Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 896

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Peak Conversation

“Then, Boss Im,”

The location is the end of the great route, the most mysterious island in the world, the place named Ralph Drew, in the very center of the island, the man who has been crowned with the title after One Piece is talking to one person, and the other has the same The guy with the identity of Superman, his name is Im, the identity is the creator of the world government, the king of the dragon people, the existence that essentially rules half of the world.

Vlad turned around and chuckled, “What do you want to talk about? Well, I have a question first, when did the king have a shield?”

The one who suddenly flew down from the Heavenly King, naturally there would be no one else, only this Lord Yimu. To be honest, Vlad was a little confused at first. What does this person mean? As an enemy general, he suddenly ran over and said that he wanted to chat with himself, which Captain Vlad did not understand.

However, although I don’t understand it, of course it’s okay to talk. It’s definitely not worse than this person. Vlad really evaluates himself now. If that’s the case, then if Imm wants to talk, let’s talk. Uncle Vlad was not afraid at all.

Of course, just because he wasn’t afraid didn’t mean his companions weren’t afraid either, so Vlad had already sent them all to Hades before that.

“Will know it’s not just you who add abilities to ships, Fire Dragon,”

Im said casually, “Barrier fruit, have you heard of it?”

“Is that so?”

Vlad nodded, not expecting it to be so simple.

“However, I thought it was my illusion, Fire Dragon,”

Obviously an enemy of life and death, but Im naturally able to stand by Vlad’s side calmly, with a very emotional look, “But it doesn’t seem to be the case now, you guy, have you actually set foot in such a field? ?”

It’s like being stabbed by Vlad before, and as a result, his genes were out of control, and Kaido, who surpassed the limit, was immediately noticed by Im, who was far away, even though Vlad knew how to control himself far better than Kaido, who ran wild. However, with such a close contact, Vlad’s peculiarity was soon discovered by Im.

“What? Do you feel sick?”

Vlad smiled and tried to give an appropriate example, “It’s like being your girlfriend but being slept with by another man?”

“Vulgar man.”

Im shook his head slightly and said disdainfully, “That’s all.”

“Tsk, it’s really boring,”

Vlad waved his hand, “You are really boring, you can’t laugh, you can’t cry, what’s the point of living?”

“You won’t understand,”

Im shook his head, with a slightly sighed look, “These things you said don’t make sense to me.”


Vlad raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Then what are you after? Domination? Power? Status? Hey, it’s not always power, is it?”


Im shook his head, “I have never acted because of so-called power, and power is just an accessory to my pursuit.”

“That’s great!”

Vlad grinned. “So, friend, what are you after?”

It’s hard to understand that the guy who swept the world 800 years ago and made the world less time for a hundred years is actually not interested in power? what is this? The pirate version where I’m not interested in money?

Vlad was very curious, since that’s the case, what is this guy’s goal in life, it can’t be world peace, right?

“I long for this world to move towards true peace and tranquility in my hands!”

Im said that with a serious look.


Vlad thought that his expression must be unprecedentedly funny. Although he couldn’t look in the mirror, it was probably the same feeling. If he had to find a description, it would be like hearing that Ze Yuezhi was a clean man. The same makes a huge difference.

“Pfft hahahaha!”

Then he laughed. He couldn’t help it. This is really funny. So far, the great dictator who has ruled the world for 800 years actually talks in front of him, saying that he is a man who pursues world peace. A pacifist, there is probably nothing in the world that is more contrasting than this.

“Sorry, hahahaha, boss Im, puff haha-”

Vlad covered his stomach and waved his hands vigorously, tears already flashing in his eyes, “Don’t blame me for being too cunning, it’s really that your words are a little different from your identity, hahahaha!”

“You won’t understand if you go out to sea just chasing your own desires,”

Im not angry because of Vlad’s ridicule, this guy showed unimaginable tolerance and peace today, “won’t understand me, our pursuit of peace and tranquility.”


Vlad recovered a little, “Is that so? Us?”

“Yes, we are really similar, you are very similar to a person, Fire Dragon,”

Im suddenly said, “It’s really similar. The biggest difference is that the two look very different.”


Vlad was a little interested, so that’s why Im uncharacteristically wanted to chat with him today, “What kind of person is that?”

“That person?”

Without dodging, Im’s tone was full of reminiscence, “Speaking of which, he died here!”


Vlad was stunned for a moment, as soon as he came up, he died?

“Ha ha,”

Im was smiling, his shoulders were shaking, and he seemed to be very happy, “That was more than 800 years ago, right? On this island, this Ralph Drew, of course there is no big secret. According to Opepiece, we called it Devil’s Island at that time, and it was on this island, um, I killed him with my own hands.”


Vlad’s eyes lit up, and he likes this kind of grievance the most. It can be heard that Boss Yim must have a lot of affection for that person, um, or that man, so it is because of what happened. What led to such a thing?

“Then, Boss Im,”

Vlad grinned, “What happened, and why did it happen? That person should be the other of us you mentioned, right? It should have been like-minded comrades. What the **** happened, you guys are facing each other like this?”

“As I said, Fire Dragon, he is very similar to you,”

Im turned his head and stared at Vlad. Although it was very close, Vlad just couldn’t see Im’s real appearance through the hood, “Especially in terms of thinking!”


Vlad came back to his senses instantly, and immediately remembered what Im had said to him before~www.readwn.com~ As long as he inherited that kind of thought, even him,”

Im turned his head, as if looking at a certain direction of the island, “As long as that evil country has the possibility of being resurrected, I will not tolerate it.”

“Is that so?”

Vlad asked, “What does the so-called kingdom refer to?”

Roger was writing on the wall right behind him, but Vlad just wanted to hear what Im had to say.


“That country? That’s really far, far away,”

Im was silent for a moment, then said,

“At that time, me and that guy, Joey Boy, were still very young, and the calm sea became different because of the appearance of visitors from outside the sky.”

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