Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 899

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Evil Kingdom

Im told Vlad in detail why he hated the revolutionary forces like the Revolutionary Army, which were pursuing freedom. It is indeed reasonable and reasonable.

Things have to start with the completion of the types of Devil Fruits. The scientist who became the new top consul of the alliance has paid attention to the Devil Fruit, so he concentrated all the scientists. The moon people are also quite concerned about such things. interested, glad to join.

Then, based on the wonderful existence that is now called the natural devil fruit, but was called the original devil fruit at the time, a brand new devil fruit was created. At first, it was some fruit created with animals as the prototype. called the Zoology.

Then with the deepening of the research, more whimsy were integrated into the research, and various kinds of devil fruits, now called superhumans, were born.

“In the end, how do devil fruits exist?”

Vlad asked, this question has really troubled him for a long time. Since the Devil Fruits of the animal and superhuman types were originally artificial, what happened to the natural department?

“I’m also curious about this question, but I haven’t gotten an answer.”

Im shook his head, “Scientists at that time did decrypt the code of Devil Fruits, but there was no breakthrough discovery about their origin. Perhaps, they were really born to raise? Or is it something super ancient? The creation of civilization?”


Vlad smacked his lips. Maybe, it was really the changes caused by some fluctuations bred in the world after encountering fruits, which can change the creatures. Maybe it’s that simple?

“Then, after many Devil Fruits were born,”

Im said solemnly, “The ugliness of the world is exposed.”

It is not the ugliness of the world, but the ugliness of human beings is more appropriate.

It’s really a very simple thing, the world is not short of all kinds of careerists. After gaining unimaginable power, the scientist leader, who has been obsessed with Devil Fruit research so much that he is despised in politics, immediately showed another side beyond imagination, and it was easy to clear the army with his ability. The rebels within the alliance were killed, and then the raid happened when the moon people had not recovered.

The night before, the guests and the host had been enjoying a banquet, but immediately, in the early morning of the next day, war broke out in Birka, and Im was unwilling to report the name of the man and led his capable men to capture the king of heaven. Control, as early as when the two sides carried out harmonious external assistance, he had already learned the manipulation method of the king.

Compared with the Qinghai people, the advantages of the moon people lie in technology and war. With such a small-scale raid, the Qinghai people’s powerful individual combat power is displayed. Coupled with the bonus of the devil fruit and the undefended moon people, the actions are quite similar. Smoothly, the resistance of the lunar people was easily smashed.

Then the lunar people are unlucky. The terrifying power possessed by the Uranus is difficult for even the lunar humans to contend with. The lunar humans who were originally rampant in the sea capsized in the gutter. After losing the deterrence of technology, their myth was shattered. , the scepter began to change hands.

The kingdom of heaven and man was destroyed, the moon people were massacred, and there were not one out of ten, and the remnants of the moon people began to hide in every corner of the sea.

The original Birka alliance was completely changed, and a huge kingdom was born. Of course, the name was the one that held power or the joint meeting of all the joining countries, but Ralph Drew, a new lifer who occupied the original kingdom of heaven and man, exercised it during the closing of the meeting. supreme power.

“Has the fruits of the revolution been stolen?”

Vlad whispered.

“No, the revolution has just begun!”

Im said so.

The king of the new giant kingdom, the scientist who created the Devil Fruit before, is a very interesting person. After taking the supreme power, instead of stopping the pace of the revolution, he went all out to continue the development of the revolutionary cause.

Perhaps because he is a scientist himself, freedom, science, and dreams, all kinds of ideas began to spread rapidly, and that person’s admiration for these ideas has reached the level of obsession, so there is no external war. It has been stopped, the contempt for those decaying countries is doomed to the cruelty of war, Yim said, I don’t know how many people died at that time, and it was often seen that a sea area was blood red before.

“Is that so?”

Vlad smacked his lips. What he said was really an evil country. Boss Im was right. Of course, revolution needs bloodshed, but such pure slaughter is really ugly.

“You know what? Fire Dragon,”

Im suddenly showing some interest and smiled, “In the beginning, there were not so many races in the world.”


Vlad was surprised, what does this mean?

“The successful manufacture of Devil Fruit made that person feel the magic of technology, and at the same time he touched a new field,”

Im so put it, “the deepest realm of the human body.”

“Descent factor.”

Vlad frowned.

“What’s more heart-pounding than being a creator?”

Im sneered. “He said, why can’t he do what God can do?”

Thus, the most brutal experiment began. It began with human experiments, dissection, and transformation. While maintaining the foreign war, the huge kingdom has also indulged in the excitement of creating new species.

Many species began to be born on this sea~www.readwn.com~ The long-handed, long-legged, and long-necked tribes came from genetic modification, and it was not only their bodies that changed the experimental subjects. characteristics, they will be passed down from generation to generation. Not only that, the giants, the villains, the world has become more colorful than ever before, of course, there is an unknown amount of blood behind it.

Although they came to this world, these ethnic groups who were born in the operating table laboratory were not recognized. After all, they are only human creations. Humans have never respected their own possessions.

It is not fun to create these ethnic groups. It just so happens that the continuation of the war is just when these people play their role, and it is really appropriate to be the cannon fodder for the war.

“Tsk tsk tsk, it really is an evil kingdom!”

Vlad was amazed that such a country would be criticized everywhere.

“Yeah, such an evil country,”

Im said, “So the unstoppable eruption of revolt!”

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