Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 81: War God’s Academy

Since this otherworldly realm is a fiercely competitive place where the law of the jungle is fully realized, he decided to adapt to local customs.

The more a tribe is steeped in an aura of slaughter, the more they revere the strong; everything depends on strength.

Following this, Geng Jin had an "unexpected encounter" with the beings of this tribe.

Upon spotting Geng Jin's human form from afar, the tribal beings were taken aback, and then, with faces full of excitement and ferocity, rushed toward him.

Such a situation was something Geng Jin had long anticipated. In the vast territories of the foreign tribes, humans are never considered a major race and have always been viewed as slaves or blood food. Unless one is an extraordinary genius, gaining the attention of the powerful and thereby elevating their status, humans typically struggle at the very bottom of the racial hierarchy in this alien realm.

About a dozen bronze-skinned creatures, each with a vertical eye on their foreheads and four arms, wielding weapons forged from metal, charged savagely at Geng Jin.

Before the creatures could reach him, their weapons were already hurtling forward, the long metal spear points glinting coldly, even stained with the yet undried blood of some unknown creature, dripping and exuding an intense murderous aura.

Geng Jin, noticing this, remained expressionless, stepping forward to meet them with his white bone club.

His strength was terrifyingly great; as he swung the club, the air itself trembled, as if a massive mountain was coming down.

In an instant, the four-armed beings charging him were struck with shock. Vital energy surged within their four arms as they shouted and attacked Geng Jin.


A thunderous crash resounded, as Geng Jin, with his astonishing strength, sent the dozen or so hulking four-armed beings flipping head over heels, flung tens of meters away with a single hand.

Most importantly, the four arms of these dozen four-limbed creatures went limp, dropping powerlessly to the ground, their mouths filled with endless wails, suffering to the utmost, their bones undoubtedly shattered extensively.

At this moment, they finally realized they had kicked an iron plate.

“Gali ji uwa ga...” The leading four-armed creature's face twisted in disbelief.

Then he crushed a jade token inscribed with mysterious sigils, seemingly a communication artifact of some sort.

All of this did not escape Geng Jin's notice; he made no move to stop them. Since he initially intended to contact this tribe, now having demonstrated his strength, it was time to engage in dialogue with the higher-ups. Of course, Geng Jin had to ensure this wasn't too obvious.

Holding his club, he sauntered towards the dozen or so four-armed creatures, looking as if he intended to uproot them completely.

The dozen creatures with shattered four arms were instantly thrown into panic upon seeing this.

The adversary's mighty blow was more than they could handle, even when combining their strength, their arms rendered useless. Now, devoid of any combat ability, how could they continue to fight?

"Oh luma ta..." The leader of the four-armed tribe was drenched in sweat, leading his people in worshiping Geng Jin, bowing their heads in submission.

They were in awe of the young man before them, who possessed such terrifying divine power and appeared to be human. Their hearts filled with fear, they had already surrendered.

In a world where power ruled, it was only natural for the weak to obey the strong.

Though Geng Jin couldn't understand their words, it was clear from their expressions and gestures that these alien beings had already been subdued by him.

Raising his white bone cudgel high, he paused, ready to strike, but stopped in mid-air.

At that moment, a sound cut through the sky from afar, a powerful wave sweeping across the heavens and earth.

Narrowing his eyes, Geng Jin saw the newcomer, similar in appearance to the four-armed beings kneeling before him. Clearly, this extraordinary presence was the powerful tribe member they had summoned by crushing their jade talismans.

This newcomer was much stronger than the dozen or so individuals prostrated on the ground.

In an instant, the being arrived, its physique strong and muscular, with exaggerated lines on its four arms that exuded a powerful pressure.

A purple glow emanated from the vertical eye on its forehead. To gaze upon it would induce dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Geng Jin merely glanced at it and felt a twinge of discomfort, his head spinning.

He shook his head, gripping the white bone cudgel tightly, ready to defend himself.

The powerful four-armed being initially harbored a strong hostility towards Geng Jin, especially since its people's arms had been rendered useless and could not be repaired. However, after a rapid exchange of words in a foreign tongue with the leader, its gaze towards Geng Jin softened, even appearing somewhat friendly.

Thereafter, this deep-cultivated four-armed being approached Geng Jin, a smile on its face.

Geng Jin, on the other hand, wore a cautious expression, retreating while shouting a warning.

Seeing this, the being spread its four arms wide, indicating it meant no harm, and began speaking in an unknown foreign language.


Half an hour later, Geng Jin followed the being and its dozen severely injured tribesmen to their ancestral land.

Earlier, the four-armed powerhouse had tried communicating with Geng Jin in its language, without success. Then, it attempted to use psychic waves to see if Geng Jin could understand.

Unexpectedly, Gen Jin finally received a response. Though the spiritual link was faint and weak, it was enough to allow them to communicate, albeit awkwardly. Since ancient times, spiritual communication has always been the most primitive form, transcending the barrier of language.

The four-armed warrior immediately extended an invitation, asking Gen Jin to visit their tribe and inquired about his origins and which human clan he belonged to.

Presently, several ancient realms inhabited by humans have been destroyed in the alien field. They didn't completely eradicate these people but instead brought many humans back, the majority becoming slaves to the royal and imperial clans. Even those who aren't royals keep human slaves, meaning the humans are as lowly as livestock.

Only a few humans with extraordinary talent have managed to escape their fate of enslavement.

After hearing the injured tribesmen's descriptions of Gen Jin, it seemed only natural for the four-armed warrior to associate him with those outstanding human geniuses.

However, Gen Jin's words took him by surprise.

This young human with astonishing divine power turned out to be a "wild man," without a clan, elders, living alone in the wilderness until now.

Initially shocked, the four-armed warrior quickly became amiable, showing even greater friendliness towards Gen Jin. He communicated through the spiritual link, offering that if Gen Jin didn't mind, he could stay with their tribe, promising to treat him with the highest honor.

Gen Jin hesitated for a moment, then emitted a spiritual thought saying he was used to being alone and didn't want to join any tribe.

Hearing his response, the four-armed warrior showed no impatience. Instead, patiently explained the various benefits of joining a tribe, sincerely telling Gen Jin that his divine power could bring great advantages to their tribe, a mutually beneficial arrangement.

After a slight hesitation, Gen Jin agreed.

The four-armed warrior was overjoyed and immediately led him and the injured tribesmen back to their ancestral lands.

They recognized him as a lowly human, contemptible as ants, and slapped the label of slave on Gen Jin at once.

Thus, the creatures around raised their four arms in cheering unison, seemingly celebrating the capture of a young human slave.

Hearing such cheers from his tribe, the four-armed warrior was furious, radiating a terrifying aura, intimidating everyone present, and loudly declared that Gen Jin was now a member of their tribe and of noble status.

With that, he disregarded the disbelief on his tribesmen's faces and simply reached out to grab a heavy cauldron and tossed it to the ground.


The entire ground trembled, leaving a deep pit in the solid earth.

"Child, demonstrate your power, let them see and prove your strength." The four-armed warrior sent a spiritual message.

Gen Jin nodded expressionlessly. The cauldron looked heavy, like a small mountain, but it posed no challenge to him.

Under the watchful eyes of the multitude, Gen Jin walked to the sunken ground and gripped one of the corners of the gigantic cauldron with one hand, showing no intention of using his other hand.

The sight left all the four-armed tribe members dumbfounded. Could this young man, who apparently hadn't cultivated any strength, really intend to lift this ancient cauldron weighing two hundred thousand catties with just his physical strength?

Was this a joke?

However, as Gen Jin exerted his strength, the ground beneath his feet sank with a sound, and the massive cauldron, weighing those formidable two hundred thousand catties, quivered slightly and was actually lifted into the air, effortlessly hoisted over his head with one hand.

At that moment, all the four-armed tribe members froze in place, their mouths agape, eyes filled with disbelief, as silence enveloped the scene.

What had they witnessed?

A human youth, who hadn't embarked on the path of cultivation, lifting a massive cauldron weighing two hundred thousand catties with one hand, effortlessly, his arm steady as a mountain. It was evident this wasn't his limit.

In that moment, they finally understood why the strongmen of their tribe had stated that the human youth, upon joining, was not merely a slave, but instead held a noble status.

Such a powerful youngster, unparalleled even in the past ten thousand years of their tribe's history.

Even if they selected the strongest among their tribe's geniuses, they'd still be worlds apart compared to this human youth.

The same went for the strongest heirs of their royal clan, whose physical prowess couldn't even remotely compare.

Once the initial shock passed, the silence was shattered by deafening cheers. The gazes from every being in the four-armed tribe shifted, evolving from earlier mockery and disdain to excitement and reverence.

Witnessing the reaction of his people, the four-armed strongman was immensely pleased, patting Gen Jin's shoulder with a laugh. "Haha, from now on, you shall be the strongest heir of our tribe, with full access to our resources."

Before Gen Jin could respond, a section of the cheering quieted, as the four-armed tribe members made way, clearing a path.

A venerable four-armed being, immensely aged and profoundly bowed, approached with a quivering gait aided by four canes. Yet his steadiness was unquestionable, a testament to the advantages of having four arms.

His high status was apparent, as he immediately became the focal point upon his appearance, everyone's gaze trailing him with reverence.

Even the four-armed strongman stepped forward to greet him, animatedly recounting Gen Jin’s astonishing strength and detailing the entire event.

After listening, the elder could no longer maintain his calm demeanor, tossing aside his canes and ceasing to tremble as he walked straight to Gen Jin’s side, scrutinizing him up and down.

Then, transmitting his thoughts, he expressed a desire to see the full extent of Gen Jin’s power.

Hearing this, Gen Jin did not hesitate. He tossed the two hundred thousand catties cauldron, that he'd been holding with his right hand, into the air, sending it flying several yards high. This sight immediately evoked a series of exclamations.

For lifting and throwing were completely different, requiring a vastly incomparable level of strength.

The giant cauldron ascended to its peak, paused momentarily, and then plummeted suddenly.

Many of the four-armed tribesmen cried out in fear of harming the elder. But they quickly remembered that this elder was once the mightiest in their tribe. Despite his age, not even a massive cauldron could harm him.


Once again, the earth beneath Gen Jin's feet fractured. He caught the falling cauldron with his left hand, without breaking a sweat or feeling anxious.

The elder's eyes widened at the sight and he exclaimed loudly in a foreign tongue, his voice slightly hoarse but incredibly inspiring, causing the tribesmen to cheer continuously in agreement.

“Child, your talent is exceedingly rare. I have ventured out of the tribe and witnessed many youthful elites, even among the powerful royal families, but none can match your physical prowess.

If you could attend that supreme academy, you would undoubtedly earn the right to cultivate, and have the chance to achieve the title of 'God of War,' becoming renowned far and wide. Our tribe would benefit as well, gaining the resources necessary for a grand rise.”

The elder was forthright, hiding nothing and plainly expressing his thoughts.

This made Gen Jin feel very comfortable, validating his choice to engage with this tribe.

He responded through mental communication, “I agree. I'm willing to bring the opportunity for your tribe to rise, but I have one condition: I want to learn your language.

Since I have memories, I lived alone in the wilderness, encountering no one like your clan, hence I've been unable to communicate verbally with you.”

Upon hearing this, the elder’s wrinkled face broke into a wide smile.

“Of course, no problem. I shall personally teach you. You may freely peruse the tribe's ancient texts, including our ancestral skills and more, all open to you.”

“Great, then I will impose upon you.”

Gen Jin replied neither arrogantly nor humbly, steady in demeanor.

The elder was extremely satisfied with Gen Jin's attitude, liking him more with every glance. If this human youth truly made a name for himself in the God of War Academy he once visited, the four-armed tribe could genuinely rise, possibly elevating to a major clan and gaining expansive territories.

At the same time, he appreciatively patted the shoulder of the four-armed strongman, commending his actions.

Thus, Gen Jin stayed on as an honored guest of the four-armed tribe. Every tribesmen who passed by would greet him with respect, disregarding his youth.

Enjoying this treatment, Gen Jin deeply felt the untamed local customs of this place. Here, strength was everything; the strong ruled, and the weak submitted, devoid of unnecessary intricacies.

In the following days, the elder devoted significant effort to teach Gen Jin the complex foreign language. Gen Jin, possessing high comprehension, quickly mastered it enough for normal communication.

“This is merely an ordinary language. It is said that the formidable royal and imperial clans possess more exotic ancient languages. Only by becoming powerful can one have the opportunity to learn them,” the elder explained.

The War God Academy is affiliated with the Immortal King Luo Mo. At this point in time, he has not yet fallen in battle.

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