can only provide Gen Jin with these most basic source blocks. Of course, "most basic" here is relative to the more refined sources.

In the foreign realms, major powers often have a supreme existence refine these source blocks into a liquid state, which is free of impurities and referred to as divine essence.

Cultivating with divine essence saves much effort, as it spares one the tremendous energy required to expel impurities, and the refining speed surpasses that of ordinary source blocks by far.

Currently, Gen Jin does not have access to such resources and can only cultivate with regular source blocks. Perhaps once he demonstrates his worth at the War God Academy, he will acquire the best cultivation resources.

When discussing the best resources for cultivation, the Divine Source is still not the ultimate.

What truly propels the elite geniuses of the alien races to rapid advancement is actually the Immortal Source, known in the alien realm as the Source of Immortality.

This substance is founded on innate essence, enriched with dense longevity material, altering its structure and even its composition to become extraordinarily transcendent, enabling cultivators to rise swiftly.

However, as of now, no being has managed to refine the Source of Immortality, not even the Immortal Kings, similar to the Supremes who can at best refine Divine Source. It is speculated that while the Divine Source requires the intervention of a Supreme from the Human Domain, the Source of Immortality might need the prowess of an ultimate being from the Immortal Domain, the legendary Immortal Emperor.

As for the origins of the extensive Source of Immortality unearthed from ancient lands by the alien races in their conquests, there are various theories. Some claim it forms naturally, while others suggest it originates from an Immortal Emperor. There is still no definitive conclusion.

With the aid of a vast amount of Source of Immortality, the alien realm has seen the rise of wave after wave of genius figures, greatly bolstering the realm's core strength. The emergence of these geniuses has significantly increased the probability of the appearance of Immortal Kings, embroiling the alien realm in a virtuous cycle rich with rising powerhouses.

When Gen Jin enters the War God Academy, using Divine Source should be no issue. But to acquire Source of Immortality, he will need to make an effort to secure it.


As dusk settled, Gen Jin finished a day of cultivation, the source block before him had withered considerably, leaving behind fragments of impurities; the essence had been consumed by Gen Jin, transforming into nourishment for his body.

When the Four-Armed Tribe Elder entered and saw the scene, a look of shock mixed with contentment graced his old face.

Gen Jin's rate of refining source blocks had far exceeded the intensity described in their clan's training methods, and the total consumption of source blocks was equally astonishing.

This all pointed to just how extraordinary Gen Jin's innate talent was.

Upon his arrival in the Four-Armed Tribe, Gen Jin showcased his exceptional talent in physical prowess; now, his aptitude in the path of cultivation was unveiled.

With both qualities, his rise in the future seemed inevitable.

The elder's thoughts wandered, as if he had already envisioned the Four-Armed Tribe thriving on Gen Jin's coattails, lifting the whole tribe to new heights.

It was not until Gen Jin spoke that the elder came back to his senses.

“Child, the competition for this year's advanced spots at the War God Academy is in a month. Spend this time cultivating diligently here. When the time comes, I will take you to Blackwater City.”

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