Pirates: Check In From Mariejo

Chapter 108 The First Battle Of Hearts

Xia Qi and Pei Jin expressed their desire to become pirates, which was more than just idle talk. Early the next morning, they stumbled upon a small brig.

"Boss, what's our next move?" Luo inquired of Levi. While Levi had delegated tasks to each of them, Luo remained unsure of Levi's intentions upon their arrival in North Blue.

"Xia Qi, who are the renowned pirates in North Blue?" Levi questioned directly.

A pirate rumor circulated that North Blue and South Blue were regions known for birthing geniuses, hence Levi's initial stopover in North Blue.

Despite Enel and Tezzolo's formidable strength, they alone wouldn't be sufficient adversaries against the world. Levi needed to uncover and nurture talents, hence his arrival in North Blue.

"When discussing the most prominent pirates, it's natural to mention Doflamingo, who, after becoming the Seven "One Four Three" Takekai, recruited numerous pirates from North Blue as his subordinates. There's no one else from the older generations in the entire pirate world. As for the emerging star in North Blue, it's Basil Hawkins, known as the magician," Zhong Qi offered after a brief pause.

"Yes, the pirate scene in North Blue is dominated by the Flamingo family. I doubt the current pirates stand a chance against Germa 66," Pekin added from the sidelines.

Germa 66, affiliated with the Vinsmoke family, operated as a wandering country at sea, active worldwide as mercenaries. Their territory comprised dozens of giant snails.

Vinsmoke Judge, the current leader of Germa, was also a target for Levi's recruitment. Levi sought Vinsmoke Judge's clone soldiers and blood factor technology. The impending war would have global ramifications. Possession of clone soldier technology would ensure an endless supply of troops in future conflicts.

"Then let's head to find Hawkins first!"

Deciding to pursue Hawkins initially, Levi reasoned that the Kingdom of Germa traversed the globe. There was uncertainty if they remained in North Blue. Hawkins, being active in North Blue year-round, presented a more dependable lead.

"Pekin, set sail and prepare to locate Hawkins," Luo instructed his crew.

"Captain, we're clueless about Hawkins' whereabouts. We're mere delinquents at best, far from matching a major pirate like Hawkins with a 5-million-Bailey bounty," Pekin lamented with a bitter smile.

"Bebo, our most skilled navigator, what's your suggestion?" Luo turned to Bebo, finally acknowledging Bebo's navigation skills upon inspecting the chart drawn by him the day before.

"Captain, I propose we venture into the sea and rendezvous with other pirate groups to inquire about Hawkins' location," Bebo suggested constructively, scratching his head.

And thus, the Heart Pirates embarked on their maiden voyage.

"The pirate emblem of the ship ahead is peculiar!"

Unbeknownst to the Heart Pirates, a pirate vessel emerged behind them. Luo and his crew were unaware they had become targets.

"They must be novices setting sail. Look, they're sailing a merchant ship without cannons. I particularly fancy such folks," chuckled a one-eyed, bearded man, the captain of the approaching pirate ship.

"Captain, it appears a pirate ship is tailing us," Peijin hastily reported to Luo.

"I sense malevolence from the approaching ship!" Luo frowned. Having traversed the Grand Line, he discerned the ominous aura emanating from the pirate ship.


Cannonballs erupted near Luo's vessel, sending plumes of water skyward. The enemy ship, within firing range, commenced bombardment on Luo's vessel.

"Captain, opposite us are the One-Eyed Pirates. Their leader, One-Eye, carries a bounty of 5 million Baileys," Xia Qi identified the opposing pirates' flag as they drew nearer.

"Return fire! Utilize any available cannons," Luo commanded Pekin.

"Captain, we're merely a merchant vessel without cannons!" Pekin exclaimed anxiously, caught off guard by the sudden pirate assault.

Levi observed Luo's handling of the situation with interest. This phase was essential for a pirate crew's evolution from inexperience to maturity. Thus, Levi refrained from intervention, allowing Luo to resolve matters independently.

"Forget it, I'll handle this myself!"

Luo sighed before propelling himself toward the opposing pirate ship.

"Fly, fly."

Xia Qi and Pei Jin watched in horror as Bebo, maintaining composure, had grown accustomed to such scenarios during his time on Zou Island.


Brandishing Ghost Cry, Luo enveloped the One-Eyed Pirates in a vast space.

"Why assail my vessel?" Luo's voice boomed across the pirate ship.

"Why not? Come get some!"

One-Eye bellowed with a wicked grin, drawing his pistol and firing at Luo.

"Bah bang bang!"

Other One-Eyed Pirates joined in the laughter, wielding their spears and directing them at Luo.

"Master Levi, is it wise for our captain to confront them alone?" Bebo voiced his concern.

"Have faith in your captain's strength," Levi responded with a smile.

"Now, bring the ship over here!"

Levi instructed Bebo and the crew.

Though puzzled, Bebo and the crew complied, steering their vessel closer to the One-Eyed Pirates.

"Captain, I'm relieved to see you unharmed!" Bebo rushed to embrace Luo, tears welling in his eyes.

Observing the scene, Levi chuckled. Despite their frailty, the crew's unity was evident, marking the genesis of Luo's pirate crew.

"Hey, you lot, anyone know the whereabouts of the Hawkins Pirates?" Luo sat on the bow, clutching Ghost Cry, interrogating One Eye and his cohorts, who knelt before him.

The One-Eyed Pirates were on the verge of tears, realizing their vulnerability among other pirates. They hadn't anticipated encountering someone as formidable as Luo.

"Aye, sir, we know naught!" the One-Eyed Pirates lamented.

"I see no use for you then. Feed them to the fishes!" Luo's countenance darkened.

"Sir, I recall the Hawkins Pirates sighting at Riker Island three days past," One-Eye blurted, recollecting a tavern rumor he had overheard.

Levi and Rowe exchanged glances, satisfaction gleaming in their eyes. They had found Hawkins' trail.

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