Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 894

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Confrontation


Marco groaned, his arms had turned into huge wings that were burning with flame, and instantly blocked in front of all his comrades. With his recovery ability and his ability to resist beatings, he was still suddenly attacked. The impact was very painful.

“What is this?”

His body had been completely blasted into flames, and Ace tried hard to keep his body from being blown away. In order to cover up the loud noises around him, he said loudly, “What the **** is going on?”

“This guy has done it!”

The ground has been completely turned into magma, and the surrounding environment has undergone devastating changes in just an instant, as if it has instantly become an erupting crater.

Vlad flapped his wings and hovered in the air. Inside the magma, the corpse whose waist had disappeared completely was slowly being engulfed by the magma, “Then—”

The index finger of the right hand bent slightly, and then flicked the finger. A line of fire had been ejected from Vlad’s hand, directly bombarding the ruins where iss. Ba Jin had been blasted into before, and then exploded instantly, and the swept flames turned into flames. The tower rushed to a height of hundreds of meters, but it didn’t mean to spread out.


Vlad nodded in satisfaction.

Of course, his targets can only be iss. Ba Jin and her silly son. These two are fugitives wanted by the Fire Dragon Kingdom before. They finally met Vlad and of course they did not let them continue to wander on the sea. idea.

After all, even if he didn’t choose to be an enemy of the Fire Dragon Pirates, this fool was the guy who cut off the right arm of the black-armed Zepha. Although Vlad did not intend to take revenge on the old man Zepha, but, Since his father treats the old man as his father, Vlad will never allow the guy who makes the hero stop being a hero for a while.

“Fire Dragon!”

What happened just now was nothing but lightning and flint. Vlad fell from the sky at an absolute speed, grabbed Edward Weibull’s head directly with his right hand and pressed him to the ground, followed by a fire explosion, the battle ended, and then casually. The speed of eliminating iss. Ba Jin was really fast. When Marko realized Vlad’s identity, everything had come to an end.

“You bastard!”

Obviously, Marco is not happy. After all, Little Whitebeard is their target. They attacked the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates, and they hang out in the sea under the name of Whitebeard. The Whitebeard Pirates have tracked them down. For a long time, he managed to avoid the time when the government found them alone, but he was destroyed by Vlad like this.

“Oh? Marco?”

Vlad turned his head and said casually, “It’s better to get out of here quickly. Next, the sky will fall!”


Marco wanted to say something just now, but immediately, Vlad had disappeared in front of him, and it was a while before the howling wind.

“This guy-”

Marko’s eyes shrank suddenly, “Such strength?”

“No way?”

Bista swallowed, “Weibull was—insta-killed?”

Just like a joke, the strength that Vlad showed is not as terrible as human beings should have. Killing Weibull in seconds, although he is reluctant to admit it, but in terms of strength, if that fool is indeed at the same level as Dad, even if Marco wants to defeat him alone, it is difficult to do.

However, such a powerful opponent was killed by the fire dragon in seconds, with no power to counterattack at all, coupled with the amazing speed before.

“On the dragon’s body,”

Marco whispered, “What happened?”


Not to mention the surprise on this side of the Whitebeard Pirates, on the other side, under the huge wall, where the Fire Dragon Pirates are located, no one from the Fire Dragon Pirates turned to look at the translation of the historical text inscribed on the wall. .


Miss Serena is counting down,




Suddenly there was a huge roar in the distance, and the flames rushing into the sky could naturally be seen even from a distance.


Miss Musician was completely unaffected and continued the countdown.


“Hey, that guy can’t hold back now?”

Anilu suddenly said that, in the sky, thunderclouds have begun to gather, and above the huge floating island, there is already a dark cloud. ..


Serena still doesn’t care, she just needs to make the captain’s request now.


‘Boom! ’



The black shadow fell from the sky and fell heavily on the ground, sweeping the wind, “Yeah, it looks a little early!”

After a long stretch, Vlad said loudly, “Is the countdown not over yet?”

“As expected of the captain, yeah hahahaha!”

Anilu laughed loudly, “It’s so fast!”

“Of course!”

Vlad spread his hands, “But it seems like it’s time to do something more meaningful.”


Vlad suddenly said so loudly.


In the sky, on the huge pirate ship, a red energy body jumped out from the deck, and the response responded.


Above, the huge door suddenly opened, glowing with a purple halo, and the huge black ship slowly rose. One of the three ancient weapons, the most evil battleship, Pluto, the Pluto, appeared here.

Now that he knew that Mr. Yimu had brought the King of Heaven over to Vlad, he didn’t have the guts to fight against the combination of Yimu and the King of Kings alone. Since we are going to fight, let’s talk about it at the same height.

“Wow ha ha ha ha!”

Vlad laughed, “Mr. Fujitora, don’t hesitate! Let’s talk about Madam Gant’s shot first!”

Inside Hades is Fujitora. After all, there is no teleportation function in the different space of Menmen Fruit. After putting Hades in, the ship had to follow him all the time, so Vlad deliberately found such a sailor.


It seems that he heard Vlad’s voice~www.readwn.com~ Pluto’s main gun muzzle began to flicker, and an extremely powerful attack had begun to brew.

The current Pluto is different from the Pluto that was just unearthed. Not only the repair work has been completed, but the energy supply has also been completed. In this regard, the ability of the chef and the ability of Anilu have helped a lot. Fuel and electricity replenishment are the basis for Pluto to attack freely now.


Just as Hades was accumulating power, the thunderclouds gathered in the sky, the Thunder Dragon jumped, and the power of the Heavenly King had been revealed.

This is the confrontation between the two ancient weapons.


Main gun fired.


Thunder and lightning surge.

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