Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 895

Vol 2 Chapter 885: Ouranos Plus


The dazzling beam instantly pierced the sky, leaving a moving trail in the air.

The whole world seems to have lost its color at this moment, leaving only a dim gray and white, and the sun in the sky seems to have lost its brilliance. cover.

“Ugh! What is that?”

In places near the sea, after realizing that the Fire Dragon Pirates had landed and became the de facto One Piece, many One Piece embraced this, so perhaps Fire Dragon would no longer care about their landing on Ralph Drew. Therefore, many pirates began to head towards this final island at the same time.

This is really a matter of course. After all, the island named Ralph Drew is not a casual place. This is the place where the great secret treasure is located. The prelude to the era of the great pirates is because of its existence.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that these people are very close. When a huge battleship appears out of thin air in the sky, these people will be surprised. Because they are so close, they can clearly see the difference between the battleship and the battleship. Different.

“Pluto?? Could this be-”

Someone said loudly, “Besides the king of heaven, one of the three ancient weapons, Pluto, the king of the underworld??”

“No? Are two of the three ancient weapons gathered here?”

“Isn’t this a matter of course? The King of Pluto is in the hands of the Fire Dragon Pirates! Since the other party has a King of Heaven, it’s not a strange thing to send the King of Pluto here, right?”

“Damn! Get back! Get back!”

Someone shouted so loudly, “We are no longer able to interfere in the next battle!”

In the sky, black clouds overwhelmed the city, thunder surging, and countless dazzling thunder lights twisted like silver snakes, slashing directly towards the Pluto below.

It is an astonishing sight. At this moment, all the pirates have realized that this is not an opponent that can be solved by manpower alone. If you want to use it as an opponent, you must be another ancient weapon.

For example, the current Pluto.

The shining beam pierced the sky, and the beam inspired by Pluto instantly took away the shock of thunder brought by the king.


The explosion of the ground today shocked the whole world, and everyone was shocked. The whole island was shaking. Even in the deepest part of the sea, there were still turbulent waves splashing. This is the power of ancient weapons.

“What are you kidding? Is this the power of ancient weapons?”

In the middle of the island, the Whitebeard Pirates, who had not yet left, most intuitively felt the fierce conflict between the two ancient weapons. The violent wind pressure fell from the sky. In fact, Marco suddenly had a feeling that he could not stand up straight. , this is the power of ancient weapons.

“Fire Dragon, is that why you said we should leave quickly?”

“Hey, Mark, what the **** is going on?”

The embarrassed Fire Fist Ace still asked in surprise.


Taking a slow sigh of relief, Mark shook his head silently, then turned his head and said.

“The development of the situation has exceeded our imagination. The war between ancient weapons is not something we should intervene. Ace, prepare to retreat!”


Fire Fist was still a little surprised.

“Hahahaha, this is really scary. It’s just a simple blow. It hasn’t really hit the ground. The aftermath has already destroyed the terrain like this?”

Foil Bista, who has a mustache with two moustaches, smiled like this, just as he said, the violent wind had ploughed all the surrounding areas, and the whole ground seemed to be turned upside down by violence.


The voice seemed to be squeezed out of the teeth, and Fire Fist Ace’s face was full of unwillingness. When did the Whitebeard Pirates, the strongest in Qinghai, fall to the point where they couldn’t even participate in battles? I have to say, this is the sea, past legends pass by, and new legends appear. One after another, the generations change.


“Hey, just kidding, what is this?”

Vlad also looked astonished.

“Crack crackle crackle!”

In the sky, the appearance of the dark and huge Pluto battleship passed through a green shield. Although it is difficult to describe the thickness in detail, its defense is really not built. In fact, it was brought in by the King of Heaven, and the thunder of the sky could not cause any damage to him, so the expected things were not enough to surprise Vlad. .

The captain of the Fire Dragon Pirates was surprised by something else.

“What are you doing? Boss Yimu, you are plagiarism, plagiarism, the most despicable plagiarism in the world!”

In the sky, floating at a higher position than Hades, Heavenly King’s huge ship like an island in the sky is actually wrapped in a green shield like Hades, and it is constantly fluctuating, it seems that it will be at any time. It looked like it was collapsing, but it really completely resisted Hades’ bombardment.

In terms of appearance, it is a complete copy of Hades. Vlad said that Im plagiarism seems to be right, but unfortunately there is no copyright law, otherwise he will definitely be sued for bankruptcy.

“No one has said that the shield can only be exclusive to Hades.”

In the deepest part of the Heavenly King, Yimu stood up from the throne, with a three-point smile in his voice, “Occasionally, I can give you a little surprise, right? Fire dragon?”

The construction of the Pluto battleship was witnessed by Im, and even this person personally participated in this work. Although he was not a professional shipbuilder, it still did not prevent Yi Hulu drawing a scoop from creating a battleship similar to the Pluto battleship. Although it is not a complete copy, it is just an additional capability, but in terms of results, it is still very close.


Suddenly, a hole suddenly opened in the top of Im’s head. Although I don’t know what the principle is, it seems that the king is manipulated by Im’s thinking~www.readwn.com~ and Pluto still need to manually control the fishing force. It looks taller by comparison.

Of course, this may also be because Im’s ability is telekinesis, and he can use his brain to control the machine.

Im’s body floated lightly and flew out of the hole directly.


Vlad smacked his lips, “It’s a big trouble now!”

The biggest advantage of Pluto over Tianwang is that Pluto still has an indestructible shield, but now Tianwang also has it.


Vlad frowned suddenly.

“Fire Dragon!”

Above the Heavenly King, a black shadow suddenly flew over.

“Want to chat?”

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