Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 898

Vol 2 Chapter 888: The Origin Of Devil Fruits And The Birth Of A Giant Kingdom

The time is about 800 years ago. And is the great route, the new world. Of course, this name may not have been used at the time, but even in the ancient times more than 800 years ago, the weather changes and geographical conditions of this route were notoriously weird, and it was also a navigator’s cemetery.

The biggest change is that a certain country is established in the new world.

“Tsk, what a bunch of short-sighted guys,”

Vlad shook his head. The opponent has an overwhelming force advantage. If the opponent is allowed to develop, what will happen later is completely out of control.

Of course, this does not mean that the Qinghai people 800 years ago were just a bunch of fools. The real problem is that if they continue to resist, then perhaps the world will be destroyed. This is also a last resort. When the other party continues to develop, they can also look for opportunities to find the other party’s weaknesses.

“But didn’t you think that the other party would also have time to make up for their own shortcomings, thus forming a more overwhelming advantage?”

Vlad is also a little helpless. Is it faster to learn each other’s technology from scratch, or these scientists from the moon have developed more powerful robots, what is so hard to guess?

“You’re right.”

Im nodded, agreeing with Vlad’s statement. But immediately the man shook his head again. “At that time, there were not a few people who were worried about this. Although there were always many fools in the ocean, it was undeniable that there were always many smart people. Of course, it was the same 800 years ago. How many smart people would realize this kind of development? How much.”

“So I was curious, what happened next?”

Fred asked.


What happened later was really beyond the expectations of many people. The lunar man who successfully established the country did not expand further, but honestly built his own country and carried out commercial trade at the same time, without any intention of teasing the war.

This kind of discovery can’t help but let the surrounding countries breathe a sigh of relief. If they really fight, then they can only be reduced to cannon fodder.

Apparently these people don’t realize what the crazy influx of goods into their country represents? What is even more unaware is that with the influx of these commodities, what does the culture brought by the lunar people represent? If you have to find an analogy, what the moon people did 800 years ago was similar to what the Fire Dragon Kingdom does now.

Thoughts are always the greatest power in the world.

After that, Vlad didn’t need to listen to Boss Im’s words. The civilization of the Moon Man is extremely advanced, not only because of the superiority of technology, but also because of the excellence of the social system.

The pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of self, and the emphasis on liberation began to spread on the sea like a bomb, and in a short period of time, countless people have been changed.

“Do you think the revolutionary army only exists now?”

Im said to Vlad, “Eight hundred years ago, I have seen with my own eyes what these so-called freedom guys look like.”


Vlad smiled. This is really interesting. Did the will of revolution still come from ancient times 800 years ago?

After that, the world has changed. People who pursue freedom gradually rose up, aiming at the state of heaven and man. Countless revolutionaries are determined to change their country, in order to make their country as strong as this country.

The Land of Heaven and Man has gradually become a very popular country, and revolutionaries from all over the world have come here to study, not just commodity ideas, but more things have begun to be exported, words, languages, technology, technology, real It’s hard to imagine that after a few years of effort, this place has actually become the center of the world.

Then, the war broke out again, but this time it was not a war between the Moon people and Qinghai people, but a civil war between Qinghai people. It swept the entire sea, and the Revolutionary War broke out.

Large numbers of nations perished as a result, and free will, for the first time, began its widest maritime spread.

Shortly after that, a huge United Nation was born, centered on the kingdom of heaven and man, now Ralph Drew.

The lunar people are also very happy with such a result. After all, the United Nations is centered on them. As a foreign country, it can actually become a major power in this sea in a short period of time. There is really no dissatisfaction. .

“So what happened after that? What was the turning point?”

If the development continues like this step by step, Vlad believes that there will never be a blank 100 years, and something must have happened in the middle to lead to the birth of the world government.

“With strong technological strength, numerous followers, and widely disseminated ideas, even if they are unwilling to join this alliance, other countries in the world have long been unable to compete. Even if the whole world adds up, they cannot beat them again.”

Im said so.

“So what happened later in this alliance?”

Since there are no more foreign enemies to fight, then it must be a civil strife. The strongest fortresses in the world are often breached from within.

“The name of that alliance is called the Birka Alliance, named after the country of heaven and man,”

Im said, “But in fact, the moonmen have never been very concerned. They are more enthusiastic about research is science. So when a careerist becomes the new alliance consul, the change of evil also occurs. already.”

“The dragon slayer turned into a dragon in the end?”

Vlad sneered.

While serving as the head of the government, the new consul is also an outstanding scientist. His research topic is placed on the devil fruit, which is like something that has existed in the sea for many years, which is really coveted. But the number limit is destined that only a few lucky people can get it.

This is the Archon Dr. is also very curious, after all, if there is no domineering, it is impossible to hit the mobile body, it is too curious.

“Wait, you can’t hit without domineering?”

Vlad said loudly, “What do you mean?”

This is obviously just the nature of the nature~www.readwn.com~ You don’t think that all Devil Fruits are born to grow, right? ”

Im replied casually, “In the beginning, there was only one type of Devil Fruit, and that is the Devil Fruit now called the Natural Department, which is the incarnation of various natural elements. 800 years ago, they were not called the Natural Department, they were called, The original system!”


Vlad frowned.

“That’s right, the original, the natural counterpart to the original is man-made. Based on the original devil fruit, it gathered all the outstanding lunar scientists, as well as the new Qinghai scientists. It took a whole ten years to make the man-made devil fruit. born!”

Im as if reminiscing,

“And then, from this, a huge kingdom was born.”

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